This boundary condition provides a volumetric- OR mass-flow normal vector boundary condition by its magnitude as an integral over its area with a swirl component determined by the angular speed, given in revolutions per minute (RPM)
The basis of the patch (volumetric or mass) is determined by the dimensions of the flux, phi. The current density is used to correct the velocity when applying the mass basis.
Property | Description | Required | Default value
phi | flux field name | no | phi
rho | density field name | no | rho
flowRate | flow rate profile | yes |
rpm | rotational speed profile | yes |
Example of the boundary condition specification:
type swirlFlowRateInletVelocity;
flowRate constant 0.2;
rpm constant 100;
- the \c flowRate and \c rpm entries are Function1 types, able to describe time varying functions. The example above gives the usage for supplying constant values.
- the value is positive into the domain
Foam::fixedValueFvPatchField Foam::Function1Types