This function object extends the Foam::forces function object by providing lift, drag and moment coefficients. The data can optionally be output into bins, defined in a given direction.
Example of function object specification:
type forceCoeffs;
libs ("");
log yes;
patches (walls);
liftDir (0 1 0);
dragDir (-1 0 0);
pitchAxis (0 0 1);
magUInf 100;
lRef 3.5;
Aref 2.2;
nBin 20;
direction (1 0 0);
cumulative yes;
Property | Description | Required | Default value
type | type name: forces | yes |
log | write force data to standard output | no | no
patches | patches included in the forces calculation | yes |
liftDir | lift direction | yes |
dragDir | drag direction | yes |
pitchAxis | picth axis | yes |
magUInf | free stream velocity magnitude | yes |
lRef | reference length scale for moment calculations | yes |
Aref | reference area | yes |
Bin data is optional, but if the dictionary is present, the entries must be defined according o
nBin | number of data bins | yes |
direction | direction along which bins are defined | yes |
cumulative | bin data accumulated with incresing distance | yes |
Foam::functionObject Foam::functionObjects::timeControl Foam::functionObjects::forces