diff --git a/make/fixdosfiles.sh b/make/fixdosfiles.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..72f4fcaf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/fixdosfiles.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Script to find files that are not Unix encoded
+# Laurent Destailleur - eldy@users.sourceforge.net
+# Usage: fixdosfiles.sh [list|fix]
+# Syntax
+if [ "x$1" != "xlist" -a "x$1" != "xfix" ]
+ echo "This script detect or clean files with CR+LF into files with LF only. All source files are included, also files into includes."
+ echo "Usage: fixdosfiles.sh [list|fix]"
+# To detec
+if [ "x$1" = "xlist" ]
+ find . \( -iname "functions" -o -iname "*.md" -o -iname "*.html" -o -iname "*.htm" -o -iname "*.php" -o -iname "*.sh" -o -iname "*.cml" -o -iname "*.css" -o -iname "*.js" -o -iname "*.lang" -o -iname "*.pl" -o -iname "*.txt" -o -iname "*.xml" \) -exec file "{}" + | grep -v '\/test' | grep CRLF
+# To convert
+if [ "x$1" = "xfix" ]
+ for fic in `find . \( -iname "functions" -o -iname "*.md" -o -iname "*.html" -o -iname "*.htm" -o -iname "*.php" -o -iname "*.sh" -o -iname "*.cml" -o -iname "*.css" -o -iname "*.js" -o -iname "*.lang" -o -iname "*.pl" -o -iname "*.txt" -o -iname "*.xml" \) -exec file "{}" + | grep -v '\/test' | grep CRLF | awk -F':' '{ print $1 }' `
+ do
+ echo "Fix file $fic"
+ dos2unix "$fic"
+ done;
diff --git a/make/fixutf8bomfiles.sh b/make/fixutf8bomfiles.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bda503d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/fixutf8bomfiles.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Checks of fix files contains UTF-8 BOM in dolibarr source tree,
+# excluding git repository, custom modules and included libraries.
+# Rapha毛l Doursenaud - rdoursenaud@gpcsolutions.fr
+# Laurent Destailleur eldy@users.sourceforge.net
+# Usage: fixutf8bomfiles.sh [list|fix]
+# Syntax
+if [ "x$1" != "xlist" -a "x$1" != "xfix" ]
+ echo "Detect and fix bad UTF8 encoded files (UTF8 must not use BOM char)"
+ echo "Usage: fixutf8bomfiles.sh (list|fix) [addincludes]"
+if [ "x$2" != "xaddincludes" ]
+ export moreoptions="--exclude-dir='includes'"
+# To detec
+if [ "x$1" = "xlist" ]
+ #find . \( -iname '*.php' -print0 -o -iname '*.sh' -print0 -o -iname '*.pl' -print0 -o -iname '*.lang' -print0 -o -iname '*.txt' \) -print0 | xargs -0 awk '/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/ {print FILENAME} {nextfile}'
+ echo "grep -rlIZ --include='*.php' --include='*.sh' --include='*.pl' --include='*.lang' --include='*.txt' --exclude-dir='.git' --exclude-dir='.tx' $moreoptions --exclude-dir='custom' . . | xargs -0 awk '/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/ {print FILENAME} {nextfile}'"
+ grep -rlIZ --include='*.php' --include='*.sh' --include='*.pl' --include='*.lang' --include='*.txt' --exclude-dir='.git' --exclude-dir='.tx' $moreoptions --exclude-dir='custom' . . | xargs -0 awk '/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/ {print FILENAME} {nextfile}'
+# To convert
+if [ "x$1" = "xfix" ]
+ for fic in `grep -rlIZ --include='*.php' --include='*.sh' --include='*.pl' --include='*.lang' --include='*.txt' --exclude-dir='.git' --exclude-dir='.tx' $moreoptions --exclude-dir='custom' . . | xargs -0 awk '/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/ {print FILENAME} {nextfile}'`
+ do
+ echo "Fixing $fic"
+ sed -i '1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' $fic
+ done;
diff --git a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awdownloadcsv.pl b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awdownloadcsv.pl
index c43acaa72..eaa61ad14 100755
--- a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awdownloadcsv.pl
+++ b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awdownloadcsv.pl
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Free addition to AWStats Web Log Analyzer. Used to export the contents of
-# sections of the Apache server log database to CSV for use in other tools.
-# Works from command line or as a CGI.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see .
-use CGI qw(:standard);
-# Disabled by default for security reason
- print("Error: You must first edit script to change ALLOWDOWNLOAD to 1 to allow usage of this script.\n");
- print("Reason is that enabling this script may be a security hole as it allows someone to download/view details of your awstats data files.\n");
- exit;
-my $q = new CGI;
-my $outputFile = ""; # used to write the output to a file
-my $inputFile = ""; # the fully qualified path to the input log database file
-my $sectionToReport = ""; # contains the tag to search for in the database file
-my $startSearchStr = "BEGIN_";
-my $endSearchStr = "END_";
-my $startPrinting = 0; # flag to indicate that the start tag has been found
-my $attachFileName = "";
-# These parameters are used to build the input file name of the awstats log database
-my $baseName = "";
-my $month = "";
-my $year = "";
-my $day = "";
-my $siteConfig = "";
-if ($q->param("outputFile")) {
- if ($outputFile eq '') { $outputFile = $q->param("outputFile"); }
-if ($q->param("inputFile")) {
- if ($inputFile eq '') { $inputFile = $q->param("inputFile"); }
-if ($q->param("section")) {
- if ($sectionToReport eq '' ) { $sectionToReport = $q->param("section"); }
-if ($q->param("baseName")) {
- if ($baseName eq '' ) { $baseName = $q->param("baseName"); }
-if ($q->param("month")) {
- if ($month eq '' ) { $month = $q->param("month"); }
-if ($q->param("year")) {
- if ($year eq '' ) { $year = $q->param("year"); }
-if ($q->param("day")) { $day = $q->param("day"); }
-if ($q->param("siteConfig")) {
- if ($siteConfig eq '' ) { $siteConfig = $q->param("siteConfig"); }
-# set the attachment file name to the report section
-if ($sectionToReport ne '' ) {
- $attachFileName = $sectionToReport . ".csv";
-} else {
- $attachFileName = "exportCSV.csv";
-print $q->header(-type=> "application/force-download", -attachment=>$attachFileName);
-# Build the start/end search tags
-$startSearchStr = $startSearchStr . $sectionToReport;
-$endSearchStr = $endSearchStr . $sectionToReport;
-if ( !$inputFile ) { $inputFile ="$baseName$month$year$day.$siteConfig.txt" };
-open (IN, $inputFile) || die "cannot open $inputFile\n";
-# If there's a parameter for the output, open it here
-if ($outputFile ne '') {
- open (OUT,">$outputFile") || die "cannot create $outputFile\n";
- flock (OUT, 2);
-# Loop through the input file searching for the start string. When
-# found, start displaying the input lines (with spaces changed
-# to commas) until the end tag is found.
-# Array to store comments for printing once we hit the desired section
-my $commentCount = -1;
-my %commentArray;
-while () {
- chomp;
- if (/^#\s(.*-)\s/){ # search for comment lines
- s/ - /,/g; # replace dashes with commas
- s/#//; # get rid of the comment sign
- $commentArray[++$commentCount] = $_;
- }
- # put the test to end printing here to eliminate printing
- # the line with the END tag
- if (/^$endSearchStr\b/) {
- $startPrinting = 0;
- }
- if ($startPrinting) {
- s/ /,/g;
- print "$_\n";
- if ($outputFile ne '') {
- print OUT "$_\n";
- }
- }
- # if we find an END tag and we haven't started printing, reset the
- # comment array to start re-capturing comments for next section
- if ((/^END_/) && ($startPrinting == 0)) {
- $commentCount = -1;
- }
- # put the start printing test after the first input line
- # to eliminate printing the line with the BEGIN tag...find it
- # here, then start printing on the next input line
- if (/^$startSearchStr\b/) {
- $startPrinting = 1;
- # print the comment array - it provides labels for the columns
- for ($i = 0; $i <= $commentCount; $i++ ) {
- print "$commentArray[$i]\n";
- }
- }
-# Close the output file if there was one used
-if ($outputFile ne '') {
- close(OUT);
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Free addition to AWStats Web Log Analyzer. Used to export the contents of
+# sections of the Apache server log database to CSV for use in other tools.
+# Works from command line or as a CGI.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+use CGI qw(:standard);
+# Disabled by default for security reason
+ print("Error: You must first edit script to change ALLOWDOWNLOAD to 1 to allow usage of this script.\n");
+ print("Reason is that enabling this script may be a security hole as it allows someone to download/view details of your awstats data files.\n");
+ exit;
+my $q = new CGI;
+my $outputFile = ""; # used to write the output to a file
+my $inputFile = ""; # the fully qualified path to the input log database file
+my $sectionToReport = ""; # contains the tag to search for in the database file
+my $startSearchStr = "BEGIN_";
+my $endSearchStr = "END_";
+my $startPrinting = 0; # flag to indicate that the start tag has been found
+my $attachFileName = "";
+# These parameters are used to build the input file name of the awstats log database
+my $baseName = "";
+my $month = "";
+my $year = "";
+my $day = "";
+my $siteConfig = "";
+if ($q->param("outputFile")) {
+ if ($outputFile eq '') { $outputFile = $q->param("outputFile"); }
+if ($q->param("inputFile")) {
+ if ($inputFile eq '') { $inputFile = $q->param("inputFile"); }
+if ($q->param("section")) {
+ if ($sectionToReport eq '' ) { $sectionToReport = $q->param("section"); }
+if ($q->param("baseName")) {
+ if ($baseName eq '' ) { $baseName = $q->param("baseName"); }
+if ($q->param("month")) {
+ if ($month eq '' ) { $month = $q->param("month"); }
+if ($q->param("year")) {
+ if ($year eq '' ) { $year = $q->param("year"); }
+if ($q->param("day")) { $day = $q->param("day"); }
+if ($q->param("siteConfig")) {
+ if ($siteConfig eq '' ) { $siteConfig = $q->param("siteConfig"); }
+# set the attachment file name to the report section
+if ($sectionToReport ne '' ) {
+ $attachFileName = $sectionToReport . ".csv";
+} else {
+ $attachFileName = "exportCSV.csv";
+print $q->header(-type=> "application/force-download", -attachment=>$attachFileName);
+# Build the start/end search tags
+$startSearchStr = $startSearchStr . $sectionToReport;
+$endSearchStr = $endSearchStr . $sectionToReport;
+if ( !$inputFile ) { $inputFile ="$baseName$month$year$day.$siteConfig.txt" };
+open (IN, $inputFile) || die "cannot open $inputFile\n";
+# If there's a parameter for the output, open it here
+if ($outputFile ne '') {
+ open (OUT,">$outputFile") || die "cannot create $outputFile\n";
+ flock (OUT, 2);
+# Loop through the input file searching for the start string. When
+# found, start displaying the input lines (with spaces changed
+# to commas) until the end tag is found.
+# Array to store comments for printing once we hit the desired section
+my $commentCount = -1;
+my %commentArray;
+while () {
+ chomp;
+ if (/^#\s(.*-)\s/){ # search for comment lines
+ s/ - /,/g; # replace dashes with commas
+ s/#//; # get rid of the comment sign
+ $commentArray[++$commentCount] = $_;
+ }
+ # put the test to end printing here to eliminate printing
+ # the line with the END tag
+ if (/^$endSearchStr\b/) {
+ $startPrinting = 0;
+ }
+ if ($startPrinting) {
+ s/ /,/g;
+ print "$_\n";
+ if ($outputFile ne '') {
+ print OUT "$_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # if we find an END tag and we haven't started printing, reset the
+ # comment array to start re-capturing comments for next section
+ if ((/^END_/) && ($startPrinting == 0)) {
+ $commentCount = -1;
+ }
+ # put the start printing test after the first input line
+ # to eliminate printing the line with the BEGIN tag...find it
+ # here, then start printing on the next input line
+ if (/^$startSearchStr\b/) {
+ $startPrinting = 1;
+ # print the comment array - it provides labels for the columns
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $commentCount; $i++ ) {
+ print "$commentArray[$i]\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Close the output file if there was one used
+if ($outputFile ne '') {
+ close(OUT);
diff --git a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang/awstats-cn.txt b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang/awstats-cn.txt
index cb6e7bc08..0e797f7e1 100644
--- a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang/awstats-cn.txt
+++ b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang/awstats-cn.txt
@@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
-# Chinese (simplified) message file (by Che Dong chedongATgmail.com)
-# $Revision$ - $Date$
-message19=URL 网址
-message22=HTTP 错误
-message24=从未更新(请参考 awstats_setup.html上的 'Build/Update')
-message32=HTTP 错误码
-message33=Netscape 版本
-message34=IE 版本
-message41=来自此网站外的其他网页 (非搜索引擎)
-message47=找不到的网址链接 (HTTP 错误码 404)
-message48=IP 地址
-message78=yyyy年mm月dd日 HH:MM
-message114=Whois 信息
-message125=其他登录 (包括匿名登录)
-message136=蠕虫/病毒 攻击
-message140=浏览器支持 Java
-message141=浏览器支持 Macromedia Director
-message142=浏览器支持 Flash
-message143=浏览器支持 Real audio 播放
-message144=浏览器支持 Quicktime audio 播放
-message145=浏览器支持 Windows Media audio 播放
-message146=浏览器支持 PDF
-message173=Opera 版本
-message174=Safari 版本
-message175=Chrome 版本
-message176=Konqueror 版本
+# Chinese (simplified) message file (by Che Dong chedongATgmail.com)
+# $Revision$ - $Date$
+message19=URL 网址
+message22=HTTP 错误
+message24=从未更新(请参考 awstats_setup.html上的 'Build/Update')
+message32=HTTP 错误码
+message33=Netscape 版本
+message34=IE 版本
+message41=来自此网站外的其他网页 (非搜索引擎)
+message47=找不到的网址链接 (HTTP 错误码 404)
+message48=IP 地址
+message78=yyyy年mm月dd日 HH:MM
+message114=Whois 信息
+message125=其他登录 (包括匿名登录)
+message136=蠕虫/病毒 攻击
+message140=浏览器支持 Java
+message141=浏览器支持 Macromedia Director
+message142=浏览器支持 Flash
+message143=浏览器支持 Real audio 播放
+message144=浏览器支持 Quicktime audio 播放
+message145=浏览器支持 Windows Media audio 播放
+message146=浏览器支持 PDF
+message173=Opera 版本
+message174=Safari 版本
+message175=Chrome 版本
+message176=Konqueror 版本
diff --git a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang/awstats-lv.txt b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang/awstats-lv.txt
index 9f3985ae5..fce13900b 100644
--- a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang/awstats-lv.txt
+++ b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang/awstats-lv.txt
@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
-锘# Latvie拧u valodas zi艈ojumu fails (madmaster@gobbo.caves.lv)
-# Updated by edvinsma@inbox.lv 2004/01/24 00:40:00
-# $Revision$ - $Date$
-message1=Nezin膩ms (neatpaz墨ts ip)
-message3=Apskat墨t izv膿rsti
-message8=Pirmais apmekl膿jums
-message9=P膿d膿jais apmekl膿jums
-message10=Viz墨拧u skaits
-message11=Unik膩lie apmekl膿t膩ji
-message13=at拧姆ir墨gi(s) atsl膿gv膩rdi(s)
-message22=HTTP K募奴das
-message24=Mekl膿t Atsl膿gv膩rdus
-message25=Apmekl膿t膩ju domaini/valstis
-message28=at拧姆ir墨gas lapas
-message29=Skat墨tas lapas
-message30=Citi v膩rdi
-message31=Neatrastas lapas
-message32=HTTP K募奴du kodi
-message33=Netscape versijas
-message34=IE versijas
-message35=P膿d膿jais jaunin膩jums
-message36=Pievienoties saitei no
-message38=Tie拧膩 adrese / Gr膩matz墨mes
-message39=Or模in膩ls nezin膩ms
-message40=Nor膩des no Interneta Mekl膿拧anas Sait膿m
-message41=Nor膩des no 膩r膿j膩m lap膩m (citas web lapas iz艈emot mekl膿拧anas saites)
-message42=Links from an internal page (cita lapa 拧aj膩 pa拧膩 sait膿)
-message43=Atsl膿gv膩rdi kas lietoti mekl膿拧anas sait膿s
-message45=Neatpaz墨tas IP Addreses
-message46=Nezin膩ms OS (Nor膩des Lauks)
-message47=Piepras墨ts bet neatrasts URLs (HTTP kods 404)
-message48=IP Addrese
-message49=K募uda Tr膩p墨jumi
-message50=Nezin膩mi p膩rl奴ki (Nor膩des lauks)
-message51=Apmekl膿ju拧ie roboti
-message53=Roboti/Zirnek募i apmekl膿t膩ji
-message54=Br墨vs re膩l膩 laika logfailu analizators advanc膿tai web statistikai
-message73=Failu tips
-message76=Atpaka募 uz galveno lapu
-message78=dd mmm yyyy - HH:MM
-message80=Pilns saraksts
-message91=Ned膿募as dienas
-message94=Autentific膿tie lietot膩ji
-message98=Web sal墨dzin膩jums
-message99=saglab膩tais joslas platums
-message100=Pirms kompresijas
-message101=P膿c kompresijas
-message103=At拧姆ir墨gi atsl膿gv膩rdi
-message104=Iejas lapas
-message106=Vid膿jais izm膿rs
-message107=Saites no Zi艈u grup膩m
-message114=WhoIs inform膩cija
-message116=Izejas pages
-message117=Apmekl膿juma ilgums
-message118=Aizv膿rt logu
-message120=Mekl膿拧anas atsl膿gfr膩zes
-message121=Mekl膿拧anas atsl膿gv膩rdi
-message122=Citas mekl膿t膩ju lapas ar atsauc膿m
-message123=Citas lapas ar atsauc膿m
-message124=Citas fr膩zes
-message125=Anon墨mie lietot膩ji
-message126=Mekl膿t膩ju lapas ar atsauc膿m
-message127=Lapas ar atsauc膿m
-message129=Prec墨za v膿rt墨ba sada募膩 "Gads" nav pieejama
-message130=Datu v膿r墨bu kopnes
-message131=S奴t墨t膩ja adrese
-message132=Sa艈膿m膿ja adrese
-message133=Atskaites periods
-message135=Ekr膩na iz拧姆ir拧anas sp膿ja
-message136=V墨rusu uzbrukumi
-message137=Pievienots izlasei
-message138=M膿ne拧a dienas
-message140=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar Java atbalstu
-message141=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar Macromedia Director atbalstu
-message142=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar Flash atbalstu
-message143=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar RealAudio atbalstu
-message144=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar QuickTime atbalstu
-message145=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar Windows Media atbalstu
-message146=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar PDF atbalstu
-message147=SMTP k募奴du kodi
-message153=Izsl膿g拧anas filtrs
-message154=艩eit kodi par膩da 拧膩vienus vai trafiku, ko nav apskat墨ju拧i lietot膩ji, t膩p膿c vi艈i nav iek募auti cit膩s diagramm膩s.
-message156=艩eit uzr膩d墨tie roboti ir rad墨ju拧i tr膩pijumus vai "nepskat墨to" trafiku, t膩p膿c tie nav iek募auti cit膩s diagramm膩s.
-message157=Skaitlis p膿c "+" ir veiksm墨go 拧膩vienu skaits robots.txt failam.
-message158=艩ie ir uzr膩d墨ti tr膩pijumi vai trafiks ko rad墨ja t墨kla t膩rpi vai ar墨 "neapskat墨t膩s" lapas, t膩p膿c tie nav iek募auti cit膩s
-message159="Neapskat墨to" trafiku 模ener膿 roboti, t墨kla t膩rpi, vai ar墨 atbildes ar specialo HTTP statusa kodu.
-message160=Apskat墨ts trafiks
-message161=Nav apskat墨ts trafiks
-message162=M膿ne拧a atskaite
-message163=T墨kla t膩rpi
-message164=Da啪膩di t墨kla t膩rpi
-message165=Veiksm墨gi nos奴t墨ti e-pasti
-message166=Neveiksm墨gas e-pasta s奴t墨拧anas
-message168=Atsl膿gtsw Javascript
+# Latvie拧u valodas zi艈ojumu fails (madmaster@gobbo.caves.lv)
+# Updated by edvinsma@inbox.lv 2004/01/24 00:40:00
+# $Revision$ - $Date$
+message1=Nezin膩ms (neatpaz墨ts ip)
+message3=Apskat墨t izv膿rsti
+message8=Pirmais apmekl膿jums
+message9=P膿d膿jais apmekl膿jums
+message10=Viz墨拧u skaits
+message11=Unik膩lie apmekl膿t膩ji
+message13=at拧姆ir墨gi(s) atsl膿gv膩rdi(s)
+message22=HTTP K募奴das
+message24=Mekl膿t Atsl膿gv膩rdus
+message25=Apmekl膿t膩ju domaini/valstis
+message28=at拧姆ir墨gas lapas
+message29=Skat墨tas lapas
+message30=Citi v膩rdi
+message31=Neatrastas lapas
+message32=HTTP K募奴du kodi
+message33=Netscape versijas
+message34=IE versijas
+message35=P膿d膿jais jaunin膩jums
+message36=Pievienoties saitei no
+message38=Tie拧膩 adrese / Gr膩matz墨mes
+message39=Or模in膩ls nezin膩ms
+message40=Nor膩des no Interneta Mekl膿拧anas Sait膿m
+message41=Nor膩des no 膩r膿j膩m lap膩m (citas web lapas iz艈emot mekl膿拧anas saites)
+message42=Links from an internal page (cita lapa 拧aj膩 pa拧膩 sait膿)
+message43=Atsl膿gv膩rdi kas lietoti mekl膿拧anas sait膿s
+message45=Neatpaz墨tas IP Addreses
+message46=Nezin膩ms OS (Nor膩des Lauks)
+message47=Piepras墨ts bet neatrasts URLs (HTTP kods 404)
+message48=IP Addrese
+message49=K募uda Tr膩p墨jumi
+message50=Nezin膩mi p膩rl奴ki (Nor膩des lauks)
+message51=Apmekl膿ju拧ie roboti
+message53=Roboti/Zirnek募i apmekl膿t膩ji
+message54=Br墨vs re膩l膩 laika logfailu analizators advanc膿tai web statistikai
+message73=Failu tips
+message76=Atpaka募 uz galveno lapu
+message78=dd mmm yyyy - HH:MM
+message80=Pilns saraksts
+message91=Ned膿募as dienas
+message94=Autentific膿tie lietot膩ji
+message98=Web sal墨dzin膩jums
+message99=saglab膩tais joslas platums
+message100=Pirms kompresijas
+message101=P膿c kompresijas
+message103=At拧姆ir墨gi atsl膿gv膩rdi
+message104=Iejas lapas
+message106=Vid膿jais izm膿rs
+message107=Saites no Zi艈u grup膩m
+message114=WhoIs inform膩cija
+message116=Izejas pages
+message117=Apmekl膿juma ilgums
+message118=Aizv膿rt logu
+message120=Mekl膿拧anas atsl膿gfr膩zes
+message121=Mekl膿拧anas atsl膿gv膩rdi
+message122=Citas mekl膿t膩ju lapas ar atsauc膿m
+message123=Citas lapas ar atsauc膿m
+message124=Citas fr膩zes
+message125=Anon墨mie lietot膩ji
+message126=Mekl膿t膩ju lapas ar atsauc膿m
+message127=Lapas ar atsauc膿m
+message129=Prec墨za v膿rt墨ba sada募膩 "Gads" nav pieejama
+message130=Datu v膿r墨bu kopnes
+message131=S奴t墨t膩ja adrese
+message132=Sa艈膿m膿ja adrese
+message133=Atskaites periods
+message135=Ekr膩na iz拧姆ir拧anas sp膿ja
+message136=V墨rusu uzbrukumi
+message137=Pievienots izlasei
+message138=M膿ne拧a dienas
+message140=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar Java atbalstu
+message141=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar Macromedia Director atbalstu
+message142=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar Flash atbalstu
+message143=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar RealAudio atbalstu
+message144=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar QuickTime atbalstu
+message145=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar Windows Media atbalstu
+message146=P膩rl奴kprogrammas ar PDF atbalstu
+message147=SMTP k募奴du kodi
+message153=Izsl膿g拧anas filtrs
+message154=艩eit kodi par膩da 拧膩vienus vai trafiku, ko nav apskat墨ju拧i lietot膩ji, t膩p膿c vi艈i nav iek募auti cit膩s diagramm膩s.
+message156=艩eit uzr膩d墨tie roboti ir rad墨ju拧i tr膩pijumus vai "nepskat墨to" trafiku, t膩p膿c tie nav iek募auti cit膩s diagramm膩s.
+message157=Skaitlis p膿c "+" ir veiksm墨go 拧膩vienu skaits robots.txt failam.
+message158=艩ie ir uzr膩d墨ti tr膩pijumi vai trafiks ko rad墨ja t墨kla t膩rpi vai ar墨 "neapskat墨t膩s" lapas, t膩p膿c tie nav iek募auti cit膩s
+message159="Neapskat墨to" trafiku 模ener膿 roboti, t墨kla t膩rpi, vai ar墨 atbildes ar specialo HTTP statusa kodu.
+message160=Apskat墨ts trafiks
+message161=Nav apskat墨ts trafiks
+message162=M膿ne拧a atskaite
+message163=T墨kla t膩rpi
+message164=Da啪膩di t墨kla t膩rpi
+message165=Veiksm墨gi nos奴t墨ti e-pasti
+message166=Neveiksm墨gas e-pasta s奴t墨拧anas
+message168=Atsl膿gtsw Javascript
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/robots.pm b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/robots.pm
index c443f66bd..f6124146f 100644
--- a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/robots.pm
+++ b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/robots.pm
@@ -1,2219 +1,2219 @@
-# If you want to add robots to extend AWStats database detection capabilities,
-# you must add an entry in RobotsSearchIDOrder_listx and RobotsHashIDLib.
-# The entry in RobotsSearchIDOrder_listx is a Perl regular expression
-# (see http://perldoc.perl.org/perlreref.html). AWSTats applies these
-# expressions to the user agent string in the order given by the lists. The
-# first match specifies the robot.
-# Note: This regular expression must not contain any whitespace.
-# Otherwise AWStats will produce lines in the database that
-# will be misinterpreted and as a consequence the corresponding data in the
-# generated HTML reports will be wrong. If you want to match whitespace in
-# the user agent string, use other constructs like '\s', '[:blank:]',
-# '\p{IsSpace}', '\x20' etc.
-# The corresponding entry in RobotsHashIDLib contains the regular expression
-# as key, followed by a string containing HTML-text. AWStats inserts this
-# text into reports to describe the bot. If possible the text should contain
-# a link to the bot home page. This makes it easier for sysadmins to find
-# the information necessary e.g. to adapt the robots.txt file.
-# An entry in the RobotsAffiliateLib is not necessary. An entry in this list
-# contains as first part the regular expression specifying the bot. The
-# second part is a string that gives the Company or product managing the bot.
-# This information is not used yet.
-# There are several sorts of bots that AWStats is not able to detect and
-# therefore a considerable amount of bot generated traffic counts
-# as user traffic:
-# a) A crawler that identifies itself in the referrer string, but not in
-# the user agent string. An example is the crawler from semalt.semalt.com.
-# b) Crawlers that correctly access robots.txt but identify themselves in
-# in the user agent string only once or just a few times. Most of the
-# time a user agent string ist used that does not contain hints that
-# a bot is involved. An example is the iCjobs spider.
-# msnbot-UDiscovery/2.0b seems to show this behaviour too.
-# 2005-08-19 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# added dipsie (not tested with real data).
-# added DomainsDB.net http://domainsdb.net/
-# added ia_archiver-web.archive.org (was inadvertently grouped with Alexa traffic)
-# added Nutch (used by looksmart (furl?))
-# added rssImagesBot
-# added Sqworm
-# added t\-h\-u\-n\-d\-e\-r\-s\-t\-o\-n\-e
-# added w3c css-validator
-# added documentation link to bot home pages for above and selected major bots.
-# In the case of international bots, choose .com page.
-# Included tool tip (html "title").
-# To do: parameterize to match both AWStats language and tooltips settings.
-# To do: add html links for all bots based on current documentation in source
-# files referenced below.
-# changed '\wbot[\/\-]', to '\wbot[\/\-]' (removed comma)
-# made minor grammar corrections to notes below
-# 2005-08-24 added YahooSeeker-Testing
-# added w3c-checklink
-# updated url for ask.com
-# 2005-08-24 added Girafabot http://www.girafa.com/
-# 2005-08-30 added PluckFeedCrawler http://www.pluck.com/
-# added Gaisbot/3.0 (robot05@gais.cs.ccu.edu.tw; )
-# dded geniebot (wgao@genieknows.com)
-# added BecomeBot link http://www.become.com/site_owners.html
-# added topicblogs http://www.topicblogs.com/
-# added Powermarks; seen used by referrer spam
-# added YahooSeeker
-# added NG/2. http://www.exabot.com/
-# 2005-09-15 added link for Walhello appie
-# added bender focused_crawler
-# updated YahooSeeker description (blog crawler)
-# 2005-09-16 added link for http://linkchecker.sourceforge.net
-# added ConveraCrawler/0.9d ( http://www.authoritativeweb.com/crawl)
-# added Blogslive info@blogslive.com intelliseek.com
-# added BlogPulse (ISSpider-3.0) intelliseek.com
-# 2005-09-26 added Feedfetcher-Google (http://www.google.com/feedfetcher.html)
-# added EverbeeCrawler
-# added Yahoo-Blogs http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/crawling/crawling-02.html
-# added link for Bloglines http://www.bloglines.com
-# 2005-10-19 fixed Feedfetcher-Google (http://www.google.com/feedfetcher.html)
-# added Blogshares Spiders (Synchronized V1.5.1)
-# added yacy
-# 2005-11-21 added Argus www.simpy.com
-# added BlogsSay :: RSS Search Crawler (http://www.blogssay.com/)
-# added MJ12bot http://majestic12.co.uk/bot.php
-# added OpenTaggerBot (http://www.opentagger.com/opentaggerbot.htm)
-# added OutfoxBot/0.3 (For internet experiments; outfox.agent@gmail.com)
-# added RufusBot Rufus Web Miner
-# added Seekbot (http://www.seekbot.net/bot.html)
-# added Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x (mms-mmcrawler-support@yahoo-inc.com)
-# added link for BaiDuSpider
-# added link for Blogshares Spider
-# added link for StackRambler http://www.rambler.ru/doc/faq.shtml
-# added link for WISENutbot
-# added link for ZyBorg/1.0 (wn-14.zyborg@looksmart.net; http://www.WISEnutbot.com. Moved location to above wisenut to avoid classification as wisenut
-# 2005-12-15
-# added FAST Enteprise Crawler/6 (www dot fastsearch dot com). Note spelling Enteprise not Enterprise.
-# added findlinks http://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/findlinks/
-# added IBM Almaden Research Center WebFountain鈩 http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/crawler [hc3]
-# added INFOMINE/8.0 VLCrawler (http://infomine.ucr.edu/useragents)
-# added lmspider (lmspider@scansoft.com) http://www.nuance.com/
-# added noxtrumbot http://www.noxtrum.com/
-# added SandCrawler (Microsoft)
-# added SBIder http://www.sitesell.com/sbider.html
-# added SeznamBot http://fulltext.seznam.cz/
-# added sohu-search http://corp.sohu.com/ (looked for //robots.txt not /robots.txt)
-# added the ruffle SemanticWeb crawler v0.5 - http://www.unreach.net
-# added WebVulnCrawl/1.0 libwww-perl/5.803 (looked for //robots.txt not /robots.txt)
-# added Yahoo! Japan keyoshid http://www.yahoo.co.jp/
-# added Y!J http://help.yahoo.co.jp/help/jp/search/indexing/indexing-15.html
-# added link for GigaBot
-# added link for MagpieRSS
-# added link for MSIECrawler
-# 2005-12-21
-# added aipbot http://www.aipbot.com aipbot@aipbot.com [matthys70 users.sourceforge.net]
-# added Everest-Vulcan Inc./0.1 (R&D project; http://everest.vulcan.com/crawlerhelp)
-# added Fast-Search-Engine http://www.fast-search-engine.com/ [matthys70 users.sourceforge.net]
-# added g2Crawler (nobody@airmail.net) http://crawler.instantnetworks.net/
-# added Jakarta commons-httpclient http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/ (hit robots.txt). May be used as robot or browser - a site may want to remove this entry.
-# added OmniExplorer_Bot http://www.omni-explorer.com/ [matthys70 users.sourceforge.net]
-# added USTC-Semantic-Group ai.ustc.edu.cn/mas/en/research/index.php ?
-# 2005-12-22
-# added EARTHCOM.info www.earthcom.info
-# added HTTrack off-line browser 'httrack','HTTrack', http://www.httrack.com/ [Moizes Gabor]
-# added KummHttp http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_g_l_301105_2\b [Moizes Gabor]
-# 2006-01-01
-# added Dulance http://www.dulance.com/bot.jsp
-# added MojeekBot http://www.mojeek.com/bot.html
-# added nicebot http://www.egghelp.org/setup.htm ?
-# added Snappy http://www.urltrends.com/faq.php
-# added sohu agent
-# added VORTEX http://marty.anstey.ca/robots/vortex/ [matthys70 users.sourceforge.net]
-# added zspider http://feedback.redkolibri.com/
-# 2006-01-13
-# added boitho.com-dc http://www.boitho.com/dcbot.html
-# added IRLbot http://irl.cs.tamu.edu/crawler
-# added virus_detector virus_harvester@securecomputing.com
-# added Wavefire http://www.wavefire.com; info@wavefire.com
-# added WebFilter Robot
-# 2006-01-24
-# added Shim-Crawler http://www.logos.ic.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/crawler/; crawl@logos.ic.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp
-# added Exabot exabot.com
-# added LetsCrawl.com http://letscrawl.com
-# added ichiro http://help.goo.ne.jp/door/crawlerE.html
-# 2006-01-27 additional 22 robots from a list provided by Moizes Gabor
-# added ALeadSoftbot http://www.aleadsoft.com/bot.htm
-# added CipinetBot http://www.cipinet.com/bot.html
-# added Cuasarbot http://www.cuasar.com/
-# added Dumbot http://www.dumbfind.com/
-# added Extreme_Picture_Finder http://www.exisoftware.com/
-# added Fooky.com/ScorpionBot/ScoutOut http://www.fooky.com/scorpionbots
-# added IlTrovatore-Setaccio http://www.iltrovatore.it/aiuto/motore_di_ricerca.html bot@iltrovatore.it
-# added InsurancoBot http://www.fastspywareremoval.com/
-# added InternetArchive http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html nutch-agent@lucene.apache.org
-# added KazoomBot http://www.kazoom.ca/bot.html kazoombot@kazoom.ca
-# added Kurzor http://www.easymail.hu/ cursor@easymail.hu
-# added NutchCVS http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html nutch-agent@lucene.apache.org
-# added NutchOSU-VLIB http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html nutch-agent@lucene.apache.org
-# added Orbiter http://www.dailyorbit.com/bot.htm
-# added PHP_version_tracker http://www.nexen.net/phpversion/bot.php
-# added SuperBot http://www.sparkleware.com/superbot/
-# added SynooBot http://www.synoo.de/bot.html webmaster@synoo.com
-# added TestBot http://www.agbrain.com/
-# added TutorGigBot http://www.tutorgig.info/
-# added WebIndexer mailto://webindexerv1@yahoo.com
-# added WebMiner
-# 2006-02-01
-# added heritrix https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3550202
-# added Zeus Webster Pro https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3141164
-# additional robots from a list provided by Moizes Gabor [ mojzi -a-t- free mail hu ]
-# added Candlelight_Favorites_Inspector
-# added DomainChecker
-# added EasyDL
-# added FavOrg
-# added Favorites_Sweeper
-# added Html_Link_Validator
-# added Internet_Ninja
-# added JRTwine_Software_Check_Favorites_Utility
-# fixed Microsoft_URL_Control
-# added miniRank
-# added Missigua_Locator
-# added NPBot
-# added Ocelli
-# added Onet.pl_SA
-# added proodleBot
-# added SearchGuild_DMOZ_Experiment
-# added Susie
-# added Website_Monitoring_Bot
-# added Xenu_Link_Sleuth
-# 2006-05-15
-# added ASPseek http://www.aspseek.org/
-# added AdamM Bot http://home.blic.net/adamm/
-# added archive.org_bot http://crawls.archive.org/collections/bncf/crawl.html
-# added arianna.libero.it (Italian Portal/search engine)
-# added Biz360 spider http://www.biz360.com
-# added BlogBridge Service http://www.blogbridge.com/
-# added BlogSearch http://www.icerocket.com/
-# added libcrawl
-# added edgeio-relanshanbottriever http://www.edgeio.com
-# added FeedFlow http://feedflow.com/about
-# added Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (Italian National Archive) http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/raccolta.txt
-# added Java catchall - used by many spam bots
-# added lanshanbot http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=%5Cbid_g_l_140406_1%5Cb
-# added msnbot-media http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm
-# added MT::Telegraph::Agent
-# added Netluchs http://www.netluchs.de/ (German SE bot)
-# added oBot http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum11/1616.htm
-# added Onfolio http://www.onfolio.com/ (IE Toolbar plugin) - hit rss feeds.
-# added ping.blo.gs http://blo.gs/ping.php blog bot
-# added Sphere Scout http://www.sphere.com/
-# added sproose crawler http://www.sproose.com/bot.html
-# added SyndicAPI http://syndicapi.com/bot.html
-# added Yahoo! Mindset http://mindset.research.yahoo.com/
-# added msrabot
-# added Vagabondo & Vagabondo-WAP http://www.wise-guys.nl/Contact/index.php?botselected=webagents&lang=uk
-# fixed Missigua Locator detection (Missigua_Locator -> Missigua Locator)
-# changed echo to echo! to avoid conflict with the bonecho (Firefox 2.0) browser.
-# This requires you to reprocess historic logs if you want EchO! to be recognized for older reports.
-# 2006-05-17
-# added Alpha Search Agent # Eurologon Srl
-# added Krugle http://www.krugle.com/crawler/info.html the search engine for developers
-# added Octora Beta Bot http://www.octora.com/ # Blog and Rss Search Engine
-# added UbiCrawler http://law.dsi.unimi.it/ubicrawler/
-# added Yahoo! Slurp China http://misc.yahoo.com.cn/help.html
-# You must reprocess old logs for the Yahoo! Slurp China bot to be detected in old reports
-# 2006-05-20
-# added 1-More Scanner http://www.myzips.com/software/1-More-Scanner.phtml
-# added Accoona-AI-Agent http://www.accoona.com/
-# added ActiveBookmark http://www.libmaster.com/active_bookmark.php
-# added BIGLOTRON http://www.biglotron.com/robot.html
-# added Bookmark-Manager http://bkm.sourceforge.net/
-# added cbn00glebot
-# added Cerberian Drtrs http://www.pgts.com.au/cgi-bin/psql?robot_info=25240
-# added CFNetwork http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?CFNetwork
-# added CheckWeb link validator http://p.duby.free.fr/chkweb.htm
-# added Computer and Automation Research Institute Crawler http://www.ilab.sztaki.hu/~stamas/publications/p184-benczur.html
-# added ConveraCrawler http://www.authoritativeweb.com/crawl/
-# added ConveraMultiMediaCrawler http://www.authoritativeweb.com/crawl/
-# added CSE HTML Validator Lite Online http://online.htmlvalidator.com/php/onlinevallite.php
-# added Cursor http://adcenter.hu/docs/en/bot.html
-# added Custo http://www.netwu.com/custo/
-# added DataFountains/DMOZ Downloader http://infomine.ucr.edu/
-# added Deepindex http://www.deepindex.net/faq.php
-# added DNSGroup http://www.dnsgroup.com/
-# added DoCoMo http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/
-# added dumm.de-Bot http://www.dumm.de/
-# added ETS v http://www.freetranslation.com/help/
-# added eventax http://www.eventax.de/
-# added FAST Enterprise Crawler * crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de http://www.telekom.de/
-# added FAST Enterprise Crawler http://www.fast.no/
-# added FAST Enterprise Crawler * T-Info_BI_cluster crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de http://www.telekom.de/
-# added FeedValidator http://feedvalidator.org/
-# added FilmkameraBot http://www.filmkamera.at/bot.html
-# added Findexa Crawler http://www.findexa.no/gulesider/article26548.ece
-# added Global Fetch http://www.wesonet.com/
-# added GOFORITBOT http://www.goforit.com/about/
-# added GoForIt.com http://www.goforit.com/about/
-# added GPU p2p crawler http://gpu.sourceforge.net/search_engine.php
-# added HooWWWer http://cosco.hiit.fi/search/hoowwwer/
-# added HPPrint
-# added HTMLParser http://htmlparser.sourceforge.net/
-# added Hundesuche.com-Bot http://www.hundesuche.com/
-# added InfoBot http://www.infobot.org/
-# added InfociousBot http://corp.infocious.com/tech_crawler.php
-# added InternetSupervision http://internetsupervision.com/
-# added isearch2006 http://www.yahoo.com.cn/
-# added IUPUI_Research_Bot http://spamhuntress.com/2005/04/25/a-mail-harvester-visits/
-# added KalamBot
-# added kamano.de NewsFeedVerzeichnis http://www.kamano.de/
-# added Kevin http://dznet.com/kevin/
-# added KnowItAll http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/knowitall/
-# added Knowledge.com http://www.knowledge.com/
-# added Kouaa Krawler http://www.kouaa.com/
-# added ksibot http://ego.ms.mff.cuni.cz/
-# added Link Valet Online http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/valet/
-# added lwp-request http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl-5.69/bin/lwp-request
-# added lwp-trivial http://search.cpan.org/src/GAAS/libwww-perl-5.805/lib/LWP/Simple.pm
-# added MapoftheInternet.com http://MapoftheInternet.com/
-# added Matrix S.p.A. - FAST Enterprise Crawler http://tin.virgilio.it/
-# added Megite http://www.megite.com/
-# added Metaspinner http://index.meta-spinner.de/
-# added Mini-reptile
-# added Misterbot http://www.misterbot.fr/
-# added Miva http://www.miva.com/
-# added Mizzu Labs http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_m_141105_2\b
-# added MSRBOT http://research.microsoft.com/research/sv/msrbot/
-# added MS SharePoint Portal Server - MS Search 4.0 Robot http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;284022
-# added Mydoyouhike http://www.doyouhike.net/my
-# added NASA Search http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_n_s_140506_2\b
-# added NetSprint http://www.netsprint.pl/serwis/
-# added NimbleCrawler http://www.healthline.com/
-# added OpenWebSpider http://www.openwebspider.org/
-# added Oracle Ultra Search http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ultrasearch/index.html
-# added OSSProxy http://www.marketscore.com/FAQ.Aspx
-# added passwordmaker.org http://passwordmaker.org/
-# added PEAR HTTP Request class http://pear.php.net/
-# added PEERbot http://www.peerbot.com/
-# added PHP version tracker http://www.nexen.net/phpversion/bot.php
-# added PictureOfInternet http://malfunction.org/poi/
-# added plinki http://www.plinki.com/
-# added Port Huron Labs http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_n_s_1133\b
-# added PostFavorites http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_n_s_1135\b
-# added ProjectWF-java-test-crawler
-# added PyQuery http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyquery/
-# added Schizozilla http://spamhuntress.com/2005/03/18/gizmo/
-# added Scumbot
-# added Sensis Web Crawler http://www.sensis.com.au/
-# added snap.com beta crawler http://www.snap.com/
-# added Steeler http://www.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~crawler/
-# added STEROID Download http://faqs.org.ru/progr/pascal/delphi_internet2.htm
-# added Suchfin-Bot http://www.suchfin.de/
-# added Sunrise http://www.sunrisexp.com/
-# added Tagyu Agent http://www.tagyu.com/
-# added Tcl http client package http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TclCmd/http.htm
-# added TeragramCrawlerSURF http://www.teragram.com/
-# added Test Crawler http://netp.ath.cx/
-# added UnChaos Bot Hybrid Web Search Engine http://www.unchaos.com/
-# added unido-bot http://www.unchina.org/unido/unido/our_projects/3_3.html
-# added UniversalFeedParser http://feedparser.org/ (seen from md301000.inktomisearch.com)
-# added updated http://www.updated.com/
-# added Vermut http://vermut.aol.com
-# added versus crawler from eda.baykan@epfl.ch http://www.epfl.ch/Eindex.html
-# added Vespa Crawler (Yahoo Norway?) http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=%5Cbid_t_z_030406_1%5Cb
-# added VSE http://www.vivisimo.com/
-# added webcrawl.net http://www.webcrawl.net/
-# added Web Downloader http://www.krasu.ru/soft/chuchelo/
-# added Webdup http://www.webdup.com/en/index.html
-# added Wells Search http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_t_z_1484\b
-# added WordPress http://wordpress.org/
-# added wume crawler http://wume.cse.lehigh.edu/~xiq204/crawler/
-# added Xenu's Link Sleuth (with ')
-# added xirq http://www.xirq.com/
-# added yoogliFetchAgent http://www.yoogli.com/
-# added Z-Add Link Checker http://w3.z-add.co.uk/linkcheck/
-# -- fix - some robots were reported with _ where _ should have been a space.
-# changed Xenu Link Sleuth
-# changed microsoft[_+\s]url[_+\s]control -> microsoft_url_control
-# changed favorites_sweeper -> favorites_sweeper
-# -- updates
-# updated AskJeeves to Ask
-# 2012-06-05 Albrecht Mueller
-# added Grabber from SDSC (San Diego Supercomputer Center).
-# 2013-09-30 Albrecht Mueller
-# AWStats probably cannot detect this bot as it identifies itself in
-# the referrer field and not in the user agent string.
-# - - [29/Sep/2013:17:22:46 +0200] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 516 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0" "-"
-# - - [29/Sep/2013:17:22:49 +0200] "GET /tghome.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 4445 "http://extrabot.com/help/frytygativyheku.htm" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0" "-"
-# - - [29/Sep/2013:17:22:51 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 5467 "http://extrabot.com/help/frytygativyheku.htm" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0" "-"
-# to do MS Search 4.0 Robot
-#package AWSROB;
-# Robots list was found at http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/active/all.txt
-# Other robots can be found at http://www.jafsoft.com/searchengines/webbots.html
-# Rem: To avoid bad detection, some robot's ids were removed from this list:
-# - Robots with ID of 3 letters only
-# - Robots called 'webs' and 'tcl'
-# Rem: directhit changed into direct_hit (its real id)
-# Rem: calif changed into calif[^r] to avoid confusion between Tiscalifreenet browser
-# Rem: fish changed into [^a]fish to avoid confusion between Madsafish browser
-# Rem: roadrunner changed into road_runner
-# Rem: lycos changed to lycos_ to avoid confusion with lycos-online browser
-# Rem: voyager changed into ^voyager\/ to avoid to exclude voyager and amigavoyager browser
-# RobotsSearchIDOrder
-# It contains all matching criteria to search for in log fields. This list is
-# used to know in which order to search Robot IDs.
-# Most frequent ones are in list1, used when LevelForRobotsDetection is 1 or more
-# Minor robots are in list2, used when LevelForRobotsDetection is 2 or more
-# Note: Robots IDs are in lower case, '_', ' ' and '+' are changed into '[_+\s]' and are quoted.
-@RobotsSearchIDOrder_list1 = (
-# Common robots (In robot file)
-'virus[_+\s]detector', # Must be before harvest
-# Common robots (Not in robot file)
-'ia_archiver\-web\.archive\.org', # Must be before ia_archiver to avoid confusion with alexa
-'zyborg', # Must be before wisenut
-@RobotsSearchIDOrder_list2 = (
-# Less common robots (In robot file)
-'semalt', #Note: This entry will not work as this crawler identifies itself
-# in the referrer string and not in the user agent string
-'sistrix', #Virus/trojan-infection? fr-crawler, ca-crawler? See https://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_37.59.55.128, https://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_198.27.80.144
-# Other robots reported by users
-'^finbot', #UA string starts with "finbot", should not match "elfinbot"
-'^webindex$', #UA should not match "webindexer"
-'argus', # Must be before nutch
-'matrix_s\.p\.a\._\-_fast_enterprise_crawler', # must come before fast enterprise crawler
-'jobboerse', #AWStats seems not to find this one despite the fact that "JobboerseBot" and "jobboerse.com" appear in the UA-string, maybe some previous entry matches
-'keyoshid', # Must come before Y!J
-'metager\-linkchecker', # Must be before linkchecker
-'metajobbot', #Does not show up in the results of Sep. 2015 despite the fact that the corresponing log file has about 40 entries containing "MetaJobBot" in the UA string - strange.
-'microsoft.*discovery', # = 'microsoft (?:office (?:protocol|existence)|data access internet publishing provider protocol) discovery',
-'nutch', # Must come after other nutch versions
-'sohu', # "sohu agent"
-'turtlescanner', # Must be before turtle
-'y!j', # Must come after keyoshid Y!J
-'ng\/1\.', # put at end to avoid false positive
-'ng\/2\.', # put at end to avoid false positive
-'exabot', # put at end to avoid false positive
-# Additional bots found by Sussex.
-'^[1-3]$', # Hiding bots. Doesn't appear to be a valid user agent.
-'check_http', #(nagios) a monitoring tool
-# These appear to be bots trying to hide. All of the usual architecture data is missing.
-# End of hiding bots.
-# 'yandexbot', #already covered by 'yandex'
-# Other id that are 99% of robots
-'^java\/[0-9]' # put at end to avoid false positive
-@RobotsSearchIDOrder_listgen = (
-# Generic robot
-# Identifies
-#"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; de-de; CUBOT P9 Build/JDQ39) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30"
-#as a but. There is a Android mobile phone called "CUBOT P9", so this is probably not a bot.
-# RobotsHashIDLib
-# List of robots names ('robot id','robot clear text')
-%RobotsHashIDLib = (
-# Common robots (In robot file)
-'appie','Walhello appie',
-'bingpreview','Bing Preview bot',
-'ferret','Wild Ferret Web Hopper #1, #2, #3',
-'contentmatch','Yahoo!China ContentMatch Crawler',
-'google\-sitemaps', 'Google Sitemaps',
-'grabber', 'Grabber (SDSC)',
-'google[_+\s]web[_+\s]preview', 'Google Web Preview',
-'gulliver','Northern Light Gulliver',
-'muscatferret','Muscat Ferret',
-'myweb','Internet Shinchakubin',
-'slurp','Yahoo Slurp',
-# Common robots (Not in robot file)
-'bruinbot','The web archive',
-'ia_archiver\-web\.archive\.org','The web archive (IA Archiver)',
-'ia_archiver','Alexa (IA Archiver)',
-'msnbot-udiscovery', 'msnbot-UDiscovery Note: AWStats counts most of its traffic as user traffic',
-'unlost_web_crawler','Unlost Web Crawler',
-'webbase', 'WebBase',
-# Less common robots (In robot file)
-'007ac9', '007ac9 Crawler, seems to belong to SISTRIX',
-'[^a]fish','Fish search',
-'abcdatos','ABCdatos BotLink',
-'abonti\.com','Abonti WebSearch',
-'ahoythehomepagefinder','Ahoy! The Homepage Finder',
-'ahrefsbot', 'AhrefsBot',
-'powermarks','Powermarks', # must come before Arks; seen used by referrer spam
-'aspider','ASpider (Associative Spider)',
-'atn\.txt','ATN Worldwide',
-'atomz','Atomz.com Search Robot',
-'bigbrother','Big Brother',
-'blindekuh','Die Blinde Kuh',
-'brightnet','bright.net caching robot',
-'cactvschemistryspider','CACTVS Chemistry Spider',
-'cgireader','Digimarc Marcspider/CGI',
-'cms\scrawler', 'CMS Crawler',
-'combine','Combine System',
-'core','Web Core / Roots',
-'cosmos','XYLEME Robot',
-'crazywebcrawler', 'CrazyWeb Crawler',
-'cruiser','Internet Cruiser Robot',
-'cyberspyder','CyberSpyder Link Test',
-'desertrealm','Desert Realm Spider',
-'deweb','DeWeb(c) Katalog/Index',
-'diibot','Digital Integrity Robot',
-'direct_hit','Direct Hit Grabber',
-'domainappender', 'DomainAppender',
-'download_express','DownLoad Express',
-'dwcp','DWCP (Dridus\' Web Cataloging Project)',
-'emacs','Emacs-w3 Search Engine',
-'evliyacelebi','Evliya Celebi',
-'feedcrawl','FeedCrawl by feed@aobo.com',
-'fdse','Fluid Dynamics Search Engine robot',
-'felix','Felix IDE',
-'francoroute','Robot Francoroute',
-'gama','gammaSpider, FocusedCrawler',
-'grapnel','Grapnel/0.01 Experiment',
-'gulperbot','Gulper Bot',
-'hometown','Hometown Spider Pro',
-'iaskspider','Sina Iask Spider',
-'sogou','Sogou Spider',
-'icjobs\.de', 'iCjobs Spider Note: Most traffic counts as user traffic',
-#20130805 The user agent string of the icjobs-spider contained the
-#identifying string only when it accessed the robots.txt file.
-#When it accessed the actual content it did not identify itself as
-#a spider. Thus traffic of this spider was counted as user traffic.
-#The behavious seems to have changed now - the spider identifies itself
-#when it accesses content pages.
-#20141401 Behavior as before: Does identify itself when it accesses
-# robots.txt and the root page. The following traffic does not contain
-# the identification string and is therefore counted as user traffic.
-'iconoclast','Popular Iconoclast',
-'infoseek','InfoSeek Robot 1.0',
-'infoseeksidewinder','Infoseek Sidewinder',
-'inspectorwww','Inspector Web',
-'ips\-agent', 'ips-agent Verisign(?) - no reliable information found.',
-'irobot','I, Robot',
-'jbot','JBot Java Web Robot',
-'jobo','JoBo Java Web Robot',
-'jubii','The Jubii Indexing Robot',
-'linkidator','Link Validator',
-'logo_gif','logo.gif Crawler',
-'macworm','Mac WWWWorm',
-'mnogosearch','mnoGoSearch search engine software',
-'netcarta','NetCarta WebMap Engine',
-'nhse','NHSE Web Forager',
-'northstar','The NorthStar Robot',
-'octopus','HKU WWW Octopus',
-'openfind','Openfind data gatherer',
-'orb_search','Orb Search',
-'packrat','Pack Rat',
-'perignator','The Peregrinator',
-'perlcrawler','PerlCrawler 1.0',
-'pimptrain','Pimptrain.com\'s robot',
-'pjspider','Portal Juice Spider',
-'portalb','PortalB Spider',
-'raven','Raven Search',
-'rbse','RBSE Spider',
-'resumerobot','Resume Robot',
-'rhcs','RoadHouse Crawling System',
-'road_runner','Road Runner: The ImageScape Robot',
-'robbie','Robbie the Robot',
-'robi','ComputingSite Robi/1.0',
-'robocrawl','RoboCrawl Spider',
-'safetynetrobot','SafetyNet Robot',
-'semalt', 'seamalt.com',
-'simbot','Simmany Robot Ver1.0',
-'sistrix', 'SISTRIX Crawler',
-'site\-valet','Site Valet',
-'smartspider','Smart Spider',
-'speedy','Speedy Spider',
-'spider[_+\s]monkey','Spider monkey',
-'spiderline','Spiderline Crawler',
-'spiderlytics', 'Spiderlytics: No homepage, e-mail only: spider (at) spiderlytics.com',
-'spry','Spry Wizard Robot',
-'ssearcher','Site Searcher',
-'suntek','suntek search engine',
-'tach_bw','TACH Black Widow',
-'tagyu_agent','Tagyu Agent',
-'tkwww','The TkWWW Robot',
-'ucsd','UCSD Crawl',
-'urlck','URL Check',
-'w3index','The NWI Robot',
-'wallpaper','WallPaper (alias crawlpaper)',
-'wanderer','the World Wide Web Wanderer',
-'wapspider','w@pSpider by wap4.com',
-'webbandit','WebBandit Web Spider',
-'webfoot','The Webfoot Robot',
-'webmoose','The Web Moose',
-'webreader','Digimarc MarcSpider',
-'whatuseek','whatUseek Winona',
-'whowhere','WhoWhere Robot',
-'wired\-digital','Wired Digital',
-'wombat','The Web Wombat',
-'worm','The World Wide Web Worm',
-'woozweb','Woozweb Monitoring',
-'wwwc','WWWC Ver 0.2.5',
-'xenu\slink\ssleuth', 'Xenu'. "'" . 's Link Sleuth (TM), see Wikipedia',
-# Other robots reported by users
-'^finbot', 'finbot',
-'^webindex$', 'WebIndex',
-'1\-more_scanner','1-More Scanner',
-'a6-indexer', 'A6-Indexer',
-'adamm_bot','AdamM Bot',
-'adsbot-google', 'AdsBot-Google',
-'advbot', 'AdvBot',
-'affectv\.co\.uk', 'affectv.co.uk',
-'almaden','IBM Almaden Research Center WebFountain™',
-'alpha_search_agent','Alpha Search Agent',
-'aport', 'Aport',
-'applebot', 'Applebot',
-'archive\-de\.com', 'Archive-de.com',
-'archive\.org_bot','archive.org bot',
-'asterias', 'Asterias',
-'awbot', 'AWBot',
-'backlinktest\.com', 'BacklinkCrawler',
-'becomebot', 'BecomeBot',
-'bender','bender focused_crawler',
-'bittorrent_bot','BitTorrent Bot',
-'biz360[_+\s]spider','Biz360 spider',
-'blexbot', 'BLEXBot, seems to belong to the WebMeUp backlink tool',
-'blogbridge[_+\s]service','BlogBridge Service',
-'blogpulse','BlogPulse ISSpider intelliseek.com',
-'blogshares','Blogshares Spiders',
-'blogssay','BlogsSay :: RSS Search Crawler',
-'bncf\.firenze\.sbn\.it\/raccolta\.txt','Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze',
-'bobby', 'Bobby',
-'boris', 'Boris',
-'bubing', 'BUbiNG',
-'bumblebee', 'Bumblebee (relevare.com)',
-'careerbot', 'CareerBot',
-'ccbot', 'Common Crawl',
-'cerberian_drtrs','Cerberian Drtrs',
-'checkweb_link_validator','CheckWeb link validator',
-'cliqzbot', 'Cliqzbot',
-'commons\-httpclient','Jakarta commons-httpclient',
-'computer_and_automation_research_institute_crawler','Computer and Automation Research Institute Crawler',
-'copubbot', 'CoPubbot',
-'cse_html_validator_lite_online','CSE HTML Validator Lite Online','cuasarbot','Cuasarbot',
-'datafountains\/dmoz_downloader','DataFountains/DMOZ Downloader',
-'dataprovider\.com', 'Dataprovider Site Explorer',
-'daumoa', 'Daum',
-'daviesbot', 'DaviesBot',
-'daypopbot', 'DayPop',
-'deusu', 'DeuSu',
-'doccheckbot', 'doccheckbot/1.0, known to Project Honey Pot',
-'dotbot', 'DotBot, Open Site Explorer',
-'duckduckgo-favicons-bot', 'DuckDuckGo-Favicons-Bot',
-'eccp', 'Eniro Sverige, email: search (at) eniro.com',
-'ernst[:blank:]2\.0', 'Ernst 2.0 (does not provide any further information)',
-'ets_v','ETS Enterprise Translation Server',
-'exactseek','ExactSeek Crawler',
-'ezresult', 'Ezresult',
-'enteprise','Fast Enteprise Crawler',
-'facebook','FaceBook bot',
-'facebot', 'Facebot (Facebook bot?)',
-'fast\-search\-engine','Fast-Search-Engine (not fastsearch.com)',
-'fast_enterprise_crawler','FAST Enterprise Crawler',
-'fast_enterprise_crawler.*scrawleradmin\.t\-info@telekom\.de','FAST Enterprise Crawler * crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de',
-'finderlein[_+\s]research[_+\s]crawler', 'Finderlein Research Crawler 1.0 (no contact information given)',
-'matrix_s\.p\.a\._\-_fast_enterprise_crawler','Matrix S.p.A. - FAST Enterprise Crawler',
-'fast_enterprise_crawler.*t\-info_bi_cluster_crawleradmin\.t\-info@telekom\.de','FAST Enterprise Crawler * T-Info_BI_cluster crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de',
-'fastbot', 'fastbot',
-'favorites_sweeper','Favorites Sweeper',
-'feedburner', 'Feedburner',
-'fetchbot', 'Fetchbot',
-'filterdb\.iss\.net', 'oBot',
-'findexa_crawler','Findexa Crawler',
-'firmilybot', 'Firmily Bot Home page (Website was hacked on Oct. 19, 2013)',
-'foaf-search\.net', 'Friend of a friend (FOAF) search engine',
-'genieo', 'Genieo',
-'gigablastopensource', 'GigablastOpenSource, an Open Source Search Engine(Wiki)',
-'global_fetch','Global Fetch',
-'gnodspider','GNOD Spider',
-'gpu_p2p_crawler','GPU p2p crawler',
-'grapeshot', 'Grapeshot Crawler',
-'henrythemiragorobot', 'Mirago',
-'holmes', 'Holmes',
-'httrack','HTTrack off-line browser',
-'icarus6j', 'Icarus6j, email address in UA string, no website',
-'idmarch', 'IDMARCH',
-'implisensebot', 'ImplisenseBot',
-'infomine','INFOMINE VLCrawler',
-'internet[_+\s]ninja','Internet_Ninja ',
-'internetseer', 'InternetSeer',
-'istellabot', 'IstellaBot',
-'izsearch', 'iZSearch',
-'james\sbot', 'James BOT',
-'jobboerse', 'Jobbörse',
-'justview', 'JustView',
-'kamano\.de_newsfeedverzeichnis','kamano.de NewsFeedVerzeichnis',
-'keyoshid','Yahoo! Japan keyoshid robot study',
-'kinjabot', 'Kinjabot',
-'kinja\-imagebot', 'Kinja Imagebot',
-'kouaa_krawler','Kouaa Krawler',
-'libcrawl','Crawl libcrawl',
-'link_valet_online','Link Valet Online',
-'linkdex\.com', 'Linkdex',
-'linkstats\sbot', 'LinkStats Bot',
-'lipperhey', 'Lipperhey SEO Service',
-'livejournal\.com', 'LiveJournal.com',
-'loadtimebot', 'LoadTimeBot',
-'lssrocketcrawler', 'LSSRocketCrawler (no contact information)',
-'ltbot', 'Language Tools Bot (ltbot)',
-'ltx71', 'ltx71',
-'madaali\.de', 'www.madaali.de',
-'magpierss', 'MagpieRSS',
-'mail\.ru', 'Mail.ru bot',
-'meanpathbot', 'Meanpathbot',
-'mediabot', 'MediaBot',
-'mediapartners\-google','Google AdSense',
-# 'Mediapartners-Google (Feb 12, 2015: no additial information in UA String, seems to use GigablastOpenSource',
-# Uses UA string "Mediapartners-Google" only, and there were accesses using an UA string "GigablastOpenSource/1.0" from the same IP-Address.
-# Therefore this is probably not related to Google 4.3.2015 Albrecht M眉ller
-'megaindex', 'MegaIndex Crawler, seems to belong to MegaIndex.ru',
-'memorybot', 'Archivethe.net',
-'metager2-verification-bot', 'metager2-verification-bot',
-'metager\-linkchecker','MetaGer LinkChecker',
-'metajobbot', 'MetaJobBot',
-'miadev', 'MiaDev spider',
-'microsoft\sbits', 'Microsoft Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)?',
-'microsoft.*discovery', 'Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery/Microsoft Office Existence Discovery',
-'microsoft[_+\s]url[_+\s]control','Microsoft URL Control',
-'mindupbot', 'mindUpBot (datenbutler.de)',
-'mizzu_labs','Mizzu Labs',
-'ms[_+\s]search[_+\s]6\.0[_+\s]robot','MS Search 6.0 Robot (MS SharePoint Portal Server?)',
-'ms_search_4\.0_robot','MS SharePoint Portal Server - MS Search 4.0 Robot',
-'nasa_search','NASA Search',
-'newsgatoronline', 'NewsGator Online',
-'loocalcrawler/nutch', 'LoocalCrawler/Nutch',
-'octora_beta_bot','Octora Beta Bot',
-'omniexplorer[_+\s]bot','OmniExplorer Bot',
-'optimizer', 'Optimizer',
-'oracle_ultra_search','Oracle Ultra Search',
-'orangebot', 'OrangeBot, no website, log entry specifies mail address', # support.orangebot@orange.com
-'qwantify', 'Qwant',
-'pear_http_request_class','PEAR HTTP Request class',
-'perman', 'Perman surfer',
-'php[_+\s]version[_+\s]tracker','PHP version tracker',
-'phpcrawl', 'PHPCrawl',
-'picmole', 'Specified address www.picmole.com was not reachable on April 21, 2014',
-'plukkie', 'Plukkie',
-'port_huron_labs','Port Huron Labs',
-'publiclibraryarchive', 'publiclibraryarchive.org (related to spiderlytics.com and/or waybackarchive.org?)',
-#Observations 2014-06-23
-#Domain publiclibraryarchive.org is parked at GoDaddy.com
-#from https://www.projecthoneypot.org/
-#'s User Agent Strings (honeypot classified this ip as an mail server, active about 6 years ago)
-#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; publiclibraryarchive.org/1.0; +crawl@publiclibraryarchive.org)
-#'s User Agent Strings
-#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; publiclibraryarchive.org/1.0; +crawl@publiclibraryarchive.org)
-#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Spiderlytics/1.0; +spider@spiderlytics.com)
-#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; waybackarchive.org/1.0; +spider@waybackarchive.org)
-#'s User Agent Strings
-#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; publiclibraryarchive.org/1.0; +crawl@publiclibraryarchive.org)
-#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; savetheworldheritage.org/1.0; +crawl@savetheworldheritage.org)
-#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; seoscanners.net/1; +spider@seoscanners.net)
-'redalert','Red Alert',
-'relevantnoise\.com', 'Relevant Noise',
-'riddler', 'Riddler',
-'rogerbot', 'Rogerbot',
-'rojo','RoJo aggregator',
-'ruffle','ruffle SemanticWeb crawler',
-'rufusbot','RufusBot Rufus Web Miner',
-'safeads\.xyz', 'SafeAds.xyz',
-'safesearch', 'Avira SafeSearch',
-'sandcrawler','SandCrawler (Microsoft)',
-'savetheworldheritage', 'savetheworldheritage.org (related to spiderlytics.com, waybackarchive.org and/or publiclibraryarchive.org?)',
-'semrushbot', 'SemrushBot',
-'sensis_web_crawler','Sensis Web Crawler',
-'seodiver', 'SEO DIVER',
-'seokicks\.de', 'SEOkicks Webcrawler',
-'seoscanners', 'seoscanners.net (related to publiclibraryarchive.org and savetheworldheritage.org?)',
-'shoutcast','Shoutcast Directory Service',
-'sitedomain-bot', 'Sitedomain.de',
-'siteexplorer\.info', 'Site Explorer',
-'skimbot', 'SkimBot',
-'smtbot', 'SMTBot',
-'snap\.com_beta_crawler','snap.com beta crawler',
-'sohu','sohu agent',
-'spbot', 'SEOprofiler Bot',
-'sphere_scout','Sphere Scout',
-'sproose_crawler','sproose crawler',
-'ssearch_bot', 'sSearch Crawler',
-'steroid__download','STEROID Download',
-'stq_bot', 'SEARCHTEQ',
-'tcl_http_client_package','Tcl http client package',
-'technoratibot', 'Technoratibot',
-'test_crawler','Test Crawler',
-'thumbsniper', 'ThumbSniper',
-'topicblogs', 'topicblogs',
-'turnitinbot', 'Turn It In',
-'turtle', 'Turtle',
-'turtlescanner', 'Turtle',
-'ultraseek', 'Ultraseek',
-'unchaos_bot_hybrid_web_search_engine','UnChaos Bot Hybrid Web Search Engine',
-'unisterbot', 'UnisterBot; E-Mail only: crawler (at) unister.de',
-'vebidoobot', 'vebidoobot',
-'versus_crawler_from_eda\.baykan@epfl\.ch','versus crawler from eda.baykan@epfl.ch',
-'vespa_crawler','Vespa Crawler',
-'voltron', 'voltron',
-'w3c\-checklink','W3C Link Checker',
-'w3c[_+\s]css[_+\s]validator[_+\s]jfouffa', 'W3C jigsaw CSS Validator',
-'w3c_validator','W3C Validator',
-'watchmouse', 'WatchMouse Website Monitor',
-'waybackarchive\.org', 'No website, email: spider(at)waybackarchive.org',
-# 2.12.2013 Project Honeypot reports at least one of the IPs used by waybackarchive with a spiderlytics UA string.
-# Problably not related to the wayback machine of archive.org.
-'wbsearchbot', 'WBSearchBot',
-'webclipping\.com', 'WebClipping.com',
-'webcompass', 'webcompass',
-'web_downloader','Web Downloader',
-'webvulncrawl', 'WebVulnCrawl',
-'wells_search','Wells Search',
-'wer-liefert-was', 'Wer-liefert-was Crawler Note: AWStats counts most traffic as user traffic',
-'wesee:search', 'WeSEE Bot',
-'wevikabot', 'WeViKa',
-'wonderer', 'Web Wombat Redback Spider',
-'wotbox', 'Wotbox',
-'wume_crawler','wume crawler',
-'xenu\'s_link_sleuth','Xenu Link Sleuth',
-'xenu_link_sleuth','Xenu Link Sleuth',
-'xovibot', 'XoviBot',
-'y!j', 'Y!J Yahoo Japan',
-'yacy', 'YaCy',
-'yahoo\-verticalcrawler', 'Yahoo Vertical Crawler',
-'yahoofeedseeker', 'Yahoo Feed Seeker',
-'yahooseeker\-testing', 'YahooSeeker-Testing',
-'yahooseeker', 'YahooSeeker Yahoo! Blog crawler',
-'yahoo\-mmcrawler', 'Yahoo-MMCrawler',
-'yahoo!_mindset','Yahoo! Mindset',
-'yandex', 'Yandex Bot',
-'flexum', 'Flexum Search Engine',
-'yanga', 'Yanga WorldSearch Bot',
-'yisouspider', 'YisouSpider (no additional information in UA string)',
-'z\-add_link_checker','Z-Add Link Checker',
-'zeus','Zeus Webster Pro',
-'ng\/1\.','NG 1.x (Exalead)', # put at end to avoid false positive
-'ng\/2\.','NG 2.x (Exalead)', # put at end to avoid false positive
-'exabot','Exabot', # put at end to avoid false positive
-# Other id that are 99% of robots
-'wget','WGet tools',
-'libwww','Perl tool',
-'^java\/[0-9]','Java (Often spam bot)', # put at end to avoid false positive
-# Generic robot
-'robot', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'robot\')',
-'checker', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'checker\')',
-'crawl', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'crawl\')',
-'discovery', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'discovery\')',
-'hunter', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'hunter\')',
-'scanner', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'scanner\')',
-'spider', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'spider\')',
-'sucker', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'sucker\')',
-'bot[\s_+:,\.\;\/\\\-]', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'bot\' followed by a space or one of the following characters _+:,.;/\-)',
-'[\s_+:,\.\;\/\\\-]bot', 'Unknown robot (identified by a space or one of the characters _+:,.;/\- followed by \'bot\')',
-'curl', 'Common *nix tool for automating web document retrieval. Most likely a bot.',
-'php', 'A PHP script',
-'ruby\/', 'Ruby script',
-# Additional bots found by Sussex.
-'^[1-3]$', 'Generic bot identified as "1", "2" or "3"',
-'alltop', 'alltop',
-'applesyndication', 'applesyndication',
-'asynchttpclient', 'asynchttpclient',
-'bingbot', 'Bingbot',
-'blogged_crawl', 'blogged_crawl',
-'bloglovin', 'bloglovin',
-'butterfly', 'butterfly',
-'buzztracker', 'buzztracker',
-'carpathia', 'carpathia',
-'catbot', 'catbot',
-'chattertrap', 'chattertrap',
-'check_http', 'check_http (nagios)',
-'coldfusion', 'coldfusion',
-'covario', 'covario',
-'daylifefeedfetcher', 'daylifefeedfetcher',
-'discobot', 'discobot',
-'dlvr\.it', 'dlvr.it',
-'dreamwidth', 'dreamwidth',
-'drupal', 'Drupal Site',
-'ezoom', 'ezoom',
-'feedmyinbox', 'feedmyinbox',
-'feedroll\.com', 'feedroll.com',
-'feedzira', 'feedzira',
-'fever\/', 'Feed a Fever',
-'freenews', 'freenews',
-'geohasher', 'geohasher',
-'hanrss', 'hanrss',
-'inagist', 'inagist',
-'jacobin\sclub', 'jacobin club',
-'jakarta', 'jakarta',
-'js\-kit', 'js-kit',
-'largesmall\scrawler', 'largesmall crawler',
-'linkedinbot', 'linkedinbot',
-'longurl', 'longurl',
-'metauri', 'metauri',
-'microsoft\-webdav\-miniredir', 'microsoft-webdav-miniredir',
-'^motorola$', 'Suspected Bot masquerading as "Motorola"',
-'movabletype', 'movabletype',
-'^mozilla\/3\.0\s\(compatible$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
-'^mozilla\/4\.0$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
-'^mozilla\/4\.0\s\(compatible;\)$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
-'^mozilla\/5\.0$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
-'^mozilla\/5\.0\s\(compatible;$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
-'^mozilla\/5\.0\s\(en\-us\)$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
-'^mozilla\/5\.0\sfirefox\/3\.0\.5$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
-'^msie', 'Suspected bot masquerading as M$ IE',
-'netnewswire', 'netnewswire',
-'\snetseer\s', 'Net Seer',
-'netvibes', 'netvibes',
-'newrelicpinger', 'newrelicpinger',
-'newsfox', 'Fox News',
-'nextgensearchbot', 'nextgensearchbot',
-'ning', 'ning',
-'pingdom', 'pingdom',
-'pita', 'pita (pain in the ass?)',
-'postpost', 'postpost',
-'postrank', 'postrank',
-'printfulbot', 'printfulbot',
-'protopage', 'protopage',
-'proximic', 'Proximic Spider',
-'quipply', 'quipply',
-'r6\_', 'Radian 6 Crawler',
-'ratingburner', 'ratingburner',
-'regator', 'regator',
-'rome\sclient', 'rome client',
-'rpt\-httpclient', 'rpt-httpclient',
-'rssgraffiti', 'rssgraffiti',
-'sage\+\+', 'sage++',
-'scoutjet', 'ScoutJet crawler for Blekko.',
-'simplepie', 'simplepie',
-'sitebot', 'sitebot',
-'summify\.com', 'summify.com',
-'superfeedr', 'superfeedr',
-'synthesio', 'synthesio',
-'teoma', 'teoma',
-'topblogsinfo', 'topblogsinfo',
-'topix\.net', 'topix.net',
-'trapit', 'trapit',
-'trileet', 'trileet',
-'tweetedtimes', 'The Tweeted Times',
-'twisted\spagegetter', 'twisted pagegetter',
-'twitterbot', 'Twitterbot',
-'twitterfeed', 'twitterfeed',
-'unwindfetchor', 'unwindfetchor',
-'wazzup', 'wazzup',
-'windows\-rss\-platform', 'windows-rss-platform',
-'wiumi', 'wiumi',
-'xydo', 'xydo',
-'yahoo!\sslurp', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
-'yahoo\spipes', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
-'yahoo\-newscrawler', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
-'yahoocachesystem', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
-'yahooexternalcache', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
-'yahoo!\ssearchmonkey', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
-'yahooysmcm', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
-'yammer', 'yammer',
-#'yandexbot', 'yandexbot', #already covered by 'yandex'
-'yeti', 'yeti',
-'yie8', 'yie8',
-'youdao', 'youdao',
-'yourls', 'yourls',
-'zemanta', 'zemanta',
-'zend_http_client', 'Zend Http Client',
-'no_user_agent','Unknown robot (identified by empty user agent string)',
-# Unknown robots identified by hit on robots.txt
-'unknown', 'Unknown robot (identified by hit on \'robots.txt\')'
-# RobotsAffiliateLib
-# This list try to tell by which Search Engine a robot is used
-%RobotsAffiliateLib = (
-# Additional bots found by Sussex.
+# If you want to add robots to extend AWStats database detection capabilities,
+# you must add an entry in RobotsSearchIDOrder_listx and RobotsHashIDLib.
+# The entry in RobotsSearchIDOrder_listx is a Perl regular expression
+# (see http://perldoc.perl.org/perlreref.html). AWSTats applies these
+# expressions to the user agent string in the order given by the lists. The
+# first match specifies the robot.
+# Note: This regular expression must not contain any whitespace.
+# Otherwise AWStats will produce lines in the database that
+# will be misinterpreted and as a consequence the corresponding data in the
+# generated HTML reports will be wrong. If you want to match whitespace in
+# the user agent string, use other constructs like '\s', '[:blank:]',
+# '\p{IsSpace}', '\x20' etc.
+# The corresponding entry in RobotsHashIDLib contains the regular expression
+# as key, followed by a string containing HTML-text. AWStats inserts this
+# text into reports to describe the bot. If possible the text should contain
+# a link to the bot home page. This makes it easier for sysadmins to find
+# the information necessary e.g. to adapt the robots.txt file.
+# An entry in the RobotsAffiliateLib is not necessary. An entry in this list
+# contains as first part the regular expression specifying the bot. The
+# second part is a string that gives the Company or product managing the bot.
+# This information is not used yet.
+# There are several sorts of bots that AWStats is not able to detect and
+# therefore a considerable amount of bot generated traffic counts
+# as user traffic:
+# a) A crawler that identifies itself in the referrer string, but not in
+# the user agent string. An example is the crawler from semalt.semalt.com.
+# b) Crawlers that correctly access robots.txt but identify themselves in
+# in the user agent string only once or just a few times. Most of the
+# time a user agent string ist used that does not contain hints that
+# a bot is involved. An example is the iCjobs spider.
+# msnbot-UDiscovery/2.0b seems to show this behaviour too.
+# 2005-08-19 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# added dipsie (not tested with real data).
+# added DomainsDB.net http://domainsdb.net/
+# added ia_archiver-web.archive.org (was inadvertently grouped with Alexa traffic)
+# added Nutch (used by looksmart (furl?))
+# added rssImagesBot
+# added Sqworm
+# added t\-h\-u\-n\-d\-e\-r\-s\-t\-o\-n\-e
+# added w3c css-validator
+# added documentation link to bot home pages for above and selected major bots.
+# In the case of international bots, choose .com page.
+# Included tool tip (html "title").
+# To do: parameterize to match both AWStats language and tooltips settings.
+# To do: add html links for all bots based on current documentation in source
+# files referenced below.
+# changed '\wbot[\/\-]', to '\wbot[\/\-]' (removed comma)
+# made minor grammar corrections to notes below
+# 2005-08-24 added YahooSeeker-Testing
+# added w3c-checklink
+# updated url for ask.com
+# 2005-08-24 added Girafabot http://www.girafa.com/
+# 2005-08-30 added PluckFeedCrawler http://www.pluck.com/
+# added Gaisbot/3.0 (robot05@gais.cs.ccu.edu.tw; )
+# dded geniebot (wgao@genieknows.com)
+# added BecomeBot link http://www.become.com/site_owners.html
+# added topicblogs http://www.topicblogs.com/
+# added Powermarks; seen used by referrer spam
+# added YahooSeeker
+# added NG/2. http://www.exabot.com/
+# 2005-09-15 added link for Walhello appie
+# added bender focused_crawler
+# updated YahooSeeker description (blog crawler)
+# 2005-09-16 added link for http://linkchecker.sourceforge.net
+# added ConveraCrawler/0.9d ( http://www.authoritativeweb.com/crawl)
+# added Blogslive info@blogslive.com intelliseek.com
+# added BlogPulse (ISSpider-3.0) intelliseek.com
+# 2005-09-26 added Feedfetcher-Google (http://www.google.com/feedfetcher.html)
+# added EverbeeCrawler
+# added Yahoo-Blogs http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/crawling/crawling-02.html
+# added link for Bloglines http://www.bloglines.com
+# 2005-10-19 fixed Feedfetcher-Google (http://www.google.com/feedfetcher.html)
+# added Blogshares Spiders (Synchronized V1.5.1)
+# added yacy
+# 2005-11-21 added Argus www.simpy.com
+# added BlogsSay :: RSS Search Crawler (http://www.blogssay.com/)
+# added MJ12bot http://majestic12.co.uk/bot.php
+# added OpenTaggerBot (http://www.opentagger.com/opentaggerbot.htm)
+# added OutfoxBot/0.3 (For internet experiments; outfox.agent@gmail.com)
+# added RufusBot Rufus Web Miner
+# added Seekbot (http://www.seekbot.net/bot.html)
+# added Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x (mms-mmcrawler-support@yahoo-inc.com)
+# added link for BaiDuSpider
+# added link for Blogshares Spider
+# added link for StackRambler http://www.rambler.ru/doc/faq.shtml
+# added link for WISENutbot
+# added link for ZyBorg/1.0 (wn-14.zyborg@looksmart.net; http://www.WISEnutbot.com. Moved location to above wisenut to avoid classification as wisenut
+# 2005-12-15
+# added FAST Enteprise Crawler/6 (www dot fastsearch dot com). Note spelling Enteprise not Enterprise.
+# added findlinks http://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/findlinks/
+# added IBM Almaden Research Center WebFountain鈩 http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/crawler [hc3]
+# added INFOMINE/8.0 VLCrawler (http://infomine.ucr.edu/useragents)
+# added lmspider (lmspider@scansoft.com) http://www.nuance.com/
+# added noxtrumbot http://www.noxtrum.com/
+# added SandCrawler (Microsoft)
+# added SBIder http://www.sitesell.com/sbider.html
+# added SeznamBot http://fulltext.seznam.cz/
+# added sohu-search http://corp.sohu.com/ (looked for //robots.txt not /robots.txt)
+# added the ruffle SemanticWeb crawler v0.5 - http://www.unreach.net
+# added WebVulnCrawl/1.0 libwww-perl/5.803 (looked for //robots.txt not /robots.txt)
+# added Yahoo! Japan keyoshid http://www.yahoo.co.jp/
+# added Y!J http://help.yahoo.co.jp/help/jp/search/indexing/indexing-15.html
+# added link for GigaBot
+# added link for MagpieRSS
+# added link for MSIECrawler
+# 2005-12-21
+# added aipbot http://www.aipbot.com aipbot@aipbot.com [matthys70 users.sourceforge.net]
+# added Everest-Vulcan Inc./0.1 (R&D project; http://everest.vulcan.com/crawlerhelp)
+# added Fast-Search-Engine http://www.fast-search-engine.com/ [matthys70 users.sourceforge.net]
+# added g2Crawler (nobody@airmail.net) http://crawler.instantnetworks.net/
+# added Jakarta commons-httpclient http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/ (hit robots.txt). May be used as robot or browser - a site may want to remove this entry.
+# added OmniExplorer_Bot http://www.omni-explorer.com/ [matthys70 users.sourceforge.net]
+# added USTC-Semantic-Group ai.ustc.edu.cn/mas/en/research/index.php ?
+# 2005-12-22
+# added EARTHCOM.info www.earthcom.info
+# added HTTrack off-line browser 'httrack','HTTrack', http://www.httrack.com/ [Moizes Gabor]
+# added KummHttp http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_g_l_301105_2\b [Moizes Gabor]
+# 2006-01-01
+# added Dulance http://www.dulance.com/bot.jsp
+# added MojeekBot http://www.mojeek.com/bot.html
+# added nicebot http://www.egghelp.org/setup.htm ?
+# added Snappy http://www.urltrends.com/faq.php
+# added sohu agent
+# added VORTEX http://marty.anstey.ca/robots/vortex/ [matthys70 users.sourceforge.net]
+# added zspider http://feedback.redkolibri.com/
+# 2006-01-13
+# added boitho.com-dc http://www.boitho.com/dcbot.html
+# added IRLbot http://irl.cs.tamu.edu/crawler
+# added virus_detector virus_harvester@securecomputing.com
+# added Wavefire http://www.wavefire.com; info@wavefire.com
+# added WebFilter Robot
+# 2006-01-24
+# added Shim-Crawler http://www.logos.ic.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/crawler/; crawl@logos.ic.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp
+# added Exabot exabot.com
+# added LetsCrawl.com http://letscrawl.com
+# added ichiro http://help.goo.ne.jp/door/crawlerE.html
+# 2006-01-27 additional 22 robots from a list provided by Moizes Gabor
+# added ALeadSoftbot http://www.aleadsoft.com/bot.htm
+# added CipinetBot http://www.cipinet.com/bot.html
+# added Cuasarbot http://www.cuasar.com/
+# added Dumbot http://www.dumbfind.com/
+# added Extreme_Picture_Finder http://www.exisoftware.com/
+# added Fooky.com/ScorpionBot/ScoutOut http://www.fooky.com/scorpionbots
+# added IlTrovatore-Setaccio http://www.iltrovatore.it/aiuto/motore_di_ricerca.html bot@iltrovatore.it
+# added InsurancoBot http://www.fastspywareremoval.com/
+# added InternetArchive http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html nutch-agent@lucene.apache.org
+# added KazoomBot http://www.kazoom.ca/bot.html kazoombot@kazoom.ca
+# added Kurzor http://www.easymail.hu/ cursor@easymail.hu
+# added NutchCVS http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html nutch-agent@lucene.apache.org
+# added NutchOSU-VLIB http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html nutch-agent@lucene.apache.org
+# added Orbiter http://www.dailyorbit.com/bot.htm
+# added PHP_version_tracker http://www.nexen.net/phpversion/bot.php
+# added SuperBot http://www.sparkleware.com/superbot/
+# added SynooBot http://www.synoo.de/bot.html webmaster@synoo.com
+# added TestBot http://www.agbrain.com/
+# added TutorGigBot http://www.tutorgig.info/
+# added WebIndexer mailto://webindexerv1@yahoo.com
+# added WebMiner
+# 2006-02-01
+# added heritrix https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3550202
+# added Zeus Webster Pro https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3141164
+# additional robots from a list provided by Moizes Gabor [ mojzi -a-t- free mail hu ]
+# added Candlelight_Favorites_Inspector
+# added DomainChecker
+# added EasyDL
+# added FavOrg
+# added Favorites_Sweeper
+# added Html_Link_Validator
+# added Internet_Ninja
+# added JRTwine_Software_Check_Favorites_Utility
+# fixed Microsoft_URL_Control
+# added miniRank
+# added Missigua_Locator
+# added NPBot
+# added Ocelli
+# added Onet.pl_SA
+# added proodleBot
+# added SearchGuild_DMOZ_Experiment
+# added Susie
+# added Website_Monitoring_Bot
+# added Xenu_Link_Sleuth
+# 2006-05-15
+# added ASPseek http://www.aspseek.org/
+# added AdamM Bot http://home.blic.net/adamm/
+# added archive.org_bot http://crawls.archive.org/collections/bncf/crawl.html
+# added arianna.libero.it (Italian Portal/search engine)
+# added Biz360 spider http://www.biz360.com
+# added BlogBridge Service http://www.blogbridge.com/
+# added BlogSearch http://www.icerocket.com/
+# added libcrawl
+# added edgeio-relanshanbottriever http://www.edgeio.com
+# added FeedFlow http://feedflow.com/about
+# added Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (Italian National Archive) http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/raccolta.txt
+# added Java catchall - used by many spam bots
+# added lanshanbot http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=%5Cbid_g_l_140406_1%5Cb
+# added msnbot-media http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm
+# added MT::Telegraph::Agent
+# added Netluchs http://www.netluchs.de/ (German SE bot)
+# added oBot http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum11/1616.htm
+# added Onfolio http://www.onfolio.com/ (IE Toolbar plugin) - hit rss feeds.
+# added ping.blo.gs http://blo.gs/ping.php blog bot
+# added Sphere Scout http://www.sphere.com/
+# added sproose crawler http://www.sproose.com/bot.html
+# added SyndicAPI http://syndicapi.com/bot.html
+# added Yahoo! Mindset http://mindset.research.yahoo.com/
+# added msrabot
+# added Vagabondo & Vagabondo-WAP http://www.wise-guys.nl/Contact/index.php?botselected=webagents&lang=uk
+# fixed Missigua Locator detection (Missigua_Locator -> Missigua Locator)
+# changed echo to echo! to avoid conflict with the bonecho (Firefox 2.0) browser.
+# This requires you to reprocess historic logs if you want EchO! to be recognized for older reports.
+# 2006-05-17
+# added Alpha Search Agent # Eurologon Srl
+# added Krugle http://www.krugle.com/crawler/info.html the search engine for developers
+# added Octora Beta Bot http://www.octora.com/ # Blog and Rss Search Engine
+# added UbiCrawler http://law.dsi.unimi.it/ubicrawler/
+# added Yahoo! Slurp China http://misc.yahoo.com.cn/help.html
+# You must reprocess old logs for the Yahoo! Slurp China bot to be detected in old reports
+# 2006-05-20
+# added 1-More Scanner http://www.myzips.com/software/1-More-Scanner.phtml
+# added Accoona-AI-Agent http://www.accoona.com/
+# added ActiveBookmark http://www.libmaster.com/active_bookmark.php
+# added BIGLOTRON http://www.biglotron.com/robot.html
+# added Bookmark-Manager http://bkm.sourceforge.net/
+# added cbn00glebot
+# added Cerberian Drtrs http://www.pgts.com.au/cgi-bin/psql?robot_info=25240
+# added CFNetwork http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?CFNetwork
+# added CheckWeb link validator http://p.duby.free.fr/chkweb.htm
+# added Computer and Automation Research Institute Crawler http://www.ilab.sztaki.hu/~stamas/publications/p184-benczur.html
+# added ConveraCrawler http://www.authoritativeweb.com/crawl/
+# added ConveraMultiMediaCrawler http://www.authoritativeweb.com/crawl/
+# added CSE HTML Validator Lite Online http://online.htmlvalidator.com/php/onlinevallite.php
+# added Cursor http://adcenter.hu/docs/en/bot.html
+# added Custo http://www.netwu.com/custo/
+# added DataFountains/DMOZ Downloader http://infomine.ucr.edu/
+# added Deepindex http://www.deepindex.net/faq.php
+# added DNSGroup http://www.dnsgroup.com/
+# added DoCoMo http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/
+# added dumm.de-Bot http://www.dumm.de/
+# added ETS v http://www.freetranslation.com/help/
+# added eventax http://www.eventax.de/
+# added FAST Enterprise Crawler * crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de http://www.telekom.de/
+# added FAST Enterprise Crawler http://www.fast.no/
+# added FAST Enterprise Crawler * T-Info_BI_cluster crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de http://www.telekom.de/
+# added FeedValidator http://feedvalidator.org/
+# added FilmkameraBot http://www.filmkamera.at/bot.html
+# added Findexa Crawler http://www.findexa.no/gulesider/article26548.ece
+# added Global Fetch http://www.wesonet.com/
+# added GOFORITBOT http://www.goforit.com/about/
+# added GoForIt.com http://www.goforit.com/about/
+# added GPU p2p crawler http://gpu.sourceforge.net/search_engine.php
+# added HooWWWer http://cosco.hiit.fi/search/hoowwwer/
+# added HPPrint
+# added HTMLParser http://htmlparser.sourceforge.net/
+# added Hundesuche.com-Bot http://www.hundesuche.com/
+# added InfoBot http://www.infobot.org/
+# added InfociousBot http://corp.infocious.com/tech_crawler.php
+# added InternetSupervision http://internetsupervision.com/
+# added isearch2006 http://www.yahoo.com.cn/
+# added IUPUI_Research_Bot http://spamhuntress.com/2005/04/25/a-mail-harvester-visits/
+# added KalamBot
+# added kamano.de NewsFeedVerzeichnis http://www.kamano.de/
+# added Kevin http://dznet.com/kevin/
+# added KnowItAll http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/knowitall/
+# added Knowledge.com http://www.knowledge.com/
+# added Kouaa Krawler http://www.kouaa.com/
+# added ksibot http://ego.ms.mff.cuni.cz/
+# added Link Valet Online http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/valet/
+# added lwp-request http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl-5.69/bin/lwp-request
+# added lwp-trivial http://search.cpan.org/src/GAAS/libwww-perl-5.805/lib/LWP/Simple.pm
+# added MapoftheInternet.com http://MapoftheInternet.com/
+# added Matrix S.p.A. - FAST Enterprise Crawler http://tin.virgilio.it/
+# added Megite http://www.megite.com/
+# added Metaspinner http://index.meta-spinner.de/
+# added Mini-reptile
+# added Misterbot http://www.misterbot.fr/
+# added Miva http://www.miva.com/
+# added Mizzu Labs http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_m_141105_2\b
+# added MSRBOT http://research.microsoft.com/research/sv/msrbot/
+# added MS SharePoint Portal Server - MS Search 4.0 Robot http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;284022
+# added Mydoyouhike http://www.doyouhike.net/my
+# added NASA Search http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_n_s_140506_2\b
+# added NetSprint http://www.netsprint.pl/serwis/
+# added NimbleCrawler http://www.healthline.com/
+# added OpenWebSpider http://www.openwebspider.org/
+# added Oracle Ultra Search http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ultrasearch/index.html
+# added OSSProxy http://www.marketscore.com/FAQ.Aspx
+# added passwordmaker.org http://passwordmaker.org/
+# added PEAR HTTP Request class http://pear.php.net/
+# added PEERbot http://www.peerbot.com/
+# added PHP version tracker http://www.nexen.net/phpversion/bot.php
+# added PictureOfInternet http://malfunction.org/poi/
+# added plinki http://www.plinki.com/
+# added Port Huron Labs http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_n_s_1133\b
+# added PostFavorites http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_n_s_1135\b
+# added ProjectWF-java-test-crawler
+# added PyQuery http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyquery/
+# added Schizozilla http://spamhuntress.com/2005/03/18/gizmo/
+# added Scumbot
+# added Sensis Web Crawler http://www.sensis.com.au/
+# added snap.com beta crawler http://www.snap.com/
+# added Steeler http://www.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~crawler/
+# added STEROID Download http://faqs.org.ru/progr/pascal/delphi_internet2.htm
+# added Suchfin-Bot http://www.suchfin.de/
+# added Sunrise http://www.sunrisexp.com/
+# added Tagyu Agent http://www.tagyu.com/
+# added Tcl http client package http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TclCmd/http.htm
+# added TeragramCrawlerSURF http://www.teragram.com/
+# added Test Crawler http://netp.ath.cx/
+# added UnChaos Bot Hybrid Web Search Engine http://www.unchaos.com/
+# added unido-bot http://www.unchina.org/unido/unido/our_projects/3_3.html
+# added UniversalFeedParser http://feedparser.org/ (seen from md301000.inktomisearch.com)
+# added updated http://www.updated.com/
+# added Vermut http://vermut.aol.com
+# added versus crawler from eda.baykan@epfl.ch http://www.epfl.ch/Eindex.html
+# added Vespa Crawler (Yahoo Norway?) http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=%5Cbid_t_z_030406_1%5Cb
+# added VSE http://www.vivisimo.com/
+# added webcrawl.net http://www.webcrawl.net/
+# added Web Downloader http://www.krasu.ru/soft/chuchelo/
+# added Webdup http://www.webdup.com/en/index.html
+# added Wells Search http://www.psychedelix.com/cgi-bin/csv2html.pl?data=allagents.csv&template=detail.html&match=\bid_t_z_1484\b
+# added WordPress http://wordpress.org/
+# added wume crawler http://wume.cse.lehigh.edu/~xiq204/crawler/
+# added Xenu's Link Sleuth (with ')
+# added xirq http://www.xirq.com/
+# added yoogliFetchAgent http://www.yoogli.com/
+# added Z-Add Link Checker http://w3.z-add.co.uk/linkcheck/
+# -- fix - some robots were reported with _ where _ should have been a space.
+# changed Xenu Link Sleuth
+# changed microsoft[_+\s]url[_+\s]control -> microsoft_url_control
+# changed favorites_sweeper -> favorites_sweeper
+# -- updates
+# updated AskJeeves to Ask
+# 2012-06-05 Albrecht Mueller
+# added Grabber from SDSC (San Diego Supercomputer Center).
+# 2013-09-30 Albrecht Mueller
+# AWStats probably cannot detect this bot as it identifies itself in
+# the referrer field and not in the user agent string.
+# - - [29/Sep/2013:17:22:46 +0200] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 516 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0" "-"
+# - - [29/Sep/2013:17:22:49 +0200] "GET /tghome.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 4445 "http://extrabot.com/help/frytygativyheku.htm" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0" "-"
+# - - [29/Sep/2013:17:22:51 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 5467 "http://extrabot.com/help/frytygativyheku.htm" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0" "-"
+# to do MS Search 4.0 Robot
+#package AWSROB;
+# Robots list was found at http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/active/all.txt
+# Other robots can be found at http://www.jafsoft.com/searchengines/webbots.html
+# Rem: To avoid bad detection, some robot's ids were removed from this list:
+# - Robots with ID of 3 letters only
+# - Robots called 'webs' and 'tcl'
+# Rem: directhit changed into direct_hit (its real id)
+# Rem: calif changed into calif[^r] to avoid confusion between Tiscalifreenet browser
+# Rem: fish changed into [^a]fish to avoid confusion between Madsafish browser
+# Rem: roadrunner changed into road_runner
+# Rem: lycos changed to lycos_ to avoid confusion with lycos-online browser
+# Rem: voyager changed into ^voyager\/ to avoid to exclude voyager and amigavoyager browser
+# RobotsSearchIDOrder
+# It contains all matching criteria to search for in log fields. This list is
+# used to know in which order to search Robot IDs.
+# Most frequent ones are in list1, used when LevelForRobotsDetection is 1 or more
+# Minor robots are in list2, used when LevelForRobotsDetection is 2 or more
+# Note: Robots IDs are in lower case, '_', ' ' and '+' are changed into '[_+\s]' and are quoted.
+@RobotsSearchIDOrder_list1 = (
+# Common robots (In robot file)
+'virus[_+\s]detector', # Must be before harvest
+# Common robots (Not in robot file)
+'ia_archiver\-web\.archive\.org', # Must be before ia_archiver to avoid confusion with alexa
+'zyborg', # Must be before wisenut
+@RobotsSearchIDOrder_list2 = (
+# Less common robots (In robot file)
+'semalt', #Note: This entry will not work as this crawler identifies itself
+# in the referrer string and not in the user agent string
+'sistrix', #Virus/trojan-infection? fr-crawler, ca-crawler? See https://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_37.59.55.128, https://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_198.27.80.144
+# Other robots reported by users
+'^finbot', #UA string starts with "finbot", should not match "elfinbot"
+'^webindex$', #UA should not match "webindexer"
+'argus', # Must be before nutch
+'matrix_s\.p\.a\._\-_fast_enterprise_crawler', # must come before fast enterprise crawler
+'jobboerse', #AWStats seems not to find this one despite the fact that "JobboerseBot" and "jobboerse.com" appear in the UA-string, maybe some previous entry matches
+'keyoshid', # Must come before Y!J
+'metager\-linkchecker', # Must be before linkchecker
+'metajobbot', #Does not show up in the results of Sep. 2015 despite the fact that the corresponing log file has about 40 entries containing "MetaJobBot" in the UA string - strange.
+'microsoft.*discovery', # = 'microsoft (?:office (?:protocol|existence)|data access internet publishing provider protocol) discovery',
+'nutch', # Must come after other nutch versions
+'sohu', # "sohu agent"
+'turtlescanner', # Must be before turtle
+'y!j', # Must come after keyoshid Y!J
+'ng\/1\.', # put at end to avoid false positive
+'ng\/2\.', # put at end to avoid false positive
+'exabot', # put at end to avoid false positive
+# Additional bots found by Sussex.
+'^[1-3]$', # Hiding bots. Doesn't appear to be a valid user agent.
+'check_http', #(nagios) a monitoring tool
+# These appear to be bots trying to hide. All of the usual architecture data is missing.
+# End of hiding bots.
+# 'yandexbot', #already covered by 'yandex'
+# Other id that are 99% of robots
+'^java\/[0-9]' # put at end to avoid false positive
+@RobotsSearchIDOrder_listgen = (
+# Generic robot
+# Identifies
+#"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; de-de; CUBOT P9 Build/JDQ39) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30"
+#as a but. There is a Android mobile phone called "CUBOT P9", so this is probably not a bot.
+# RobotsHashIDLib
+# List of robots names ('robot id','robot clear text')
+%RobotsHashIDLib = (
+# Common robots (In robot file)
+'appie','Walhello appie',
+'bingpreview','Bing Preview bot',
+'ferret','Wild Ferret Web Hopper #1, #2, #3',
+'contentmatch','Yahoo!China ContentMatch Crawler',
+'google\-sitemaps', 'Google Sitemaps',
+'grabber', 'Grabber (SDSC)',
+'google[_+\s]web[_+\s]preview', 'Google Web Preview',
+'gulliver','Northern Light Gulliver',
+'muscatferret','Muscat Ferret',
+'myweb','Internet Shinchakubin',
+'slurp','Yahoo Slurp',
+# Common robots (Not in robot file)
+'bruinbot','The web archive',
+'ia_archiver\-web\.archive\.org','The web archive (IA Archiver)',
+'ia_archiver','Alexa (IA Archiver)',
+'msnbot-udiscovery', 'msnbot-UDiscovery Note: AWStats counts most of its traffic as user traffic',
+'unlost_web_crawler','Unlost Web Crawler',
+'webbase', 'WebBase',
+# Less common robots (In robot file)
+'007ac9', '007ac9 Crawler, seems to belong to SISTRIX',
+'[^a]fish','Fish search',
+'abcdatos','ABCdatos BotLink',
+'abonti\.com','Abonti WebSearch',
+'ahoythehomepagefinder','Ahoy! The Homepage Finder',
+'ahrefsbot', 'AhrefsBot',
+'powermarks','Powermarks', # must come before Arks; seen used by referrer spam
+'aspider','ASpider (Associative Spider)',
+'atn\.txt','ATN Worldwide',
+'atomz','Atomz.com Search Robot',
+'bigbrother','Big Brother',
+'blindekuh','Die Blinde Kuh',
+'brightnet','bright.net caching robot',
+'cactvschemistryspider','CACTVS Chemistry Spider',
+'cgireader','Digimarc Marcspider/CGI',
+'cms\scrawler', 'CMS Crawler',
+'combine','Combine System',
+'core','Web Core / Roots',
+'cosmos','XYLEME Robot',
+'crazywebcrawler', 'CrazyWeb Crawler',
+'cruiser','Internet Cruiser Robot',
+'cyberspyder','CyberSpyder Link Test',
+'desertrealm','Desert Realm Spider',
+'deweb','DeWeb(c) Katalog/Index',
+'diibot','Digital Integrity Robot',
+'direct_hit','Direct Hit Grabber',
+'domainappender', 'DomainAppender',
+'download_express','DownLoad Express',
+'dwcp','DWCP (Dridus\' Web Cataloging Project)',
+'emacs','Emacs-w3 Search Engine',
+'evliyacelebi','Evliya Celebi',
+'feedcrawl','FeedCrawl by feed@aobo.com',
+'fdse','Fluid Dynamics Search Engine robot',
+'felix','Felix IDE',
+'francoroute','Robot Francoroute',
+'gama','gammaSpider, FocusedCrawler',
+'grapnel','Grapnel/0.01 Experiment',
+'gulperbot','Gulper Bot',
+'hometown','Hometown Spider Pro',
+'iaskspider','Sina Iask Spider',
+'sogou','Sogou Spider',
+'icjobs\.de', 'iCjobs Spider Note: Most traffic counts as user traffic',
+#20130805 The user agent string of the icjobs-spider contained the
+#identifying string only when it accessed the robots.txt file.
+#When it accessed the actual content it did not identify itself as
+#a spider. Thus traffic of this spider was counted as user traffic.
+#The behavious seems to have changed now - the spider identifies itself
+#when it accesses content pages.
+#20141401 Behavior as before: Does identify itself when it accesses
+# robots.txt and the root page. The following traffic does not contain
+# the identification string and is therefore counted as user traffic.
+'iconoclast','Popular Iconoclast',
+'infoseek','InfoSeek Robot 1.0',
+'infoseeksidewinder','Infoseek Sidewinder',
+'inspectorwww','Inspector Web',
+'ips\-agent', 'ips-agent Verisign(?) - no reliable information found.',
+'irobot','I, Robot',
+'jbot','JBot Java Web Robot',
+'jobo','JoBo Java Web Robot',
+'jubii','The Jubii Indexing Robot',
+'linkidator','Link Validator',
+'logo_gif','logo.gif Crawler',
+'macworm','Mac WWWWorm',
+'mnogosearch','mnoGoSearch search engine software',
+'netcarta','NetCarta WebMap Engine',
+'nhse','NHSE Web Forager',
+'northstar','The NorthStar Robot',
+'octopus','HKU WWW Octopus',
+'openfind','Openfind data gatherer',
+'orb_search','Orb Search',
+'packrat','Pack Rat',
+'perignator','The Peregrinator',
+'perlcrawler','PerlCrawler 1.0',
+'pimptrain','Pimptrain.com\'s robot',
+'pjspider','Portal Juice Spider',
+'portalb','PortalB Spider',
+'raven','Raven Search',
+'rbse','RBSE Spider',
+'resumerobot','Resume Robot',
+'rhcs','RoadHouse Crawling System',
+'road_runner','Road Runner: The ImageScape Robot',
+'robbie','Robbie the Robot',
+'robi','ComputingSite Robi/1.0',
+'robocrawl','RoboCrawl Spider',
+'safetynetrobot','SafetyNet Robot',
+'semalt', 'seamalt.com',
+'simbot','Simmany Robot Ver1.0',
+'sistrix', 'SISTRIX Crawler',
+'site\-valet','Site Valet',
+'smartspider','Smart Spider',
+'speedy','Speedy Spider',
+'spider[_+\s]monkey','Spider monkey',
+'spiderline','Spiderline Crawler',
+'spiderlytics', 'Spiderlytics: No homepage, e-mail only: spider (at) spiderlytics.com',
+'spry','Spry Wizard Robot',
+'ssearcher','Site Searcher',
+'suntek','suntek search engine',
+'tach_bw','TACH Black Widow',
+'tagyu_agent','Tagyu Agent',
+'tkwww','The TkWWW Robot',
+'ucsd','UCSD Crawl',
+'urlck','URL Check',
+'w3index','The NWI Robot',
+'wallpaper','WallPaper (alias crawlpaper)',
+'wanderer','the World Wide Web Wanderer',
+'wapspider','w@pSpider by wap4.com',
+'webbandit','WebBandit Web Spider',
+'webfoot','The Webfoot Robot',
+'webmoose','The Web Moose',
+'webreader','Digimarc MarcSpider',
+'whatuseek','whatUseek Winona',
+'whowhere','WhoWhere Robot',
+'wired\-digital','Wired Digital',
+'wombat','The Web Wombat',
+'worm','The World Wide Web Worm',
+'woozweb','Woozweb Monitoring',
+'wwwc','WWWC Ver 0.2.5',
+'xenu\slink\ssleuth', 'Xenu'. "'" . 's Link Sleuth (TM), see Wikipedia',
+# Other robots reported by users
+'^finbot', 'finbot',
+'^webindex$', 'WebIndex',
+'1\-more_scanner','1-More Scanner',
+'a6-indexer', 'A6-Indexer',
+'adamm_bot','AdamM Bot',
+'adsbot-google', 'AdsBot-Google',
+'advbot', 'AdvBot',
+'affectv\.co\.uk', 'affectv.co.uk',
+'almaden','IBM Almaden Research Center WebFountain™',
+'alpha_search_agent','Alpha Search Agent',
+'aport', 'Aport',
+'applebot', 'Applebot',
+'archive\-de\.com', 'Archive-de.com',
+'archive\.org_bot','archive.org bot',
+'asterias', 'Asterias',
+'awbot', 'AWBot',
+'backlinktest\.com', 'BacklinkCrawler',
+'becomebot', 'BecomeBot',
+'bender','bender focused_crawler',
+'bittorrent_bot','BitTorrent Bot',
+'biz360[_+\s]spider','Biz360 spider',
+'blexbot', 'BLEXBot, seems to belong to the WebMeUp backlink tool',
+'blogbridge[_+\s]service','BlogBridge Service',
+'blogpulse','BlogPulse ISSpider intelliseek.com',
+'blogshares','Blogshares Spiders',
+'blogssay','BlogsSay :: RSS Search Crawler',
+'bncf\.firenze\.sbn\.it\/raccolta\.txt','Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze',
+'bobby', 'Bobby',
+'boris', 'Boris',
+'bubing', 'BUbiNG',
+'bumblebee', 'Bumblebee (relevare.com)',
+'careerbot', 'CareerBot',
+'ccbot', 'Common Crawl',
+'cerberian_drtrs','Cerberian Drtrs',
+'checkweb_link_validator','CheckWeb link validator',
+'cliqzbot', 'Cliqzbot',
+'commons\-httpclient','Jakarta commons-httpclient',
+'computer_and_automation_research_institute_crawler','Computer and Automation Research Institute Crawler',
+'copubbot', 'CoPubbot',
+'cse_html_validator_lite_online','CSE HTML Validator Lite Online','cuasarbot','Cuasarbot',
+'datafountains\/dmoz_downloader','DataFountains/DMOZ Downloader',
+'dataprovider\.com', 'Dataprovider Site Explorer',
+'daumoa', 'Daum',
+'daviesbot', 'DaviesBot',
+'daypopbot', 'DayPop',
+'deusu', 'DeuSu',
+'doccheckbot', 'doccheckbot/1.0, known to Project Honey Pot',
+'dotbot', 'DotBot, Open Site Explorer',
+'duckduckgo-favicons-bot', 'DuckDuckGo-Favicons-Bot',
+'eccp', 'Eniro Sverige, email: search (at) eniro.com',
+'ernst[:blank:]2\.0', 'Ernst 2.0 (does not provide any further information)',
+'ets_v','ETS Enterprise Translation Server',
+'exactseek','ExactSeek Crawler',
+'ezresult', 'Ezresult',
+'enteprise','Fast Enteprise Crawler',
+'facebook','FaceBook bot',
+'facebot', 'Facebot (Facebook bot?)',
+'fast\-search\-engine','Fast-Search-Engine (not fastsearch.com)',
+'fast_enterprise_crawler','FAST Enterprise Crawler',
+'fast_enterprise_crawler.*scrawleradmin\.t\-info@telekom\.de','FAST Enterprise Crawler * crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de',
+'finderlein[_+\s]research[_+\s]crawler', 'Finderlein Research Crawler 1.0 (no contact information given)',
+'matrix_s\.p\.a\._\-_fast_enterprise_crawler','Matrix S.p.A. - FAST Enterprise Crawler',
+'fast_enterprise_crawler.*t\-info_bi_cluster_crawleradmin\.t\-info@telekom\.de','FAST Enterprise Crawler * T-Info_BI_cluster crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de',
+'fastbot', 'fastbot',
+'favorites_sweeper','Favorites Sweeper',
+'feedburner', 'Feedburner',
+'fetchbot', 'Fetchbot',
+'filterdb\.iss\.net', 'oBot',
+'findexa_crawler','Findexa Crawler',
+'firmilybot', 'Firmily Bot Home page (Website was hacked on Oct. 19, 2013)',
+'foaf-search\.net', 'Friend of a friend (FOAF) search engine',
+'genieo', 'Genieo',
+'gigablastopensource', 'GigablastOpenSource, an Open Source Search Engine(Wiki)',
+'global_fetch','Global Fetch',
+'gnodspider','GNOD Spider',
+'gpu_p2p_crawler','GPU p2p crawler',
+'grapeshot', 'Grapeshot Crawler',
+'henrythemiragorobot', 'Mirago',
+'holmes', 'Holmes',
+'httrack','HTTrack off-line browser',
+'icarus6j', 'Icarus6j, email address in UA string, no website',
+'idmarch', 'IDMARCH',
+'implisensebot', 'ImplisenseBot',
+'infomine','INFOMINE VLCrawler',
+'internet[_+\s]ninja','Internet_Ninja ',
+'internetseer', 'InternetSeer',
+'istellabot', 'IstellaBot',
+'izsearch', 'iZSearch',
+'james\sbot', 'James BOT',
+'jobboerse', 'Jobbörse',
+'justview', 'JustView',
+'kamano\.de_newsfeedverzeichnis','kamano.de NewsFeedVerzeichnis',
+'keyoshid','Yahoo! Japan keyoshid robot study',
+'kinjabot', 'Kinjabot',
+'kinja\-imagebot', 'Kinja Imagebot',
+'kouaa_krawler','Kouaa Krawler',
+'libcrawl','Crawl libcrawl',
+'link_valet_online','Link Valet Online',
+'linkdex\.com', 'Linkdex',
+'linkstats\sbot', 'LinkStats Bot',
+'lipperhey', 'Lipperhey SEO Service',
+'livejournal\.com', 'LiveJournal.com',
+'loadtimebot', 'LoadTimeBot',
+'lssrocketcrawler', 'LSSRocketCrawler (no contact information)',
+'ltbot', 'Language Tools Bot (ltbot)',
+'ltx71', 'ltx71',
+'madaali\.de', 'www.madaali.de',
+'magpierss', 'MagpieRSS',
+'mail\.ru', 'Mail.ru bot',
+'meanpathbot', 'Meanpathbot',
+'mediabot', 'MediaBot',
+'mediapartners\-google','Google AdSense',
+# 'Mediapartners-Google (Feb 12, 2015: no additial information in UA String, seems to use GigablastOpenSource',
+# Uses UA string "Mediapartners-Google" only, and there were accesses using an UA string "GigablastOpenSource/1.0" from the same IP-Address.
+# Therefore this is probably not related to Google 4.3.2015 Albrecht M眉ller
+'megaindex', 'MegaIndex Crawler, seems to belong to MegaIndex.ru',
+'memorybot', 'Archivethe.net',
+'metager2-verification-bot', 'metager2-verification-bot',
+'metager\-linkchecker','MetaGer LinkChecker',
+'metajobbot', 'MetaJobBot',
+'miadev', 'MiaDev spider',
+'microsoft\sbits', 'Microsoft Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)?',
+'microsoft.*discovery', 'Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery/Microsoft Office Existence Discovery',
+'microsoft[_+\s]url[_+\s]control','Microsoft URL Control',
+'mindupbot', 'mindUpBot (datenbutler.de)',
+'mizzu_labs','Mizzu Labs',
+'ms[_+\s]search[_+\s]6\.0[_+\s]robot','MS Search 6.0 Robot (MS SharePoint Portal Server?)',
+'ms_search_4\.0_robot','MS SharePoint Portal Server - MS Search 4.0 Robot',
+'nasa_search','NASA Search',
+'newsgatoronline', 'NewsGator Online',
+'loocalcrawler/nutch', 'LoocalCrawler/Nutch',
+'octora_beta_bot','Octora Beta Bot',
+'omniexplorer[_+\s]bot','OmniExplorer Bot',
+'optimizer', 'Optimizer',
+'oracle_ultra_search','Oracle Ultra Search',
+'orangebot', 'OrangeBot, no website, log entry specifies mail address', # support.orangebot@orange.com
+'qwantify', 'Qwant',
+'pear_http_request_class','PEAR HTTP Request class',
+'perman', 'Perman surfer',
+'php[_+\s]version[_+\s]tracker','PHP version tracker',
+'phpcrawl', 'PHPCrawl',
+'picmole', 'Specified address www.picmole.com was not reachable on April 21, 2014',
+'plukkie', 'Plukkie',
+'port_huron_labs','Port Huron Labs',
+'publiclibraryarchive', 'publiclibraryarchive.org (related to spiderlytics.com and/or waybackarchive.org?)',
+#Observations 2014-06-23
+#Domain publiclibraryarchive.org is parked at GoDaddy.com
+#from https://www.projecthoneypot.org/
+#'s User Agent Strings (honeypot classified this ip as an mail server, active about 6 years ago)
+#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; publiclibraryarchive.org/1.0; +crawl@publiclibraryarchive.org)
+#'s User Agent Strings
+#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; publiclibraryarchive.org/1.0; +crawl@publiclibraryarchive.org)
+#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Spiderlytics/1.0; +spider@spiderlytics.com)
+#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; waybackarchive.org/1.0; +spider@waybackarchive.org)
+#'s User Agent Strings
+#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; publiclibraryarchive.org/1.0; +crawl@publiclibraryarchive.org)
+#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; savetheworldheritage.org/1.0; +crawl@savetheworldheritage.org)
+#Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; seoscanners.net/1; +spider@seoscanners.net)
+'redalert','Red Alert',
+'relevantnoise\.com', 'Relevant Noise',
+'riddler', 'Riddler',
+'rogerbot', 'Rogerbot',
+'rojo','RoJo aggregator',
+'ruffle','ruffle SemanticWeb crawler',
+'rufusbot','RufusBot Rufus Web Miner',
+'safeads\.xyz', 'SafeAds.xyz',
+'safesearch', 'Avira SafeSearch',
+'sandcrawler','SandCrawler (Microsoft)',
+'savetheworldheritage', 'savetheworldheritage.org (related to spiderlytics.com, waybackarchive.org and/or publiclibraryarchive.org?)',
+'semrushbot', 'SemrushBot',
+'sensis_web_crawler','Sensis Web Crawler',
+'seodiver', 'SEO DIVER',
+'seokicks\.de', 'SEOkicks Webcrawler',
+'seoscanners', 'seoscanners.net (related to publiclibraryarchive.org and savetheworldheritage.org?)',
+'shoutcast','Shoutcast Directory Service',
+'sitedomain-bot', 'Sitedomain.de',
+'siteexplorer\.info', 'Site Explorer',
+'skimbot', 'SkimBot',
+'smtbot', 'SMTBot',
+'snap\.com_beta_crawler','snap.com beta crawler',
+'sohu','sohu agent',
+'spbot', 'SEOprofiler Bot',
+'sphere_scout','Sphere Scout',
+'sproose_crawler','sproose crawler',
+'ssearch_bot', 'sSearch Crawler',
+'steroid__download','STEROID Download',
+'stq_bot', 'SEARCHTEQ',
+'tcl_http_client_package','Tcl http client package',
+'technoratibot', 'Technoratibot',
+'test_crawler','Test Crawler',
+'thumbsniper', 'ThumbSniper',
+'topicblogs', 'topicblogs',
+'turnitinbot', 'Turn It In',
+'turtle', 'Turtle',
+'turtlescanner', 'Turtle',
+'ultraseek', 'Ultraseek',
+'unchaos_bot_hybrid_web_search_engine','UnChaos Bot Hybrid Web Search Engine',
+'unisterbot', 'UnisterBot; E-Mail only: crawler (at) unister.de',
+'vebidoobot', 'vebidoobot',
+'versus_crawler_from_eda\.baykan@epfl\.ch','versus crawler from eda.baykan@epfl.ch',
+'vespa_crawler','Vespa Crawler',
+'voltron', 'voltron',
+'w3c\-checklink','W3C Link Checker',
+'w3c[_+\s]css[_+\s]validator[_+\s]jfouffa', 'W3C jigsaw CSS Validator',
+'w3c_validator','W3C Validator',
+'watchmouse', 'WatchMouse Website Monitor',
+'waybackarchive\.org', 'No website, email: spider(at)waybackarchive.org',
+# 2.12.2013 Project Honeypot reports at least one of the IPs used by waybackarchive with a spiderlytics UA string.
+# Problably not related to the wayback machine of archive.org.
+'wbsearchbot', 'WBSearchBot',
+'webclipping\.com', 'WebClipping.com',
+'webcompass', 'webcompass',
+'web_downloader','Web Downloader',
+'webvulncrawl', 'WebVulnCrawl',
+'wells_search','Wells Search',
+'wer-liefert-was', 'Wer-liefert-was Crawler Note: AWStats counts most traffic as user traffic',
+'wesee:search', 'WeSEE Bot',
+'wevikabot', 'WeViKa',
+'wonderer', 'Web Wombat Redback Spider',
+'wotbox', 'Wotbox',
+'wume_crawler','wume crawler',
+'xenu\'s_link_sleuth','Xenu Link Sleuth',
+'xenu_link_sleuth','Xenu Link Sleuth',
+'xovibot', 'XoviBot',
+'y!j', 'Y!J Yahoo Japan',
+'yacy', 'YaCy',
+'yahoo\-verticalcrawler', 'Yahoo Vertical Crawler',
+'yahoofeedseeker', 'Yahoo Feed Seeker',
+'yahooseeker\-testing', 'YahooSeeker-Testing',
+'yahooseeker', 'YahooSeeker Yahoo! Blog crawler',
+'yahoo\-mmcrawler', 'Yahoo-MMCrawler',
+'yahoo!_mindset','Yahoo! Mindset',
+'yandex', 'Yandex Bot',
+'flexum', 'Flexum Search Engine',
+'yanga', 'Yanga WorldSearch Bot',
+'yisouspider', 'YisouSpider (no additional information in UA string)',
+'z\-add_link_checker','Z-Add Link Checker',
+'zeus','Zeus Webster Pro',
+'ng\/1\.','NG 1.x (Exalead)', # put at end to avoid false positive
+'ng\/2\.','NG 2.x (Exalead)', # put at end to avoid false positive
+'exabot','Exabot', # put at end to avoid false positive
+# Other id that are 99% of robots
+'wget','WGet tools',
+'libwww','Perl tool',
+'^java\/[0-9]','Java (Often spam bot)', # put at end to avoid false positive
+# Generic robot
+'robot', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'robot\')',
+'checker', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'checker\')',
+'crawl', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'crawl\')',
+'discovery', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'discovery\')',
+'hunter', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'hunter\')',
+'scanner', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'scanner\')',
+'spider', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'spider\')',
+'sucker', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'sucker\')',
+'bot[\s_+:,\.\;\/\\\-]', 'Unknown robot (identified by \'bot\' followed by a space or one of the following characters _+:,.;/\-)',
+'[\s_+:,\.\;\/\\\-]bot', 'Unknown robot (identified by a space or one of the characters _+:,.;/\- followed by \'bot\')',
+'curl', 'Common *nix tool for automating web document retrieval. Most likely a bot.',
+'php', 'A PHP script',
+'ruby\/', 'Ruby script',
+# Additional bots found by Sussex.
+'^[1-3]$', 'Generic bot identified as "1", "2" or "3"',
+'alltop', 'alltop',
+'applesyndication', 'applesyndication',
+'asynchttpclient', 'asynchttpclient',
+'bingbot', 'Bingbot',
+'blogged_crawl', 'blogged_crawl',
+'bloglovin', 'bloglovin',
+'butterfly', 'butterfly',
+'buzztracker', 'buzztracker',
+'carpathia', 'carpathia',
+'catbot', 'catbot',
+'chattertrap', 'chattertrap',
+'check_http', 'check_http (nagios)',
+'coldfusion', 'coldfusion',
+'covario', 'covario',
+'daylifefeedfetcher', 'daylifefeedfetcher',
+'discobot', 'discobot',
+'dlvr\.it', 'dlvr.it',
+'dreamwidth', 'dreamwidth',
+'drupal', 'Drupal Site',
+'ezoom', 'ezoom',
+'feedmyinbox', 'feedmyinbox',
+'feedroll\.com', 'feedroll.com',
+'feedzira', 'feedzira',
+'fever\/', 'Feed a Fever',
+'freenews', 'freenews',
+'geohasher', 'geohasher',
+'hanrss', 'hanrss',
+'inagist', 'inagist',
+'jacobin\sclub', 'jacobin club',
+'jakarta', 'jakarta',
+'js\-kit', 'js-kit',
+'largesmall\scrawler', 'largesmall crawler',
+'linkedinbot', 'linkedinbot',
+'longurl', 'longurl',
+'metauri', 'metauri',
+'microsoft\-webdav\-miniredir', 'microsoft-webdav-miniredir',
+'^motorola$', 'Suspected Bot masquerading as "Motorola"',
+'movabletype', 'movabletype',
+'^mozilla\/3\.0\s\(compatible$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
+'^mozilla\/4\.0$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
+'^mozilla\/4\.0\s\(compatible;\)$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
+'^mozilla\/5\.0$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
+'^mozilla\/5\.0\s\(compatible;$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
+'^mozilla\/5\.0\s\(en\-us\)$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
+'^mozilla\/5\.0\sfirefox\/3\.0\.5$', 'Suspected bot masqurading as Mozilla',
+'^msie', 'Suspected bot masquerading as M$ IE',
+'netnewswire', 'netnewswire',
+'\snetseer\s', 'Net Seer',
+'netvibes', 'netvibes',
+'newrelicpinger', 'newrelicpinger',
+'newsfox', 'Fox News',
+'nextgensearchbot', 'nextgensearchbot',
+'ning', 'ning',
+'pingdom', 'pingdom',
+'pita', 'pita (pain in the ass?)',
+'postpost', 'postpost',
+'postrank', 'postrank',
+'printfulbot', 'printfulbot',
+'protopage', 'protopage',
+'proximic', 'Proximic Spider',
+'quipply', 'quipply',
+'r6\_', 'Radian 6 Crawler',
+'ratingburner', 'ratingburner',
+'regator', 'regator',
+'rome\sclient', 'rome client',
+'rpt\-httpclient', 'rpt-httpclient',
+'rssgraffiti', 'rssgraffiti',
+'sage\+\+', 'sage++',
+'scoutjet', 'ScoutJet crawler for Blekko.',
+'simplepie', 'simplepie',
+'sitebot', 'sitebot',
+'summify\.com', 'summify.com',
+'superfeedr', 'superfeedr',
+'synthesio', 'synthesio',
+'teoma', 'teoma',
+'topblogsinfo', 'topblogsinfo',
+'topix\.net', 'topix.net',
+'trapit', 'trapit',
+'trileet', 'trileet',
+'tweetedtimes', 'The Tweeted Times',
+'twisted\spagegetter', 'twisted pagegetter',
+'twitterbot', 'Twitterbot',
+'twitterfeed', 'twitterfeed',
+'unwindfetchor', 'unwindfetchor',
+'wazzup', 'wazzup',
+'windows\-rss\-platform', 'windows-rss-platform',
+'wiumi', 'wiumi',
+'xydo', 'xydo',
+'yahoo!\sslurp', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
+'yahoo\spipes', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
+'yahoo\-newscrawler', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
+'yahoocachesystem', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
+'yahooexternalcache', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
+'yahoo!\ssearchmonkey', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
+'yahooysmcm', 'Additional Yahoo bots.',
+'yammer', 'yammer',
+#'yandexbot', 'yandexbot', #already covered by 'yandex'
+'yeti', 'yeti',
+'yie8', 'yie8',
+'youdao', 'youdao',
+'yourls', 'yourls',
+'zemanta', 'zemanta',
+'zend_http_client', 'Zend Http Client',
+'no_user_agent','Unknown robot (identified by empty user agent string)',
+# Unknown robots identified by hit on robots.txt
+'unknown', 'Unknown robot (identified by hit on \'robots.txt\')'
+# RobotsAffiliateLib
+# This list try to tell by which Search Engine a robot is used
+%RobotsAffiliateLib = (
+# Additional bots found by Sussex.
diff --git a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/search_engines.pm b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/search_engines.pm
index a84dc4e76..e56b00801 100644
--- a/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/search_engines.pm
+++ b/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/search_engines.pm
@@ -1,1578 +1,1578 @@
-# If you want to add a Search Engine to extend AWStats database detection capabilities,
-# you must add an entry in SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder, SearchEnginesHashID and in
-# SearchEnginesHashLib.
-# An entry if known in SearchEnginesKnownUrl is also welcome.
-# to eldy: Please check if the following description is correct:
-# You need the following information to specify a search engine:
-# (a) A regular expression that matches the referrer string of the
-# search engine. Unclear: What about slashes in the name of
-# a search engine, e.g. as in 'ecosia.com/search'. Seems that
-# AWStats will non find search strings containing a slash.
-# Maybe use a search string without a slash, and - if necessary -
-# an entry in %NotSearchEnginesKeys , if this search string
-# matches entries that are not search engines.
-# Example of a web address of a Amazon search engine:
-# http://www.amazon.de/gp/bit/apps/web/SERP/search/ref=bit_bds-p24_serp_cr_de?ie=UTF8tagbase=bds-p24&query=deutsch+8.+klasse+gymnasium+protokoll
-# (b) A unique string to identify the search engine within AWStats
-# (c) A regular expression that finds the start of the query part in the
-# referrer string
-# (d) A HTML-fragment that goes into the reports generated by AWStats which
-# identifies the search engine to human reader of the report. In the
-# simplest case this is a string containing the name of the search
-# engine. You can also provide a hypertext clause that presents the
-# name together with a link to the search engine.
-# The regular expression (a) goes into SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1
-# or ..._list2. List 1 contains common search engines, list 2 those
-# that are not so often used.
-# SearchEnginesHashID contains to consecutive entries for each search
-# engine: The regular expression (a) followed bei the search engine
-# identifier (b)
-# SearchEnginesKnownUrl specifies how to find the start of the query.
-# For each search engine you enter the search engine identifier (b)
-# followed by the regular expression (c). Unclear: It is possible to
-# omit this entry. If you do this, how will AWStats find the start of
-# the query?
-# SearchEnginesHashLib contains also two entries for each search engine:
-# The search engine identifier (b) followed by the HTML-Fragment (d)
-# There are search engines that do not use a query part in their URLs.
-# They put the search expression in the main part of the URL instead.
-# AWStats is able to handle these cases. They are specified as described
-# above, except the following two things:
-# - The regular expression (c) searches the complete URL and not only
-# the query part.
-# - An additional Entry in the list %SearchEnginesWithKeysNotInQuery is
-# necessary.
-# AWStats runs a sanity check of the contents of search_engines.pm. This
-# check detects the following things:
-# - Inconsistencies (number of entries)
-# It does not detect the following errors:
-# - If the HTML-Fragment (d) is syntactically incorrect.
-# 2005-08-19 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# added minor italian search engines
-# arianna http://arianna.libero.it/
-# supereva http://search.supereva.com/
-# kataweb http://kataweb.it/
-# corrected uk looksmart
-# 'askuk','ask=', 'bbc','q=', 'freeserve','q=', 'looksmart','key=',
-# to
-# 'askuk','ask=', 'bbc','q=', 'freeserve','q=', 'looksmartuk','key=',
-# corrected spelling
-# internationnal -> international
-# added 'google\.'=>'mail\.google\.', to NotSearchEnginesKeys in order to
-# avoid counting gmail referrals as search engine traffic
-# 2005-08-21 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# avoid counting babelfish.altavista referrals as search engine traffic
-# avoid counting translate.google referrals as search engine traffic
-# 2005-11-20 Sean Carlos
-# added missing 'tiscali','key=', entry. Check order
-# 2005-11-22 Sean Carlos
-# added Google Base & Froogle. Froogle not tested.
-# 2006-04-18 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# added biglotron.com (France)
-# added blingo http://www.blingo.com/
-# added Clusty & Vivisimo
-# added eniro.no (Norway) [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3134783]
-# added GPU p2p search http://search.centraldatabase.org/
-# added mail.tiscali to "not search engines list" [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3166688]
-# added Ask group's "mysearch"
-# added sify.com (India)
-# added sogou.com (Cina) [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3501603]
-# Ask changes:
-# - added Ask Japan (ask.jp)
-# - break out Ask new country level variants (DE, ES, FR, IT, NL)
-# - updated Ask name from Ask Jevees
-# - added Ask q= parameter - many recent searches probably not recognized; [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3465444]
-# - updated Ask uk (new uk.ask.com added to older ask.co.uk)
-# updated voila kw|rdata parameter [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3373912]
-# for each new engine, added link to Search Engine. This serves to document engine. Done for major & Italian engines as well. Requires patch
-# to AWStats to allow untranslated html. Otherwise html will appear instead of link.
-# reviewed mnoGoSearch (http://www.mnogosearch.org/); the search engined mentioned no longer
-# exists https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3025426
-# 2006-05-13 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# added 10 Chello European broadband portals (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden)
-# added Alice Internal Search (blends data with Google?) search.alice.it.master:10005
-# added detection of google cache views from IPs
-# To do: add more extensive IP list; keywords not yet detected.
-# added icerocket.com blog search http://www.icerocket.com/
-# added live.com (msn) http://www.live.com/
-# added Meta motor kartoo. Note: Kartoo does not provide search words in referrers, thus the engine will appear in the
-# search engine list but the actual search words are not available.
-# added netluchs.de http://www.netluchs.de/
-# added sphere.com blog search http://www.sphere.com/
-# added wwweasel.de http://wwweasel.de
-# added Yahoo Mindset! http://mindset.research.yahoo.com/
-# updated Mirago query parameter recognition (qry=); added breakout for each country (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland)
-# 2006-05-13 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# added Google cache IPs &
-# 2006-05-20 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# anzwers.com.au
-# schoenerbrausen.de http://www.schoenerbrausen.de/
-# added Google cache IP
-# answerbus http://www.answerbus.com/ (does not provide keywords)
-# 2006-05-23 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# added Google cache IP,
-# 2006-06-23 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# added Alice Search search.alice.it
-# added GoodSearch http://www.goodsearch.com/ (does not provide keywords) "a Yahoo-powered search engine that donates money to your favorite charity or school each time you search the web"
-# added googlee.com, variant of Google
-# added gotuneed http://www.gotuneed.com/ Italian search engine, in beta
-# added icq.com
-# added logic to parse Google Cache search keywords. Seems to work for alpha but not numeric cache IDs, i.e. search?q=cache:lWVLmnuGJswJ: is recognized but q=cache:Yv5qxeJNuhgJ: is not recognized. The URL triggering the keywords will also appear. The URLs are probably too varied to parse out?
-# added Nusearch http://www.nusearch.com/
-# added Polymeta www.polymeta.hu (does not provide keywords)
-# added scroogle http://www.scroogle.org/ (does not always provide keywords)
-# added Tango http://tango.hu/search.php?st=0&q=jeles+napok
-# Changed Google Cache notation 64\.233\.(161|167|179|183|187)\.104 to 64\.233\.1[0-9]{2}\.104
-# 72\.14\.(203|205|207|209|221)\.104 to 72\.14\.2[0-9]{2}\.104
-# 216\.239\.(51|59)\.104 to 216\.239\.5[0-9]\.104
-# 66\.102\.(7|9)\.104 to 66\.102\.[1-9]\.104
-# 2006-06-27 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# added Onet.pl http://szukaj.onet.pl/
-# corrected name "Wirtualna Polska" from "Szukaj" (search); added link http://szukaj.wp.pl/
-# 2006-06-30 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
-# Additional Polish Search Engines:
-# added Dodaj.pl http://www.dodaj.pl/
-# added Gazeta.pl http://szukaj.gazeta.pl/
-# added Gery.pl http://szukaj.gery.pl/
-# added Hoga.pl http://www.hoga.pl/
-# added Interia.pl http://www.google.interia.pl/
-# added Katalog.Onet.pl http://katalog.onet.pl/
-# added NetSprint.pl http://www.netsprint.pl/
-# added o2.pl http://szukaj2.o2.pl/
-# added Polska http://szukaj.polska.pl/
-# added Szukacz http://www.szukacz.pl/
-# added Wow.pl http://szukaj.wow.pl/
-# added Sagool http://sagool.jp/
-# 2006-08-25 Social Bookmarks
-# International
-# added del.icio.us/search - for now, just search referrer. To do: consider /tag/(tagname) referrer?
-# added stumbleupon.com - No keywords supplied.
-# added swik.net
-# added digg. Keywords sometimes supplied.
-# Italy
-# added segnalo.alice.it - No keywords supplied.
-# added ineffabile.it - No keywords supplied.
-# added filter for google groups. Attempt to parse group name as keyword.
-# 2006-09-14
-# added Eniro Sverige http://www.eniro.se/
-# added MyWebSearch http://search.mywebsearch.com/
-# added Teecno http://www.teecno.it/ Italian Open Source Search Engine
-#package AWSSE;
-# 2006-09-25 (Gabor Moizes)
-# added 4-counter (Google alternative) http://4-counter.com/
-# added Googlecom (Google alternative) http://googlecom.com/
-# added Goggle (Google alternative) http://goggle.co.hu/
-# added Comet toolbar http://as.starware.com
-# added new IP for Yahoo:
-# added Ledix http://ledix.net/
-# added AT&T search (powered by Google) http://www.att.net/
-# added Keresolap (Hungarian search engine) http://www.keresolap.hu/
-# added Mozbot (French search engine) http://www.mozbot.fr/
-# added Zoznam (Slovak search engine) http://www.zoznam.sk/
-# added sapo.pt (Portuguese search engine) http://www.sapo.pt/
-# added shaw.ca (powered by Google) http://start.shaw.ca/
-# added Searchalot http://www.searchalot.com/
-# added Copernic http://www.copernic.com/
-# added to Yahoo
-# added to Yahoo
-# added Avantfind http://www.avantfind.com/
-# added Steadysearch http://www.steadysearch.com/
-# added Steadysearch http://www.steady-search.com/
-# modified 216\.239\.5[0-9]\.104/search to 216\.239\.5[0-9]\.104
-# SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder
-# It contains all matching criteria to search for in log fields. This list is
-# used to know in which order to search Search Engines IDs.
-# Most frequent one are in list1, used when LevelForSearchEnginesDetection is 1 or more
-# Minor robots are in list2, used when LevelForSearchEnginesDetection is 2 or more
-# Note: Regex IDs are in lower case and ' ' and '+' are changed into '_'
-# Major international search engines
-# Minor international search engines
-'de\.ask.\com', # break out Ask country specific engines. (.jp is in Japan section)
-'overture\.com', # Replace 'goto\.com','Goto.com',
-# Chello Portals
-'chello', # required as catchall for new countries not yet known
-# Mirago
-'mirago', # required as catchall for new countries not yet known
-# Social Bookmarking Services
-# Minor Australian search engines
-# Minor brazilian search engines
-'engine\.exe', 'miner\.bol\.com\.br',
-# Minor chinese search engines
-'\.baidu\.com', # baidu search portal
-'\.vnet\.cn', # powered by MSN
-'\.soso\.com', # powered by Google
-'\.sogou\.com', # powered by Sohu
-'\.3721\.com', # powered by Yahoo!
-'iask\.com', # powered by Sina
-'\.accoona\.com', # Accoona
-'\.163\.com', # powered by Google
-'\.zhongsou\.com', # zhongsou search portal
-# Minor czech search engines
-# Minor danish search-engines
-'opasia\.dk', 'danielsen\.com', 'sol\.dk', 'jubii\.dk', 'find\.dk', 'edderkoppen\.dk', 'netstjernen\.dk', 'orbis\.dk', 'tyfon\.dk', '1klik\.dk', 'ofir\.dk',
-# Minor dutch search engines
-# Minor english search engines
-# Minor finnish search engines
-# Minor french search engines
-'recherche\.aol\.fr','ctrouve\.','francite\.','\.lbb\.org','rechercher\.libertysurf\.fr', 'search[\w\-]+\.free\.fr', 'recherche\.club-internet\.fr',
-'toile\.com', 'biglotron\.com',
-# Minor german search engines
-'www\.amazon\.de.*search', #Just as a reminder, probably will not work as AWstats seems to consider the host part of an URL only
-# Minor Hungarian search engines
-# Minor Indian search engines
-# Minor Italian search engines
-# Minor Israeli search engines
-# Minor Japanese search engines
-# Minor Norwegian search engines
-'sok\.start\.no', 'eniro\.no',
-# Minor Polish search engines
-# Minor russian search engines
-'ya(ndex)?\.ru', 'aport\.ru', 'rambler\.ru', 'turtle\.ru', 'metabot\.ru',
-# Minor Swedish search engines
-# Minor Slovak search engines
-# Minor Portuguese search engines
-# Minor swiss search engines
-'search\.ch', 'search\.bluewin\.ch',
-# Minor Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian search engines
-# Generic search engines
-# NotSearchEnginesKeys
-# If a search engine key is found, we check its exclude list to know if it's
-# really a search engine
-# SearchEnginesHashID
-# Each Search Engine Search ID is associated to an AWStats id string
-%SearchEnginesHashID = (
-# Major international search engines
-'216\.239\.32\.20', 'google',
-'173\.194\.32\.223', 'google',
-# Minor international search engines
-'de\.ask.\com','askde', # break out Ask country specific engines.
-'overture\.com','overture', # Replace 'goto\.com','Goto.com',
-'www1\.search-results\.com', 'searchresults',
-'www\.holasearch\.com', 'holasearch',
-'search\.conduit\.com', 'conduit',
-'static\.flipora\.com', 'flipora',
-'(?:www[12]?|mixidj)\.delta-search\.com', 'delta-search',
-'start\.iminent\.com', 'iminent',
-'www\.searchmobileonline\.com', 'searchmobileonline',
-'int\.search-results\.com', 'nortonsavesearch',
-'www2\.inbox\.com', 'inbox',
-'www\.govome\.com', 'govome',
-'find1friend\.com', 'find1friend',
-'start\.mysearchdial\.com', 'mysearchdial',
-'go\.speedbit\.com', 'speedbit',
-'search\.certified-toolbar\.com', 'certifiedtoolbarsearch',
-'search\.sweetim\.com', 'sweetim',
-'search\.searchcompletion\.com', 'searchcompletion',
-'sr\.searchfunmoods\.com', 'searchfunmoods',
-'173\.194\.35\.177', 'googleByIP',
-'dalesearch\.com', 'dalesearch',
-'sweetpacks-search\.com', 'sweetpacks',
-'searchgol\.com', 'searchgol',
-'duckduckgo\.com', 'duckduckgo',
-'sr\.facemoods\.com', 'facemoods',
-'shoppstop\.com', 'shoppstop',
-'searchya\.com', 'searchya',
-'picsearch\.de', 'picsearch',
-'webssearches\.com', 'webssearches',
-'airzip\.inspsearch\.com', 'webssearches',
-'zapmeta\.de', 'zapmeta',
-'localmoxie\.com', 'localmoxie',
-'search-results\.mobi', 'search-results_mobi',
-'androidsearch\.com', 'androidsearch',
-'isearch\.nation\.com', 'isearch_nation_com',
-'search\.zonealarm\.com', 'search_zonealarm_com',
-'www\.buenosearch\.com', 'www_buenosearch_com',
-'search\.foxtab\.com', 'search_foxtab_com',
-'searches\.qone8\.com', 'searches_qone8_com',
-'startpage\.com', 'startpage_com',
-'www\.qwant\.com', 'qwant_com',
-'searches\.safehomepage\.com', 'safehomepage_com',
-'searches\.vi-view\.com', 'vi-view_com',
-'wow\.utop\.it', 'wow_utop_it',
-'windowssearch\.com', 'windowssearch_com',
-'www\.wow\.com', 'www_wow_com',
-'globososo\.', 'globososo',
-'kingtale3\.inspsearch\.com', 'globososo',
-'swisscows\.ch', 'swisscows_ch',
-'preciobarato\.xyz', 'preciobarato_xyz',
-'www\.dregol\.com', 'www_dregol_com',
-'search\.socialdownloadr\.com', 'search_socialdownloadr_com',
-'int\.search\.myway\.com', 'int_search_myway_com',
-'de\.dolphin\.com', 'de_dolphin_com',
-'mys\.yoursearch\.me', 'mys_yoursearch_me',
-# Chello Portals
-# Mirago
-'mirago','mirago', # required as catchall for new countries not yet known
-# Social Bookmarking Services
-# Minor Australian search engines
-# Minor brazilian search engines
-# Minor chinese search engines
-# Minor czech search engines
-'isearch\.avg\.com', 'avgsearch',
-# Minor danish search-engines
-# Minor dutch search engines
-# Minor english search engines
-'search\.fdownloadr\.com', 'fdownloadr_com',
-'search\.babylon\.com', 'babylon',
-'my\.allgameshome\.com', 'allgameshome',
-'surfcanyon\.com', 'surfcanyon_com',
-'uk\.foxstart\.com', 'uk_foxstart_com',
-'yandex\.com', 'yandex_com',
-# Minor finnish search engines
-# Minor french search engines
-'biglotron\.com', 'biglotron',
-'mozbot\.fr', 'mozbot',
-# Minor german search engines
-'suche\.gmx\.net', 'gmxsuche',
-'suche\.gmx\.at', 'gmxsuche_at',
-'ecosia\.org', 'ecosiasearch',
-'de\.aolsearch\.com', 'aolsearch',
-'suche\.aol\.de', 'aolsuche',
-'www\.startxxl\.com', 'startxxl',
-'www\.benefind\.de', 'benefind',
-'www\.amazon\.de.*search', 'amazonsearch', #Not clear if this matches amazon searches only
-'de\.wow\.com', 'wowsearch',
-'www\.vlips\.de', 'vlips_de',
-'metager\.de', 'metager',
-'search\.1und1\.de', 'search_1und1_de',
-'sm\.de', 'smde',
-'sumaja\.de', 'sumaja',
-'navigationshilfe\.t-online\.de', 'navigationshilfe',
-'umfis\.de', 'umfis',
-'fastbot\.de', 'fastbot_de',
-'tixuma\.de', 'tixuma_de',
-'suche\.freenet\.de', 'freenet_de',
-'www\.izito\.de', 'izito_de',
-'extern\.peoplecheck\.de', 'peoplecheck_de',
-'www\.oneseek\.de', 'oneseek_de',
-'de\.wiki\.gov\.cn', 'de_wiki_gov_cn',
-'umuwa\.de', 'umuwa_de',
-'suche\.1und1\.de', '1und1_de',
-'www\.metasuche\.ch', 'metasuche_ch',
-# Minor Hungarian search engines
-'kereso\.startlap\.hu', 'startlap_hu',
-# Minor Indian search engines
-# Minor Italian search engines
-# Minor Israeli search engines
-'search\.genieo\.com', 'genieo',
-# Minor Japanese search engines
-'websearch\.rakuten\.co\.jp', 'rakuten',
-# Minor Norwegian search engines
-'sok\.start\.no','start', 'eniro\.no','eniro',
-# Minor Polish search engines
-# Minor russian search engines
-'go\.mail\.ru', 'mailru',
-# Minor Swedish search engines
-# Minor Slovak search engines
-# Minor Portuguese search engines
-# Minor swiss search engines
-'www\.zapmeta\.ch', 'zapmeta_ch',
-'etools\.ch', 'etools_ch',
-# Minor Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian search engines
-# Generic search engines
-# SearchEnginesWithKeysNotInQuery
-# List of search engines that store keyword as page instead of query parameter
-'a9',1, # www.a9.com/searchkey1%20searchkey2
-'iminent',1, #http://start.iminent.com/StartWeb/1031/toolbox/#q=searchkey1%20searchkey2&additional_arguments
-'de_wiki_gov_cn',1, #http://de.wiki.gov.cn/s_searchkey1%20searchkey2
-'umuwa_de', 1, #http://umuwa.de/searchkey or http://umuwa.de/searchkey/Images
-'amazonsearch', 1 #http://www.amazon.de/gp/bit/apps/web/SERP/search/ref=bit_bds-p24_serp_cr_de?ie=UTF8tagbase=bds-p24&query=deutsch+8.+klasse+gymnasium+protokoll
-# SearchEnginesKnownUrl
-# Known rules to extract keywords from a referrer search engine URL
-# Most common search engines
-'google_groups','group\/', # does not work
-'sympatico', 'query=',
-# Minor international search engines
-'askde','(ask|q)=', # break out Ask country specific engines.
-'kvasir', 'q=',
-'dogpile', 'q(|kw)=',
-'ixquick', 'query=',
-'earthlink', 'q=',
-# kartoo: No keywords passed in referring URL.
-'holasearch', 'q=',
-'conduit', 'q=',
-'flipora', 'q=',
-'delta-search', 'q=',
-'iminent', 'q=',
-'searchmobileonline', 'q=',
-'nortonsavesearch', 'q=',
-'inbox', 'q(?:kw)?=',
-'govome', 'q=',
-'find1friend', 'q=',
-'mysearchdial', 'q=',
-'speedbit', 'q=',
-'certifiedtoolbarsearch', 'q=',
-'sweetim', 'q=',
-'searchcompletion', 'q=',
-'eazelsearch', 'q=',
-'searchfunmoods', 'q=',
-'googleByIP', 'q=',
-'dalesearch', 'q=',
-'sweetpacks', 'q=',
-'searchgol', 'q=',
-'duckduckgo', 'uddg=',
-'facemoods', 'q=',
-'shoppstop', 'keywords=',
-'searchya', 'q=',
-'picsearch', 'q=',
-'webssearches', 'q=',
-'zapmeta', 'query=',
-'localmoxie', 'keyword=',
-'search-results_mobi', 'q=',
-'androidsearch', 'q=',
-'isearch_nation_com', 'q=',
-'search_zonealarm_com', 'q=',
-'www_buenosearch_com', 'q=',
-'search_foxtab_com', 'q=',
-'searches_qone8_com', 'q=',
-'startpage_com', 'query=',
-'qwant_com', 'q=',
-'safehomepage_com', 'q=',
-'vi-view_com', 'q=',
-'wow_utop_it', 'q=',
-'windowssearch_com', 'q=',
-'www_wow_com', 'q=',
-'globososo', 'q=',
-'swisscows_ch', 'query=',
-'preciobarato_xyz', 's=',
-'www_dregol_com', 'q=',
-'search_socialdownloadr_com', 'q=',
-'int_search_myway_com', 'searchfor=',
-'de_dolphin_com', 'q=',
-'mys_yoursearch_me', 'q=',
-# Chello Portals
-# Mirago
-'answerbus','', # Does not provide query parameters
-'scroogle','Gw=', # Does not always provide query parameters
-# Social Bookmarking Services
-'swik','swik\.net/', # does not work. Keywords follow domain, e.g. http://swik.net/awstats+analytics
-# Minor Australian search engines
-# Minor brazilian search engines
-'engine','p1=', 'miner','q=',
-# Minor chinese search engines
-'sogou', 'query=',
-# Minor czech search engines
-'atlas','(searchtext|q)=', 'seznam','(w|q)=', 'quick','query=', 'centrum','q=', 'jyxo','(s|q)=', 'najdi','dotaz=', 'redbox','srch=',
-'avgsearch', 'q=',
-# Minor danish search engines
-'opasia','q=', 'danielsen','q=', 'sol','q=', 'jubii','soegeord=', 'finddk','words=', 'edderkoppen','query=', 'orbis','search_field=', '1klik','query=', 'ofir','querytext=',
-# Minor dutch search engines
-'ilse','search_for=', 'vindex','in=',
-# Minor english search engines
-'askuk','(ask|q)=', 'bbc','q=', 'freeserve','q=', 'looksmartuk','key=',
-'splut','pattern=', 'spotjockey','Search_Keyword=', 'ukindex', 'stext=', 'ukdirectory','k=', 'ukplus','search=', 'searchy', 'search_term=',
-'fdownloadr_com', 'q=',
-'allgameshome', 's=',
-'surfcanyon_com', 'q=',
-'uk_foxstart_com', 'q=',
-'yandex_com', 'text=',
-# Minor finnish search engines
-# Minor french search engines
-'francite','name=', 'clubinternet', 'q=',
-'toile', 'q=',
-# Minor german search engines
-'o2aolde', 'q=',
-'fireball','q=', 'infoseek','qt=', 'webde','su=',
-'abacho','q=', 't-online','q=',
-'gmxsuche', 'q=',
-'gmxsuche_at', 'q=',
-'ecosiasearch', 'q=',
-'aolsearch', 'q=',
-'aolsuche', 'q=',
-'startxxl', 'q=',
-'benefind', 'q=',
-'amazonsearch', 'query=',
-'wowsearch', 'q=',
-'vlips_de', 'q=',
-'metager', 'eingabe=',
-'search_1und1_de', 'q=',
-'smde', 'q=',
-#'sumaja', 'no query string available', #There is no query string in the referrer url
-'navigationshilfe', 'q=',
-'umfis', 'suchbegriff=',
-'fastbot_de', 'red=[0-9]*\+',
-'tixuma_de', 'sc=',
-'freenet_de', 'query=',
-'izito_de', 'q=',
-'peoplecheck_de', 'q=',
-'oneseek_de', 'q=',
-'de_wiki_gov_cn', 'de\.wiki\.gov\.cn\/s_',
-'umuwa_de', 'umuwa\.de\/',
-'1und1_de', 'q=',
-'metasuche_ch', 'q=',
-# Minor Hungarian search engines
-'heureka','heureka=', 'origo','(q|search)=', 'goliat','KERESES=', 'wahoo','q=', 'internetto','searchstr=',
-'startlap_hu', 'q=',
-# Minor Indian search engines
-# Minor Italian search engines
-'gotuneed','', # Not yet known
-# Minor Israeli search engines
-# Minor Japanese search engines
-'rakuten', 'qt=',
-# Minor Norwegian search engines
-'start','q=', 'eniro','q=',
-# Minor Polish search engines
-# Minor russian search engines
-'yandex', 'text=', 'rambler','words=', 'aport', 'r=', 'metabot', 'st=',
-'mailru', 'q=',
-# Minor swedish search engines
-'enirose', 'hitta:', #Not sure if this works, as the keywords are part of the URL, and therefore the URL does not contain a question mark.
-# Minor swiss search engines
-'searchch', 'q=', 'bluewin', 'qry=',
-'zapmeta_ch', 'query=',
-'etools_ch', 'query=',
-# Minor Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian search engines
-'pogodak', 'q='
-# SearchEnginesKnownUrlNotFound
-# Known rules to extract not found keywords from a referrer search engine URL
-# Most common search engines
-# If no rules are known, we take first paramater not into WordsToCleanSearchUrl
-@WordsToCleanSearchUrl= ('act=','annuaire=','btng=','cat=','categoria=','cfg=','cof=','cou=','count=','cp=','dd=','domain=','dt=','dw=','enc=','exec=','geo=','hc=','height=','hits=','hl=','hq=','hs=','id=','kl=','lang=','loc=','lr=','matchmode=','medor=','message=','meta=','mode=','order=','page=','par=','pays=','pg=','pos=','prg=','qc=','refer=','sa=','safe=','sc=','sort=','src=','start=','style=','stype=','sum=','tag=','temp=','theme=','type=','url=','user=','width=','what=','\\.x=','\\.y=','y=','look=');
-# SearchEnginesKnownUTFCoding
-# Known parameter that proves a search engine has coded its parameters in UTF-8
-# Most common search engines
-# SearchEnginesHashLib
-# List of search engines names
-# 'search_engine_id', 'search_engine_name',
-# Major international search engines
-'a9', 'A9',
-'google_products','Google (Products)',
-'google_base','Google (Base)',
-'google_froogle','Froogle (Google)',
-'google_groups','Google (Groups)',
-'google_image','Google (Images)',
-'google_cache','Google (cache)',
-'msn','Microsoft MSN Search',
-'live','Microsoft Windows Live',
-'bing','Microsoft Bing',
-'yahoo_mindset','Yahoo! Mindset',
-# Minor international search engines
-'google4counter','4-counter (Google)',
-'att','AT&T search (powered by Google)',
-'askde','Ask Deutschland',
-'askes','Ask España', # break out Ask country specific engines.
-'askfr','Ask France',
-'askit','Ask Italia',
-'asknl','Ask Nederland',
-'findarticles','Find Articles',
-'go2net','Go2Net (Metamoteur)',
-'metacrawler','MetaCrawler (Metamoteur)',
-'overture','Overture', # Replace 'goto\.com','Goto.com',
-'teoma','Teoma', # Replace 'directhit\.com','DirectHit',
-'ixquick','ix quick',
-'earthlink', 'Earth Link',
-'centraldatabase','GPU p2p search',
-'mysearch','My Search',
-'icerocket','Icerocket (Blog)',
-'sphere','Sphere (Blog)',
-'clarosearch','Claro Search',
-'holasearch', 'Hola Search',
-'conduit', 'Conduit Search',
-'flipora', 'Flipora',
-'delta-search', 'Delta Search',
-'iminent', 'Iminent',
-'searchmobileonline', 'Search Mobile Online (StartApp)',
-'nortonsavesearch', 'Norton Safe Search',
-'inbox', 'Inbox Search',
-'govome', 'Govome',
-'find1friend', 'Find1Friend',
-'mysearchdial', 'My Search Dial',
-'speedbit', 'Speedbit',
-'certifiedtoolbarsearch', 'Certified-Toolbar Search',
-'sweetim', 'SweetIM Search',
-'searchcompletion', 'SearchCompletion Search',
-'eazelsearch', 'Eazel Search',
-'searchfunmoods', 'Funmoods',
-'googleByIP', 'Google (Access by IP-Address)',
-'dalesearch', 'Dale Search',
-'sweetpacks', 'Sweetpacks',
-'searchgol', 'Search-Gol',
-'duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo (Does not provide search keyphrases, using found page instead)',
-'facemoods', 'Facemoods Search',
-'shoppstop', 'ShoppStop',
-'searchya', 'Searchya',
-'picsearch', 'picsearch',
-'webssearches', 'Various variants of Webssearches EMG Technologies and airzip.inspsearch.com',
-#Jan 8, 2016: No genuine inspsearch.com search engine seems so exist, but there is a couple of search engines using subdomains of inspsearch.com. Unclear how these are related to each other.
-'zapmeta', 'ZapMeta',
-'localmoxie', 'Local Moxie',
-'search-results_mobi', 'search-results.mobi',
-'androidsearch', 'androidsearch.com',
-'isearch_nation_com', 'Nation Search',
-'search_zonealarm_com', 'Zone Alarm Search',
-'www_buenosearch_com', 'BuenoSearch',
-'search_foxtab_com', 'Foxtab Search',
-'searches_qone8_com', 'Omiga-Plus',
-'startpage_com', 'Startpage',
-'qwant_com', 'qwant.com',
-'safehomepage_com', 'safehomepage.com',
-'vi-view_com', 'vi-view.com',
-'wow_utop_it', 'wow.utop.it',
-'windowssearch_com', 'windowssearch.com',
-'www_wow_com', 'WOW.com',
-'globososo', 'Various variants of Globososo (Kingtale Technology): www, searches, searches3, and at inspsearch.com (globososo, kingtale3)',
-'swisscows_ch', 'Swisscows',
-'preciobarato_xyz', 'Yandex',
-'www_dregol_com', 'Dregol Search',
-'search_socialdownloadr_com', 'Socialdownloadr',
-'int_search_myway_com', 'MyWay',
-'de_dolphin_com', 'Dolphin Search',
-'mys_yoursearch_me', 'Yoursearch.me',
-# Chello Portals
-'chelloat','Chello Austria',
-'chellobe','Chello Belgium',
-'chellocz','Chello Czech Republic',
-'chellofr','Chello France',
-'chellohu','Chello Hungary',
-'chellonl','Chello Netherlands',
-'chellono','Chello Norway',
-'chellopl','Chello Poland',
-'chellose','Chello Sweden',
-'chellosk','Chello Slovakia',
-'chellocom','Chello (Country not recognized)',
-# Mirago
-'miragobe','Mirago Belgium',
-'miragoch','Mirago Switzerland',
-'miragode','Mirago Germany',
-'miragodk','Mirago Denmark',
-'miragoes','Mirago Spain',
-'miragofr','Mirago France',
-'miragoit','Mirago Italy',
-'miragonl','Mirago Netherlands',
-'miragono','Mirago Norway',
-'miragose','Mirago Sweden',
-'miragocouk','Mirago UK',
-'mirago','Mirago (country unknown)',
-'comettoolbar','Comet toolbar search',
-# Social Bookmarking Services
-'delicious','del.icio.us (Social Bookmark)',
-'digg','Digg (Social Bookmark)',
-'stumbleupon','Stumbleupon (Social Bookmark)',
-'swik','Swik (Social Bookmark)',
-'segnalo','Segnalo (Social Bookmark)',
-'ineffabile','Ineffabile.it (Social Bookmark)',
-# Minor Australian search engines
-# Minor brazilian search engines
-'engine','Cade', 'miner','Meta Miner',
-# Minor chinese search engines
-'netease', 'NetEase',
-'sogou', 'SoGou',
-# Minor czech search engines
-'atlas','Atlas.cz', 'seznam','Seznam', 'quick','Quick.cz', 'centrum','Centrum.cz', 'jyxo','Jyxo.cz', 'najdi','Najdi.to', 'redbox','RedBox.cz',
-'avgsearch', 'AVG Secure Search',
-# Minor danish search-engines
-'opasia','Opasia', 'danielsen','Thor (danielsen.com)', 'sol','SOL', 'jubii','Jubii', 'finddk','Find', 'edderkoppen','Edderkoppen', 'netstjernen','Netstjernen', 'orbis','Orbis', 'tyfon','Tyfon', '1klik','1Klik', 'ofir','Ofir',
-# Minor dutch search engines
-# Minor english search engines
-'askuk','Ask UK',
-'bbc','BBC', 'freeserve','Freeserve', 'looksmartuk','Looksmart UK',
-'splut','Splut', 'spotjockey','Spotjockey', 'ukdirectory','UK Directory', 'ukindex','UKIndex', 'ukplus','UK Plus', 'searchy','searchy.co.uk',
-'fbdownloader','FBDownloader (fbdownloader)',
-'fdownloadr_com', 'FBDownloader (fdownloadr)',
-'allgameshome', 'AllGamesHome',
-'surfcanyon_com', 'SurfCanyon',
-'uk_foxstart_com', 'Foxstart.com',
-'yandex_com', 'Yandex',
-# Minor finnish search engines
-# Minor french search engines
-'aolfr','AOL (fr)', 'ctrouve','C\'est trouve', 'francite','Francite', 'lbb', 'LBB', 'libertysurf', 'Libertysurf', 'free', 'Free.fr', 'clubinternet', 'Club-internet',
-'toile', 'Toile du Quebec',
-# Minor German search engines
-'aolde','AOL (de)',
-'o2aolde', 'o2 Suche',
-'fireball','Fireball', 'infoseek','Infoseek',
-'allesklar','allesklar.de', 'meinestadt','meinestadt.de',
-'gmxsuche', 'GMX Suche',
-'gmxsuche_at', 'GMX Suche Oesterreich',
-'ecosiasearch', 'Ecosia Search',
-'aolsearch', 'AOL Search',
-'aolsuche', 'AOL Suche',
-'startxxl', 'StartXXL',
-'benefind', 'benefind',
-'amazonsearch', 'Amazon Web Search',
-'wowsearch', 'Wow Search',
-'vlips_de', 'vlips.de',
-'metager', 'MetaGer',
-'search_1und1_de', '1&1 Suche (subdomain "search")',
-'smde', 'SM.de - Die SuchMaschine',
-'sumaja', 'Sumaja',
-'navigationshilfe', 'T-Online Navigationshilfe',
-'umfis', 'UMFIS-Online Das Umweltfirmen-Informationssystem der IHKs in Deutschland',
-'fastbot_de', 'Fastbot.de (Does not provide search keyphrases, using found page instead)',
-'tixuma_de', 'Tixuma Deutschland',
-'freenet_de', 'suche.freenet.de',
-'izito_de', 'iZito Deutschland',
-'peoplecheck_de', 'PeopleCheck.de',
-'oneseek_de', 'Metasuchmaschine OneSeek.de',
-'de_wiki_gov_cn', 'Wiki Sucher',
-'umuwa_de', 'Umuwa Deutschland',
-'1und1_de', '1&1 Suche (subdomain "suche")',
-'metasuche_ch', 'Metasuche.ch',
-# Minor hungarian search engines
-'heureka','Heureka', 'origo','Origo-Vizsla', 'lapkereso','Startlapkereso', 'goliat','Goliat', 'indexhu','Index', 'wahoo','Wahoo', 'webmania','webmania.hu', 'internetto','Internetto Kereso',
-'keresolap_hu','Tango keresolap',
-'startlap_hu','Startlab Kereso',
-# Minor Indian search engines
-# Minor Italian search engines
-'gotuneed','got u need',
-# Minor Israeli search engines
-# Minor Japanese search engines
-'askjp','Ask Japan',
-'rakuten', 'websearch.rakuten.co.jp',
-# Minor Norwegian search engines
-'start','start.no', 'eniro','Eniro',
-# Minor polish search engines
-'wp','Wirtualna Polska',
-# Minor russian search engines
-'yandex', 'Yandex', 'aport', 'Aport', 'rambler', 'Rambler', 'turtle', 'Turtle', 'metabot', 'MetaBot',
-# Minor Swedish search engines
-'enirose','Eniro Sverige',
-# Minor Slovak search engines
-# Minor Portuguese search engines
-# Minor Swiss search engines
-'searchch', 'search.ch', 'bluewin', 'search.bluewin.ch',
-'zapmeta_ch', 'ZapMeta.ch',
-'etools_ch', 'eTools.ch',
-# Minor Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian search engines
-# Generic search engines
-'search','Unknown search engines'
-# Sanity check.
-# Enable this code and run perl search_engines.pm to check file entries are ok
-#foreach my $key (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1) {
-# if (! $SearchEnginesHashID{$key}) { error("Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1 with no value in SearchEnginesHashID");
-# foreach my $key2 (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list2) { if ($key2 eq $key) { error("$key is in 1 and 2\n"); } }
-# foreach my $key2 (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen) { if ($key2 eq $key) { error("$key is in 1 and gen\n"); } }
-#} }
-#foreach my $key (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list2) {
-# if (! $SearchEnginesHashID{$key}) { error("Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1 with no value in SearchEnginesHashID");
-# foreach my $key2 (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1) { if ($key2 eq $key) { error("$key is in 2 and 1\n"); } }
-# foreach my $key2 (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen) { if ($key2 eq $key) { error("$key is in 2 and gen\n"); } }
-#} }
-#foreach my $key (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen) { if (! $SearchEnginesHashID{$key}) { error("Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen with no value in SearchEnginesHashID"); } }
-#foreach my $key (keys %NotSearchEnginesKeys) { if (! $SearchEnginesHashID{$key}) { error("Entry '$key' has been found in NotSearchEnginesKeys with no value in SearchEnginesHashID"); } }
-#foreach my $key (keys %SearchEnginesKnownUrl) {
-# my $found=0;
-# foreach my $key2 (values %SearchEnginesHashID) {
-# if ($key eq $key2) { $found=1; last; }
-# }
-# if (! $found) { die "Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesKnownUrl with no value in SearchEnginesHashID"; }
-#foreach my $key (keys %SearchEnginesHashLib) {
-# my $found=0;
-# foreach my $key2 (values %SearchEnginesHashID) {
-# if ($key eq $key2) { $found=1; last; }
-# }
-# if (! $found) { die "Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesHashLib with no value in SearchEnginesHashID"; }
-#print @SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1." ".@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list2." ".@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen;
+# If you want to add a Search Engine to extend AWStats database detection capabilities,
+# you must add an entry in SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder, SearchEnginesHashID and in
+# SearchEnginesHashLib.
+# An entry if known in SearchEnginesKnownUrl is also welcome.
+# to eldy: Please check if the following description is correct:
+# You need the following information to specify a search engine:
+# (a) A regular expression that matches the referrer string of the
+# search engine. Unclear: What about slashes in the name of
+# a search engine, e.g. as in 'ecosia.com/search'. Seems that
+# AWStats will non find search strings containing a slash.
+# Maybe use a search string without a slash, and - if necessary -
+# an entry in %NotSearchEnginesKeys , if this search string
+# matches entries that are not search engines.
+# Example of a web address of a Amazon search engine:
+# http://www.amazon.de/gp/bit/apps/web/SERP/search/ref=bit_bds-p24_serp_cr_de?ie=UTF8tagbase=bds-p24&query=deutsch+8.+klasse+gymnasium+protokoll
+# (b) A unique string to identify the search engine within AWStats
+# (c) A regular expression that finds the start of the query part in the
+# referrer string
+# (d) A HTML-fragment that goes into the reports generated by AWStats which
+# identifies the search engine to human reader of the report. In the
+# simplest case this is a string containing the name of the search
+# engine. You can also provide a hypertext clause that presents the
+# name together with a link to the search engine.
+# The regular expression (a) goes into SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1
+# or ..._list2. List 1 contains common search engines, list 2 those
+# that are not so often used.
+# SearchEnginesHashID contains to consecutive entries for each search
+# engine: The regular expression (a) followed bei the search engine
+# identifier (b)
+# SearchEnginesKnownUrl specifies how to find the start of the query.
+# For each search engine you enter the search engine identifier (b)
+# followed by the regular expression (c). Unclear: It is possible to
+# omit this entry. If you do this, how will AWStats find the start of
+# the query?
+# SearchEnginesHashLib contains also two entries for each search engine:
+# The search engine identifier (b) followed by the HTML-Fragment (d)
+# There are search engines that do not use a query part in their URLs.
+# They put the search expression in the main part of the URL instead.
+# AWStats is able to handle these cases. They are specified as described
+# above, except the following two things:
+# - The regular expression (c) searches the complete URL and not only
+# the query part.
+# - An additional Entry in the list %SearchEnginesWithKeysNotInQuery is
+# necessary.
+# AWStats runs a sanity check of the contents of search_engines.pm. This
+# check detects the following things:
+# - Inconsistencies (number of entries)
+# It does not detect the following errors:
+# - If the HTML-Fragment (d) is syntactically incorrect.
+# 2005-08-19 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# added minor italian search engines
+# arianna http://arianna.libero.it/
+# supereva http://search.supereva.com/
+# kataweb http://kataweb.it/
+# corrected uk looksmart
+# 'askuk','ask=', 'bbc','q=', 'freeserve','q=', 'looksmart','key=',
+# to
+# 'askuk','ask=', 'bbc','q=', 'freeserve','q=', 'looksmartuk','key=',
+# corrected spelling
+# internationnal -> international
+# added 'google\.'=>'mail\.google\.', to NotSearchEnginesKeys in order to
+# avoid counting gmail referrals as search engine traffic
+# 2005-08-21 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# avoid counting babelfish.altavista referrals as search engine traffic
+# avoid counting translate.google referrals as search engine traffic
+# 2005-11-20 Sean Carlos
+# added missing 'tiscali','key=', entry. Check order
+# 2005-11-22 Sean Carlos
+# added Google Base & Froogle. Froogle not tested.
+# 2006-04-18 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# added biglotron.com (France)
+# added blingo http://www.blingo.com/
+# added Clusty & Vivisimo
+# added eniro.no (Norway) [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3134783]
+# added GPU p2p search http://search.centraldatabase.org/
+# added mail.tiscali to "not search engines list" [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3166688]
+# added Ask group's "mysearch"
+# added sify.com (India)
+# added sogou.com (Cina) [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3501603]
+# Ask changes:
+# - added Ask Japan (ask.jp)
+# - break out Ask new country level variants (DE, ES, FR, IT, NL)
+# - updated Ask name from Ask Jevees
+# - added Ask q= parameter - many recent searches probably not recognized; [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3465444]
+# - updated Ask uk (new uk.ask.com added to older ask.co.uk)
+# updated voila kw|rdata parameter [https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3373912]
+# for each new engine, added link to Search Engine. This serves to document engine. Done for major & Italian engines as well. Requires patch
+# to AWStats to allow untranslated html. Otherwise html will appear instead of link.
+# reviewed mnoGoSearch (http://www.mnogosearch.org/); the search engined mentioned no longer
+# exists https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3025426
+# 2006-05-13 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# added 10 Chello European broadband portals (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden)
+# added Alice Internal Search (blends data with Google?) search.alice.it.master:10005
+# added detection of google cache views from IPs
+# To do: add more extensive IP list; keywords not yet detected.
+# added icerocket.com blog search http://www.icerocket.com/
+# added live.com (msn) http://www.live.com/
+# added Meta motor kartoo. Note: Kartoo does not provide search words in referrers, thus the engine will appear in the
+# search engine list but the actual search words are not available.
+# added netluchs.de http://www.netluchs.de/
+# added sphere.com blog search http://www.sphere.com/
+# added wwweasel.de http://wwweasel.de
+# added Yahoo Mindset! http://mindset.research.yahoo.com/
+# updated Mirago query parameter recognition (qry=); added breakout for each country (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland)
+# 2006-05-13 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# added Google cache IPs &
+# 2006-05-20 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# anzwers.com.au
+# schoenerbrausen.de http://www.schoenerbrausen.de/
+# added Google cache IP
+# answerbus http://www.answerbus.com/ (does not provide keywords)
+# 2006-05-23 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# added Google cache IP,
+# 2006-06-23 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# added Alice Search search.alice.it
+# added GoodSearch http://www.goodsearch.com/ (does not provide keywords) "a Yahoo-powered search engine that donates money to your favorite charity or school each time you search the web"
+# added googlee.com, variant of Google
+# added gotuneed http://www.gotuneed.com/ Italian search engine, in beta
+# added icq.com
+# added logic to parse Google Cache search keywords. Seems to work for alpha but not numeric cache IDs, i.e. search?q=cache:lWVLmnuGJswJ: is recognized but q=cache:Yv5qxeJNuhgJ: is not recognized. The URL triggering the keywords will also appear. The URLs are probably too varied to parse out?
+# added Nusearch http://www.nusearch.com/
+# added Polymeta www.polymeta.hu (does not provide keywords)
+# added scroogle http://www.scroogle.org/ (does not always provide keywords)
+# added Tango http://tango.hu/search.php?st=0&q=jeles+napok
+# Changed Google Cache notation 64\.233\.(161|167|179|183|187)\.104 to 64\.233\.1[0-9]{2}\.104
+# 72\.14\.(203|205|207|209|221)\.104 to 72\.14\.2[0-9]{2}\.104
+# 216\.239\.(51|59)\.104 to 216\.239\.5[0-9]\.104
+# 66\.102\.(7|9)\.104 to 66\.102\.[1-9]\.104
+# 2006-06-27 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# added Onet.pl http://szukaj.onet.pl/
+# corrected name "Wirtualna Polska" from "Szukaj" (search); added link http://szukaj.wp.pl/
+# 2006-06-30 Sean Carlos http://www.antezeta.com/awstats.html
+# Additional Polish Search Engines:
+# added Dodaj.pl http://www.dodaj.pl/
+# added Gazeta.pl http://szukaj.gazeta.pl/
+# added Gery.pl http://szukaj.gery.pl/
+# added Hoga.pl http://www.hoga.pl/
+# added Interia.pl http://www.google.interia.pl/
+# added Katalog.Onet.pl http://katalog.onet.pl/
+# added NetSprint.pl http://www.netsprint.pl/
+# added o2.pl http://szukaj2.o2.pl/
+# added Polska http://szukaj.polska.pl/
+# added Szukacz http://www.szukacz.pl/
+# added Wow.pl http://szukaj.wow.pl/
+# added Sagool http://sagool.jp/
+# 2006-08-25 Social Bookmarks
+# International
+# added del.icio.us/search - for now, just search referrer. To do: consider /tag/(tagname) referrer?
+# added stumbleupon.com - No keywords supplied.
+# added swik.net
+# added digg. Keywords sometimes supplied.
+# Italy
+# added segnalo.alice.it - No keywords supplied.
+# added ineffabile.it - No keywords supplied.
+# added filter for google groups. Attempt to parse group name as keyword.
+# 2006-09-14
+# added Eniro Sverige http://www.eniro.se/
+# added MyWebSearch http://search.mywebsearch.com/
+# added Teecno http://www.teecno.it/ Italian Open Source Search Engine
+#package AWSSE;
+# 2006-09-25 (Gabor Moizes)
+# added 4-counter (Google alternative) http://4-counter.com/
+# added Googlecom (Google alternative) http://googlecom.com/
+# added Goggle (Google alternative) http://goggle.co.hu/
+# added Comet toolbar http://as.starware.com
+# added new IP for Yahoo:
+# added Ledix http://ledix.net/
+# added AT&T search (powered by Google) http://www.att.net/
+# added Keresolap (Hungarian search engine) http://www.keresolap.hu/
+# added Mozbot (French search engine) http://www.mozbot.fr/
+# added Zoznam (Slovak search engine) http://www.zoznam.sk/
+# added sapo.pt (Portuguese search engine) http://www.sapo.pt/
+# added shaw.ca (powered by Google) http://start.shaw.ca/
+# added Searchalot http://www.searchalot.com/
+# added Copernic http://www.copernic.com/
+# added to Yahoo
+# added to Yahoo
+# added Avantfind http://www.avantfind.com/
+# added Steadysearch http://www.steadysearch.com/
+# added Steadysearch http://www.steady-search.com/
+# modified 216\.239\.5[0-9]\.104/search to 216\.239\.5[0-9]\.104
+# SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder
+# It contains all matching criteria to search for in log fields. This list is
+# used to know in which order to search Search Engines IDs.
+# Most frequent one are in list1, used when LevelForSearchEnginesDetection is 1 or more
+# Minor robots are in list2, used when LevelForSearchEnginesDetection is 2 or more
+# Note: Regex IDs are in lower case and ' ' and '+' are changed into '_'
+# Major international search engines
+# Minor international search engines
+'de\.ask.\com', # break out Ask country specific engines. (.jp is in Japan section)
+'overture\.com', # Replace 'goto\.com','Goto.com',
+# Chello Portals
+'chello', # required as catchall for new countries not yet known
+# Mirago
+'mirago', # required as catchall for new countries not yet known
+# Social Bookmarking Services
+# Minor Australian search engines
+# Minor brazilian search engines
+'engine\.exe', 'miner\.bol\.com\.br',
+# Minor chinese search engines
+'\.baidu\.com', # baidu search portal
+'\.vnet\.cn', # powered by MSN
+'\.soso\.com', # powered by Google
+'\.sogou\.com', # powered by Sohu
+'\.3721\.com', # powered by Yahoo!
+'iask\.com', # powered by Sina
+'\.accoona\.com', # Accoona
+'\.163\.com', # powered by Google
+'\.zhongsou\.com', # zhongsou search portal
+# Minor czech search engines
+# Minor danish search-engines
+'opasia\.dk', 'danielsen\.com', 'sol\.dk', 'jubii\.dk', 'find\.dk', 'edderkoppen\.dk', 'netstjernen\.dk', 'orbis\.dk', 'tyfon\.dk', '1klik\.dk', 'ofir\.dk',
+# Minor dutch search engines
+# Minor english search engines
+# Minor finnish search engines
+# Minor french search engines
+'recherche\.aol\.fr','ctrouve\.','francite\.','\.lbb\.org','rechercher\.libertysurf\.fr', 'search[\w\-]+\.free\.fr', 'recherche\.club-internet\.fr',
+'toile\.com', 'biglotron\.com',
+# Minor german search engines
+'www\.amazon\.de.*search', #Just as a reminder, probably will not work as AWstats seems to consider the host part of an URL only
+# Minor Hungarian search engines
+# Minor Indian search engines
+# Minor Italian search engines
+# Minor Israeli search engines
+# Minor Japanese search engines
+# Minor Norwegian search engines
+'sok\.start\.no', 'eniro\.no',
+# Minor Polish search engines
+# Minor russian search engines
+'ya(ndex)?\.ru', 'aport\.ru', 'rambler\.ru', 'turtle\.ru', 'metabot\.ru',
+# Minor Swedish search engines
+# Minor Slovak search engines
+# Minor Portuguese search engines
+# Minor swiss search engines
+'search\.ch', 'search\.bluewin\.ch',
+# Minor Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian search engines
+# Generic search engines
+# NotSearchEnginesKeys
+# If a search engine key is found, we check its exclude list to know if it's
+# really a search engine
+# SearchEnginesHashID
+# Each Search Engine Search ID is associated to an AWStats id string
+%SearchEnginesHashID = (
+# Major international search engines
+'216\.239\.32\.20', 'google',
+'173\.194\.32\.223', 'google',
+# Minor international search engines
+'de\.ask.\com','askde', # break out Ask country specific engines.
+'overture\.com','overture', # Replace 'goto\.com','Goto.com',
+'www1\.search-results\.com', 'searchresults',
+'www\.holasearch\.com', 'holasearch',
+'search\.conduit\.com', 'conduit',
+'static\.flipora\.com', 'flipora',
+'(?:www[12]?|mixidj)\.delta-search\.com', 'delta-search',
+'start\.iminent\.com', 'iminent',
+'www\.searchmobileonline\.com', 'searchmobileonline',
+'int\.search-results\.com', 'nortonsavesearch',
+'www2\.inbox\.com', 'inbox',
+'www\.govome\.com', 'govome',
+'find1friend\.com', 'find1friend',
+'start\.mysearchdial\.com', 'mysearchdial',
+'go\.speedbit\.com', 'speedbit',
+'search\.certified-toolbar\.com', 'certifiedtoolbarsearch',
+'search\.sweetim\.com', 'sweetim',
+'search\.searchcompletion\.com', 'searchcompletion',
+'sr\.searchfunmoods\.com', 'searchfunmoods',
+'173\.194\.35\.177', 'googleByIP',
+'dalesearch\.com', 'dalesearch',
+'sweetpacks-search\.com', 'sweetpacks',
+'searchgol\.com', 'searchgol',
+'duckduckgo\.com', 'duckduckgo',
+'sr\.facemoods\.com', 'facemoods',
+'shoppstop\.com', 'shoppstop',
+'searchya\.com', 'searchya',
+'picsearch\.de', 'picsearch',
+'webssearches\.com', 'webssearches',
+'airzip\.inspsearch\.com', 'webssearches',
+'zapmeta\.de', 'zapmeta',
+'localmoxie\.com', 'localmoxie',
+'search-results\.mobi', 'search-results_mobi',
+'androidsearch\.com', 'androidsearch',
+'isearch\.nation\.com', 'isearch_nation_com',
+'search\.zonealarm\.com', 'search_zonealarm_com',
+'www\.buenosearch\.com', 'www_buenosearch_com',
+'search\.foxtab\.com', 'search_foxtab_com',
+'searches\.qone8\.com', 'searches_qone8_com',
+'startpage\.com', 'startpage_com',
+'www\.qwant\.com', 'qwant_com',
+'searches\.safehomepage\.com', 'safehomepage_com',
+'searches\.vi-view\.com', 'vi-view_com',
+'wow\.utop\.it', 'wow_utop_it',
+'windowssearch\.com', 'windowssearch_com',
+'www\.wow\.com', 'www_wow_com',
+'globososo\.', 'globososo',
+'kingtale3\.inspsearch\.com', 'globososo',
+'swisscows\.ch', 'swisscows_ch',
+'preciobarato\.xyz', 'preciobarato_xyz',
+'www\.dregol\.com', 'www_dregol_com',
+'search\.socialdownloadr\.com', 'search_socialdownloadr_com',
+'int\.search\.myway\.com', 'int_search_myway_com',
+'de\.dolphin\.com', 'de_dolphin_com',
+'mys\.yoursearch\.me', 'mys_yoursearch_me',
+# Chello Portals
+# Mirago
+'mirago','mirago', # required as catchall for new countries not yet known
+# Social Bookmarking Services
+# Minor Australian search engines
+# Minor brazilian search engines
+# Minor chinese search engines
+# Minor czech search engines
+'isearch\.avg\.com', 'avgsearch',
+# Minor danish search-engines
+# Minor dutch search engines
+# Minor english search engines
+'search\.fdownloadr\.com', 'fdownloadr_com',
+'search\.babylon\.com', 'babylon',
+'my\.allgameshome\.com', 'allgameshome',
+'surfcanyon\.com', 'surfcanyon_com',
+'uk\.foxstart\.com', 'uk_foxstart_com',
+'yandex\.com', 'yandex_com',
+# Minor finnish search engines
+# Minor french search engines
+'biglotron\.com', 'biglotron',
+'mozbot\.fr', 'mozbot',
+# Minor german search engines
+'suche\.gmx\.net', 'gmxsuche',
+'suche\.gmx\.at', 'gmxsuche_at',
+'ecosia\.org', 'ecosiasearch',
+'de\.aolsearch\.com', 'aolsearch',
+'suche\.aol\.de', 'aolsuche',
+'www\.startxxl\.com', 'startxxl',
+'www\.benefind\.de', 'benefind',
+'www\.amazon\.de.*search', 'amazonsearch', #Not clear if this matches amazon searches only
+'de\.wow\.com', 'wowsearch',
+'www\.vlips\.de', 'vlips_de',
+'metager\.de', 'metager',
+'search\.1und1\.de', 'search_1und1_de',
+'sm\.de', 'smde',
+'sumaja\.de', 'sumaja',
+'navigationshilfe\.t-online\.de', 'navigationshilfe',
+'umfis\.de', 'umfis',
+'fastbot\.de', 'fastbot_de',
+'tixuma\.de', 'tixuma_de',
+'suche\.freenet\.de', 'freenet_de',
+'www\.izito\.de', 'izito_de',
+'extern\.peoplecheck\.de', 'peoplecheck_de',
+'www\.oneseek\.de', 'oneseek_de',
+'de\.wiki\.gov\.cn', 'de_wiki_gov_cn',
+'umuwa\.de', 'umuwa_de',
+'suche\.1und1\.de', '1und1_de',
+'www\.metasuche\.ch', 'metasuche_ch',
+# Minor Hungarian search engines
+'kereso\.startlap\.hu', 'startlap_hu',
+# Minor Indian search engines
+# Minor Italian search engines
+# Minor Israeli search engines
+'search\.genieo\.com', 'genieo',
+# Minor Japanese search engines
+'websearch\.rakuten\.co\.jp', 'rakuten',
+# Minor Norwegian search engines
+'sok\.start\.no','start', 'eniro\.no','eniro',
+# Minor Polish search engines
+# Minor russian search engines
+'go\.mail\.ru', 'mailru',
+# Minor Swedish search engines
+# Minor Slovak search engines
+# Minor Portuguese search engines
+# Minor swiss search engines
+'www\.zapmeta\.ch', 'zapmeta_ch',
+'etools\.ch', 'etools_ch',
+# Minor Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian search engines
+# Generic search engines
+# SearchEnginesWithKeysNotInQuery
+# List of search engines that store keyword as page instead of query parameter
+'a9',1, # www.a9.com/searchkey1%20searchkey2
+'iminent',1, #http://start.iminent.com/StartWeb/1031/toolbox/#q=searchkey1%20searchkey2&additional_arguments
+'de_wiki_gov_cn',1, #http://de.wiki.gov.cn/s_searchkey1%20searchkey2
+'umuwa_de', 1, #http://umuwa.de/searchkey or http://umuwa.de/searchkey/Images
+'amazonsearch', 1 #http://www.amazon.de/gp/bit/apps/web/SERP/search/ref=bit_bds-p24_serp_cr_de?ie=UTF8tagbase=bds-p24&query=deutsch+8.+klasse+gymnasium+protokoll
+# SearchEnginesKnownUrl
+# Known rules to extract keywords from a referrer search engine URL
+# Most common search engines
+'google_groups','group\/', # does not work
+'sympatico', 'query=',
+# Minor international search engines
+'askde','(ask|q)=', # break out Ask country specific engines.
+'kvasir', 'q=',
+'dogpile', 'q(|kw)=',
+'ixquick', 'query=',
+'earthlink', 'q=',
+# kartoo: No keywords passed in referring URL.
+'holasearch', 'q=',
+'conduit', 'q=',
+'flipora', 'q=',
+'delta-search', 'q=',
+'iminent', 'q=',
+'searchmobileonline', 'q=',
+'nortonsavesearch', 'q=',
+'inbox', 'q(?:kw)?=',
+'govome', 'q=',
+'find1friend', 'q=',
+'mysearchdial', 'q=',
+'speedbit', 'q=',
+'certifiedtoolbarsearch', 'q=',
+'sweetim', 'q=',
+'searchcompletion', 'q=',
+'eazelsearch', 'q=',
+'searchfunmoods', 'q=',
+'googleByIP', 'q=',
+'dalesearch', 'q=',
+'sweetpacks', 'q=',
+'searchgol', 'q=',
+'duckduckgo', 'uddg=',
+'facemoods', 'q=',
+'shoppstop', 'keywords=',
+'searchya', 'q=',
+'picsearch', 'q=',
+'webssearches', 'q=',
+'zapmeta', 'query=',
+'localmoxie', 'keyword=',
+'search-results_mobi', 'q=',
+'androidsearch', 'q=',
+'isearch_nation_com', 'q=',
+'search_zonealarm_com', 'q=',
+'www_buenosearch_com', 'q=',
+'search_foxtab_com', 'q=',
+'searches_qone8_com', 'q=',
+'startpage_com', 'query=',
+'qwant_com', 'q=',
+'safehomepage_com', 'q=',
+'vi-view_com', 'q=',
+'wow_utop_it', 'q=',
+'windowssearch_com', 'q=',
+'www_wow_com', 'q=',
+'globososo', 'q=',
+'swisscows_ch', 'query=',
+'preciobarato_xyz', 's=',
+'www_dregol_com', 'q=',
+'search_socialdownloadr_com', 'q=',
+'int_search_myway_com', 'searchfor=',
+'de_dolphin_com', 'q=',
+'mys_yoursearch_me', 'q=',
+# Chello Portals
+# Mirago
+'answerbus','', # Does not provide query parameters
+'scroogle','Gw=', # Does not always provide query parameters
+# Social Bookmarking Services
+'swik','swik\.net/', # does not work. Keywords follow domain, e.g. http://swik.net/awstats+analytics
+# Minor Australian search engines
+# Minor brazilian search engines
+'engine','p1=', 'miner','q=',
+# Minor chinese search engines
+'sogou', 'query=',
+# Minor czech search engines
+'atlas','(searchtext|q)=', 'seznam','(w|q)=', 'quick','query=', 'centrum','q=', 'jyxo','(s|q)=', 'najdi','dotaz=', 'redbox','srch=',
+'avgsearch', 'q=',
+# Minor danish search engines
+'opasia','q=', 'danielsen','q=', 'sol','q=', 'jubii','soegeord=', 'finddk','words=', 'edderkoppen','query=', 'orbis','search_field=', '1klik','query=', 'ofir','querytext=',
+# Minor dutch search engines
+'ilse','search_for=', 'vindex','in=',
+# Minor english search engines
+'askuk','(ask|q)=', 'bbc','q=', 'freeserve','q=', 'looksmartuk','key=',
+'splut','pattern=', 'spotjockey','Search_Keyword=', 'ukindex', 'stext=', 'ukdirectory','k=', 'ukplus','search=', 'searchy', 'search_term=',
+'fdownloadr_com', 'q=',
+'allgameshome', 's=',
+'surfcanyon_com', 'q=',
+'uk_foxstart_com', 'q=',
+'yandex_com', 'text=',
+# Minor finnish search engines
+# Minor french search engines
+'francite','name=', 'clubinternet', 'q=',
+'toile', 'q=',
+# Minor german search engines
+'o2aolde', 'q=',
+'fireball','q=', 'infoseek','qt=', 'webde','su=',
+'abacho','q=', 't-online','q=',
+'gmxsuche', 'q=',
+'gmxsuche_at', 'q=',
+'ecosiasearch', 'q=',
+'aolsearch', 'q=',
+'aolsuche', 'q=',
+'startxxl', 'q=',
+'benefind', 'q=',
+'amazonsearch', 'query=',
+'wowsearch', 'q=',
+'vlips_de', 'q=',
+'metager', 'eingabe=',
+'search_1und1_de', 'q=',
+'smde', 'q=',
+#'sumaja', 'no query string available', #There is no query string in the referrer url
+'navigationshilfe', 'q=',
+'umfis', 'suchbegriff=',
+'fastbot_de', 'red=[0-9]*\+',
+'tixuma_de', 'sc=',
+'freenet_de', 'query=',
+'izito_de', 'q=',
+'peoplecheck_de', 'q=',
+'oneseek_de', 'q=',
+'de_wiki_gov_cn', 'de\.wiki\.gov\.cn\/s_',
+'umuwa_de', 'umuwa\.de\/',
+'1und1_de', 'q=',
+'metasuche_ch', 'q=',
+# Minor Hungarian search engines
+'heureka','heureka=', 'origo','(q|search)=', 'goliat','KERESES=', 'wahoo','q=', 'internetto','searchstr=',
+'startlap_hu', 'q=',
+# Minor Indian search engines
+# Minor Italian search engines
+'gotuneed','', # Not yet known
+# Minor Israeli search engines
+# Minor Japanese search engines
+'rakuten', 'qt=',
+# Minor Norwegian search engines
+'start','q=', 'eniro','q=',
+# Minor Polish search engines
+# Minor russian search engines
+'yandex', 'text=', 'rambler','words=', 'aport', 'r=', 'metabot', 'st=',
+'mailru', 'q=',
+# Minor swedish search engines
+'enirose', 'hitta:', #Not sure if this works, as the keywords are part of the URL, and therefore the URL does not contain a question mark.
+# Minor swiss search engines
+'searchch', 'q=', 'bluewin', 'qry=',
+'zapmeta_ch', 'query=',
+'etools_ch', 'query=',
+# Minor Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian search engines
+'pogodak', 'q='
+# SearchEnginesKnownUrlNotFound
+# Known rules to extract not found keywords from a referrer search engine URL
+# Most common search engines
+# If no rules are known, we take first paramater not into WordsToCleanSearchUrl
+@WordsToCleanSearchUrl= ('act=','annuaire=','btng=','cat=','categoria=','cfg=','cof=','cou=','count=','cp=','dd=','domain=','dt=','dw=','enc=','exec=','geo=','hc=','height=','hits=','hl=','hq=','hs=','id=','kl=','lang=','loc=','lr=','matchmode=','medor=','message=','meta=','mode=','order=','page=','par=','pays=','pg=','pos=','prg=','qc=','refer=','sa=','safe=','sc=','sort=','src=','start=','style=','stype=','sum=','tag=','temp=','theme=','type=','url=','user=','width=','what=','\\.x=','\\.y=','y=','look=');
+# SearchEnginesKnownUTFCoding
+# Known parameter that proves a search engine has coded its parameters in UTF-8
+# Most common search engines
+# SearchEnginesHashLib
+# List of search engines names
+# 'search_engine_id', 'search_engine_name',
+# Major international search engines
+'a9', 'A9',
+'google_products','Google (Products)',
+'google_base','Google (Base)',
+'google_froogle','Froogle (Google)',
+'google_groups','Google (Groups)',
+'google_image','Google (Images)',
+'google_cache','Google (cache)',
+'msn','Microsoft MSN Search',
+'live','Microsoft Windows Live',
+'bing','Microsoft Bing',
+'yahoo_mindset','Yahoo! Mindset',
+# Minor international search engines
+'google4counter','4-counter (Google)',
+'att','AT&T search (powered by Google)',
+'askde','Ask Deutschland',
+'askes','Ask España', # break out Ask country specific engines.
+'askfr','Ask France',
+'askit','Ask Italia',
+'asknl','Ask Nederland',
+'findarticles','Find Articles',
+'go2net','Go2Net (Metamoteur)',
+'metacrawler','MetaCrawler (Metamoteur)',
+'overture','Overture', # Replace 'goto\.com','Goto.com',
+'teoma','Teoma', # Replace 'directhit\.com','DirectHit',
+'ixquick','ix quick',
+'earthlink', 'Earth Link',
+'centraldatabase','GPU p2p search',
+'mysearch','My Search',
+'icerocket','Icerocket (Blog)',
+'sphere','Sphere (Blog)',
+'clarosearch','Claro Search',
+'holasearch', 'Hola Search',
+'conduit', 'Conduit Search',
+'flipora', 'Flipora',
+'delta-search', 'Delta Search',
+'iminent', 'Iminent',
+'searchmobileonline', 'Search Mobile Online (StartApp)',
+'nortonsavesearch', 'Norton Safe Search',
+'inbox', 'Inbox Search',
+'govome', 'Govome',
+'find1friend', 'Find1Friend',
+'mysearchdial', 'My Search Dial',
+'speedbit', 'Speedbit',
+'certifiedtoolbarsearch', 'Certified-Toolbar Search',
+'sweetim', 'SweetIM Search',
+'searchcompletion', 'SearchCompletion Search',
+'eazelsearch', 'Eazel Search',
+'searchfunmoods', 'Funmoods',
+'googleByIP', 'Google (Access by IP-Address)',
+'dalesearch', 'Dale Search',
+'sweetpacks', 'Sweetpacks',
+'searchgol', 'Search-Gol',
+'duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo (Does not provide search keyphrases, using found page instead)',
+'facemoods', 'Facemoods Search',
+'shoppstop', 'ShoppStop',
+'searchya', 'Searchya',
+'picsearch', 'picsearch',
+'webssearches', 'Various variants of Webssearches EMG Technologies and airzip.inspsearch.com',
+#Jan 8, 2016: No genuine inspsearch.com search engine seems so exist, but there is a couple of search engines using subdomains of inspsearch.com. Unclear how these are related to each other.
+'zapmeta', 'ZapMeta',
+'localmoxie', 'Local Moxie',
+'search-results_mobi', 'search-results.mobi',
+'androidsearch', 'androidsearch.com',
+'isearch_nation_com', 'Nation Search',
+'search_zonealarm_com', 'Zone Alarm Search',
+'www_buenosearch_com', 'BuenoSearch',
+'search_foxtab_com', 'Foxtab Search',
+'searches_qone8_com', 'Omiga-Plus',
+'startpage_com', 'Startpage',
+'qwant_com', 'qwant.com',
+'safehomepage_com', 'safehomepage.com',
+'vi-view_com', 'vi-view.com',
+'wow_utop_it', 'wow.utop.it',
+'windowssearch_com', 'windowssearch.com',
+'www_wow_com', 'WOW.com',
+'globososo', 'Various variants of Globososo (Kingtale Technology): www, searches, searches3, and at inspsearch.com (globososo, kingtale3)',
+'swisscows_ch', 'Swisscows',
+'preciobarato_xyz', 'Yandex',
+'www_dregol_com', 'Dregol Search',
+'search_socialdownloadr_com', 'Socialdownloadr',
+'int_search_myway_com', 'MyWay',
+'de_dolphin_com', 'Dolphin Search',
+'mys_yoursearch_me', 'Yoursearch.me',
+# Chello Portals
+'chelloat','Chello Austria',
+'chellobe','Chello Belgium',
+'chellocz','Chello Czech Republic',
+'chellofr','Chello France',
+'chellohu','Chello Hungary',
+'chellonl','Chello Netherlands',
+'chellono','Chello Norway',
+'chellopl','Chello Poland',
+'chellose','Chello Sweden',
+'chellosk','Chello Slovakia',
+'chellocom','Chello (Country not recognized)',
+# Mirago
+'miragobe','Mirago Belgium',
+'miragoch','Mirago Switzerland',
+'miragode','Mirago Germany',
+'miragodk','Mirago Denmark',
+'miragoes','Mirago Spain',
+'miragofr','Mirago France',
+'miragoit','Mirago Italy',
+'miragonl','Mirago Netherlands',
+'miragono','Mirago Norway',
+'miragose','Mirago Sweden',
+'miragocouk','Mirago UK',
+'mirago','Mirago (country unknown)',
+'comettoolbar','Comet toolbar search',
+# Social Bookmarking Services
+'delicious','del.icio.us (Social Bookmark)',
+'digg','Digg (Social Bookmark)',
+'stumbleupon','Stumbleupon (Social Bookmark)',
+'swik','Swik (Social Bookmark)',
+'segnalo','Segnalo (Social Bookmark)',
+'ineffabile','Ineffabile.it (Social Bookmark)',
+# Minor Australian search engines
+# Minor brazilian search engines
+'engine','Cade', 'miner','Meta Miner',
+# Minor chinese search engines
+'netease', 'NetEase',
+'sogou', 'SoGou',
+# Minor czech search engines
+'atlas','Atlas.cz', 'seznam','Seznam', 'quick','Quick.cz', 'centrum','Centrum.cz', 'jyxo','Jyxo.cz', 'najdi','Najdi.to', 'redbox','RedBox.cz',
+'avgsearch', 'AVG Secure Search',
+# Minor danish search-engines
+'opasia','Opasia', 'danielsen','Thor (danielsen.com)', 'sol','SOL', 'jubii','Jubii', 'finddk','Find', 'edderkoppen','Edderkoppen', 'netstjernen','Netstjernen', 'orbis','Orbis', 'tyfon','Tyfon', '1klik','1Klik', 'ofir','Ofir',
+# Minor dutch search engines
+# Minor english search engines
+'askuk','Ask UK',
+'bbc','BBC', 'freeserve','Freeserve', 'looksmartuk','Looksmart UK',
+'splut','Splut', 'spotjockey','Spotjockey', 'ukdirectory','UK Directory', 'ukindex','UKIndex', 'ukplus','UK Plus', 'searchy','searchy.co.uk',
+'fbdownloader','FBDownloader (fbdownloader)',
+'fdownloadr_com', 'FBDownloader (fdownloadr)',
+'allgameshome', 'AllGamesHome',
+'surfcanyon_com', 'SurfCanyon',
+'uk_foxstart_com', 'Foxstart.com',
+'yandex_com', 'Yandex',
+# Minor finnish search engines
+# Minor french search engines
+'aolfr','AOL (fr)', 'ctrouve','C\'est trouve', 'francite','Francite', 'lbb', 'LBB', 'libertysurf', 'Libertysurf', 'free', 'Free.fr', 'clubinternet', 'Club-internet',
+'toile', 'Toile du Quebec',
+# Minor German search engines
+'aolde','AOL (de)',
+'o2aolde', 'o2 Suche',
+'fireball','Fireball', 'infoseek','Infoseek',
+'allesklar','allesklar.de', 'meinestadt','meinestadt.de',
+'gmxsuche', 'GMX Suche',
+'gmxsuche_at', 'GMX Suche Oesterreich',
+'ecosiasearch', 'Ecosia Search',
+'aolsearch', 'AOL Search',
+'aolsuche', 'AOL Suche',
+'startxxl', 'StartXXL',
+'benefind', 'benefind',
+'amazonsearch', 'Amazon Web Search',
+'wowsearch', 'Wow Search',
+'vlips_de', 'vlips.de',
+'metager', 'MetaGer',
+'search_1und1_de', '1&1 Suche (subdomain "search")',
+'smde', 'SM.de - Die SuchMaschine',
+'sumaja', 'Sumaja',
+'navigationshilfe', 'T-Online Navigationshilfe',
+'umfis', 'UMFIS-Online Das Umweltfirmen-Informationssystem der IHKs in Deutschland',
+'fastbot_de', 'Fastbot.de (Does not provide search keyphrases, using found page instead)',
+'tixuma_de', 'Tixuma Deutschland',
+'freenet_de', 'suche.freenet.de',
+'izito_de', 'iZito Deutschland',
+'peoplecheck_de', 'PeopleCheck.de',
+'oneseek_de', 'Metasuchmaschine OneSeek.de',
+'de_wiki_gov_cn', 'Wiki Sucher',
+'umuwa_de', 'Umuwa Deutschland',
+'1und1_de', '1&1 Suche (subdomain "suche")',
+'metasuche_ch', 'Metasuche.ch',
+# Minor hungarian search engines
+'heureka','Heureka', 'origo','Origo-Vizsla', 'lapkereso','Startlapkereso', 'goliat','Goliat', 'indexhu','Index', 'wahoo','Wahoo', 'webmania','webmania.hu', 'internetto','Internetto Kereso',
+'keresolap_hu','Tango keresolap',
+'startlap_hu','Startlab Kereso',
+# Minor Indian search engines
+# Minor Italian search engines
+'gotuneed','got u need',
+# Minor Israeli search engines
+# Minor Japanese search engines
+'askjp','Ask Japan',
+'rakuten', 'websearch.rakuten.co.jp',
+# Minor Norwegian search engines
+'start','start.no', 'eniro','Eniro',
+# Minor polish search engines
+'wp','Wirtualna Polska',
+# Minor russian search engines
+'yandex', 'Yandex', 'aport', 'Aport', 'rambler', 'Rambler', 'turtle', 'Turtle', 'metabot', 'MetaBot',
+# Minor Swedish search engines
+'enirose','Eniro Sverige',
+# Minor Slovak search engines
+# Minor Portuguese search engines
+# Minor Swiss search engines
+'searchch', 'search.ch', 'bluewin', 'search.bluewin.ch',
+'zapmeta_ch', 'ZapMeta.ch',
+'etools_ch', 'eTools.ch',
+# Minor Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian search engines
+# Generic search engines
+'search','Unknown search engines'
+# Sanity check.
+# Enable this code and run perl search_engines.pm to check file entries are ok
+#foreach my $key (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1) {
+# if (! $SearchEnginesHashID{$key}) { error("Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1 with no value in SearchEnginesHashID");
+# foreach my $key2 (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list2) { if ($key2 eq $key) { error("$key is in 1 and 2\n"); } }
+# foreach my $key2 (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen) { if ($key2 eq $key) { error("$key is in 1 and gen\n"); } }
+#} }
+#foreach my $key (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list2) {
+# if (! $SearchEnginesHashID{$key}) { error("Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1 with no value in SearchEnginesHashID");
+# foreach my $key2 (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1) { if ($key2 eq $key) { error("$key is in 2 and 1\n"); } }
+# foreach my $key2 (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen) { if ($key2 eq $key) { error("$key is in 2 and gen\n"); } }
+#} }
+#foreach my $key (@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen) { if (! $SearchEnginesHashID{$key}) { error("Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen with no value in SearchEnginesHashID"); } }
+#foreach my $key (keys %NotSearchEnginesKeys) { if (! $SearchEnginesHashID{$key}) { error("Entry '$key' has been found in NotSearchEnginesKeys with no value in SearchEnginesHashID"); } }
+#foreach my $key (keys %SearchEnginesKnownUrl) {
+# my $found=0;
+# foreach my $key2 (values %SearchEnginesHashID) {
+# if ($key eq $key2) { $found=1; last; }
+# }
+# if (! $found) { die "Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesKnownUrl with no value in SearchEnginesHashID"; }
+#foreach my $key (keys %SearchEnginesHashLib) {
+# my $found=0;
+# foreach my $key2 (values %SearchEnginesHashID) {
+# if ($key eq $key2) { $found=1; last; }
+# }
+# if (! $found) { die "Entry '$key' has been found in SearchEnginesHashLib with no value in SearchEnginesHashID"; }
+#print @SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list1." ".@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_list2." ".@SearchEnginesSearchIDOrder_listgen;