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cors demo

Here we demonstrate an implementation of cross-origin resource sharing.

In order to fully demonstrate this feature, we must start two running instances of this application on ports 8080 and 8081. A static page with embedded javascript is served from http://localhost:8080/js, and it consumes an SSE EventSource found at http://localhost:8081/.

  1. Start two instances on different ports: lein run 8080 and lein run 8081
  2. Open the Javascript console, as all output from the sample will be displayed there.
  3. Visit localhost:8080/js to load the event consumer, and watch the JavaScript console. The inline JavaScript returned will attempt to access a service on port 8081, a different origin. If allowed, the event source passes back an event containing the thread id, which is consumed and displayed in the console.

In src/cors/service.clj, you will find a definition of cors-interceptor that adds CORS headers when the origin matches the authorized origin.

For more detailed information, please consult the document alongside this README.


This samples uses the EventSource polyfill from Yaffle/EventSource.


To configure logging see config/logback.xml. By default, the app logs to stdout and logs/. To learn more about configuring Logback, read its documentation.



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