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DoENUT (Design of Experiments Numerical Utility Toolkit) Manual

This is the (incomplete) manual for DoENUT (sadly also incomplete)

Types of models

A linear model for 3 factors which is capable of distinguishing main effects: y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x3 .

A saturated model up to the power of two would be y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x3  + β4x1x2 + β5x2x3 + β6x1x3  + β7x12 + β8x22 + β9x32

If a model only contains the cross terms and main effects (2 and 3 in the equation above) it is an interaction model, if it only contains the main and square terms it is a squared model (2 and 4 in the above equation). The models are hierarchical: if a higher order interaction or square term is included in the model, the linear term for that factor must also be present (regardless of whether it is considered statistically significant). The parsimonious model is defined as a model in containing as few terms of any type that describe that describe the data well.

Checking the response plot

The first thing to do is check for experimental error.

types of error. bias error etc.

    doenut.plot.replicate_plot(inputs, # the input dataframe
        responses, # the response dataframe




Choosing a model

The best R2 is usually found by using a saturated model, however, this model is often overfit and thus is worse at predicting on new data. Often there are terms that are insignificantly different from 0, these are easily identified from the figure as if the error bars cross the x-axis then the value of that coefficient can be replaced by zero, and doing this reduces the overfit of the model, and thus increases the Q2, and improves the efficiency of the model. See figure [fig:coeff_egA] for an example of a coefficient plot. The model is generally considered to be invalid if Q2 and R2 are less than 0.5, and we expect the difference between them to be less than 0.2 for a good model. [[cite MODDE manual]]

We can use degrees of freedom (DoF) as another metric for choosing a good model, higher DoF models are better (equivalently, lower numbers of terms). DoF is given by: DoF = N − Nβx + 1 where N is the number of experiments, Nβx is the number of model terms (the +1 is due to the intercept, β0).

Note that qualitative factors (i.e. solvent) have only one β associated with them, but are plotted as two separate bars in the coefficients plots in MODDE, to allow you to see which qualitative factor is the best.

The AIC can be used be used as a metric for the model’s efficiency and choosing the model with the lower AIC is the best.

Parsimonious models are created by successively removing the statistically insignificantly higher order terms from a saturated model and taking the model with the best Q2 (N.B. R2 is always higher than the Q2). With lower resolution models (such as resolution IV models) it is not possible to de-confound the higher order terms, and thus the worker must use their judgement as to which terms are more chemically irrelevant and removable, test the possible models or do a follow up experiment with a higher resolution. In this work, we used our chemical reasoning and tested the model, as our aim is to get a good enough model to optimise the system, not to create the best model to describe the system. Predictions were then verified using follow up experiments.

Fit a simple first order model

The main effects in the system are those relating to the input variables. For example, in a system with 3 input variables, x1, x2, x3, the value of these factors are the main effects on the system.

A model relates input factors to output responses. inputs → model → outputs

A very simple model would be something like this: outputs = β0 + β1input which is simply the equation for a straight line: y = m x + c where c and β0 are the intercept and m and β1 are the gradient.

When you fit the equation of a line to 2D data, you are building a very simple model to relate the output, y, to the input, x.

You can extend this to an arbitrary size of dimensions of your data. For example, if you have 3D input data, you could build a model from this equation: y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x3 which would require you to produce 4D plots to look at it. (As an aside, the field of machine learning is concerned with building models for very high dimensional data).

This is a model of order 1 as all the variables are x1 or below. (N.B. the first term is β0x0 = β0, and is called the *intercept*).

Implementation in DoENUT

Built on top of scikit-learn so could add in any model here. Simpler linear regression is the best etc.

    data_set =, responses['ortho'])
    model = doenut.models.AveragedModel(data_set, scale_run_data=False) 


4D contour plot for the linear model in section [[]]

4D contour plot for the linear model in section [[]]

Leave one out methodology (LOOM)

R2 is : . Relation to ML training set. what corerlation coeffi is and isnt

Chemistry data hard to come by so need to make the most of the data we have.

We make a training set of 1 point, and build N models of N-1 points. Should get similar R2 for each model and the errors should be evenly distributed around zero.

The final model is averaged. Q^2 calculated from each model separaetly.

Over-fitting. undertraining. R2 always more than Q2. etc. what r2 of 0 means (or less than 0).

Is your model valid? is Q2 above 0.5? if not - could be not enough data etc.

What makes a good model Q2 > 0.5, R2 > 0.5, R2 − Q2 < 0.2.

Example of analysing the averaged model

Means should be similar for train and test set. Q2 calcualted etc.

Table 1 and figure [fig:error_plot] show data from a first order lienar model. Figure [fig:error_plot] shows that the first 16 experiments are well distributed, but the last one is an outlier.

hhiger r2 (see table). Higher error (see figure) We do not remove this outlier!

why? Is the highest yield point, ie what we are searching for. But this high error suggests that the model is not very predictive at this point. See figure [fig:linear_model_pre], which shows a yield above 100% in this area.

models are only predictive in the range they have been trianed over Do not know chemical or phsycial facts, such that a yield above 100% is impossible. We know that 91% is the true yeild here.

relate back to OVAT which would get the correct answer.

But our answers is close enough to proceed and test that area for better yeilds.

Figure [fig:observed_vs_predicted]A shows the model response for this data.

Missing data point model R2 Average error
0 0.801 -16.5
1 0.857 -3.63
2 0.873 10.5
3 0.862 -13.2
4 0.852 -0.916
5 0.86 5.03
6 0.854 2.59
7 0.881 12.9
10 0.85 3.17
11 0.856 5.89
12 0.854 -8.72
13 0.855 -4.17
14 0.861 9.52
15 0.858 5.21
16 0.92 -25.3

Output from 17 models trained for LOOM

A standard output is: [[prolly turn to a table]]

Input data is 17 points long
We are using 16 data points

R2 overall is 0.823
Mean of test set: 68.9
Mean being used: 70.19411764705882
Sum of squares of the residuals (explained variance) is 1665.7625447426085
Sum of squares total (total variance) is 5836.321107266435
Q2 is 0.715

Error plot. The errors should be evenly distributed around 0. This plot shows good errors except for the last datapoint.

Error plot. The errors should be evenly distributed around 0. This plot shows good errors except for the last datapoint.

DoENUT implementation

    (ortho_model, predictions, ground_truth, 
    coeffs, R2s, R2, 
    Q2) = doenut.calc_averaged_model(
    # Analysing model

look at R2 and Q2 (and model validity and replicability) to find out if it is a good model.

predicted-measured plot

Analyse by plotting the observed-predicted plot. Might seem an odd way round but we want to see how good the model is compared to the data, not sue the model to predict data and see how good our model is. Data is king so out model must fit the data. The line is y=x so a perfect model would sit on this line. You want a libear scattering over this line. If the data looks curved that shows that higher order terms are needed to describe the data (vide infra).

Figure [fig:observed_vs_predicted](top) shows the observed-predicted plot for the dataset analysed in section[[above!]]. There is a curve, suggesting that higher order terms are needed. Fig. [fig:observed_vs_predicted](bottom) shows the results for a model with higher order terms, the curved trend has been removed.

The first order model does not seem to model the lowest and highest point well. Expected as there is not much data in these regions. We don’t care if it models the low yields not too well as we want to optimise the data.



    model_1_graph= doenut.plot.plot_observed_vs_predicted(responses['ortho'], 

Fitting a saturated model

The inputs to the model are called *features*, these include the input factors you’ve already used, but they can also include features that you can create from your inputs.

For example, for a system with 2 input factors, x1 and x2, we could create a model like this:

y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x1x2 + β4x12 + β5x22

The features in this model are: x1, x2, x1x2, x12 and x22.

Terms of the format xj2 are called *square terms* and show second order effects in the main term.

Terms of the format xixj are called *interaction terms*, and these show the interaction between the inputs xi and xj.

Both are very importent for understanding the complexity of the system and we are using MVAT experimentation to discover these.

You may noticed that we could keep going, we could have highers powers (e.g. βix13 or βjx13x22 etc). We make the *assumption* that this system is not that complicated, so we will not consider any terms with a power higher than 2, i.e. we are setting all other possible β values to 0. In this feild, the terms we add are called *polynomial features* and thus you can describe this process and only considering polynomial features up to power 2.

A *saturated model* is one with all the polynomial features (up to our desired power) included. The model written above is a saturated model for two inputs and one output.

A saturated model would have the following equation:

yortho = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x3 + β4x12 + β5x22 + β6x32 + β7x1x2 + β8x1x3 + β9x2x3

The first line is the intercept, the second is the inputs, the third is the square terms and the fourth is the interaction terms.

A *parsimonious model* is a model that is the simplest model we can build that captures the behaviour of the reaction.

DoENUT implementation

DoENUT offers the functionality to add in the higher order terms automatically, with the option to add in only squares, only interactions or both. The original input array in input into the function below. Optionally, column_list will create extra terms for the subset of columnn names input.

sat_inputs, source_list = doenut.add_higher_order_terms(
    verbose= True)

R2 overall is 0.956 Mean of test set: 68.9 Mean being used: 70.19411764705882 Sum of squares of the residuals (explained variance) is 798.6438029955726 Sum of squares total (total variance) is 5836.321107266435 Q2 is 0.863

Fitting a saturation model can then be done exactly as it was done with the simple first order model, except that now we use the saturated inputs.


Coefficients! Need to scale the system to get relative importance of coefficients. There are two ways to build a model in DoENUT, you can scale the coefficients or not. To build a parsimonious model you want to scale the coefficients, so you can directly compare the relative effeect of each input, regardless of that inputs general range. The coefficients are scaled by teh standard deviation to take into account the range. Once you have decided which features to include in your model, it is best to refit the model without scaling to get the actual values, allowing you to use the model without altering the input ranges. Alternatively, you can use the scaled model and simply scale the inputs by the standard deviations used to make the model.

Removing features to get best model

The coefficients plots are given by the averaged model code, or alternatively can be plotted using the code below, using the averaged coefficients returned

           labels=[x for x in sat_inputs.columns], 

To remove the coefficients by hand, use the code below. For example, to remove the 7th term, you would replace the input_selector with [0,1,2,3,4,5,7]. To have a hierarchical model, you must not remove linear terms (e.g. x1) if you have higher order terms that depend on it, (e.g. x1x2 or x12). It is best to tune your model by hand, as there are chemical considerations to take into account when choosing the model. For example, ref Cham-Lan, there are several models with different terms that were able to predict better reaction conditions. Sometimes, there is a chemical reason to prefer one version over another.

Building a parsimonious model

First we build a saturated model, as in the image below image

Then we removed the higher order terms which are not significant. Insignificant terms are those where the p95 (default) error bars cross zero as we could replace this coefficient with 0 (i.e. remove that factor) and not make a statistically significant change to the model. Do this is order (from least significant upwards) and recalculate the model each time. If you want a heirarchical model then don't remove lower order terms that higher order terms depend on even if it is not significant.

The image below shows one of the intermediate models image

This is the final parsimonious model. image

As we remove terms, teh R2 drops but hte Q2 goes up,

The coefficient correlation values for hte trianing and test sets as terms are removed in reverse order of their significance.[[change this get a better example data!]]

The coefficient correlation values for hte trianing and test sets as terms are removed in reverse order of their significance.[[change this get a better example data!]]

How implemented in DoENUT

trains new model with different numbers of coefficients. Change input selector to remove different factors, for example, input_selector = [0,1,2,3,5,6] has removed t he 4th and 7th factors.

data_set =, responses)
model = doenut.models.AveragedModel(data_set)

It is possible to autotune a model, where DoENUT will sucessively remove the smallest terms and retrain the model. It can respect hierarchical models.


and this gives out the trained model, predictions and the ground truth, the averaged coefficients, R2 and Q2 values of the final model and also how the R2, Q2 and number of terms changed oover the optimisation, which can tehn be plotted using plot_training.

output_indices, new_model, predictions, ground_truth, coeffs, R2s, R2, Q2, R2_over_opt, Q2_over_opt, n_terms_over_opt = temp_tuple

Example of building an expanded input dataframe and writing the function for the 4D contour plot

    def my_function_second_order(df_1):
        df_1['Time**2'] = df_1['Time']*df_1['Time']
        df_1['Temp**2'] = df_1['Temp']*df_1['Temp']
        df_1['Eq**2'] = df_1['Eq']*df_1['Eq']
        return df_1

If you have more than 3 dimensions you need ot input the other data:


    PC4_constant = 2
n_points = 60
def my_function(df_1):
    df_1['PC4']=c = np.linspace(PC4_constant, PC4_constant, 3600)
    df_1['PC1*2']= df_1['PC1']*df_1['PC1']
    df_1['PC3*2']= df_1['PC3']*df_1['PC3']
    df_1['PC4*2']= df_1['PC4']*df_1['PC4']    
    df_1['PC1*PC2']= df_1['PC1']*df_1['PC2']
    df_1['PC1*PC3']= df_1['PC1']*df_1['PC3']
    return df_1

Suggested workflow for DoE factor idenfitication and optimisation

  1. Preliminary experiments to determine the reaction works on the bench

  2. choose factors

  3. Setting up of an experimental design

  4. Preparation for automated synthesis (creating stock solution etc)

  5. check replicate plot for bias effects and check replication of centre points is good

  6. Fit a linear model on main effects. Examine observed-predicted plot, R2 and Q2 values to idenitify if higher order terms are needed

  7. add all higher order terms for the type of model to be optimised (i.e. saturated, square or interaction

  8. remove terms starting with the higher order least significant terms, and using chemical intuition

  9. choose best model based on observed-predicted plot, R2, Q2 and MV or AIC

  10. use model to predict optimum reaction conditions

  11. verify model predictions and (hopefully) optimise reaction

  12. if needed: go back to step 2 to further optimise