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FIZ228 - Numerical Analysis
Dr. Emre S. Tasci, Hacettepe University
Although we have already studied and employed various minimization commands and used them in conjunction within the optimization problems (by minimizing the errors to fit given models), a deeper insight and variations might prove useful.
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
function from scipy's optimize module handles a variety of minimization methods (if not specifically denoted, then by default uses the BFGS method (for unconstrained problems)).
Consider a "negative gaussian" function, so instead of a peak, it will have a bottom, i.e., a definite minimum that we are seeking. We know that it will be located at the
Pay attention that the variable
def f(x,mu,sigma):
return -np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma)**2)
mu = 5
sigma = 0.7
x = np.linspace(0,10,300)
When calling the minimize
function, we feed an initial guess / starting point for the x variable (here: 3) and supply the values of the characteristic parameters
Once again: we are searching for the minimum -- not looking for the optimal parameters that fits a function to a given set of data!
# mu and sigma here have definite values (5 & 0.7)
As we have observed from the single variable function example, minimize
takes the first parameter as the variable. Thus, when we are dealing with a multi-variate function, we need to implement it as a vector variable when defining the function.
Therefore a sample function of:
is defined as follows (a variable, followed by the parameters):
def f(xy,a,b):
return (xy[0]-a)**2+(xy[1]-b)**2
Let's place the minimum at
x = np.linspace(-1,7,100)
y = np.linspace(-1,9,100)
(xx,yy) = np.meshgrid(x,y)
zz = f((xx,yy),3,4)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,10))
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, zz, cmap = plt.cm.viridis)
fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=8)
#levels = np.arange(0,15,3)
levels = np.array([0,0.1,0.2,0.5,0.7,1,2,3,5,8,12,15])
lo1 = plt.contourf(xx, yy, zz, cmap = plt.cm.summer,levels=levels)
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = False
lo2 = plt.contour(xx, yy, zz, colors='k',levels=levels)
plt.clabel(lo2, inline=True, fontsize=10)
And here is how we find its minimum (by starting from (x0,y0) = (1,2) and characterizing the function by setting the (a,b) parameters to (3,4)):
Sometimes, one or more constraints is present. Suppose that for our previously defined function constraints
parameter comes into play: the constraint (in our case, we'll be dealing only with linear constraints such as
or more formally as a cofficient matrix - vector multiplication:
Returning to our example, we can write our constraint
See that, by setting the lower and upper bound to the same value, we have thus defined an equality.
# This is our coefficient matrix
A = np.array([2,3])
We introduce our constraint via the opt.LinearConstraint()
method, where the first parameter is the coefficient matrix, followed by the lower and upper bounds, respectively:
Example: Heron's Formula
Heron's formula (formulated by Heron of Alexandria, 1st century) is used to calculate the area of a triangle when its side lengths
or, alternatively as:
def HeronTri(x):
# Heron's Formula
return np.sqrt(4*x[0]**2*x[1]**2 - (x[0]**2+x[1]**2-x[2]**2)**2)/4
Suppose that we have a rope of length 18 cm, and we want to form a triangle with the lowest area, given that its side lengths are at least 2 cm.
Why at least 2 cm?
Otherwise it would be a boring question as we could take one side to be almost 0 and divide the remaining length to 2:
abc = (1E-8,(18-1E-8)/2,(18-1E-8)/2)
Here are two possible cases that come to mind and their corresponding areas:
Can we do better?
Since we are dealing with a triangle, the triangle inequalities must also be obeyed, i.e.,:
- $ a + b > c \rightarrow a + b - c > 0$
- $ b + c > a \rightarrow -a + b + c > 0$
- $ c + a > b \rightarrow a - b + c > 0$
along with the constraint due to the rope-length:
Combining all, we have the following constraints:
con_a = opt.LinearConstraint([1,0,0],2,18) # 2 <= a <= 18
con_b = opt.LinearConstraint([0,1,0],2,18) # 2 <= b <= 18
con_c = opt.LinearConstraint([0,0,1],2,18) # 2 <= c <= 18
con_d = opt.LinearConstraint([1,1,-1],1E-3,18) # 0 < a + b - c <= 18
con_e = opt.LinearConstraint([-1,1,1],1E-3,18) # 0 < -a + b + c <= 18
con_f = opt.LinearConstraint([1,-1,1],1E-3,18) # 0 < a - b - c <= 18
con_g = opt.LinearConstraint([1,1,1],18,18) # a + b + c = 18
cons = [con_a,con_b,con_c,con_d,con_e,con_f,con_g]
(Instead of specifying each constraint individually, we could have collected them in a matrix -- see the "Collecting constraints" heading below)
We have set the upper limits of the sides and the inequalities to the rope length because it makes sense! ;)
res = opt.minimize(HeronTri,[3,4,5],constraints=cons)
Even though it's a very boring triangle, it satisfies all the conditions, including the triangle inequalities:
(x,y,z) = res.x
x + y > z
y + z > x
x + z > y
Challenge #1: Can you find the triangle with the minimum area subject to to the above constraints, but also satisfies the condition such that the difference between any two sides is less than 3?
Challenge #2: What about the maximum area yielding triangle, subject to the condition that the sum of its side lengths is equal to 18?
Side information:
Analytically, these kind of minimization problems with constraints are usually solved using a wonderful technique called Lagrange Multipliers1,2.
Lesson to learn: Starting values
If we had chosen a different starting point than (3,4,5) in our search above, we'd -most likely- still be able to land at the same minimum, e.g.,
res = opt.minimize(HeronTri,[3,8,10],constraints=cons)
res = opt.minimize(HeronTri,[7,11,5],constraints=cons)
However, check what happens when we introduce symmetry:
res = opt.minimize(HeronTri,[3,3,3],constraints=cons)
Taking a starting value of
res = opt.minimize(HeronTri,[3,3,5],constraints=cons)
Thus, always make sure that you chose various starting points and don't incorporate symmetries unless there's a specific reason to do so!
In the above example, we defined each constraint separately and then collected them in an array but remembering that
con_inequalities = opt.LinearConstraint(A,[2,2,2,1E-3,1E-3,1E-3],18)
con_equality = opt.LinearConstraint([1,1,1],18,18)
cons = [con_inequalities,con_equality]
res = opt.minimize(HeronTri,[3,4,5],constraints=cons)
A couple of things to consider:
We grouped the inequality constraints together but left the equality constraint out -- this is for efficiency (if we had also included it, then Python would have warned us to keep them separate)
We have individually declared the lowerbounds whereas for the upperbound, we entered a single value as it is common (if we wanted, we could have of course, typed 18 six times as an array)
In order to grasp the meaning of the minimization procedure, we will explicitly investigate the gradient descent algorithm.
This algorithm works by moving along the steepest direction and steeper the slope, the bigger steps we take.
Imagine that you find yourself on the side of a hill, surrounded by a mist, unable to see 1 meter ahead and you want to reach to the bottom of the hill (and for some reason, you can't walk but teleport (meaning that, you don't interact with whatever is between you and your destination -- can't see, can't feel)). What you do is, you move along the down slope. Mathematically speaking, for a 1-dimensional graph of a function, if the slope at the place you are positioned is positive (positive slope means that as x increases, the function value increases), it means that the down is towards left (i.e., if you pour some water to the ground, it will flow downwards: so, slope positive -> move towards left (-x direction) and vice versa (slope negative -> move towards right)). Since the slope of a function at any point is defined by its derivative, it's very helpful to have the function's derivative also defined, if possible.
As it's much easier to understand the procedure by working on an example, we'll cover a parabola and the "negative gaussian" function we have already defined at the beginning of this lecture.
def f(x,abc):
return abc[0]*x**2+abc[1]*x+abc[2]
def g(x,abc):
# Derivative
return 2*abc[0]*x+abc[1]
xx = np.linspace(-5,10,100)
abc = np.array([2,3,-4])
So, this is the function we are trying to find its minimum. Once again, don't forget that, we do not necessarily know the function or what it looks like: it might be a property of a material/medium like the location of a room with the minimal electrical field, the concentration of a component in a compound that yields the most optimal conductivity, or it can be a function so complicated that even though we want to calculate its minimum, can't calculate its derivative to set it to zero and solve that way analytically...
It is assumed that we ask ("shoot") for the value at the position we are interested, and for each of our queries, we have to spend some time/money/material, so the sooner we reach the minimum the better!
We have to start from somewhere... Let's start from x = 5: at this point, the slope is:
It is positive (we will walk towards left) and has a value of 23 (we will take a big step). The slope's value at that point determine the step size since as we move closer to the minimum, the slope magnitude decreases:
i = 7
for x in np.arange(9.75,-0.76,-1.75):
x12 = np.array([x-0.35,x+0.35])
plt.text(x,f(x,abc)-20,str(x)+": "+str(g(x,abc)))
i -= 1
print("x: {:5.2f} | Slope: {:5.2f}".format(x,g(x,abc)))
As you can check from the red lines depicting the slopes, their value decrease as one moves towards the minimum.
Only at the minimum(/maximum) the slope becomes 0 as it is the characteristic of extrema. Since we are moving along the decrease direction of the slope, we are moving towards the minimum.
Depending on the function, taking a step size equal to the slope value at that position might prove to be too big or too little. We compensate this fact by using a factor usually labelled as
Also, we can decide when to stop by defining a threshold tolerance for the magnitude of slope.
Let's apply these procedures to the parabola, step by step (keep in mind that we know the values of the function only at the specified positions):
:tags: [output_scroll]
x = 5
N = 50
eta = .4
tolerance = 1E-4
xs_so_far = [x]
fs_so_far = [f(x,abc)]
for i in range(N):
gg = g(x,abc)
print("Step #{:d}".format(i+1))
print("The derivative (gradient) at x = {:7.5f} is {:7.5f}"\
print("\tAs it is sufficiently close to zero, we have found the minima!")
print("\tAs it is positive, go left by: "+
"(this amount)*eta(={:.2f}).".format(eta))
print("\tAs it is negative, go right by: "+
"|this amount|*eta(={:.2f}).".format(eta))
delta = -gg*eta
x0 = x
x = x + delta
print("\t==> The new x is {:7.5f}{:+7.5f}={:7.5f}".format(x0,delta,x))
# Real minimum:# Real minimum:
np.roots([2*abc[0],abc[1]]) # root of 2ax + b
def f(x,mu,sigma):
return -np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
def g(x,mu,sigma):
return (x-mu)/(sigma**2)*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
mu = 5
sigma = 1
xx = np.linspace(0,15,100)
:tags: [output_scroll]
x = 8
N = 60
eta = .4
tolerance = 1E-4
xs_so_far = [x]
fs_so_far = [f(x,mu,sigma)]
for i in range(N):
gg = g(x,mu,sigma)
print("Step #{:d}".format(i+1))
print("The derivative (gradient) at x = {:7.5f} is {:5.4f}"\
print("\tAs it is sufficiently close to zero, we have found the minima!")
print("\tAs it is positive, go left by: "+
"(this amount)*eta(={:.2f}).".format(eta))
print("\tAs it is negative, go right by: "+
"|this amount|*eta(={:.2f}).".format(eta))
delta = -gg*eta
x0 = x
x = x + delta
print("\t==> The new x is {:7.5f}{:+7.5f}={:7.5f}".format(x0,delta,x))
mu = 5
sigma = 1
N = 10
x = np.random.rand(N)*4+3
t = f(x,mu,sigma)
xx = np.linspace(3,7,100)
We have the data points, we know the function but we don't have the mu & sigma.
The function we are going to try to minimize will be the difference between the real values (
Begin by calculating the derivatives:
(don't forget that ${x_i}$ and ${t_i}$ are fixed!)
Can you see the problem in this approach? As
You are invited to try this approach, i.e.,
def F_mu(x,mu,sigma):
return (x-mu)/sigma**2*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
def F_sigma(x,mu,sigma):
return (x-mu)**2/sigma**3*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
But what we really have in mind is the fact that, for a given
and then we would have the following derivatives:
(Evaluated via WolframAlpha: 1, 2)
def F_mu(x,t,mu,sigma):
return 2*(x-mu)/sigma**2*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))*\
def F_sigma(x,t,mu,sigma):
return 2*(x-mu)**2/sigma**3*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))*\
eta = 1
# Starting values
mu_opt = 2.7
sigma_opt = 2.3
tolerance = 1E-4
for i in range(10000):
for ii in range(x.size):
xi = x[ii]
ti = t[ii]
F_mu_xi = F_mu(xi,ti,mu_opt,sigma_opt)
F_sigma_xi = F_sigma(xi,ti,mu_opt,sigma_opt)
mu_opt -= eta*F_mu_xi
sigma_opt -= eta*F_sigma_xi
total_absolute_error = np.sum(np.abs(t-f(x,mu_opt,sigma_opt)))
if(total_absolute_error < tolerance):
print(("As the sum of the absolute errors is sufficiently close to zero ({:.7f}),\n"+
"\tbreaking the iteration at the {:d}. step!").
print("mu: {:.4f}\tsigma: {:.4f}".format(mu_opt,sigma_opt))
def f(x,mu,sigma):
return -np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
# Doing the same thing via curve_fit():
# Unbounded
res,_ = opt.curve_fit(f,x,t,[2.7,2.3])
# Bounded
res,_ = opt.curve_fit(f,x,t,[2.7,2.3],bounds=[(2,0),(7,5)])
# And via optimize.minimize():
def F(musigma,x,t):
return np.sum((t + np.exp(-(x-musigma[0])**2/(2*musigma[1]**2)))**2)
# Unbounded
res = opt.minimize(F,x0=(2.7,2.3),args=(x,t))
# Bounded
res = opt.minimize(F,x0=(2.7,2.3),args=(x,t),bounds=[(3,6.5),(None,None)])
In this approach, instead of optimizing the variables at every step for one data point, we optimize them as a whole:
eta = 0.1
# Starting values
mu_opt = 3.0
sigma_opt = 2.3
tolerance = 1E-4
total_absolute_error0 = 1000
for i in range(10000):
d_mu = -eta*np.sum(F_mu(x,t,mu_opt,sigma_opt))
d_sigma = -eta*np.sum(F_sigma(x,t,mu_opt,sigma_opt))
mu_opt += d_mu
sigma_opt += d_sigma
total_absolute_error = np.sum(np.abs(t-f(x,mu_opt,sigma_opt)))
if(total_absolute_error < tolerance):
print(("As the sum of the absolute errors is sufficiently close to zero ({:.7f}),\n"+
"\tbreaking the iteration at the {:d}. step!").
print("mu: {:.4f}\tsigma: {:.4f}".format(mu_opt,sigma_opt))
Consider the system that consists of a mass attached to springs from one side as shown in the figure:
The potential energy of the system is given by the equation:
a) Find the equilibrium positions of the particle, i.e., the locations where the potential energy is minimum for:
def V(x,k1,k2,x1,x2):
return 0.5*k1*(x-x1)**2 + 0.5*k2*(x-x2)**2
k1 = 1 # N/m
k2 = 2 # N/m
x1 = 0.3 # m
x2 = 0.7 # m
x = np.linspace(0,1,30)
Vx = V(x,k1,k2,x1,x2)
plt.xlabel("x (m)")
plt.ylabel("V(x) (J)")
res = opt.minimize(V,0,(k1,k2,x1,x2))
res = opt.root(V,0.6,(k1,k2,x1,x2))
b) If its mechanical energy is given as 3 J, find the positions where its velocity is 0, i.e., turning points.
E = 3
def K(x,k1,k2,x1,x2):
return E - V(x,k1,k2,x1,x2)
res = opt.root(K,x0=1,args=(k1,k2,x1,x2))
x = np.linspace(-1,3,30)
x_m = [-0.83491974,1.96825307]
Kx3 = K(3,k1,k2,x1,x2)
plt.xlabel("x (m)")
plt.ylabel("K(x) (J)")
x = np.linspace(-1,3,30)
x_m = [-0.83491974,1.96825307]
plt.xlabel("x (m)")
$$\begin{align} V(x_0) &= E\ \frac{1}{2}k_1(x_0-x_1)^2 + \frac{1}{2}k_2(x_0-x_2)^2 &= E\ k_1(x_0-x_1)^2 + k_2(x_0-x_2)^2 &= 2E\ k_1x_0^2+k_1x_1^2 -2k_1x_1x_0+k_2x_0^2+k_2x_2^2 -2k_2x_2x_0&=2E\ \underbrace{(k_1+k_2)}{a}x_0^2\underbrace{-2(k_1x_1+k_2x_2)}{b}x_0+\underbrace{k_1x_1^2+k_2x_2^2-2E}_{c} &= 0\ \leftrightarrow ax_0^2+bx_0+c = 0 \end{align}$$
a = (k1+k2)
b = -2*(k1*x1+k2*x2)
c = (k1*x1**2+k2*x2**2-2*E)
delta = b**2-4*a*c