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erasmux edited this page Dec 23, 2010 · 9 revisions

What is smartass?

Smartass is a “new” governor I wrote for my HTC Hero. I wrote it to optimize battery life without comprising performance.

Key points

- Uses a similar infrastructure to interactive for better responsiveness: piggybacks on the idle loop and sets a timer in order to measure the load.
- Uses a similar to idea to HTC’s perflock: When screen is on use only high frequencies, and when screen is off use only low frequencies.
- All parameters exposed for easy tweaking to the sysfs.

Tweaking smartass

Smartass should work well with my current settings on similar android device with a similar frequency range. The hero has a 528Mhz processor which is overclocked by kernel up to 748Mhz. The great the difference in the processor, the more the parameters will need to be tweaked.

TODO: add explanation of the different parameters.

Smartass commits

TODO: add list of smartass commits

I have seen that many other kernel developers, have integrated smartass. I will try to keep this section up to date, with all recent commits I have done to Smartass.

Porting smartass

TODO: add porting instructions.

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