At the core of the Archipelago philosophy is our commitment to both simplicity and flexibility.
- Drupal (CMS)
- Solr (Search)
- Cantaloupe (Image Server)
- S3 Storage ( or any other S3 flavor)
- NLP + ML Server
Installation is entirely Dockerized and scripted with easy-to-follow directions.
Docker containers are as follows:
Container Purpose Description esmero-web NGNIX Routes calls to esmero-php esmero-php PHP-FPM Has all binaries for postprocessing/exif/ocr/etc. Runs PHP code. esmero-db Database AMD and INTEL processors: MYSQL 8
ARM processors: MariaDBesmero-minio Storage S3 API compatible Backend file and ADO as file storage. In a local it will do all the S3 stuff, on a live instance it can server as file routing to AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, etc. esmero-solr Solr Currently version 9.1.1 esmero-nlp Natural Language Processing NLP64 server for entity extraction, language detection, ML, etc. esmero-cantaloupe IIIF Media Server Customized Server used to provide IIIF Image API/Media access -
Information related to non-Dockerized installation and configruation can be found here: Traditional Installation Notes
- Strawberryfield
- Format Strawberryfield
- Webform Strawberryfield
- Strawberry Runners
- Archipelago Multi-Importer (AMI)
- Fragaria Redirects
Documentation related to the Strawberryfield modules can be found here: Strawberryfields Forever
- Annotorius
- Drupal Webform Module
- International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)
- Internet Archive BookReader
- Mirador
- OpenSeadragon
- Pannellum
- Webarchive Player
- Solr OCR Highlighting
- Twig Templating In Symfony / In Drupal
Thank you for reading! Please contact us on our Archipelago Commons Google Group with any questions or feedback.
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