Structs are types that allow for combining your code into logical units. In some languages, structs may just collections of heterogeneous data, similar to records. And in other languages structs may be more like classes, allowing for the grouping of data and behavior in the form of functions or methods and may act as templates for the creation of instances of the struct.
- What is a struct? Why use structs?
- How to define structs. What is the syntax to define a struct?
- How to create instances of a struct. The syntax to create a new instance of a struct.
- Access members of a struct. How to use fields/methods on a struct instance or type.
This exercise models the implementation of a simplified windowing system for an operating system:. The reference implementation (Swift) teaches:
- Define a Size struct
- Define a Position struct
- Define a Window class
- Add a method to resize windows
- Add a method to move windows
- Add methods to update the window text and display window information
- Create a new Window
Track | Exercise | Changes |
Swift | structs-and-classes | None |