'virtual_server_stat', // general vs stats
'virtual_server_cpu_stat', // vs cpu stats
'gtm_wideip_stat', // gtm wideip stats
Top N = 10 key = virtual server name
- clientside.pkts_in
- clientside.bytes_in
- clientside.pkts_out
- clientside.bytes_out
- clientside.max_conns
- clientside.tot_conns
- clientside.cur_conns
Step 1: Sort/Collect top 10 VS from each of the seven stats above - Each VS will be scored; 10 for #1, 9 for #2, and 1 for #10 (last) - Every item in each top list gets a score just for getting on the list Step 2: Collect Scores - Create new table adding up the scores to produce a rank - third column providing reasons for rank - [[clientside.pkts_in, 6], [clientside.bytes_in, 5], [clientside.max_conns, 1], [clientside.tot_conns, 2]]
columns: [
{id: 'name', name: 'Name'},
{id: 'clientside.pkts_in', name: 'Packets In'},
{id: 'clientside.bytes_in', name: 'Bytes In'},
{id: 'clientside.pkts_out', name: 'Packets Out'},
{id: 'clientside.bytes_out', name: 'Bytes Out'},
{id: 'clientside.max_conns', name: 'Max Connections'},
{id: 'clientside.tot_conns', name: 'Total Connections'},
{id: 'clientside.cur_conns', name: 'Current Connections'},
search: true,
sort: true,
data: Object.values(data.virtual_server_stat)
columns: [
{id: 'name', name: 'Name'},
{id: 'avg_5sec', name: 'Average - 5 sec'},
{id: 'avg_1min', name: 'Average - 1 min'},
{id: 'avg_5min', name: 'Average - 5 min'}
search: true,
sort: true,
data: Object.values(data.virtual_server_cpu_stat)