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Releases: facebook/react-native


23 Nov 18:47
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Breaking Change

Upgrade to Xcode 7: React Native uses Objective-C generics

Changes since 0.15.0-rc


10 Nov 03:21
@ide ide
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This release includes a small fix to source the setup file: 9a64f17.


10 Nov 03:14
@ide ide
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v0.15.0-rc Pre-release

281 commits, 66 contributors

High level changes

  • If you're developing for iOS, you'll need to upgrade XCode to version 7.
  • Orientation changes no longer restart the app on Android. 6c11d18
  • Added rich text input support on iOS. 7779e06
  • Better RedBox error handling on both platforms.
  • Added systrace support to Android. 40b74e4


06 Nov 23:46
@ide ide
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This release contains a small fix for running the packager on Windows (issue #3757). Happy Friday!


05 Nov 23:34
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react-native 0.14.0 is now available on npm.

See the docs on how to upgrade.


  • The new asset system is fully available to use and integrated into the build systems of both Android and iOS.
  • You can use react-native upgrade to get the latest project templates for the latest features.

Changes since 0.13.0

See the 0.14.0-rc changelog:


28 Oct 23:14
@ide ide
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v0.14.0-rc Pre-release

Breaking Changes

  • D2533877: react-native bundle API changes:
    • API is now entry-file <path> based instead of url based.
    • Need to specify which platform you're bundling for --platform <ios|android>.
    • Option --out has been renamed for --bundle-output.
    • Source maps are no longer automatically generated. Need to specify --sourcemap-output <path> option to indicate where to put the source maps.
  • D2538070:
    • The --minify option is now inferred based on the --dev value. To get a production minified bundle use --dev false as --dev defaults to true.
  • 28f6eb: removeClippedSubviews now defaults to true on ListView. This is generally the behavior people expect from ListView so we're making it default to true. If you see any issues please report them.
  • 82fad3: Remove redundant script to start packager, it can still be started using react-native start or npm start


23 Oct 19:19
@ide ide
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react-native 0.13.0 is now available on npm.

Note to CocoaPods users:

We are no longer publishing React Native to CocoaPods but are maintaining the Podspec file. What this means is that you still can use CocoaPods to add React Native to your project but will have to make a small change to your Podfile.

Change this:

pod 'React', '~> 0.12'

to this:

pod 'React', :path => 'node_modules/react-native'
# or wherever your copy of react-native is

One reason for this change is that in practice many projects would end up getting two copies of React Native: one from CocoaPods under the Pods directory and one from npm under node_modules. The packager would find two copies of the same JavaScript files and report there was a conflict. So, having just one canonical copy of React Native (under node_modules, with the copy under Pods being a symlink that the packager ignores) resolves this issue.

Centralizing the distribution of React Native through npm also makes it easier for us to release updates since there's only one package repository to work with.

Changes since 0.13.0-rc

  • Merged #3347 to fix a bug with Web Sockets on Android

Changes since 0.12

See the 0.13.0-rc changelog:


13 Oct 22:21
@ide ide
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v0.13.0-rc Pre-release

261 commits, 73 contributors.

0.13.0-rc has been published to npm, JCenter, and CocoaPods.

The 0.13 release includes preliminary support for installing react-native with npm 3 and running the packager on Windows. Please understand they might not work as well as they do with npm 2 on Mac yet, since this is the first release that supports them.

A note about Windows as a dev environment: As RN iOS requires a Mac and most of the programmers at Facebook and the RN developers use Macs, support for OS X is a top priority. However, we would like to support developers using Linux and Windows too. We believe we'll get the best Windows support from people using Windows on a daily basis. So to begin with, Windows support for the development environment is an ongoing community responsibility. This can mean filing issues and submitting PRs, and we'll help review and merge them. We are looking forward to your contributions and appreciate your patience.

Breaking Changes

  • setImmediate batching: React updates (e.g. setState) scheduled with setImmediate are now batched. Most apps will notice only a performance improvement, but it may reveal bugs in code that was relying on the precise timing semantics of React during setImmediate processing. 4c74f01
  • Node 4.0: This is not a new requirement but we have made it more visible: #2547 #3296
  • ScrollView's keyboardShouldPersistTaps defaults to false: 166a96b
  • Warn when style props are not under style: make sure properties like width or backgroundColor are specified in the style prop. 2ea3b93
  • Flow 0.17: Flow has been upgraded. 49a0ae7
  • Removed RCTCache on iOS: 63a37be
  • Remove header_mappings_dir from Podspec so that all header files are flattened when installing with CocoaPods. This improves compatibility with react-native-fbsdk, for example: #3248

Known Issues

New Features


  • const is enabled by default: #2955
  • import is enabled by default: #3175
  • Number.EPSILON/MIN_SAFE_INTEGER/MAX_SAFE_INTEGER are polyfilled: de717a8
  • Animate to hex and named colors: instead of rgba syntax you now can use hex or names like "black" in Animated output ranges. #3177
  • processColor is faster: babdeb3
  • New Switch component that wraps iOS and Android's switch components: 36cbe74
  • Preserve original globals before polyfilling them: If the JS environment supports a global property like fetch, it will still be polyfilled but the original implementation will be saved as originalFetch. This lets you do things like assign global.fetch = originalFetch if you want to use Chrome's built-in fetch when debugging in Chrome. #3293
  • Export the different Navigator navigation styling for iOS and Android and a new navigationStyles prop: #3028


  • Pause JS runloop: Pause the CADisplayLink when there are no JS tasks to process to conserve energy. e727fc8
  • Use bundleForClass instead of mainBundle when looking up resources: 9076b71
  • Disable RCTAssert completely in production builds: 6ca8f48
  • Inline Images: Image components can be children of Text components. Note that all properties of the image except its source are ignored. 91e6c98
  • Optimize loading local JS bundles from the filesystem: 7fe7a2a


  • Autoplay GIFs: Fixed #2997
  • Enable background initialization of ReactApplicationContext: dcae4ba
  • Remote images in ToolbarAndroid: 5ca5ec7
  • borderWidth and borderColor on Images: 2cc8acf
  • New ViewPagerAndroid component that provides paginated scrolling. Check out the example in the UIExplorer to see how it works and how to use it. 0a41965
  • New WebSocket support on Android with an API similar to the iOS version: #2839
  • Add a ProGuard config: a7b23df


  • Reject module collisions: If you are using the Facebook-proprietary @providesModule pragma, the packager will now explicitly reject collisions: 9293e54 502d277


  • Refactored React Native attribute reconcilation: 6c5024e 8e3ce0f ac5b754
  • Use platform-independent dir separator in Android build file: #2961
  • CLI has --verbose flag to debug slow project initialization. You will need to update your global npm package for react-native-cli to get this feature. #3193
  • Packager server is more modular and split into several middleware. This doesn't affect users of RN but should make it a little nicer for contributors. 35f9ac8 f37ad56 f980c33 22e88f2 0a835b7 42d7563
  • Lots of documentation updates. A thank you to the contributors!

Bug Fixes

  • End iOS Slider interaction when touches are cancelled: 8f13560
  • Clear images only if they have been removed from the view hierarchy: previously images were removed even if they were moved within the view hierarchy. a4ef7ab
  • Multiline JS import statements are now parsed: #1939
  • JS WebSockets implement EventTarget: #2599
  • Preserve Android React instance when handling exceptions: 3dcc234
  • Set scrollsToTop = NO for RCTTextInput placeholders: #3129
  • Cancel pending timeouts when Touchable components are unmounted: #1152
  • Support npm packages that require package.json: #2949
  • Better error message when loading non-existent image URIs on iOS: #3127
  • Check if Android React instance is destroyed when adding profiling option to dev menu: 787895e
  • Make sure ListView call onEndReached even when there are very few rows: b0bdd4e
  • Protect against Android SQLLiteFullExceptions for AsyncStorage: ea8d0b6
  • Fix touches when the Android keyboard is visible: c805157
  • Fix crash due to thread-unsafe race condition on iOS when reloading: cb8b656...
Read more


09 Oct 05:36
@ide ide
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List of 418 commits by 79 contributors: 0.11-stable...0.12-stable


15 Sep 01:15
@ide ide
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This release includes the initial version of React Native for Android. The official site and docs have been updated with information about the Android version.

Contributors: Moving forward, please include iOS and Android changes in PRs that affect both platforms.

0.11 also includes support for Node 4.0, which was recently released after the Node.js and io.js projects converged. We recommend using nvm to install the latest version of Node. Older versions of Node are not supported.

See the 0.11.0-rc notes for a more detailed change log: