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List Management API

The list management API allows applications to create and manage Fiesta lists.


For details on authenticating with the API, see :doc:`authentication`. All endpoints state whether they require :ref:`client <client-auth>` or :ref:`user <user-auth>` auth. User auth is strictly stronger than client auth (if an endpoint requires client auth and you have a user auth token that will work, but the opposite won't). Endpoints that require user auth also state the required scope.

Groups and Users

The most important concept for working with the Fiesta API is that of a list. Conceptually, a list is just a group of members, so the API uses the word group (and group_id, group_uri, etc.) when talking about lists. A user is an individual person who can belong to a Fiesta list.

The connection between groups and users is represented using a third core structure, called a membership. This extra layer of indirection is required because users can belong to groups in different ways. E.g. each member of a list can use a different list address (we call that a group_name) for the same list. The group_name is stored in each membership, rather than in the group itself.

Creating a Group

Let's start by creating a new list. This is a two step process: first we'll create a group and then we'll add memberships to the group. We'll start with :http:post:`/group`:

.. http:post:: /group

    Create a new mailing list. Requires :ref:`user-auth` with "create"
    scope when creating on behalf of a specific user. When creating on
    behalf of your client requires only :ref:`client-auth`.

    Input (as JSON POST data with *Content-Type*

    .. code-block:: js

        creator: {
                   address: EMAIL_ADDRESS,
                   group_name: STRING (optional),
                   display_name: STRING (optional),
                   welcome_message: WELCOME_MESSAGE (optional)
                 } (optional),
        default_group_name: STRING (optional),
        domain: STRING (optional),
        description: STRING (optional)

    `creator` is a block of information about the list's creator. If
    `creator` is present the list is being created on behalf of a
    specific user, so :ref:`user-auth` is required. If the list is
    being created on behalf of your client, the `creator` field should
    **not** be present. In that case, only :ref:`client-auth` is

    `address` is the email address of the group's creator
    (e.g. "[email protected]"). This address must be owned by the
    authenticated user.

    `group_name` (optional) is the group name that will be used for
    the group's creator. If you're creating a list called
    "family\", `group_name` should be "family". `group_name`
    may be omitted if and only if a `default_group_name` is specified.
    In that case the `default_group_name` will be used. See
    :ref:`group-names` for more information.

    `display_name` (optional) is the name that will be displayed for
    the group's creator throughout the Fiesta UI (e.g. "Mike
    Dirolf"). If it's included and the creator does not yet have a
    display name, it will be set.

    `welcome_message` (optional) is a :ref:`custom welcome message
    <message>`. If not present, the default Fiesta welcome message
    will be sent to the creator: this includes some basic info about
    the list and the list description. If `welcome_message` is a
    :ref:`Message <message>` instance, the specified message will be sent to the
    creator instead. If it's ``null`` or ``false`` no welcome message
    will be sent.

    `default_group_name` (optional) is the default group name members
    will get when added to this group unless a different one is
    specified when being added. See :ref:`group-names` for more

    `domain` (optional) is the domain to use for the list address. The
    default is "". To use a custom domain your client must
    have permission for that domain: check out `Fiesta Custom
    <>`_ for setting up custom domains.

    `description` (optional) is a short (maximum of 200 characters)
    description of the list. It is included in the default welcome
    message that is sent to new list members, and elsewhere in the
    Fiesta UI. If you are making a group for the Fantastic Four the
    group_name could be something like "f4" and the description could
    be "Fantastic Four".

    Returns the following JSON data in the response body:

    .. code-block:: js

        status: {
                  code: INT,
                  message: STRING (sometimes present)
        location: URI,
        data: {
                group_id: GROUP_ID,
                group_uri: URI,
                default_group_name: STRING,
                domain: STRING,
                description: STRING,
                members: URI

    The status `code` is a numeric code that will match the response's
    `HTTP status code
    <>`_. It
    will be ``201`` if the group was created successfully. It will be
    ``202`` if the group was created but is still pending activation
    by the group's owner (they'll need to click a link in an email
    they were sent).

    `message` will be included if there is an additional explanation
    of the status code.

    `group_id` is a unique string that Fiesta has assigned as an
    identifier for the group. This is the handle you'll need for
    subsequent interactions with the group, so it's often a good idea
    to store it somewhere.

    `location` and `group_uri` is the endpoint to use to get
    information about the group. This value will also be present as
    the HTTP *Location* header.

    `members` is the endpoint to use to get a list of group members or
    add another member to this group.

    `description`, `domain` and `default_group_name` are as described
    above for the method's input.

Adding Members

After creating the group, our list will have a single membership: the group's creator. Let's add another member using the members URI that was returned above:

.. http:post:: /membership/(string: group_id)

    Add a group membership. Requires :ref:`user-auth` with "modify"
    scope. The authenticated user must be a member of the group
    identified by `group_id`. Alternatively, the group must have been
    created by the authorized client - in that case only
    :ref:`client-auth` is required.

    Input (as JSON POST data with *Content-Type*

    .. code-block:: js

        address: EMAIL_ADDRESS,
        group_name: STRING (optional),
        display_name: STRING (optional),
        welcome_message: WELCOME_MESSAGE (optional),
        send_invite: BOOLEAN (optional)

    `address` is the email address of the new member.

    `group_name` (optional) is the group name that will be used for
    the new member. If you're creating a list called
    "family\", `group_name` should be "family". `group_name`
    may be omitted if and only if a `default_group_name` exists for
    the list. In that case the `default_group_name` will be used. See
    :ref:`group-names` for more information.

    `display_name` (optional) is the name that will be displayed for
    the new member throughout the Fiesta UI. If it's included and the
    member does not yet have a display name, it will be set.

    `welcome_message` (optional) is a :ref:`custom welcome message
    <message>`. If not present, the default Fiesta welcome message
    will be sent: this includes some basic info about the list and the
    list description. If `welcome_message` is a :ref:`Message <message>`
    instance, the specified message will be sent to the new member
    instead. If it's ``null`` or ``false`` no welcome message will be

    If `send_invite` is ``True`` (the default is ``False``), the new
    member will be invited to the list but not added. They'll receive
    an email invitation with a link they can click to join the
    list. If `send_invite` is ``True`` and a custom `welcome_message`
    is specified, the welcome message must contain the string
    ``"$invite_url"``, which will be replaced with the URL the user
    can click to join the group.

    Returns the following JSON data in the response body:

    .. code-block:: js

        status: {
                  code: INT,
                  message: STRING (sometimes present)
        location: URI,
        data: {
                membership_uri: URI
                group_id: GROUP_ID,
                group_uri: URI,
                user_id: USER_ID,
                user_uri: URI,
                group_name: STRING,

    The status `code` is a numeric code that will match the response's
    `HTTP status code
    <>`_. It
    will be ``201`` if the member was added successfully. It will be
    ``202`` if the member was added but the group is still pending
    activation by the group's owner (they'll need to click a link in
    an email they were sent). It will be ``200`` if the member was not
    added (generally because the address is already a group member).

    `message` will be included if there is an additional explanation
    of the status code.

    `location` and `membership_uri` is the endpoint to use to get
    information about the membership. This value will also be present
    as the HTTP *Location* header.

    `group_id` and `group_uri` are the ID and URI of the group.

    `user_id` and `user_uri` are the ID and URI of the (possibly newly
    created) user.

    `group_name` is the name of the group as used by this user.

Notes on Group Names

Group names may only contain letters, numbers, '-', '_', and '.'. The maximum length of a group name is 30 characters. Names are not case sensitive and '-', '_', and '.' are ignored for the purposes of equality testing. So "test", "t_e_s_t" and "Te.ST" are considered equivalent.

When adding someone to a list with a specific group name, the name they are actual added with may differ: Fiesta will automatically ensure that the name is unique among all of their lists. If [email protected] already has a list called "family" and your client attempts to add them to another list using the name "family" the new list will automatically be renamed to "family1" for that user.

The group namespace is shared across all domains. If you are using a custom domain the same collision response will occur with groups of the same name using a different domain.

Sending Messages

Now that we've added a few members to the group, let's see how to send messages to them.

.. http:post:: /message/(string: group_id)

    Send a message to a group.

    Requires :ref:`user-auth` with "message" scope. The authenticated
    user must be a member of the group identified by `group_id`. The
    email is sent on behalf of the authenticated user. Alternatively,
    the group must have been created by the current client - in that
    case, only :ref:`client-auth` is required.

    Input (as JSON POST data with *Content-Type*

    .. code-block:: js

        message: MESSAGE

    `message` is a :ref:`message` object.


    .. code-block:: js

        status: {
                  code: INT,
                  message: STRING (sometimes present)
        data: {
                group_id: GROUP_ID,
                group_uri: URI,
                message_id: STRING,
                thread_id: STRING,
                message: MESSAGE,

    The status `code` is a numeric code that will match the response's
    `HTTP status code
    <>`_. It
    will be ``200`` if the message was sent successfully. It will be
    ``400`` if the message failed to send.

    `message (Status)` will be included if there is an additional explanation
    of the status code.

    `group_id` and `group_uri` are the ID and URI of the group.

    `message_id` is a unique identifier (as a string) assigned to the
    sent message.

    `thread_id` is a unique identifier (as a string) assigned to the
    thread created by the sent message.

    `message (Data)` will be a :ref:`Message <message>` representing
    the email sent.


A message is a representation of an email for Fiesta to send. It should be a JSON object with one or more of the following fields:

  subject: STRING,
  text: STRING,
  markdown: STRING

subject is the subject to use for the message.

text is a plain-text body to use for the message. It will be used if present.

markdown is a Markdown formatted body to use for the message. If it is present and text is absent, markdown will be used for the the body of the message. An HTML version of the email, generated from the Markdown, will also be included.


There is currently no way to include raw HTML in messages. The best alternative is to send the message as markdown, which will be used to generate HTML. If you feel you need raw HTML, please get in touch on the support list.

Removing a List Member

To remove a member from the list just issue a DELETE request on the membership URI:

.. http:delete:: /membership/(string: group_id)/(string: user_id)

    Remove a group membership.

    Requires :ref:`user-auth` with "modify" scope. The authenticated
    user must be a member of the group identified by
    `group_id`. Alternatively, the group must have been created by the
    current client - in that case, only :ref:`client-auth` is

    Responds with status code ``200`` if the membership either didn't
    exist or was successfully removed.

Getting Group/User Information

.. http:get:: /group/(string: group_id)

   Retrieve information about a group.

   Requires :ref:`user-auth` with "read" scope. The authenticated user
   must be a member of the group identified by
   `group_id`. Alternatively, the group must have been created by the
   current client - in that case, only :ref:`client-auth` is required.


   .. code-block:: js

       group_id: GROUP_ID,
       group_uri: URI,
       default_group_name: STRING,
       domain: STRING,
       description: STRING,
       members: URI

.. http:get:: /membership/(string: group_id)/(string: user_id)

   Retrieve specific information on a membership between a group and member.

   Requires :ref:`user-auth` with "read" scope. The authenticated user
   must be a member of the group identified by
   `group_id`. Alternatively, the group must have been created by the
   current client - in that case, only :ref:`client-auth` is required.


   .. code-block:: js

       group_id: GROUP_ID,
       group_uri: URI,
       user_id: USER_ID,
       user_uri: URI

   If the authorized user is the user has id `user_id`, the group name
   for the user is also included:

   .. code-block:: js

       group_id: GROUP_ID,
       group_uri: URI,
       user_id: USER_ID,
       user_uri: URI,
       group_name: STRING

.. http:get:: /membership/(string: group_id)

   Retrieve a list of all the membership URIs for a particular group.

   Requires :ref:`user-auth` with "read" scope. The authenticated user
   must be a member of the group identified by
   `group_id`. Alternatively, the group must have been created by the
   current client - in that case, only :ref:`client-auth` is required.


   .. code-block:: js

       memberships: [{
                       group_id: GROUP_ID,
                       group_uri: URI,
                       user_id: USER_ID,
                       user_uri: URI,
                       membership_uri: URI
                     }, ...]

.. http:get:: /user/(string: user_id)

   Retrieve information about a user.

   The response includes a list of scopes the user with id `user_id`
   has authorized for this client:

   .. code-block:: js

       user_id: USER_ID,
       scopes: SCOPES

   If the client has :ref:`user-auth` with "read" scope, and the
   authenticated user has id `user_id`, additional information is

   .. code-block:: js

       user_id: USER_ID,
       scopes: SCOPES
       name: STRING,
       memberships: URI,

.. http:get:: /groups_for/(string: user_id)

   With the proper :ref:`user-auth` this will return a list of all the
   memberships for a particular user. If only a :ref:`client-auth` is
   provided, only groups the user is a member of that have been created
   by the client will be returned.

   Requires :ref:`user-auth` with "read" scope.


   .. code-block:: js

       memberships: [{
                       group_id: GROUP_ID,
                       group_uri: URI,
                       user_id: USER_ID,
                       user_uri: URI,
                       membership_uri: URI
                     }, ...]

.. http:delete:: /groups_for/(string: user_id)

   Deletes all memberships returned by passing in a :ref:`client-auth`
   to :http:get:`/groups_for/(string: user_id)`.

   Requires :ref:`client-auth` with "modify" scope. Passing in a
   :ref:`user-auth` is currently not supported.

   Responds with a status code 200 if the memberships were
   successfully deleted.


Any API error will result in a response with a 40x HTTP status code. Error responses also contain a JSON body, e.g.:

  status: {code: 400},
  error: "invalid_request",
  error_description: "Unsupported Authorization scheme"

status will always be present, and contains a code field whose value will always match the HTTP status code of the response.

error will always be present, and is a short token categorizing the error (see below for a list of possible values).

error_description will sometimes be present, and is a long-form description of the error that occurred.

List of possible error values:

  • "invalid_request" (400): The client sent a request that is malformed or missing required values.
  • "invalid_scope" (400): The client requested authorization for a scope that isn't recognized by the API.
  • "unsupported_grant_type" (400): The client is attempting to use an unsupported OAuth grant type.
  • "invalid_token" (401): The API call was made using an invalid or expired token.
  • "invalid_client" (401): The API call was made using invalid client credentials.
  • "access_denied" (401): The client does not have sufficient permissions to make the attempted request.
  • "no_such_resource" (404): The client is attempting to operate on a resource (e.g. group, user, etc.) that does not exist.
  • "unsupported_response_type" (406): The client requested a response type (using the Accept header) that isn't supported by the API.


It's possible (though unlikely) that an attempt to use the API could result in a 50x response. Any such response is automatically reported so we can attempt to address the issue, but following up with any helpful information about the error is appreciated.