MMSocket framework provides a simple way of creating swift client and server sockets on both iOS and tvOS.
I created this simple framework for a project in which I needed to exchange some data between a tvOS app and a iOS companion app.
- iOS and tvOS support
- Pure swift
- Zero configuration support using Bonjour
- Fully asynchronous operations using GCD
- Simple protocol implementation to send various data packets encoded in JSON
- No external dependencies
To integrate MMSocket into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:
github "MMSocket/MMSocket" ~> 1.0
Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built MMSocket.framework into your Xcode project.
class ExamplePayload : Codable {
var aString : String = ""
public init(withString aString: String) {
self.aString = aString
//look for a bonjour service named mmtest
let bonjourConfig = MMBonjourConfig(domain: "local.", type: "_mmtest._tcp.", name: "mmtest")
//connect to this bonjour service
try? self.socketClient.connectTo(withBonjourConfig: bonjourConfig, closeHandler: self.closeHandler) {
//prepare a packet of type 0x01 with ExamplePayload
let payload = ExamplePayload(withString: "a simple string payload")
let packet = MMPacket<ExamplePayload>(0x01, withPayload: payload)
let packedData = packet.asData()
//send the packet
try? self.socketClient.sendData(packedData)
class ExamplePayload : Codable {
var aString : String = ""
public init(withString aString: String) {
self.aString = aString
//Advertise ourself as a bonjour service named mmtest
let bonjourConfig = MMBonjourConfig(domain: "local.", type: "_mmtest._tcp.", name: "mmtest")
//Start listening using this bonjour config.
//Passing 0 for the port means it will be automatically assigned
try? socketServer.startListening(onPort: 0, publishingOnBonjour: bonjourConfig) { client in
//Start receiving. This will trigger when data is received on this socket
//we forward this to the Socket Engine which will make sense of the packets.
//You can decide to handle data by yourself, SocketEngine usage is not mandatory.
try? client.startReceiving() { receiving_client in
self.socketEngine.onReceive(socketClient: receiving_client)
//Subscribe for packet of type 0x01
//when received, the packet string will be decoded and printed
self.socketEngine.on(0x01) { payloadData in
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
guard let decPayload = try? jsonDecoder.decode(ExamplePayload.self, from: payloadData) else {
print("fail to decode payload")
//DISCLAIMER: Error handling have been intentionaly excluded in this sample code for reading simplicity. Have a look at the full SimpleServerExampleTVOS for proper error handling.
A basic server running on tvOS
A basic client running pn iOS. It will try to connect to a bonjour client of type mmtest (the one defined in SimpleServerExampleTVOS) and then send a simple string.