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File metadata and controls

73 lines (49 loc) · 4.29 KB


This repository describes the organization of China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) data available on AWS and provide additional data and tools for its use.

Information about the CBERS program is available from INPE's site (in Portuguese).

Accessing CBERS data on AWS

Entry in Open Data on AWS (RODA) is Please check this link for updated resources such as project's mailing list, SNS topics, STAC metadata service, etc.

The AWS repository contains the complete archive of CBERS-4 MUX, AWFI, PAN5 and PAN10 scenes.

The images are pulled daily from INPE's catalog at and are converted to Cloud Optimized Geotiff format.

The data is organized in two s3 buckets, both located in the us-east-1 region.

cbers-pds bucket

Scenes are organized using a directory structure based on each scene’s path, row and acquisition date. For instance, the files for CBERS-4 MUX scene CBERS_4_MUX_20160518_163_128_L4 are available in the following location: s3://cbers-pds/CBERS4/MUX/163/128/CBERS_4_MUX_20160518_163_128_L4/

The naming convention used for the files is CBERS\_{N}\_{CAM}\_{YYYYMMDD}\_{PPP}\_{RRR}\_L{L}\_BAND{B}.{tif|xml}, where:

  • N : mission.
  • CAM: camera identification: MUX, AWFI, PAN10M or PAN5M.
  • YYYYMMDD: acquisition date.
  • PPP: path, see more information on reference grid below.
  • RRR: row, see more information on reference grid below.
  • L: processing level:
    • 2: system corrected image, expect some translation error.
    • 4: orthorectified with ground control points.
  • B: band number
  • tif|xml: tif for Geotiff files, xml for metadata files.

cbers-pds is a Requester Pays bucket, which means that you can access it freely within the us-east region, but you will incur charges if you download it from elsewhere.

cbers-meta-pds bucket

The data is organized using a directory structure identical to the one shown above, the difference is that this bucket stores only quicklooks for each scene. Each directory contains a large and a small quicklook, for instance:

  • Large quicklook: s3://cbers-meta-pds/CBERS4/MUX/157/133/CBERS_4_MUX_20150607_157_133_L4/CBERS_4_MUX_20150607_157_133.jpg
  • Small quicklook: s3://cbers-meta-pds/CBERS4/MUX/157/133/CBERS_4_MUX_20150607_157_133_L4/CBERS_4_MUX_20150607_157_133_small.jpeg

This bucket also provides manifest files describing all scenes at its root level, in gzipped and plain format:

The plain csv file does not include a first line with the column ids.

SNS Topics for available quicklooks

SNS messages are sent to topics when a new quicklook is available in the cbers-pds bucket. The quicklook generation is the last step in the ingestion procedure.

The SNS topics are:

  • arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:769537946825:NewCB4MUXQuicklook for MUX quicklooks
  • arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:769537946825:NewCB4AWFIQuicklook for AWFI quicklooks
  • arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:769537946825:NewCB4PAN10MQuicklook for PAN10M quicklooks
  • arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:769537946825:NewCB4PAN5MQuicklook for PAN5M quicklooks

STAC item topics and catalog

A STAC metadata record is generated as soon as a new scene is ingested and its content is published to a SNS topic. Please check the topic ARNs and API endpoints to access the catalog in the RODA link