This project is only for study purpose, DO NOT use this project to do any illegal behavior! This project is not responsible for any legal risks caused by its own misuse of this project!
Bilibili(a famous video website in China) Converter for BV number. Users only need to run the specific program to obtain the data they want.
- With Parameters
Input following line in your terminal(Linux & macOS) or Command Prompt(Windows)
python3 <BV number> <p number>
Change <BV number> into the BV number of the video, and <p number> into the index of the part of the video
Press enter, you will get the CID of the part of the video you queried in your system's default language(Currently support Chinese Simplified
and English
- Without Parameters
Input following line in your terminal(Linux & macOS) or Command Prompt(Windows)
Choose whether or not use system's default language(Currently only support Chinese Simplified
and English
) to run this program
Your current language display is English, do you want to switch language?
Select the language you want
1. 简体中文
2. English
请选择语言(Select language):
Then input BV number(use English
as an example)
Please input BV number:
After that, input the index of the part of the video you want to(Number only, 0 stands for the first part, 1 stands for the second part, and so on)(use English as an example)
Please input the index of the part of the video you want to
(Number only, 0 stands for the first part, 1 stands for the second part, and so on):
After wait for a while, you will see the CID for the part of the video you queried
- With Parameters
Input following line in your terminal(Linux & macOS) or Command Prompt(Windows)
python3 <BV number>
Change <BV number> into the BV number of the video
Press enter, you will get the AV number of that video in your system's default language(Currently only support Chinese Simplified
and English
- Without Parameters
Input following line in your terminal(Linux & macOS) or Command Prompt(Windows)
Choose whether or not use system's default language(Currently only support Chinese Simplified
and English
) to run this program
Your current language display is English, do you want to switch language?
Select the language you want
1. 简体中文
2. English
请选择语言(Select language):
Then input BV number(use English
as an example)
Please input BV number:
After wait for a while, you will see the AV number for the video you queried
In progress, will be available in the future.
For iOS and iPadOS users, you can use the 'Shortcut' APP to make the same effect, click Here, after you imported, you can directly use that to query
Can I run this program if I do not have python?
This program must require python, please download python Here! If you are not familiar with python, please look this website: Python Getting Started
The program throws this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'
How to solve this
You might not have installed the required dependency
, please follow one of the following methods to installMethod One:
pip3 install requests
Method Two:
pip3 install -r <requirement.txt address>
Please note that <requirement.txt address> need to change into the address in this program's
If you find a bug, it is welcomed to submit your Pull Request or Issues here, or please email me at [email protected] I will reply these ASAP!