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331 lines (290 loc) · 9.16 KB

Intel x64 CheatSheet

Program Template

global _start
section .text



section .data

   Initialized Variables

section .bss

   Uninitialized Variables

Compile, Link, Shellcode

# nasm -f elf64 file.nasm -o file.o
# ld file.o -o file
# ld -N file.o -o file     <== Option -N allows program to read/write in .text


# objdump -M intel -d FILE.o

Generate Shellcode One Liner

# echo “\"$(objdump -d FILE.o | grep '[0-9a-f]:' | 
              cut -d$'\t' -f2 | grep -v 'file' | tr -d " \n" | sed 's/../\\x&/g')\"""


64 bits 32 bits 16 bits 8 bits Description
rax eax ax al Accumulator; used to store some calculation results
rbx ebx bx bl Base; index register for MOVE
rcx ecx cx cl Counter; count for string operations & shifts
rdx edx dx dl Datas; port address for IN and OUT
rsi esi si sil Source Index (source for data copies)
rdi edi di dil Destination Index (destination for data copies)
rsp esp sp spl Stack Pointer
rip eip ip ipl Instruction Pointer
rbp ebp bp bpl <base Pointer (start of stack)
r8 r8d r8w r8b General Purpose
... ... ... ... General Purpose
r15 r15d r15w r15b General Purpose

RFLAGS Register

Bit # Abbreviation Description
0 CF Carry flag
1 Reserved always 1 in EFLAGS
2 PF Parity flag
3 Reserved
4 AF Adjust flag
5 Reserved
6 ZF Zero flag
7 SF Sign flag
8 TF Trap flag (single step)
9 IF Interrupt enable flag
10 DF Direction flag
11 OF Overflow flag
12-13 IOPL I/O privilege level (286+ only)
14 NT Nested task flag (286+ only)
15 Reserved. Always 1 on 8086 and 186,always 0 on later models
16 RF Resume flag (386+ only)
17 VM Virtual 8086 mode flag (386+ only)
18 AC Alignment check (486SX+ only)
19 VIF Virtual interrupt flag (Pentium+)
20 VI Virtual interrupt pending (Pentium+)
21 ID Able to use CPUID instruction (Pentium+)
22‑31 Reserved
32‑63 Reserved


Moving Data Instructions

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
mov op1, op2 Mov op2 into op1
lea op1, op2 Load Effective Address of op2 into op1
xchg op1, op2 op1 <- op2 and op2 <- op1

Comparison and Test Instructions

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
cmp Op1, Op2 Set condition codes according to Op1-Op2
test Op1, Op2 Set condition codes according to Op1 & Op2

Arithmetic Instructions

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
add op1, op2 op1 <- (op1 + op2)
sub op1, op2 op1 <- (op1 - op2)
inc op1 op1 <- (op1 + 1)
dec op1 op1 <- (op1 + 1)

Scan / Compare / Copy Strings

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
scasb / scasw / scasd / scasq Compares al/ax/eax/rax with memory pointed by rdi. If equals ZF = 1
cmpsb / cmpsw / cmpsd / cmpsq [rsi] <- [rdi]
lodsb / lodsw / lodsd / lodsq rax <- [rsi]
movsb / movsw / movsd / movsq [rdi] <- [rsi]

Jump Instructions

Instruction Description Condition Code Opcode Instruction Size
jmp label Jump to label
je / jz label Jump if equal/zero ZF = 0
jne / jnz label Jump if not equal/nonzero ZF = 1
js label Jump if negative SF = 1
jns label Jump if nonnegative SF = 0
jg / jnle label Jump if greater (signed) ZF = 0 and SF = OF
jge / jnl label Jump if greater or equal (signed) SF = OF
jl / jnge label Jump if less (signed) SF <> OF
jle / jng label Jump if less or equal ZF = 1 or SF <> OF
ja / jnbe label Jump if above (unsigned) CF = 0 and ZF = 0
jae / jnb label Jump if above or equal (unsigned) CF = 0
jb / jnae label Jump if below (unsigned) CF = 1
jbe / jna label Jump if below or equal (unsigned) CF = 1 or ZF = 1

Loop Instructions

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
loop label Decrements CX and jumps to label if CX <> 0
loope / loopz label Decrements CX and jumps to label if CX <> 0 and ZF = 1
loopne / loopnx label Decrements CX and jumps to label if CX <> 0 and ZF = 0

Procedure Call instructions

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
call label Push return address and jump to label
call @ Push return address and jump to specified location
leave Set RSP to RBP, then pop top of stack into RBP
ret Pop return address from stack and jump there

Bit Shift Instructions

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
rol Rotate Left. bit_0 <- bit_64 and CF <- bit_64
ror Rotate Right. bit_64 <- bit_0 and CF <- bit_64
rcl Shift Left. bit_0 <- CF, then CF <- bit_64
rcr Shift Right._ bit_64_ <- CF, then CF <- bit_0
shl / sal
shr / sar

Misc Instructions

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
sti / cli Sets IF to 1 or 0
std / cld Sets DF to 1 or 0
stc / cls / cmc Sets CF to 1, 0 or inverts it

Loop Instruction

Instruction Description Opcode Instruction Size
loop label rcx -= rcx, if rcx != 0 jumps to label. If rcx == 0 continues
rep instruction if rcx != 0 execs instruction, then decrements rcx. If rcx == 0 continues

System Calls

Values returned in RAX. Registers:

  • RAX : System Call Number
  • RDI : Argument 1
  • RSI : Argument 2
  • RDX : Argument 3
  • R10 : Argument 4
  • R8 : Argument 5
  • R9 : Argument 6

Referencing Variables

JMP-CALL-POP Technique

global _start
section .text

   jmp call_shellcode

	pop rsi         ; RSI <- @ string 

	call shellcode
	string db “Hello World”

Stack Technique

Stack String bytes in reverse order. Make RSI get RSP value, then RSI gets the value of @ string

Relative Addressing

global _start
section .text
       jmp real_start
       hello_world: db "Hello World",0xa

       lea rsi, [rel hello_world]

Linux x64 Syscalls

exit( int)
fork( pointer)
read( uint, char*, int)
write( uint, char*, int)
open( char *, int, int)

Calling Assembly Function from C

#include <stdio.h>

int add(int op1, int op2);

void(main(void) {
	printf("%d", add(1,2));
global add
section data
section .text
  mov eax, [esp + 4]
  mov eax, [esp + 8]
# nasm -f elf add.nasm -o add.o
# gcc -Wall main.c add.o -o main

Calling C Function from Assembly

int add (int op1, int op2) {
	return a+b;
extern add
extern printf
extern exit

global start

section .data
	format: db "%d", 10, 0

section .text
	push 2
	push 1
	call add
	push eax
	push format
	call printf
	push 0
	call exit
# gcc -Wall -c add.c -o add
# nasm -f main.asm -o main.o
# ld main.o add.o -lc -I /lib/