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Yonggang Luo edited this page Apr 6, 2015 · 37 revisions

We build Git for Windows using an MSys2 based Git for Windows SDK. This SDK can be installed via a net-installer

Installing a build environment

  1. Just install the net-installer.

Build Git

  1. An initial git clone and make should have already occurred when installing the net-installer.

  2. Open the Git for Windows SDK MinGW shell by double clicking either the Shortcut on the desktop Git SDK 32-bit.lnk or by double clicking mingw32_shell.bat in the install folder. That is Git SDK 64-bit.lnk and mingw64_shell.bat for the 64bit net-installer.

  3. Change directory to the initial clone: cd /usr/src/git.

  4. (Optional) build Git: make.

  5. Run the test suite: make test. If you are a fan of statistics, you can use the following prove invocation to run the testsuite. But first we have to change to the test directory with the command cd t. After that you can issue /usr/bin/time prove -j 15 --state=failed,save ./t[0-9]*.sh. If 15 threads are too many for your system, you can provide the number of threads via the -j <num> (j for jobs) parameter.

  6. Command Lines for building git and git documents

cd /usr/src
git clone
cd git
# verify that the test suite passes
make -j5 all
cd t
/usr/bin/time prove -j 5 --state=failed,save ./t[0-9]*.sh

# install the git binaries
make install

# make & install the html documentation
cd /usr/src/git/Documentation
make html
DIFF='diff' HOME='/mingw64' make install-html #/mingw32 if for 32bit arch

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