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File metadata and controls

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MacBook Commands

Command Description
netstat -vanp tcp | grep <port_number> To get the process and its details using the specified port number
sudo lsof -i tcp:<port_number> To get the process and its details using the specified port number on El Capitan
sudo mdutil -E / Re-indexing for Spotlight
mdfind -name <application name> To get all the places where the application is referenced
sudo osascript -e 'set volume input volume <integer volume level>' To change the volume of the system
sudo osascript -e 'set volume output muted <TRUE/FALSE>' Set the volume to mute/unmute
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to <shut down/restart>' Shutdown/ Restart the system without confirmation
sudo osascript -e 'quit app ""' Quits terminal app
sudo osascript -e 'quit app "<app_name>"' quits the specified app
sudo pkill TouchBarServer; To kill/restart the touch bar in Apple MacBook Pro
sudo killall “ControlStrip"; To kill/restart the control strip in Apple MacBook Pro
sudo powermetrics Gather and display CPU usage statistics
sudo killall coreaudiod Fix the Dound Output issues with Mac
sudo spctl --master-disable disables Gatekeeper to open any app that's not from trusted source
  • words enclosed with < and > shuld be replaced with your preferences