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62 lines (50 loc) · 3.39 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (50 loc) · 3.39 KB



Maintainer: robbyrussell

rails aliases:

Alias Command
rc rails console
rd rails destroy
rdb rails dbconsole
rg rails generate
rgm rails generate migration
rp rails plugin
ru rails runner
rs rails server
rsd rails server --debugger

rake aliases:

Alias Command
rdm rake db:migrate
rdms rake db:migrate:status
rdr rake db:rollback
rdc rake db:create
rds rake db:seed
rdd rake db:drop
rdtc rake db:test:clone
rdtp rake db:test:prepare
rdmtc rake db:migrate db:test:clone
rlc rake log:clear
rn rake notes
rr rake routes


Maintainer: robbyrussell

Enables aliases to Bundler.

Alias Description
be Bundle exec, execute a command in the context of the bundle
bi Bundle install
bu Bundle update

Also creates shell aliases so you don't have to type "bundle exec" before most common ruby commands when you are in a directory with a Gemfile. Here is a list of commands it does this for: annotate cap capify cucumber ey foreman guard heroku middleman nanoc rackup rainbows rails rake rspec ruby shotgun spec spork thin thor unicorn unicorn_rails


Command Description
rb18 [GEMSET] shortcut for rvm use ruby-1.8.7-p334@GEMSET (with gemset completion)
rb19 [GEMSET] shortcut for rvm use ruby-1.9.2-p180@GEMSET (with gemset completion)
rubies list installed rubies
gemsets list gemsets for currently active ruby
gems list gems available in currently active gemset Note: This has opinions about colors. It should be re-factored to be customizable in themes.

After rvm-update (alias for rvm get head; rvm reload), run rvm-link-completion to make a symlink to the official zsh completion file that comes with rvm into your oh-my-zsh rvm plugin directory.