id = "HSEC-0000-0000"
cwe = []
# Arbitrary keywords. We recommend to include keywords relating
# to the protocols, data formats or services pertaining to the
# affected package (e.g. "json", "tls", "aws"). You can also
# include keywords describing the vulnerability or impact (e.g.
# "dos", "sqli" "csrf"). Just think, "what keywords would I use
# if I was searching for issues affecting this package, or a
# particular class of vulnerabilities?"
keywords = ["example", "freeform", "keywords"]
# Corresponding and related advisory IDs. You could include
# CVE, GHSA or other well known databases, as well as other
# HSEC IDs in the `related` field.
aliases = ["CVE-2022-XXXX"]
related = ["CVE-2022-YYYY", "CVE-2022-ZZZZ"]
# You can declare multiple affected packages
package = "package-name"
cvss = "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H"
# arch = ["x86", "x86_64"]
# os = ["mingw32"]
# declarations = { "Acme.Broken.function" = ">= 1.1.0 && < 1.2.0", "Acme.Broken.renamedFunction" = ">= 1.2.0 && <"}
# Versions affected by the vulnerability.
# The `fixed` field is optional. You can specify multiple ranges
# (for example, if the issue was introduced in multiple releases
# series). In the case of multiple ranges, use `fixed` to "close"
# a range, even when the release series does not actually have a
# fix. For example, if an issue was introduced in 1.0.8 and 1.1.2
# (but 1.1 is unaffected), and a fix has not been released for the
# 1.0.x series, specify:
introduced = "1.0.8"
fixed = "1.1"
introduced = "1.1.2"
# References to articles, issues/PRs, etc. Recognised types:
type = "ARTICLE"
url = "https://example.com"
This is an example template for an advisory. Please copy this to packages/ and rename it to HSEC-0000-0000.md.
In this section of the advisory you can write an extended description of the vulnerability.
- Markdown formatted
- TOML "front matter". See README.md for schema.
- Please include as much detail as you'd like.
A well structured advisory will include information like:
Acme Broken implements safe internal mutation using
. However, in a multithreaded context, an attacker can cause a service to return the wrong answer by forcing an interleaving of writes that violates internal invariants. The flaw was corrected by replacing uses ofIORef
in commit abc123.