NMAP (NETwork MAPper) is a security scanner used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network. Performing a complete "network mapping" consists of four steps:
- Creation of the Network Map:this is done in order to identify servers and routers, thus creating a map of the interconnections;
- Host Identification
- Service Identification
- Service Details Identification
Let's see the most basic example with which we can start using nmap:
# tells us if the host is up, and it analyzes
# 1000 ports on the host determining which is closed and which is
# opened
# Se non viene fornita alcuna opzione di host discovery, Nmap manda di default ad
# ogni macchina obiettivo un pacchetto ICMP di tipo "echo request", un pacchetto
# TCP SYN alla porta 443, un pacchetto TCP ACK alla porta 80 e un pacchetto ICMP
# di tipo "timestamp request" (per IPv6, il pacchetto ICMP di tipo "timestamp
# request" viene escluso dato che non fa parte del ICMPv6). Questa default è
# l'equivalente delle opzioni -PE -PS443 -PA80 -PP. Eccezioni a questo
# comportamento sono le scansioni ARP (per IPv4) e Neighbor Discovery (per IPv6)
# che sono usate per tutti gli obiettivi in una rete ethernet locale. Se Nmap
# viene lanciato da un utente non privilegiato all'interno di un ambiente UNIX, i
# probe di default saranno pacchetti SYN alle porte 80 e 443 inviati mediante la
# chiamata di sistema connect. Questo tipo di host discovery è spesso sufficiente
# quando si deve effettuare una scansione su reti locali, anche se per un
# security auditing si raccomanda di usare un set di opzioni più avanzato.
# In rete locale nmap usa sempre -PR perche' piu' efficiente
In this basic example, nmap performs two operations:
- checks if the host is up
- performs a port scan
Another basic example could be:
nmap -sn
# in this case nmap just executes an enumeration of the
# hosts on the network address, it actually uses
# different techniques to understand if a host is alive or not
Notice that Nmap has plenty of features, and can also integrate script capabilities.
Using Nmap as we have done in the basic examples is like dropping bombs on a network, and is not a good strategy if we want to be stealthier or do not want to be detected by an IDS/IPS. In order to understand the amount of data we are transmitting, the reader is invited to do a network analysis with tools like tcpdump, wireshark (or tshark).
Since we want to avoid this huge quantity of transactions there is a need to gain better control over nmap, because the standard usage we've seen is acceptable only in specific scenarios.
In order to understand how to properly use nmap and how to effectively tune it, we must understand the various phases involved in an nmap scan. The scan phases can be cronologically divided in this way:
- Target Expansion: determination of the IP addresses to scan
- Host Enumeration: determination of the alive hosts
- (Reverse) DNS Resolution: association of a name to a specific IP address (or viceversa)
- Port Scanning: determination of the opened/closed/filtered
- Service Version Detection: determination of the services running on the ports
- OS detection: determination of the operating system
- Traceroute: determination of a path that can be used to arrive to the target
- Script Scanning: execution of the user-mentioned scripts
- Ouput: printing of the output on stdout or in files
In addition, we may say that as a guideline an nmap operation can be subdivided into two major phases:
- host discovery (or "ping phase"), controlled with the -P option
- port scan, controlled with the -s option
Also remember that the default behavior of nmap also depends on whether we are executing the command:
- as root vs non-privileged user
- on a local network segment vs to a remote host
That's why sometimes using the same flags could lead to a slightly different network traffic.