This chapter shows you how to use Redaktilo and contains the following sections:
- The Editor
- Creating an Editor
- Customizing the Editor
- Editing Files
- Navigating through the Content
- Manipulating a Line
- Saving the Modifications
- Next readings
- Previous readings
The only class you'll be using when you use Redaktilo is the Editor
This class contains all methods you need to navigate and edit texts (it can also
open and save files).
The editor doesn't have any state, this allows you to use a single
instance throughout the entire application while editing multiple different
The recommend way to instantiate the Editor
is by using the EditorFactory
use Gnugat\Redaktilo\EditorFactory;
$editor = EditorFactory::createEditor();
This will create a default editor.
You can also use the editor builder to customize some things of the editor:
// ...
$editor = EditorFactory::createEditorBuilder()
// ... customize the build (more on this later)
Assume you have the following file:
First things first: you need to open the file. This can be done easily with the
// ...
$montyMenu = $editor->open('monty-menu.txt');
This method returns a Text
instance. This object contains the content of the
file and keeps track of the cursor. When opening the file, the cursor is set
to line 0 ('Bacon').
In case the file does not exists, you can force the creation by passing true
as the second argument to Editor#open()
A cursor has been set to the first line. You can move this cursor to any existing line:
// ...
$editor->jumpBelow($montyMenu, 'Egg'); // Current line: 1 ('Egg')
As you can see, there's no need to add the line break character, Redaktilo will take care of it for you.
You should note that the lookup is directional:
$editor->jumpBelow($montyMenu, 'Bacon'); // Throws \Gnugat\Redaktilo\Exception\PatternNotFoundException, because 'Bacon' is above the current line
$editor->jumpAbove($montyMenu, 'Bacon'); // Current line: 0 ('Bacon')
The match is done only if the line value is exactly the same as the given one:
$editor->jumpBelow($montyMenu, 'E'); // Throws an exception.
If you just want to know if a line exists, you don't have to deal with
exceptions, you can use Editor#hasBelow()
and Editor#hasAbove()
method instead:
$editor->hasBelow($montyMenu, 'Beans', 0); // false
If you need to go to the first occurence in the whole file (regardless of the current line), you can use:
// Jumps to the first line matching the pattern, starting from the line 0
$editor->jumpBelow($montyMenu, '/eg/', 0); // Current line: 1 (which is 'Egg')
The lookup can also be done using regex:
$editor->jumpAbove($montyMenu, '/ac/'); // Current line: 0 (which is 'Bacon')
At last, you can also loop through all files using Text#map()
use Gnugat\Redaktilo\Text;
// ...
$montyMenu->map(function ($line, $lineNumber, Text $text) {
// this callable is executed for each line in the file
Now you're able to navigate through a file and while that's very important in order to edit a file, it doesn't help much if you can't manipulate lines. Luckily, Redaktilo contains lots of methods designed for this purpose.
Using the Text#setLine()
method, you can manipulate the current line:
// ...
// ... navigate to the first line
$text->setLine('Spam'); // Line 0 now contains 'Spam' instead of 'Bacon'
Note: Editor provides a
method which accepts callbacks:// Will be passed the given or current line $replace = function ($line) { return strtoupper($line); // the line will be replaced by the returned value }; $editor->replace($text, $replace, $location);
You can also insert lines below or above the current line:
// ...
$editor->insertAbove($montyMenu, 'Beans'); // inserts a line 'Beans' above Line 0
$editor->insertBelow($montyMenu, 'Bacon'); // inserts a line 'Bacon' below line 0
Please note that the cursor moves to the inserted line.
By default, all the manipulation methods work from the current line. If you would like to manipulate a given line, you can pass its number as the third parameter:
$editor->insertAbove($montyMenu, 'Spam', 23); // Line inserted above the line number 23.
At last, you can also delete lines:
// ...
$editor->remove($montyMenu); // Removes the current line
For now the modification is only done in memory, to actually apply your changes to the file you need to save it:
// ...
The resulting file will be: