For users who wish to develop using this codebase, the following setup is required:
First-time setup:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Subsequent setup:
source .venv/bin/activate
Run pre-flight checks (or run ./dev --help
to see supported commands):
Implement a plotter class which inherits from either and conforms to one of the interface(s) from tandv.viz._plots
_BasePlotter #(Single Axes plot)
_BaseFacetPlotter #(Single or Multi-Axes plot)
Arguments should be the names of any columns that are required to generate the plot along with any arguments for the underlying plotting function(s)
Arguments are; pd.DataFrame
and the set of values which to filter out the sets of rows query for the plot and/or the set of columns required for the visualization
Arguments are; pd.DataFrame
and a matplotlib.axes.Axes
This is where the plotting function from Matplotlib or Seaborn (or any other visualization library built on top of MPL) lives.
No querying of data should take place here, however you can transform the DF from wide to long format, etc, normalise values before visualization etc..
(only for _BaseFacetPlotter
Arguments are; pd.DataFrame
and a matplotlib.figure.Figure
This is for generating a multi-axes plot, faceting around some column or column(s)
Should filter the pd.DataFrame
appropriately for each Axes
and call then call the plot single function for that axes.
The Plotters
are private and exposed to the public api via a plotting function, the rationale for this is that in order to make Plotters
work in a interactive setting they cannot generate a matplotlib.figure.Figure
internally, it is with-in the public plot function that the figure is generated, a Plotter
is instantiated and the Figure
or Axes
is passed into that plotter.
All plotting functions return a matplotlib.figure.Figure
The goal of the plotting function is to offer as much of the power and customisability of the underlying visualization tools (matplotlib
, seaborn
, etc..) as reasonably possible, therefore the plot functions should allow the user to pass arguments via **kwargs or explicit keyword arguments which are plumbed down to the underlying visualization functions.
The design of the API for making plot interactive, is you pass the vizfunction into interactive
function as an argument, and pass in the required arguments for the vizfunction as kwargs
, therefore there is near zero additional learning curve for users to go from static to interactive plots.
If you have implemented a new vizfunction, here are some key things to note for making it interactive
Some variables with-in the interactive
fn scope which are relevant, for state data which isn't accessible from the matplotlib
objects alone and needs to be persisted. They are defined at the top of the interactive
function (please keep to this convention if adding additional variables).
) -> This is where the figure(s) lives.
) -> This is where the widgets for the toolbar live.
The reason for having two separate output widgets, is that when you support an interaction which transitions from one plot type to another, the toolbar will change and need to be cleared and redrawn. This clearing process, deletes all widgets which up to a shared common ancestor (if the figure and the toolbar widgets were in the same output, the figure would then also be cleared, which lead to problems).
This manages the state of the all the widgets in the toolbar. When a value is change in any of the widgets, it will pass the current value of all of the widgets into the redraw function for the figure.
Also contains some methods for managing the toolbar.
All the widgets are stored in a Dictionary. Also an important note is that the key
of the widget in the WH
dictionary is the keyword argument used to pass the widget value into the vizfunction, therefore it must be the same as the kwarg
the vizfunction is expecting or it will result in an AttributeError
If your plot transitions from one plot type to another change the value STACK_NUM
, so it handles the interaction in the appropriate way.
The need for STACK_NUM
is due to the fact that event handler is the same as the figure hasn't changed (this could also be implemented by disconnecting the current and attaching a new event handler, but this the way it's implemented currently), Also it's a little bit cleaner if you're listening for multiple event types.
(SnappingCrossHair) The
CROSSHAIR` manages interactions the state of interactions with the training_stats figure (if used).
The pd.DataFrame variable, so that it can be accessed from any matplotlib
event handling closure.
These are the initial query parameters and are required if you wish to be able to return your visualization to its initial state.
is a helper function that simply creates the various widgets for the toolbar, if your vis
function uses a query argument other than those already implemented, just add it to get_toolbar
def get_toolbar(**kwargs) -> Dict[str,widgets.Widget]:
if 'new_query_argument' in kwargs.keys():
# code to create widget
# add initial value, etc..
toolbar_components['new_query_argument'] = YourWidget()
return toolbar_components
Note order is important here, if your widget can expand in size (i.e. widgets.TagsInput
) put it at the end, if it doesn't then place it anywhere.
From the MPL Docs: The canvas retains only weak references to instance methods used as callbacks*. Therefore, you need to retain a reference to instances owning such methods. Otherwise the instance will be garbage-collected and the callback will vanish. This does not affect free functions used as callbacks.*
The way we have found so far to ensure that these references are not garbage collected is by implementing them as closures with-in the interactive
function. With any global state being managed by nonlocal
variables with-in the closure. Any interactions with the plot directly i.e. clicking on the figure, mouse over, etc.. are handled using the matplotlib
events API.
fig.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', HANDLER_FUNCTION)
, to attach an event handler to the figure, matplotlib will listen for it and call the HANDLER_FUNCTION
and pass the matplotlib.backend_bases.Event
(or any of it's subclasses) to the Handler function is its first argument (as per the matplotlib
For any state values you may need which aren't provided see State Variables you may need section below.
If you are transitioning from viztype to another (i.e. scalar_global_heatmap
to exp_hist
via a mpl
event handler), it is important to rebuild the Toolbar and change the state of the WidgetHolder
**get_toolbar(...) # kwargs required to build your toolbar
**Naming Convention for MPL event handlers**
plotabbreviation_eventtype, e.g.
sgh_onclick for the event handler for the
onclick event handler
The redraw function is quite similar to the public vizfunction for your creating your static plot.
The only difference is you do not create a new figure, and call fig.clear()
and fig.canvas.redraw()
### ... denotes query args for your plot
def _your_viz_fn_name_redraw(fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure,
df: pd.DataFrame,...,**kwargs):
# clear figure
# create your plotter
plotter = YourPlotter(...)
# query from your plotter
_df = plotter._query(...)
# check if plotters empty and create plot
if not _df.empty:
In the control branch of the interactive
function add some code like this
###### YOUR vizFUNCTION ######
elif f.__name__ == 'your_viz_fn_name':
#connect event handler(s) to figure
cid = fig.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', your_handler_fn)
# create WidgetHolder
WH = WidgetHolder(parent=TOOLBAR,
... # kwargs specific to your
# Listen for changes from widgets (figure on change)
# For using cross hairs with training stats
# (don't need this if your_vis_fn_name doesn't support)
# cross referencing with training stats
if not isinstance(train_stats,NoneType):
# fig.axes or None for 2nd positional arg
# if your crosshair isn't also drawn on the
# numerics figure
set_up_crosshair(training_ax, fig.axes, lines)
# add a call back to set_up_crosshair
# with partial arguments (the training figure axes)
# and the training figure lines
# Set the redraw function for the widget holder,
# so it redraws the correct plot (from widget interactions)
# displays the toolbar in the `TOOLBAR` output widget
attach matplotlib
event handler, initialise WidgetHolder
, call .observe
on WidgetHolder
attach a redraw function (_your_viz_fn_name_redraw
) to the WidgetHolder