Fantastic! I'm glad you're excited to start learning Spanish. Let's dive into Day 1.
Spanish is a Romance language, originating from Latin. It is the official or national language in 21 countries, predominantly in the Americas and Spain. Knowing Spanish opens doors to rich cultures, cuisines, and traditions.
The Spanish alphabet consists of 27 letters. Here they are, along with their pronunciation:
- A (a: "ah")
- B (be: "beh")
- C (ce: "seh")
- D (de: "deh")
- E (e: "eh")
- F (efe: "eff-eh")
- G (ge: "heh")
- H (hache: "ah-cheh")
- I (i: "ee")
- J (jota: "ho-ta")
- K (ka: "kah")
- L (ele: "ell-eh")
- M (eme: "emm-eh")
- N (ene: "enn-eh")
- Ñ (eñe: "en-yeh")
- O (o: "oh")
- P (pe: "peh")
- Q (cu: "coo")
- R (ere: "err-eh")
- S (ese: "ess-eh")
- T (te: "teh")
- U (u: "oo")
- V (uve: "ooh-veh")
- W (doble u: "doh-bleh ooh")
- X (equis: "eh-kees")
- Y (i griega: "ee gree-eh-gah")
- Z (zeta: "seh-tah")
Spanish pronunciation is generally considered to be straightforward because it is a phonetic language. Here are some key points:
- Vowels:
- A is always "ah"
- E is always "eh"
- I is always "ee"
- O is always "oh"
- U is always "oo"
- Consonants:
- J is pronounced as "h" in "hat."
- Ñ is pronounced as "ny" in "canyon."
- LL is usually pronounced like "y" in "yes."
- RR is a rolled or trilled "r."
- Accent Marks: Words may have accent marks to indicate stress, e.g., "árbol" (tree), where the stress is on the first syllable.
- Listening: Find a YouTube video or an audio clip that goes through the alphabet and pronunciation. Listen and repeat.
- Speaking: Try to pronounce some simple Spanish words like "hola," "adiós," "gracias," "por favor," and "amigo."
- Writing: Write down the alphabet in your notebook, alongside the pronunciation.
That's it for Day 1! Feel free to ask any questions or seek clarifications. Good luck!