Numbers are essential for many everyday situations, such as shopping, telling the time, or giving and understanding directions. Today, we're going to cover numbers from 1 to 100.
1 - Uno
2 - Dos
3 - Tres
4 - Cuatro
5 - Cinco
6 - Seis
7 - Siete
8 - Ocho
9 - Nueve
10 - Diez
11 - Once
12 - Doce
13 - Trece
14 - Catorce
15 - Quince
16 - Dieciséis
17 - Diecisiete
18 - Dieciocho
19 - Diecinueve
20 - Veinte
21 - Veintiuno
30 - Treinta
40 - Cuarenta
50 - Cincuenta
60 - Sesenta
70 - Setenta
80 - Ochenta
90 - Noventa
100 - Cien/Ciento
Treinta: 'treh-een-tah
Cuarenta: 'kwah-rehn-tah
Cincuenta: 'seen-kwehn-tah
Sesenta: 'seh-sehn-tah
For numbers 21 to 29, you combine "veinti" with the unit. For example:
21: Veinti + uno = Veintiuno
22: Veinti + dos = Veintidós
For numbers 31 and above, you combine the tens and units with "y". For example:
31: Treinta y uno
45: Cuarenta y cinco
67: Sesenta y siete