You can run Darknet in AWS Lambda via SCAR using the grycap/darknet Docker image, based on the bitnami/minideb:jessie one.
Darknet is an open source neural network framework written in C and CUDA. For the example we will be using the the library 'You only look once' Yolo which is is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system
Since we are using Darknet on the CPU it takes around 6-12 seconds per image, using the GPU version would be much faster.
WARNING: To work properly this software needs at least a lambda function with 1024MB of RAM
For the example we are using this image: :
You can run a container out of this image on AWS Lambda via SCAR using the following procedure:
Create the Lambda function using the scar-darknet.yaml
configuration file:
scar init -f scar-darknet.yaml
Launch the Lambda function uploading a file to the s3://scar-darknet/input
folder in S3.
scar put -b scar-darknet/input -p dog.jpg
Take into consideration than the first invocation will take considerably longer than the subsequent ones, where the container will be cached.
To check the progress of the function invocation you can call the log
scar log -f scar-darknet.yaml
The same can be achieved by defining an HTTP endpoint with the AWS API Gateway and invoking the function using a POST request.
We start by creating the Lambda function and linking it to and API endpoint:
scar init -f scar-darknet-api-s3.yaml
Launch the Lambda function using the invoke
command of SCAR (due to the 29 timeout of the API endpoint, it's very probable that the first execution gives you an Error (Gateway Timeout): Endpoint request timed out
although if you check the logs the lambda function should have finished correctly):
scar invoke -f scar-darknet-api-s3.yaml -db dog.jpg
To avoid the api timeout you can launch the function asynchronously:
scar invoke -f scar-darknet-api-s3.yaml -db dog.jpg -a
WARNING: Check the AWS lambda limits to know the maximum size of files that can be send as payload of the POST request
When the execution of the function finishes, the script used produces two output files and SCAR copies them to the S3 bucket used. To check if the files are created and copied correctly you can use the command:
scar ls -b scar-darknet/output
Which outputs:
The files are created in the output folder following the s3://$BUCKET_NAME/output/*.*
To download the created files you can also use SCAR. Download a folder with:
scar get -b scar-darknet/output -p /tmp/lambda/
This command creates the ouput
folder and all the required subfolders (if any) in the /tmp/lambda/
In our case the two output files are result.out:
/tmp/tmpzhmispbg/dog.jpg: Predicted in 28.073856 seconds.
dog: 80%
truck: 73%
bicycle: 81%
Don't forget to delete the function when you finish your testing:
scar rm -f scar-darknet-api-s3.yaml
Have in mind that the bucket and the folders and files created are not deleted when the function is deleted.
If you want to delete the bucket you have to do it manually.