- Added new methods: setWrist() and getCurrentMode()
- Since the uArm will report "ok" right away when closing/opening the gripper and optional delay has been added before the setGripper will resolve.
- Support for setting default speed in constructor (you can still adjust this for each separate move command to the uArm).
- Command callbacks is now being called with potential error as first argument.
- Better error handling for: getDeviceName, getHardwareVersion, getSoftwareVersion, getAPIVersion, getUid, move, movePolar, moveMotor, moveRelative, movePolarRelative, buzz, setPump, getPumpStatus, setGripper, getGripperStatus, delay
has been renamed tosendGCode
- The callback for each command is now written with error first pattern
(error, data) => {}
(previously calling onError method passed into constructor with the error without possibility to track to specific commands).
Added example code in READM.md.
Initial version with basic commands and able to