This bot is built to handle various tasks related to managing our hackerspace. Its features include:
- Providing information about the space, its residents, location, and how to donate
- Managing arrivals, departures, and attendance of participants
- Handling finances, including donations and generating financial reports, it also converts currencies (fiat and crypto)
- Creating and maintaining a shopping list for the shared space
- Managing users and roles within the space
- Providing real-time status updates on the 3D printer, such as printing percent done, time left, temperatures, and material consumption
- Access to security cameras
- Reporting climate data for all floors of the space
- Remote door lock access - if someone knocks when no one is around, the bot will alert the chat group and snap a photo
- Offering an API for some commands for the space's website, Home Assistant, and SpaceApi
- Quick inline response buttons
- Automatically recording participant entry and exit via the wifi network
- Keeping track of birthdays and automatically sending birthday congrats
- Sending utilities and internet bill reminders
- Sending random photos of cats, dogs, and Cab
- The ability to send sounds and text messages to the speakers in the space
- Generating space attendance stats with infographics
- Waking up, shutting down and probing internal devices
- Integration with Stable Diffusion (local) and GPT-3.5 Turbo
- Topics and Subscriptions for a DM newsletter
- Antispam in our public chats
- English and Russian languages
An sqlite database is used to store data in the file ./data/db/data.db. To edit the database manually, I recommend
User roles:
- admin - manages users
- accountant - manages donations and fees
- member - a resident of the space, can open and close the space
- trusted - a guest of the space, who has gained the resident's trust
- service - a role for special accounts, like anon, safe etc.
- default - regular guest, presence in the database is not required
The bot is hosted on a VPS located at The service, embassy-api, is hosted on two devices on the first floor; both are load-balanced, and one of them has backup power. The service helps bot to communicate with internal systems of the space, such as 3D printers, routers, cameras, doorbells, sensors, etc. If you need any help with deployment, CI/CD or a test bot token, reach out to @tectonick and @Himura2la. You can also create your own test bot using the BotFather bot in Telegram.
Node v20.10.0 All main dependencies in the cloud and internal service are installed using npm i
- Install nodejs version 20+
- Go to the cloned repository folder
- Install dependencies with the command npm install
- Get a token for your test bot from the bot
- Prepare the bot for the first launch (ssh-keygen must be added to PATH) npm run init
- Start the bot in automatic restart mode when the source code changes npm run dev - bot only npm run dev-service - service only npm run dev-both - bot and service at the same time
- To run tests npm run test
- npm run build
- npm run start
- docker compose build bot
- docker-compose up
bot/core/HackerEmbassyBot.ts - class with extensions of the original tgbot library for additional functionality
bot/instance.ts - initialization of a singleton for working with a bot
bot/routes.ts - mapping text commands to their handlers
bot/recurring-actions.ts - setting up actions that the bot performs automatically according to a timer
bot/handlers/*.ts - user command handlers
data/db.ts - instance of the database data/scripts.ts - scripts for database operations
repositories - repositories on top of the database service
resources - all sorts of additional resources, pictures, texts, etc.
service - modules with functionality for various needs (communication via mqtt, receiving media, text generation, logging export, etc.)
utils - common reusable utilities
deploy - auxiliary files for deploying the bot and service
scripts - scripts for automating some dev manipulations
bot.ts - bot start file
embassy.ts - start file of the internal space service
Configuration files are present in the config folder. To customize the default supported configuration present in default.json, you should create a new file named local.json. Check schema.d.ts for type reference. Hacker Embassy specific features can be disabled in the bot:features section.
If you want to serve your own translations, you should create translation.local.yaml files in the respective folders in /resources/locales. They will take priority over default translation.yaml files.
If you want this bot to serve SpaceApi, you can create your own spaceapi template. Create config/spaceapi.local.json with your own values. Check config/spaceapi.json for reference, which is going to be used if the local version is not provided.
UNLOCKKEY - Key for secure integrations between Bot and embassy API
MQTTUSER - Broker username
MQTTPASSWORD - Broker password
WIFIUSER - Keenetic router username
WIFIPASSWORD - Keenetic router user password
UNIFIUSER - Unifi AP username
UNIFIPASSWORD - Unifi AP password
GAMINGUSER - Gaming server username
GAMINGPASSWORD - Gaming server user password
HASSTOKEN - Home Assistant API token
HACKERGOOGLEAPIKEY - Google Calendar API token
SONAR_TOKEN - Sonar Cloud analysis token
WIKIAPIKEY - Outline Wiki API token
OUTLINE_SIGNING_SECRET - Outline API signing secret for webhooks
You can use a .env file in the root folder for development. Check the .env.example file for reference.
To interact between the bot and the service, you will need to have "sec" folder with rsa keys in the pub.key and priv.key files. Also, the UNLOCKKEY environment variable must be the same on the bot and on the service. Check the port settings in the config folder. For local development, it is better to create your own configuration in the config/local.json file