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170 lines (116 loc) · 5.14 KB

Handpipe.js Build Status Dependency Status

Generator based handlebars style streaming templates.

Getting started

Install node >= 0.11

Start node using --harmony flag.


Given template.html:

<!doctype html>

Read, process and pipe to output.html:

var fs = require("fs")
  , handpipe = require("handpipe")

    title: function (next, cb) {
      // Some async operation to get data for "title"
      setTimeout(function () { cb(null, "foobar") }, 1000)
    desc: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit"


handpipe([ data ])

Create a through stream to compile a template and apply a data context to it. Pipe Handlebars in, and HTML/Markdown/whatever out. Shortcut for handpipe.compile().pipe(handpipe.apply([ data ]))


The data object gets values for the template. Properties that require async processing are functions with the signature function (next, cb) {}.

next is an object that has a key property. This is the name of the variable / function your code should invoke to retrieve the value. In loops, the next object will also contain an index and an iterable property.

Invoke cb when the value has been retrieved. Pass the value as the second argument (error as the first if one occurred).


Create a new handpipe compiler. The compiler is a through stream you can pipe templates into and compiled template JS out from.

handpipe.apply([ data ])

Applies the data to the compiled template. Returns a through stream that you can pipe compiled template JS into and HTML/Markdown/whatever out from.

Template syntax

Template syntax is a subset of handlebars.

Variable output

Output variables using double curly braces:


handpipe supports simple paths so you can output content below the current context:

{{}} or {{foo/bar}}

Nested paths can also include ../ segments, which evaluate their paths against a parent context.


<div id="comments">
 {{#each comments}}
 <h2><a href="/posts/{{../permalink}}#{{id}}">{{title}}</a></h2>


Use the each block helper to iterate over arrays:

  {{#each sprockets}}
  <li>{{name}} ({{teeth}})</li>

You might populate this template with the following JS:

  sprockets: function (next, cb) {

If sprocket objects do not have "name" and/or "teeth" properties then the data object passed to handpipe will be queried so that a value can be provided. next.key will be "name" or "teeth" (depending on which property is currently being evaluated), next.context will be the current sprocket object.


Use the if block helper to create conditionally rendered template blocks:

{{#if title}}

With optional alternative:

{{#if title}}

HTML escaping

handpipe HTML-escapes values returned by a {{expression}}. If you don't want handpipe to escape a value, use the "triple-stash", {{{.

<div class="entry">
  <div class="body">


Use {{! comment }} or {{!-- comment --}} to create comments that don't appear in output HTML. Any comments that must contain {{ or }} should use the {{!-- --}} syntax.

Context re-binding

Use the with block helper to alter the context for a template block:

<div class="entry">

  {{#with author}}
  <h2>By {{firstName}} {{lastName}}</h2>

Example compiled template

Incase you're interested...

(function* (ts) {ts.push("<!doctype html>\n<div>\n  <h1>");var _0 = yield {key: 'title'};ts.push(_0);ts.push("</h1>\n  <ul>\n    ");var _1 = yield {key: 'tweets'};for (var _2 = 0; _2 < _1.length; _2++) {ts.push("\n    <li>\n      ");var _3;if (_1[_2]['text'] !== undefined) {_3 = _1[_2]['text'];} else {_3 = yield {key: 'text', iterable: _1, index: _2};}ts.push(_3);ts.push("\n      ");var _4;if (_1[_2]['hashtags'] !== undefined) {_4 = _1[_2]['hashtags'];} else {_4 = yield {key: 'hashtags', iterable: _1, index: _2};}for (var _5 = 0; _5 < _4.length; _5++) {ts.push("#");var _6;if (_4[_5] !== undefined) {_6 = _4[_5];} else {_6 = yield {key: 'this', iterable: _4, index: _5};}ts.push(_6);ts.push(" ");}ts.push("\n      by ");var _7;if (_1[_2]['author'] !== undefined) {_7 = _1[_2]['author'];} else {_7 = yield {key: 'author', iterable: _1, index: _2};}if (_7) {var _8;if (_1[_2]['author'] !== undefined) {_8 = _1[_2]['author'];} else {_8 = yield {key: 'author', iterable: _1, index: _2};}ts.push(_8);} else {ts.push("Unknown");}ts.push("\n    </li>\n    ");}ts.push("\n  </ul>\n</div>");})