1.3.0 (2024-11-20)
- db seed (5ade044)
- increment likes fn (43dd46f)
- increment views on read article (50a7639)
- incrementMetaFlag (8182c82)
- init project card (34902af)
- init project section (5ab02eb)
- init projects (4d4a3b1)
- like button section (3b6f785)
- like post action (a62a758)
- migration file (411cca2)
- project section (c219c9c)
- projects content (616c84e)
- remove one healthcheck (2de1859)
- remove unnecessary fns (55b6ae2)
- session functions (8298345)
- update prisma (16497eb)
- add missing deps (4014f5b)
- build-info (0f7bd1d)
- header reverse position (a77c991)
- healthcheck (057a907)
- init import loader data (7af843d)
- lodash throttle (3a14eb3)
- merge issues (69e960a)
- rehypePlugins type Err (244d5e3)
- running dev mode (d00fa03)
- semantic and a11y (52db444)
- server fn on client (8bd424f)
- some issue on migrate bun to npm (f9d0bb8)
- some lines (938f4b3)
- title symbol (7b42777)
- types error (1d5175e)
- typescript eslint (5ef11c6)
- use node 20 (e662be2)
1.2.0 (2023-08-01)
- add meta data in blog frontmatter (6593f32)
- add new contents (54a8ca9)
- add new contents (b6b15b0)
- add new contents (828ff8c)
- added className on anchor mdx (247c1ae)
- created filterPosts fn (f4e465a)
- init tag component (e31bec1)
- post new content (47abc8f)
- callout muted style on dark (7bb5c2b)
- content header (90ea227)
- fix secondary btn in blog page (c8df7ca)
- gap style (e775fbd)
- hide/show navbar toggler (ab36808)
- removed quotes in data (a7d7c57)
- selected, disabled tags (d9e9e94)
1.1.0 (2023-07-29)
- added config for server and refresh content (3af4f68)
- added content watcher (dea5cc3)
- added link to home on logo (3a1063d)
- added table of content and set the page structure (e22aaba)
- added trycatch on refrech-changed-content (c6c5862)
- changed content (6ed6251)
- created blog page components (997f91c)
- created mdx bundler fn (f44624c)
- finsinging 1st articla (083a681)
- init blog page commit (3fb9b03)
- made important style in grid on a case (60605f2)
- post new content (abca702)
- post new content (2cab3cc)
- removed await (665e789)
- removed await (e17cc79)
- removed runfile (0aac153)
- revert back the fetured post (2d17151)
- tried to update content (f15cc88)
- changed featured post (d6a1c6a)
- changed seed data (f0384d8)
- default typography style (d6efe9c)
- delayed naviagte to id elm (097a0d0)
- fixed add missing sha var (0ea6dd2)
- fixed add style in mdx (8c3d108)
- fixed cannot read env fly app name (b9dd157)
- fixed export module (fe81eae)
- fixed fly app name is not read (41e9e63)
- fixed grid mx (fd15afd)
- fixed refresh content ga (2291334)
- fixed syntax call env (37b47f8)
- fixed updated content cycle (554347e)
- fixed var (887f7b3)
- fixed wrong env var (ed43fdf)
- fixed wrong type on content (f28ba5b)
- merge issues (c813440)
- runfile format (a15737a)
- sticky toc (da851e3)
- table of content component (d313ac6)
- typhography style in content (a7448a2)
- unset prose in button text (17f41fa)
- wrong cloudinaryId (c5a30ab)
- add link on Find Me btn (9b2e684)
- add netlify export script (8073dc4)
- add posts and bookmarks menus on navbar (3112881)
- added button component (e5ea675)
- added button outline (16de663)
- added cv and email links (81703ed)
- added hero and about section (971f9ac)
- added icon and root layout (b108067)
- added nonce and many more (e339e0f)
- added root layout (fe4d621)
- added services section (1c5d09a)
- added some (init) posts and make an article list in the blog page (dd09a87)
- added styles on navbar (bc81652)
- changed font family (36d83d0)
- clean up to start new era (4812298)
- completed cta section (982f503)
- created blog page (init) (afb0ecd)
- created footer component (9d0f302)
- created header component (46d5f61)
- created hero-section (7013c66)
- created links page (dfc36f0)
- fetch get env on server (cf6a8fd)
- handled mobile navigation (0d99500)
- implemented display featured post in home (09aacac)
- init blog section (012b2e1)
- init comment (5320bd8)
- init db server (temp) and healthcheck (eea3fe1)
- init first displayed featured post in blog section (2f5f00f)
- init navbar desktop (15d514e)
- init projects section (95d1539)
- layout component (50a418e)
- logo component (376c03a)
- migrate prisma (c730035)
- react/no-unescaped-entites rule (2ed9b26)
- removed cypress test (ebe0576)
- removed media query hooks (80fb6e4)
- removed send head to the host (81d1291)
- removed unfinish blog section (a961bc1)
- separeted components in home (f8f8bfd)
- set prisma and init db data (9b166db)
- set tailwind and clean up (3d16d19)
- set theme toggler (0962c3f)
- ui component for button (b5a00b5)
- ui: add 404 page (d8f9c48)
- ui: add figma link (de55524)
- ui: create ghost-button (6907404)
- ui: projects list section (3822c84)
- ui: Service section (01b1456)
- unset strict mode (94e8e6e)
- update depedencies (318dcba)
- update depedencies (cc07c97)
- added start.sh (4f2b1d2)
- added start.sh (972d82f)
- added start.sh (a418939)
- added start.sh (936194f)
- changed get env var for server method (7b96c3f)
- fixed and updated some deps (fa46354)
- fixed await fn (c55cc38)
- fixed cjs issue (b688e45)
- fixed cjs issue (4aa0068)
- fixed dark style on some elements (13508af)
- fixed database cache path name (1f34112)
- fixed database cache path name (9d79e10)
- fixed deploy (04191bf)
- fixed deploy (c696db8)
- fixed deploy (af4f3f0)
- fixed deploy (e6882bb)
- fixed duplicate import (170e98e)
- fixed grid p and m in some cases (e5dadf0)
- fixed index route naming follows remix v2 (3c8e022)
- fixed merge issues (c6ddd95)
- fixed navlink active style (365642f)
- fixed read mocks on dev (4cd398b)
- fixed typecheck on tags (52185fd)
- run the script with supervisor (f6a283e)
- run the script with supervisor (7ede852)
- tried to fix db deployment (68f2fe2)
- tried to fix db deployment (d260368)
- tried to fix the create db (9a88b35)
- tried to fix the healthcheck (d1c29d4)
- tried to fix the healthcheck (31e4362)
- tried to fix the healthcheck (bda5213)
- tried to fix the healthcheck (5774cca)
- ui: rename color var (2bcfb54)
- ui: rename color var (8af2f94)
- ui: rename color var (c42ebe1)