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Instructions for creating ADHydro input files

Section I: Acquire National Elevation Dataset (NED) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data and National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) data from USGS

  1. NED DEMs and NHD can be downloaded from the USGS national map web site. The national map web site has undergone a number of revisions since these instructions were created. As such, we have found that detailed instructions on how to get the right data from the national map web site were quickly obsolete. So we have decided not to include detailed instructions for this section.

  2. Download NED DEMs in GridFloat format at your desired resolution covering your watershed of interest.

    1. Alternatively, DEMs from other sources can be used instead.
  3. Download NHD in Shapefile format covering your watershed of interest.

Section II: Process raster data

  1. Unzip all of the NED DEM zip files.

  2. Use the following command to build a virtual raster from all of these files.

  3. "gdalbuildvrt source.vrt <list of .flt files>"

    1. WARNING: In the zip files I got there were a couple errors in the filenames where some of the .flt files were missing the .flt extension. Make sure if you do something like *.flt that it actually catches all of the files.
  4. Transform into a sinusoidal projection and merge into a single TIFF.

  5. "gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=sinu +datum=WGS84 +lon_0=-109 +x_0=20000000 +y_0=10000000" -r cubicspline source.vrt projected.tif"

    1. If you are using PROJ.4 from its build directory without installing, you may need to put proj-4.8.0/src/.libs into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
  6. If the raster is big, you may need to split it into tiles. TIFF files can be at most 4GB in size. There is a later format called BIGTIFF that can be bigger. If projected.tif is larger than 4GB it is in the BIGTIFF format. The program TauDEM that you will be using can only read the original TIFF file format. It can, however, read multiple TIFF files that are tiles covering an area that is bigger than what will fit into one TIFF file.

    1. If projected.tif is less than 4GB you don't need to split it at all. In that case, skip steps 10 and 11. Create the projected directory in step 12. Skip step 13 and instead just move the projected.tif file into the projected directory.
  7. First, select the number of tiles you need. You need enough tiles so that each one winds up smaller than 4GB. For example, if your overall raster is 10GB you need at least 3 tiles. This means you could split the raster into 1x3 or 2x2.

  8. Second, calculate the pixel width and height of each tile. Divide the size of the original raster in each dimension by the number of tile rows or columns and round up. You can find the dimensions of a raster by opening it in QGIS and looking at its properties. The result is the pixel width and height to use in the gdal_retile command

  9. "mkdir projected"

  10. " -co BIGTIFF=NO -ps <pixel width> <pixel height> -targetDir projected projected.tif

    1. If you are using GDAL from its build directory without installing, you may need to put gdal-1.9.2/swig/python/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/osgeo into the PYTHONPATH and gdal-1.9.2/.libs into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
  11. Now you are ready to process the data with TauDEM. Version 5.2 of TauDEM can handle data sets tiled across multiple TIFF files. Put all of the TIFFs in a directory and put the directory name on the command line as you would the file name for the single file version of TauDEM. The individual TIFF files must have the file extension .tif, not .tiff.

  12. The following TauDEM commands are capable of being run in parallel with MPI. They can take a while to run so running in parallel is a good idea. You may have to modify the exact commands for your specific system. If you don't have MPI they can still be run serially. Just drop the "mpiexec -n 8" from the beginning of each command.

  13. "mpiexec -n 8 pitremove projected"

  14. "mpiexec -n 8 d8flowdir -p projectedp -sd8 projectedsd8 -fel projectedfel"

  15. "mpiexec -n 8 aread8 -p projectedp -ad8 projectedad8"

  16. The previous step computes the contributing area, which is the number of pixels whose water flows down slope through each pixel. This is an important concept because essentially the definition of a stream is pixels with high contributing area.

  17. The next step is to select the outlet(s) of the watershed. You can have just one outlet, or more than one. Open QGIS and load in the TIFF(s) from the directory projectedad8. When you look at this image the bright pixels should look like a stream network. In fact, those are pixels that TauDEM has determined have a lot of collecting area, and thus should be part of the stream network. You will pick the outlet(s) from those pixels.

  18. Find the furthest downstream pixel for the watershed that you want to model. Pick a pixel with high collecting area on the bright line in the image. Select the identify tool and click that pixel to see its collecting area in pixels. You can double check that the collecting area is approximately right if you know the size of the watershed that you want to model.

  19. You need to make sure the pixel you select does not have edge contamination. If a pixel at the edge of the raster should have inflow from off the edge of the raster then its contributing area value is set to null (no data), and this value gets propagated to all downstream pixels. The best way to fix this problem is to start with a raster that contains the entire upstream area from the outlet(s). If you get to this point in the instructions and the pixel you want to use as an outlet has edge contamination you need to get more DEM data covering a larger area and go back to the beginning of section II and start over processing the raster data.

    1. It is also possible to turn edge contamination off in TauDEM, but that is not recommended.
  20. You have to position the outlet(s) precisely because the commands that follow will only save data from pixels upstream of the outlet pixel(s). Zoom in and make sure you are selecting the specific high-contributing area pixel that you want.

  21. Click on new shapefile layer. A dialog will pop up. Specify the CRS to be the same as the TIFF(s). Then click ok. Then a file save as dialog will pop up. Choose a name and location for the shapefile. The name needs to include the .shp extension.

{width="4.4799in" height="5.7402in"}

{width="2.0799in" height="0.9in"}

  1. When you create a shape file for the outlet(s) you specify the filename with a .shp extension. In addition, there are four auxiliary files that are created with extensions .dbf, .prj, .qpj, and .shx. If you move the .shp file you need to move the auxiliary files along with it.
  2. Click toggle editing and click add feature. Then click on a pixel you want to use as an outlet. You may want to zoom way in to make sure you click the exact pixel you want. A dialog will pop up asking for the id of the point. You don't have to give it an id. You can just click ok.

{width="2.9902in" height="0.6402in"}

  1. After adding the outlet(s), select the menu item Layer > Save Edits. Now you can quit out of QGIS and you don't need to save the project.
  2. "mpiexec -n 8 aread8 -p projectedp -o projectedoutlet.shp -ad8 projectedad8o"
  3. "mpiexec -n 8 peukerdouglas -fel projectedfel -ss projectedss"
  4. "mpiexec -n 8 aread8 -p projectedp -o projectedoutlet.shp -ad8 projectedssa -wg projectedss"
  5. Now you need to determine the stream threshold. If a pixel has a contributing area above the threshold it is considered part of a stream. You could just pick a number. The lower the number the more small tributaties are included in the stream network.
  6. Really, you should use hydrological expertise to decide the appropriate stream density for your mesh. You will need to try a threshold, finish processing to the end of section II, look at the resulting stream network, and maybe come back to here and try a different threshold.
  7. TauDEM also has a tool called dropanalysis to help you pick a threshold. dropanalysis is described next. We have found that dropanalysis usually picks a threshold that is too high from a hydrological standpoint so we use it as a guide combined with hydrological expertise.
  8. For the dropanalysis command you need to pick the parameter values at the end of the command line. The first number is the lowest threshold to test. The second number is the highest threshold to test. The third number is the number of thresholds to test from lowest to highest. I don't know what the fourth number is. Use zero for it. For example, the following command will test 10 thresholds from 5 to 500.
  9. "mpiexec -n 8 dropanalysis -p projectedp -fel projectedfel -ad8 projectedad8 -ssa projectedssa -drp projecteddrp.txt -o projectedoutlet.shp -par 5 500 10 0"
  10. Dropanalysis will output a bunch of numbers to the console. If your window is wide enough not to wrap around you will see that the numbers are in the form of a table. The first column of the table is the thresholds that are tested. The last column of the table is a t-value for a statistical test. You should see the t-values increasing as the threshold increases. The t-values will likely start out negative so increasing means closer to zero. Dropanalysis will also output a final line where it suggests you use the lowest threshold for which the t-value is greater than -2.
  11. There is a pitfall if no threshold has a t-value greater than -2. In that case, dropanalysis will output that the optimum threshold is 0, but that is wrong. Re-run dropanalysis with different parameters to test larger thresholds until you get a threshold with t-value greater than -2.
  12. Now run threshold and for the -thresh parameter use the number you determined for the stream threshold.
  13. "mpiexec -n 8 threshold -ssa projectedssa -src projectedsrc -thresh 300"
  14. "mpiexec -n 8 streamnet -fel projectedfel -p projectedp -ad8 projectedad8 -src projectedsrc -ord projectedord3 -tree projectedtree.dat -coord projectedcoord.dat -net projectednet.shp -w projectedw -o projectedoutlet.shp"
  15. The streamnet command will create two things of interest. projectedw is a raster of the shape of the watershed with each catchment labeled with a unique id. projectednet.shp is a shapefile of the stream network.

Section III: Process vector data

  1. Unzip all of the hydrography zip files that you downloaded in section I.

  2. Reproject the NHD waterbody data with ogr2ogr.

  3. "ogr2ogr -t_srs "+proj=sinu +datum=WGS84 +lon_0=-109 +x_0=20000000 +y_0=10000000" waterbodies.shp <location of hydrography files>/NHDWaterbody.shp"

  4. Next, you will use the projectedw watershed raster file from step 40. You will convert this file from a raster to a shapefile of catchment polygons.

  5. If the watershed raster takes up more than one file, create a virtual raster like in step 6 and use that as the input file for step 48.

  6. Run QGIS.

  7. Select the menu item Raster > Conversion > Polygonize (Raster to vector). For the input file browse to the projectedw watershed raster file created by TauDEM in step 40 or the virtual raster created in step 46. For the output file select the name "catchments.shp". Set the field name to "Catchment". Check load into canvas when finished.

    1. In version 1.8.0 of QGIS polygonize didn't appear in the conversion menu, and we couldn't find it in any other menu. In this case, you need to run from the command line like this:

      1. " -8 projectedw/projectedw.vrt -f "ESRI Shapefile" catchments.shp Catchment Catchment"
      2. You may need to modify PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH like in step 13.
    2. The result might have an extra shape surrounding the catchments where the no data values were in the raster. I've found that this shape gets created if the input is a virtual raster, but not if the input is a single TIFF file. Edit the shapefile and delete the surrounding shape outside the watershed, if applicable.

  8. Exit QGIS.

  9. The waterbody file from step 44, the catchment file from step 48, and the stream network file generated by TauDEM in step 40 are basically the line segments to use to create a mesh, but they are too detailed. Next, use the topological editing feature of ArcGIS to eliminate details while preventing gaps or overlaps.

  10. Run ArcCatalog.

  11. Right click on folder connections and select connect to folder. Select the location of your files.

  12. Right click on the location in folder connections and select New > File Geodatabase.

  13. Right click on the new geodatabase and select New > Feature Dataset...

  14. Name the dataset.

  15. Select Add Coordinate System > Import...

  16. Select one of your shapefiles to supply the coordinate system.

  17. Leave the vertical coordinate system as "No coordinate system."

  18. Leave the tolerance at the defaults.

  19. Repeat steps 54-59 to create second and third datasets that will be used later.

  20. Right click on the first dataset and select Import > Feature Class (single).

  21. For input features select waterbodies.shp. Set output feature class to waterbodies.

  22. Repeat import feature class for the catchment and stream network shapefiles. Import them all into the first dataset. The other two datasets will be used later.

  23. Right click on the dataset and select New > Topology...

  24. Set the cluster tolerance to 50 meters.

  25. Select all feature classes to be in the topology.

  26. Leave all ranks as the default.

  27. Add the following rules

    1. waterbodies Must Not Overlap.
    2. catchments Must Not Overlap.
    3. catchments Must Not Have Gaps.
  28. Click yes to validate the topology.

  29. If your dataset is big, validating the topology might fail.

    1. In ArcGIS 10:

      1. It may give an error and leave the topology partially validated. You can resolve the validation errors that it found so far, but if you then validate the topology again it finds a few more errors, but doesn't completely validate everything. It says the topology is validated, but the area that was not validated before doesn't get validated. This is because it only processed part of the mesh, but marked the entire mesh as processed.

      2. Start by following steps 80-86 to resolve the validation errors that it did find.

      3. Then reset the entire mesh to unprocessed by adding a new topology rule and then removing it. Go back to ArcCatalog and open the topology by double clicking it. Add a new topology rule similar to the ones in step 68, but use a different rule. It doesn't matter what rule you add. You are only adding the rule to reset whether ArcGIS thinks the entire mesh is processed. Click OK to get out of all dialog boxes, both the dialog for choosing the new rule, and the dialog for editing the topology. This will save the topology and reset the mesh to unprocessed. Then open the topology again and delete the rule you just added.

      4. Then right click the topology and click validate.

      5. Even after this, it doesn't find all of the errors. There are gaps and overlaps that go undetected. The strategy that I used is to re-validate the topology over and over again fixing the errors each time until it finds no more errors. Then add and remove a topology rule to reset the processed mask, and validate and re-validate that topology until it finds no more errors. Then keep resetting the processed mask and validating several more times.

        1. This method runs into a problem with errors that re-appear. The validation algorithm creates a gap or overlap, then I merge it into a neighbor, and then when the validation algorithm is run again it recreates the exact same error, then I merge into the same neighbor, and it appears again. The solution to this is when you recognize an error re-appearing merge it into a different neighbor than you did last time.
        2. It appears that this method gets closer but never resolves all errors.
    2. In older versions of ArcGIS:

      1. In ArcCatalog it might just say "Validate Topology failed." If you go to ArcMap and validate from the topology toolbar it gives an error message with more information, but some of that information is wrong. It says it ran out of disk space for temporary files in a certain folder, and gives you the chance to change the folder. Changing the folder has no effect. It always creates temporary files in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin. It also says the temporary files are named xx*.tmp. They are actually named xx*.s and xx*.x. Also, it doesn't really run out of disk space. One of the files grows to 2GB, and that appears to be the limit on the size of that file even though there is plenty of disk space. I have done this on an NTFS file system so the 2GB limit is not directly due to the file system. It must be that ArcGIS is using an old FAT file system interface or library that NTFS is backwards compatible with, but limits file sizes to 2GB.
      2. You can get around this limit by validating incrementally, but it is somewhat of a pain. In ArcMap on the topology toolbar there are options to validate the current selection or current extent. You have to experiment to find out what is the biggest extent you can validate. When you do this it has problems preserving coincident boundaries at the edge of the extent where you validate so it can create gaps or overlaps.
  30. Exit ArcCatalog.

  31. Run ArcMap.

  32. There will be an initial popup window asking if you want to open an existing map or create one from a template. Click cancel and you will be started on a blank map.

  33. In the menu item Customize > Toolbars show the editor toolbar, advanced editing toolbar, and topology toolbar.

  34. On the right edge of the window click the catalog tab, open the folder connections, and drag the feature dataset to the lefthand pane under layers.

  35. In the editor toolbar in the editor menu select start editing.

  36. In the topology toolbar select error inspector.

  37. In the error inspector pane deselect visible extent only.

  38. If in the process of resolving topology errors in steps 80-86 you see gaps and overlaps that aren't marked as topology errors, you should follow step 70 as if the validation had failed even if the validation completed without an error message.

  39. Select Must Be Larger Than Cluster Tolerance (in the error inspector "Show:" box) and click search now.

  40. Select all of the errors by clicking the first one and shift-clicking the last one.

  41. Right click and select delete. This may take a while.

  42. In the following steps you will resolve validation errors by merging overlaps or gaps into an adjacent shape. When deciding which shape to merge into use the following criteria:

    1. Make shapes contiguous. Try not to do a merge that would make a shape have multiple disconnected parts.
    2. Make catchments connect to channels. Try to give every catchment at least one edge connection to a channel.
    3. Make catchment boundaries be along channels.
    4. Consider flow paths towards channels.
    5. Make shapes convex.
  43. Select waterbodies -- Must Not Overlap and click search now. If there are errors, resolve them by merging the overlap into one of the overlapping waterbodies as follows:

    1. Right click the topology error and select Merge...
    2. Select one of the two waterbodies to merge the overlap into.
  44. Select catchments -- Must Not Overlap and click search now. If there are errors, resolve them by merging the overlap into one of the overlapping catchments as follows:

    1. Right click the topology error and select Merge...
    2. Select one of the two catchments to merge the overlap into.
  45. Select catchments -- Must Not Have Gaps and click search now. The outer boundary of the watershed will show up as an error. That is fine. Mark it as an exception. If there are any other errors resolve them by merging the gap into one of the neighboring catchments as follows:

    1. Right click the topology error and select Create Feature.
    2. Select the created feature by clicking it.
    3. Pick a neighboring catchment to merge into and add it to the selection by shift clicking it.
    4. In the editor toolbar in the editor menu select Merge...
    5. Select the neighboring catchment in the merge dialog so that it will preserve the catchment number attribute of the neighboring catchment and throw away the null attribute of the new feature. You can know which is the neighboring catchment in the list because when you click on one it flashes in the map display.
    6. Click OK to merge.
  46. Select the menu item Geoprocessing > Clip. For the input features select the waterbodies layer. For the clip features select the catchments layer. For the output feature class make sure it is saved inside the second dataset that was created in the file geodatabase in step 60.

  47. Select Geoprocessing > Search For Tools. Search for symmetrical difference and run it. For the input features select the catchments layer. For the update features select the clipped waterbodies layer. For the output feature class make sure it is saved inside the second dataset that was created in the file geodatabase in step 60.

  48. Select Geoprocessing > Intersect. For the input features select the streams layer and the symmetrical difference layer. For the output feature class make sure it is saved inside the second dataset that was created in the file geodatabase in step 60.

  49. Right click on the intersected streams layer and select Selection > Select All.

  50. On the advanced editing toolbar select split polygons. For the target select the clipped waterbodies layer. You will receive a warning that no polygons were split. This is fine. You are just doing this to make sure the waterbody borders are split to have a point in the polygon at any stream intersection. It won't actually split any polygons.

    1. If your dataset is big the split polygons action might fail. If that happens you need to select a subset area of the streams and split polygons, and then select other subsets and split polygons until all of the streams are covered. Make sure to overlap the boundaries of the subset areas. This also applies to the split polygons action in the next step.
  51. Select split polygons again. For the target select the symmetrical difference layer. This may not generate the same warning that no polygons were split.

  52. In the editor toolbar in the editor menu select stop editing. Click yes to save edits.

  53. Exit ArcMap.

  54. Run ArcCatalog.

  55. Repeat steps 64-86 to create a new topology in the second dataset with the clipped waterbody, symmetrical difference, and intersected streams feature classes and return to ArcMap and delete any errors. For the new topology use the following rules instead of the ones in step 68.

    1. waterbodies Must Not Overlap.
    2. catchments Must Not Overlap.
    3. catchments Must Not Overlap With waterbodies.
    4. You can also include catchments Must Not Have Gaps, but it will have an error for every hole where a waterbody was subtracted from the catchments. You will need to mark all of these as exceptions, and there shouldn't be any gaps because of validating the previous topology. You can decide whether this check is worth it or not.
  56. I had problems doing split polygons in the next step. I think it was because the topology set a minimum cluster tolerance. To avoid this, you need to copy the clipped waterbody, symmetrical difference, and intersected streams layers into the third dataset that was created in the file geodatabase in step 60. Do this with the copy features tool. The destination feature class must have a different name even though it is in a different dataset.

  57. Redo the split polygons in steps 90-93 on the copied data layers in the third dataset.

  58. Select Geoprocessing > Search For Tools. Search for Multipart To Singlepart and run it. For the input feature class select the copy of the clipped waterbodies layer in the third dataset. For the output feature class make sure it is saved inside the third dataset that was created in the file geodatabase in step 60.

  59. Repeat the Multipart To Singlepart for the copies of the symmetrical difference and intersected streams layers in the third dataset.

  60. Select Geoprocessing > Intersect. For the input features select the singlepart waterbodies layer twice. For the output feature class make sure it is saved inside the third dataset that was created in the file geodatabase in step 60. Set Output Type to LINE.

  61. Select Geoprocessing > Intersect. For the input features select the singlepart waterbodies layer and the singlepart streams layer. For the output feature class make sure it is saved inside the third dataset that was created in the file geodatabase in step 60. Set Output Type to POINT.

  62. Run Multipart to Singlepart for the intersected waterbodies lines layer, and intersected waterbodies streams points layer.

  63. Right click on the singlepart waterbodies layer and select Data > Export Data... On output feature class click the browse button. Select save as type shapefile. Set the output file name.

  64. Repeat export data for the singlepart symmetrical difference layer, singlepart streams layer, singlepart intersected waterbodies lines layer, and singlepart intersected waterbodies streams points layer.

  65. Exit ArcMap.

  66. Run QGIS.

  67. Now you will use a python script to create input files for triangle from these shapefiles.

  68. In QGIS select the menu item Plugins > Python Console.

  69. Edit the script to set the location and names of the input and output files. The script can be found in the scripts directory of the ADHydro distribution.

  70. Run the script Currently QGIS does not have a way to load an arbitrary Python script and run it, so you will need to copy and paste the script into the python console window.

  71. Now you will run triangle from the command line to generate the mesh.

  72. "triangle -pqAjenV mesh.poly"

    1. There may be lots of warnings about duplicate vertex and endpoints of segment are coincident. These can be ignored. If your dataset is big it can take triangle a long time just to print these out. If you want, you can edit the triangle source code to comment out these print statements and recompile.
    2. If there are overlaps and gaps in the mesh created by a topology failure described in step 70 then triangle might crash or go into an infinite loop generating tiny triangles in those problem areas. The only way I found to get around this is to run triangle in the debugger, break in to find what x, y coordinates it is getting hung up on and then find that location in ArcGIS and fix the gap or overlap by hand.
  73. You can view the results with the showme program that comes with triangle.

  74. You can also analyze the mesh with the program adhydro_mesh_check. It will report problems with small triangles and triangles that have no catchment label.

    1. Triangles with no catchment label shouldn't occur. They can occur if a catchment polygon is bisected by streams, but because of the split polygons step there shouldn't be any of those situations. If there are triangles with no catchment label you will need to investigate why.
    2. Small triangles usually result from sharp angles in the catchment polygons. This can be fixed by hand in ArcGIS and then return to step 99 and repeat the steps starting from there.
  75. Now you will use a python script to extract the z coordinate from the DEM for each point in the mesh.

  76. Edit the script to set the location and names of the input and output files. Use the .node file and the original non-pit-filled DEM for input. Give the output file a .z extension.

  77. []{#anchor}Go back to the QGIS python console and run the script

  78. Run the program adhydro_channel_preprocessing. Currently you need to edit the source code to set the input and output files. This will create three files: a .chan.ele file that contains the channel elements, a .chan.node file that contains the x,y coordinates of the channel nodes, and a .chan.prune file that contains pruned reach codes each paired with an unpruned reach code that the pruned reach code flows downstream into. The .chan.node file is in the same format as a triangle .node file so you can use the same script to generate the z coordinates file.

    1. We found that the values in the shapefiles for link type were not consistent across data sources. In Wyoming the values were words: "Ice Mass", "LakePond", "SwampMarsh", etc. In Colorado the values were numbers: "378" for Ice Mass, "390" for LakePond, "466" for SwampMarsh, etc. It seems likely that any time you process a mesh in a new political unit you will need to figure out what they use for link type and update the code of adhydro_channel_preprocessing. You will get an error message if the shapefiles use a link type string that is unrecognized.
  79. Edit the script to set the location and names of the input and output files. Use the .chan.node file and the original non-pit-filled DEM for input. Give the output file a .chan.z extension.

  80. Go back to the QGIS python console and run the script

Section IV: Process parameter data

  1. In this section you will assign parameters like soil and vegetation type to mesh elements.

  2. Several of the scripts used in this section have the following software dependencies:

    1. QGIS 2.0+

    2. Python 2.7

      1. Numpy
      2. Pandas
      3. Shapely
      4. GeoPandas
  3. If using a non system python for QGIS, make sure you use the same Python to install the additional modules. Also make sure the same Python install is used to run the scripts described in this workflow. On Unix systems, the easiest way to do this is to make sure your PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PYTHONPATH environment variables contain at the beginning of the list the installation directory of the Python version you would like to use.

  4. Use pip to install GeoPandas. The rest should be installed as dependencies. If pip is not installed, install it first:

    1. "easy_install pip"
    2. "pip install git+git://"
  5. Some of the ADHydro scripts have been set up to use QGIS from the command line so that they do not have to be invoked from inside an open QGIS application. In order for this to work, the scripts require the following code:

    1. from qgis.core import *
    2. qgishome = <QGIS path>
    3. app = QgsApplication([], True)
    4. QgsApplication.setPrefixPath(qgishome, True)
    5. QgsApplication.initQgis()
  6. <QGIS path> must be replaced with the path to QGIS in your system. You will need to edit these scripts before you use them to set <QGIS path>. The scripts that have this are:

  7. Before creating the parameter files for a given mesh you need to download several kinds of publicly available source data. The downloaded source data can be used for processing just one mesh and then thrown away, or you can save it to use for multiple meshes. If you want to use it for multiple meshes you need to make sure that you download data that covers the complete area of all of the meshes you will use it for. These next steps can be skipped if you already have the downloaded source data saved.

  8. Create a data directory for your project, <project path>/data, and create the following subdirectories:

    1. <project path>/data/SSURGO
    2. <project path>/data/STATSGO
    3. <project path>/data/Geologic_Units
    4. <project path>/data/NLCD
  9. You will now download SSURGO and STATSGO data by lat/long bounding rectangle.

    1. If you do not know the bounding rectangle of your watershed of interest you can get it from the script with the following command. Once again, the script can be found in the scripts directory of the ADHydro distribution.
    2. " -x <catchment shapefile>
  10. Go to Download by state, get all SSA's in state (for now)

  11. Under WHERE, change the method for selecting the order area to "Order by Bounding Rectangle".

  12. Enter the lat/long bounding rectangle. Note: do not use negatives. Use the dropdown to select the hemisphere instead.

    1. It's a good idea to have a little buffer area around your bounding rectangle. Also, you might have lat/long in decimal degrees, while the web form takes degrees, minutes, and seconds. The easiest way to deal with both of these issues is to round off your lat/long coordinates to a slightly larger bounding box. For example, if the western edge of your bounding box is 109.43 degrees west you could round that to 109.5, which is easy to convert to 109 degrees 30 minutes.
  13. Click Check Desired Coordinates and verify the bounding box visually. Then click Submit Desired Coordinates.

  14. Under WHAT, scroll down to Soils, select the following items, then click CONTINUE.

    1. Soil Survey Spatial and Tabular Data (SSURGO 2.2)
    2. U.S. General Soil Map (STATSGO2) by State
  15. Under HOW, leave the INCLUSION to be Extract, and the DELIVERY to be Download. Then click CONTINUE.

  16. Under WHO, enter your contact information in the form and click CONTINUE.

  17. Under REVIEW, review your order and click PLACE ORDER.

  18. You will receive an email at the email address you provided with links to download the data under "Ordered Items". You should have two links, one for SSURGO and one for STATSGO. Click each of these links to start the download.

  19. Once the downloads have finished, move the zip files to their respective data directories.

    1. soils_GSMCLIP_extract to <project path>/data/STATSGO
    2. soils_SSURGSDM_extract to <project path>/data/SSURGO
  20. Now you will extract the archives and merge the spatial data needed for building ADHydro inputs. Run the script with the following command:

    1. " -x <project path>/data/"
  21. Download the latest National Land Cover Database (NLCD) from As of this writing, the 2011 dataset is the most current, and can be downloaded from Make sure you download the land cover layer for the conterminous United States.,39.33,-76.76,-76.71

  22. Extract this data to <project path>/data/NLCD.

  23. Rename the extracted directory to nlcd_2011 (or nlcd_<year> if using a different year).

  24. Download Geologic Units from Use the Conterminous US state geology

  25. Extract this dataset to <project path>/data/Geologic_Units

  26. You are now finished downloading the source data that you will need. The steps after this need to be done for each mesh even if you had the downloaded source data saved from a previous mesh.

  27. Now open the script in the ADHydro scripts directory called and make sure of the following things:

    1. Verify the data_path variable is set to <project>/data.
    2. Then verify that the SSURGO, STATSGO, NLCD, and Geologic_Units path and shape file variables are correct and that these files exist.
    3. Update input_path to be the directory containing the mesh.1.ele and mesh.1.node files created by triangle in step 113.
    4. Update output_path to be the directory where you want the output files to be created. output_path can be the same as input_path.
    5. Ensure that the qgishome variable is set to point to the installed path of the QGIS you are using. We will refer to this directory as <qgis install>.
  28. Now close saving any changes, and make sure your PYTHONPATH contains <qgis install>/share/qgis/python

    1. i.e. in bash: "export PYTHONPATH=<qgis install>/share/qgis/python:$PYTHONPATH"
  29. Now run

    1. For large meshes, this can take a while, about 8 hours for the Upper Colorado Basin -- 9,186,658 elements -- running on a 16 core machine with 126 GB memory. It used approximately 80 GB of memory at peak.
  30. This script will create a lot of intermediate files. The file names begin with "element_". For example, "element_cokey_data.msg.0-21731", "element_coord_data.msg.0-21731". These files could theoretically be used to recover from a crash by restarting partway through the run using the saved intermediate values. However, we have not coded up any options to do this. You would need to understand the script and edit the code. This functionality is really only useful on really large meshes that take a very long time to process. So you can delete these files if you want.

  31. The three files that you need that are created by this processing are "mesh.1.geolType", "mesh.1.landCover", and "mesh.1.soilType".

Section V: Precondition the mesh with ADHydro

  1. At this point, you should have files ready to use as ASCII input files to the ADHydro simulation code. The following files will be read in by ADHydro. These are also listed in the example superfile.

    1. mesh.1.node
    2. mesh.1.z
    3. mesh.1.ele
    4. mesh.1.neigh
    5. mesh.1.landCover
    6. mesh.1.soilType
    7. mesh.1.geolType
    8. mesh.1.edge
    9. mesh.1.chan.node
    10. mesh.1.chan.z
    11. mesh.1.chan.ele
    12. mesh.1.chan.prune
  2. FIXME document remaining steps done with AdHydro NJF I think mesh massage is the next step

  3. Read ASCII files with mesh massage Create a directory called mesh_massage and copy the ADhydro example superfile to this directory. You can rename it to simply superfile.ini if you prefer.

    cp /adhydro/input/example_superfile.ini mesh_massage/superfile.ini

    This file will confiure the adhydro code. Start by with line 13, it should look like

    evapoTranspirationInitDirectoryPath = /adhydro/HRLDAS-v3.6/Run

    Uncomment line line 33 initializeFromASCIIFiles and set it to true.

    Next set the ASCIIInputDirectoryPath to the directory where the mesh files were created in the previous steps, i.e

    ASCIIInputDirectoryPath = /data/ASCII

    Comment out line 54, adhydroInputDirectoryPath since we are initializing from ASCII first.

    Set the output directory on line 70 to the mesh_massage path, i.e.

    adhydroOutputDirectoryPath = /data/mesh_massage

    On line 79, set the map projection information. Uncomment centralMeridianDegrees and set it accordingly.

    centralMeridianDegrees = -76.0

    Then uncomment the falseEasting and falseNorthing lines, but you shouldn't need to change these values.

    The mesh_massage doesn't actually do any simulation, but ADHydro requires a referenceDate and currentTime to be set regardless, so uncomment the referenceDateJulian variable on line 89 and the currentTime on line 99.

    Finally, uncomment line 139, doMeshMassage and set it to true

    Now run adhydro using this superfile.

    adhydro superfile.ini

  4. Create forcing data. TODO download data RUN python -s 2020-10-02:00 -e 2020-10-02:23 -m -76 ../../../test_dat a/ ../../../test_data/forcing/

  5. Do drain-down run. Create a directory called drain_down and copy the mesh_massage superfile to this directory.

    cp mesh_massage/superfile.ini drain_down/

    Now we need to turn off the ASCII initialization and use the mesh_massage generated netCDF files.

    Edit line 33, comment the line out with a ; or set the value to false.

    Uncomment line 64 and set it to the mesh_massage directory.

    adhydroInputDirectoryPath = /data/mesh_massage

    Uncomment line line 58 and set its value to the forcing file created.

    adhydroInputForcingFilePath = /data/forcing/ FIXME filename

    Set the output directory on line 70 to the drain_down path, i.e.

    adhydroOutputDirectoryPath = /data/drain_down

    Since we are actually going to prepare a simulation, we need to set the reference time accordingly. This should be the julian date of the first available forcing time.

    One way to find this is to use ncdump and copy the first output of the variable JULTIME.

    ncdump -v JULTIME | grep JULTIME

    Set line 89 referenceDateJulian to this value. Alternatively, comment out line 89 and set each subsequent date value.

    Leave currentTime on line 99 to indicate starting at the beginning of the forcing record.

    Finally, comment out line 139, doMeshMassage or set it to false, and then uncomment drainDownMode on line 133 and set it to true.

    Save this file and then execute adhydro.

  6. Run simulation Make a simulation directory and copy the drain_down superfile to this directory.

    cp drain_down/superfile.ini simulation/

    Edit the superfile to configure the simulation.

    Edit the input directory path on line 54 to point to the drain_down location.

    adhydroInputDirectoryPath = /data/drain_down

    Set the output directory on line 70 to the simulation directory.

    adhydroOutputDirectoryPath = /data/simulation

    Uncomment and set the simulation duration on line 104 based on the amount of time, in seconds, you want to simulate (relative to the reference date). You can run longer than forcing is available, in which case the last known values of forcing are used for the rest of the simulation. In general, though, set this duration for the duration of available forcing. To run 1 day:

    simulationDuration = 86400.0

    Set the outputPeriod on line 106 to an approriate interval, in seconds.

    Disable the drainDownMode on line 133 by commenting or setting to false.

    Run the simulation:

    adhydro simulation/superfile.ini