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File metadata and controls

497 lines (395 loc) · 23.3 KB


from vip_client import VipSession

This Python class launches executions on VIP from any machine where the dataset is stored (e.g., one's server or PC). Running an application ("pipeline") on VIP implies the following process:

Upload one's dataset on VIP servers >> Run the pipeline >> Download the results from VIP servers.


VipSession implements this procedure in a few basic steps.

Get Started

This section presents the main methods, inputs and outputs of the VipSession class. A tutorial is also available on Binder.


Basic Steps

Any session with the Python client starts by initiating a connection with VIP.

# Step 0. Connect with VIP (1 call applies to multiple VipSession instances)
VipSession.init(api_key="VIP_API_KEY") # << paste your API key here

Here "VIP_API_KEY" should be replaced by user's own API key. There are several ways to avoid hardcoding your key.

Once connection with VIP is established, the upload-run-download procedure is achieved through 6 basic steps.

  1. Create a VipSession instance ("session");
# Step 1. Create a Session
session = VipSession(session_name="my-session")
  1. Upload the your dataset on VIP servers;
# Step 2. Upload the input data
  1. Launch your application on VIP;
# Step 3. Launch a pipeline on VIP
session.launch_pipeline(pipeline_id="my_app/0.1", input_settings=my_settings)
  1. Monitor its progress on VIP until all executions are over;
# Step 4. Monitor the pipeline's workflow(s)
  1. Download the output files from VIP servers when all executions are over;
# Step 5. Download the outputs 
  1. Finish the session by removing your input/output data from VIP servers.
# Step 6. Remove the data from VIP servers

In this example, VipSession properties (e.g. session_name, input_dir) are progressively passed as inputs during steps 1, 2 & 3. They can also be defined when instanciating VipSession (i.e. during step 1 or step 0, see below). Additionnally, VipSession methods accept specific arguments (e.g. nb_runs, refresh_time) to fine-tune their behavior. See each method's doc-string for detailed information.

VipSession Inputs

A valid API key is a prerequisite for communicating with VIP . A single handshake applies to several VipSession instances.

  1. api_key (str, required): your VIP API key.
    • See VipSession.init() docstring for more information.

One VipSession instance allows you to run (1) one pipeline on (2) one dataset with (3) one parameter set. These are 3 required inputs:

  1. pipeline_id (str, required): The name of your pipeline (application) on VIP.
  2. input_dir (str | os.PathLike, required): The local path to your dataset.
    • This directory will be uploaded on VIP before launching the pipeline.
  3. input_settings (dict, required): All parameters needed to run the pipeline.
    • Run VipSession.show_pipeline(pipeline_id) to display the parameters for pipeline_id.
    • The dictionary can contain any object that can be converted to strings, or lists of such objects.
    • Parameters with a list of values launch parallel jobs on VIP.

Finally, 3 optional inputs can be provided depending on user needs:

  1. session_name (str, recommended) A name to identify this session and the corresponding outputs.

    • Default value: 'VipSession-[date]-[time]-[id]'
  2. output_dir (str | os.PathLike, optional) Local path to the directory where:

    • session properties will be saved;
    • pipeline outputs will be downloaded from VIP servers.
    • Default value: './vip_outputs/session_name'
  3. verbose (bool, optional) Verbose state of the current session.

    • The session will display logs when True (default value).

Inputs 1 to 6 are VipSession's main properties: they fully define its behavior throughout the upload-run-download procedure. They can be accessed, set and deleted with classical dot notation: (see below for detailed infromation).

VipSession Outputs

When running a VipSession instance for the first time, its output directory (output_dir) is made to store the session backup file and later the pipeline outputs.

Session Backup

At the end of steps 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, session properties (e.g., session_name, pipeline_id) are automatically saved in a backup file (session_data.json). This backup can be used to resume a finished or running session.

Pipeline Outputs

Pipeline results are stored in output_dir mirroring their structure on VIP servers. By default, when the VIP implementation of the pipeline produces a tarball (*.tar.gz), its contents are extracted to a folder named after that archive.

A typical output directory will have the following structure:

├── 02-02-2023_09:21:23
│   └── job_results.tgz
│       ├── file_x
│       └── file_y
└── session_data.json


  • file_x & file_y are the pipeline outputs;
  • job_results.tgz contains results from the same job;
  • 02-02-2023_09:21:23 is named after the starting time of the workflow;
  • session_data.json is the session backup file.

See below for detailed information about jobs and workflows.

Best Practices

In this section you will learn how to use VipSession shortcuts, write VipSession inputs, parallelize your executions, use VipSession backup, manipulate VipSession properties and run multiple sessions on the same dataset.

Use VipSession Shortcuts

VipSession properties (e.g., input_dir, pipeline_id, input_settings) can be declared at instantiation:

session = VipSession(session_name=..., input_dir=..., pipeline_id=..., input_settings=..., ouput_dir=...)

Setting all session properties at instantiation allows earlier detection of common mistakes, like missing parameters or input files.

This can also be done while handshaking with VIP (steps 0-1) through VipSession.init():

session = VipSession.init(api_key=..., session_name=..., input_dir=..., pipeline_id=..., input_settings=..., ouput_dir=...)

When all properties are set, the full upload-run-download process (steps 2-5) can be performed with run_session():


Do not forget to remove your temporary data from VIP after downloading the outputs (session.finish()).

All VipSession methods can be run in cascade, so everything holds in a single command:

VipSession.init(api_key=..., session_name=..., input_dir=..., [...]).run_session().finish()

Use show_pipeline() to Set VipSession Inputs

The class method show_pipeline() can help you getting a pipeline_id and writing your input_settings.

Get the pipeline_id

The pipeline identifier (pipeline_id) can be displayed by providing the application name. For example:


will show every pipeline_id that contains "freesurfer" with a partial, case-insensitive match:

Available pipelines
Freesurfer (recon-all)/0.3.7
Freesurfer (recon-all)/0.3.8

N.B.: If the output is "(!) No pipeline found for pattern 'freesurfer'", you may need to register with the pipeline's group on the VIP Portal. The procedure is written here.

Write the input_settings

Parameter Names

When show_pipeline() finds a single match among VIP applications, it displays a full description of the pipeline, including the parameters that can be fed in your input_settings. For example:


will display the following (large output truncated by "[...]"):

NAME: FreeSurfer-Recon-all | VERSION: v7.3.1
    Performs all, or any part of, the FreeSurfer cortical 
    reconstruction process [...]
- directives
    [STRING] $esc.xml($input.getDescription())
- license
    [FILE] Valid license file needed to run FreeSurfer.
- nifti
    [FILE] Single NIFTI file from series. [...]
- 3T_flag
    [BOOLEAN] The -3T flag enables two specific options in recon-all 
    for images acquired with a 3T scanner:  [...]

The list of parameters below "INPUT_SETTINGS" can be used to build your input_settings for VipSession. These must include at least the "REQUIRED" parameters.

input_settings = {
  "directives": "-all", # Options for recon-all, see Fressurfer documentation
  "license": "path/to/my/license.txt", # FreeSurfer License
  "nifti": "path/to/my/input/file.nii.gz", # Input file
  # [...]

Parameter Values

The input type is displayed at the beginning of each parameter description.

  • [STRING]: input should be of type str. (for advanced users, it can be of any Python type that can converts to str (e.g. bool, int) provided the converted str value fits the pipeline)
  • [BOOLEAN]: input should be of type str, containing exactly "true" or "false" (please mind the case).
  • [FILE]: input requires a valid path to some file, either on VIP or in the local file system. This path can be str or any os.PathLike object, including from pathlib.

For each parameter in the input_settings, you can can also provide a list of values. This launches parallel jobs on VIP, as explained below.

Parallelize your Executions


If you are launching a VIP application on multiple inputs (e.g. multiple acquisitions or parameter sets), your executions must be parallelized. This is done by providing list(s) of values (e.g., a list of input files) in the input_settings. For example:

input_settings = {
  "directives": "-all", # Options
  "license": "path/to/my/license.txt", # License
  "nifti": [ # List of inputs files :
    "path/to/my/input/file_1.nii.gz", # Input file 1
    "path/to/my/input/file_2.nii.gz", # Input file 2
    # [...]
    "path/to/my/input/file_n.nii.gz", # Input file N
  ] # End of list
  # [...]

With the above input_settings, the VipSession instance will submit N jobs to VIP (one per input file).

Jobs and Workflows

A job is a single task run by the pipeline on VIP, e.g., with 1 input file and 1 parameter set. When lists of files or parameters are provided in the input_settings, the corresponding jobs run in parallel (the pipeline runs on all files and parameters at the same time).

A workflow is a collection of jobs submitted at the same time. A single VipSession instance can launch multiple workflows on the same pipeline_id with the same input_settings (see below).

In practice, VIP pipelines can be run on all types of datasets by following these three rules:

  1. A single job is submitted on VIP when input_settings are filled with a single value for each parameter;
  2. A single workflow is used to run multiple jobs in parallel, when providing a list of values in the input_settings;
  3. A single VipSession instance can be used to run multiple workflows on the same pipeline_id with the same input_settings ;

Output files

In the VipSession output directory (output_dir), the file tree displayed above can be generalized as below:

├── Workflow_1
│   ├── Job_A
│   │   ├── file_x
│   │   └── file_y
│   └── Job_B
│       ├── file_x
│       └── file_y
├── Workflow_2
│   ├── Job_A
│   │   ├── file_x
... ... ...
└── session_data.json

Caveats & Comments

  • For large datasets, it is recommended to launch separate workflows of a few hundred jobs to limit the risk of errors.

  • One VipSession instance can launch multiple workflows:

    • by calling launch_pipeline() several times,
    • by increasing argument nb_runs,
    • by calling run_session() several times,
    • by re-starting the session after it was "finished".
  • In the two first options, the workflows will run in parallel on VIP. To run parallel workflows on VIP, please contact VIP support to increase your execution capacity (1 by default).

  • Multiple Vipsession instances can be smartly used to run multiple pipeline_id and multiple input_settings on the same dataset. See below for a detailed procedure.

Use VipSession Backup

A session is backed up after every step. To restore a previous session, instantiate it with ouput_dir:

session = VipSession(output_dir='./vip_outputs/my_session')

If ouput_dir is the default (like above), just provide the session_name:

session = VipSession('my_session') # Equivalent to: session = VipSession(session_name='my_session')

This will load the session data stored in the backup file (session_data.json). This backup system is useful to:

Run a Session Intermittently

Some pipeline runs can take hours or days. These runs should be monitored on the VIP portal while turning off your Python interpreter. Using an identifiable session_name, the procedure can be left at any time and resumed with an identical VipSession object.

# Connect with VIP
# Start a Session with a new name and upload your dataset
# When the upload is over, launch the pipeline
VipSession("my_session").launch_pipeline(pipeline_id=..., input_settings=...)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exit your Python interpreter and monitor the pipeline execution on the VIP portal
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# When the execution is over, connect with VIP again and download the outputs
VipSession.init(api_key="VIP_API_KEY", session_name="my_session").download_ouputs()
# When the download is over, remove your data from VIP servers

In this example, the VipSession instance is run without a dedicated variable.

If for some reason a personalized output_dir has been set, it must be used instead of session_name to resume the VipSession instance (like above).

Relaunch a Finished Session

A VipSession instance can also be resumed after running finish(). For example, to display a short report about previous pipeline runs:


The same VipSession instance can be used to relaunch a full upload-run-download procedure with the same parameters:

# Connect with VIP
# Relaunch the full procedure & finish

In that case, the new pipeline outputs will be downloaded next to the previous ones. This feature can be used to run repeatability experiments.

Manipulate VipSession Properties

Use Dot Notation

As stated above, properties of a VipSession instance can be set, accessed and deleted using dot notation. For example:

my_session = VipSession() # Instantiate an anonymous session
print(my_session.session_name) # Access the default value for `session_name`
my_session.input_dir = "/path/to/my/data" # Set the input directory
del my_session.input_dir # Delete the input directory

Edit an Incorrect Property

To avoid accidental loss of metadata, a session property cannot be directly modified. For instance:

my_session = VipSession(input_dir="/path/to/may/data") 
# Oops, there is some typo in "may/data". Let's try to fix it :
my_session.input_dir = "/path/to/my/data" # this will throw an error

throws the following error:

ValueError: 'local_input_dir' is already set

This must be addressed by deleting the property before editing its value:

my_session = VipSession(input_dir="/path/to/may/data") # Value with typo
del my_session.input_dir # Delete the wrong value
my_session.input_dir = "/path/to/my/data" # Set the correct value

Additional Properties

Beyond the six VipSession inputs introduced above, additional properties are accessible and editable with dot (.) notation. multiple-sessions

Property Description Default Value
local_input_dir Dataset location (input_dir is an alias) None (str)
local_output_dir Results location (output_dir is an alias) "vip_outputs/session_name"
vip_input_dir Dataset location on VIP (temporary data) "/vip/Home/API/session_name/INPUTS"
vip_output_dir Results location on VIP (temporary data) "/vip/Home/API/session_name/OUTPUTS"
workflows Workflows inventory with metadata {} (dict)

Setting personnalized vip_input_dir and vip_output_dir can fine-tune VipSession behaviour and answer specific user needs. This is not without risk for user metadata.

An example of user-specific need is sharing the same dataset between several sessions after it has been uploaded on VIP. This can be done safely with method get_inputs(), as explained below.

Run Multiple Sessions on the Same Dataset

As stated above, a single session allows to run a single pipeline_id on a single input_dir with a single input_settings. To run a pipeline with multiple input_settings, or multiple pipeline_id, one has to use multiple VipSession instances.


Assume one has two parameter sets (input_settings A & B) for running the same application on the same dataset:

# Input data
my_dataset = "path/to/my/data"
# Pipeline
pipeline_id = "my_app/0.1"
# Parameters sets
settings_A = {...} # Parameter set A
settings_B = {...} # Parameter set B
# Connect with VIP

Without get_inputs()

To run pipeline_id with settings_A and settings_B, one has to run two different sessions:

# Run & Finish Session A with settings A
session_a = VipSession(input_dir=my_dataset, [...], input_settings=settings_A)
# Run & Finish Session B with settings B
session_b = VipSession(input_dir=my_dataset, [...], input_settings=settings_B)

By default, each dataset uploaded on VIP is bound to a single session. In the above example, my_dataset is thus uploaded twice on VIP servers (and removed twice at the end), as depicted in the diagram below.


With get_inputs()

Unlike the previous example, VipSession method get_inputs() allows session B to accces the inputs of session A on VIP servers.


get_inputs() is meant to replace upload_inputs() during Step 2 of the upload-run-download procedure.

# Run Session A
session_a = VipSession(input_dir=my_dataset, [...], input_settings=settings_A)
session_a.run_session() # Do not run `finish()` until the entire process is over.
# Run & Finish Session B with `get_inputs()`
session_b = VipSession([...], input_settings=settings_B)
session_b.get_inputs(session_a) # Access the inputs of Session A
session_b.run_session(update_files=False).finish() # (skips the "upload" step)
# Finish Session A

/!\ Running finish() on session B will not remove its inputs (i.e., my_dataset) from VIP servers, because they belong to session A (see the diagram below).



The previous case can be easily generalized to any number of VipSession instances. A smart way to implement this is provided in this Python script.

Besides saving memory on VIP servers, smart management of the input dataset can save a lot of time, since there is no easy way to parallelize the upload and download steps between multiple sessions.