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Renato Westphal edited this page Apr 12, 2023 · 6 revisions

The Holo daemon includes a gRPC module that can be used to configure and monitor the daemon programatically. The module is enabled by default and listens on the 50051 TCP port.

The interface's definition is specified in the holo.proto file, available at

Compared to the gNMI interface, the gRPC interface is simpler and supports the following additional features:

  • Confirmed commits: Commits are rolled back if they are not confirmed within a specified time frame.
  • Network-wide transactions: The ability to update the entire network in a pseudo-atomic fashion. This means that either all devices are updated, or none of them are.
  • Use of YANG Patch to update the running configuration.
  • Support for the XML and LYB data encodings.

While the gRPC interface provides these benefits, the gNMI interface is an industry standard and may be the preferred choice for those working with a heterogeneous network where a single management interface for all devices is desired.


The following RPCs are supported:


The Capabilities RPC is used to retrieve the device capabilities, including the Holo version, supported modules, and supported data encodings.

Ruby example:

require 'holo_services_pb'

# Connect to holod
stub ='localhost:50051', :this_channel_is_insecure)

# Invoke RPC
request =
response = stub.capabilities(request)

# Print the response
pp response.version
pp response.supported_modules
pp response.supported_encodings
$ ruby -I. ./caps.rb | head -n 10
[<Holo::ModuleData: name: "iana-if-type", organization: "IANA", revision: "2017-01-19">,
 <Holo::ModuleData: name: "ietf-interfaces", organization: "IETF NETMOD (Network Modeling) Working Group", revision: "2018-01-09">,
 <Holo::ModuleData: name: "ietf-routing-types", organization: "IETF RTGWG - Routing Area Working Group", revision: "2017-10-13">,
 <Holo::ModuleData: name: "ietf-bfd-types", organization: "IETF BFD Working Group", revision: "2022-09-22">,
 <Holo::ModuleData: name: "ietf-routing", organization: "IETF NETMOD (Network Modeling) Working Group", revision: "2018-03-13">,
 <Holo::ModuleData: name: "ietf-key-chain", organization: "IETF RTGWG - Routing Area Working Group", revision: "2017-06-15">,
 <Holo::ModuleData: name: "ietf-ip", organization: "IETF NETMOD (Network Modeling) Working Group", revision: "2018-01-09">,
 <Holo::ModuleData: name: "ietf-segment-routing", organization: "IETF SPRING - SPRING Working Group", revision: "2021-05-26">,
 <Holo::ModuleData: name: "ietf-segment-routing-common", organization: "IETF SPRING - SPRING Working Group", revision: "2021-05-26">,


The Get RPC retrieves configuration data, state data, or both. Optionally, the request can be restricted to a single YANG path. If no data encoding is specified, the default encoding used is JSON.

Ruby example:

require 'holo_services_pb'

# Connect to holod
stub ='localhost:50051', :this_channel_is_insecure)

# Invoke RPC
request =
request.type = :STATE
request.path = '/ietf-routing:routing/control-plane-protocols'
response = stub.get(request)

# Print the response
pp response
$ ruby -I. ./get.rb | head -n 20
<Holo::GetResponse: timestamp: 1680547280, data: <Holo::DataTree: encoding: :JSON, data: "{
  "ietf-routing:routing": {
    "control-plane-protocols": {
      "control-plane-protocol": [
          "type": "ietf-bfd-types:bfdv1",
          "name": "main",
          "ietf-bfd:bfd": {
            "summary": {
              "number-of-sessions": 2,
              "number-of-sessions-up": 2,
              "number-of-sessions-down": 0,
              "number-of-sessions-admin-down": 0
            "ietf-bfd-ip-mh:ip-mh": {
              "summary": {
                "number-of-sessions": 0,
                "number-of-sessions-up": 0,
                "number-of-sessions-down": 0,
                "number-of-sessions-admin-down": 0


The Commit RPC creates a new configuration transaction using a two-phase commit protocol, with three available commit operations: merge, replace, and change (YANG Patch). The provided data tree can be specified using any of the supported data encodings.

For confirmed commits, the confirmed_timeout parameter must be specified with a non-zero value, representing the commit timeout in minutes. Within the given timeout, a new Commit RPC is expected to confirm the previous commit.

Ruby example:

require 'holo_services_pb'

# Connect to holod
stub ='localhost:50051', :this_channel_is_insecure)

# Invoke RPC
request =
request.operation = :MERGE
request.config =
request.config.encoding = :JSON = '
  "ietf-routing:routing": {
    "control-plane-protocols": {
      "control-plane-protocol": [
          "type": "ietf-ospf:ospfv2",
          "name": "main",
          "ietf-ospf:ospf": {
            "explicit-router-id": ""
request.confirmed_timeout = 1
response = stub.commit(request)

# Print the response
pp response


The Execute RPC enables the execution of a YANG RPC/Action. The Execute request carries the YANG RPC/Action input parameters, while the response contains the corresponding output parameters.

Ruby example:

require 'holo_services_pb'

# Connect to holod
stub ='localhost:50051', :this_channel_is_insecure)

# Invoke RPC
request = = = :JSON = '
  "ietf-ospf:clear-neighbor": {
response = stub.execute(request)

# Print the response
pp response

Please note that the Ruby examples presented use manually written JSON for the sake of simplicity. Ideally, the management script should use YANG language bindings to achieve type safety and other benefits.


As of now, the gRPC module has the following limitations:

  • No TLS support
  • No support for YANG notifications


The gRPC module has the following configuration options:

  # gRPC northbound plugin configuration
    # Enable or disable the plugin
    enabled = true
    # gRPC server listening address 
    address = "[::1]:50051