HydroJudge is a judging daemon for programming contests like OI and ACM. HydroJudge supports custom judge, subtask and other many new features.
Step 1: Download the latest packed files at GithubActions
You should download one of the files below:
- Judge_win_amd64.exe
- Judge_linux_amd64
- Judge_macos_amd64
Step 2: Create configuration file
server_url: e.g. https://vijos.org
uname: Judge account username
password: Judge account password
Step 3: Run!
chmod +x ./Judge
Create config.yaml
server_url: e.g. https://vijos.org
uname: Judge account username
password: Judge account password
Then use docker run --privileged -d -v /path/to/config.yaml:/config/config.yaml hydrooj/judge:default
to start.
Replace /path/to/judge.yaml with your ABSOLUTE PATH!
Hint: there are 4 tags built for docker:
Smallest image based on AlpineLinuxhydrooj/judge:latest
No compiler installedhydrooj/judge:default
Default compiler for vijoshydrooj/judge:slim
C C++ Pascal
- Change the config file path:
- Change the language file path:
- Change temp directory:
- Change cache directory:
- Change files directory:
- Change execution host:
- Linux
- NodeJS Version 10+
Use the following command to install nodejs requirements:
Put judge.yaml
and langs.yaml
in the configuration directory, usually
in $HOME/.config/hydro/
. judge.yaml
includes the server address, user and
password and langs.yaml
includes the compiler options. Examples can be found
under the examples
Run the executor-server first,
And use the following command to run the daemon:
node judge/daemon.js
Copyright (c) 2020 Hydro Dev Team. All rights reserved.
License: GPL-3.0-only