(==) equal to | compares two values to see if are the same |
(!=) not equal | compares two values to see if are not the same |
(===) strict equal to | compares two values to check that both the data type and value the same |
(!==) strict not equal to | compares two values to check that both the data type and value are not the same |
(>) greater than | check if the number in the left is greater than the number on the right |
(<) less than | check if the number in the left is less than the number on the right |
(>=) greater than or equal | check if the number in the left is greater than or equal the number on the right |
(<=) less than or equal | check if the number in the left is less than or equal the number on the right |
(&&) logical and | to test more than one condition |
(||) logical or | test at least one condition |
(!) logical not | takes a single boolean value and inverts it |
loops check a condition , if it returns true , a code block will run , and the condition will be checked again and if it still retuns true , it's repate until the condition returns false
for(var i=0; i<10; i++) {
document.write(i) }
: keyword(var i=0; i<10; i++)
: condition (counter){document.write(i)}
: for bblock code
- initialization
var i=0 ;
- condition
- update
start loop when i=0;
run the code and the i increment
if the condition still TRUE , repate the code
var i = l ;
var msg = ' ' ;
II Set counter to 1
II Message
II Store 5 times tabl e in a variable
while (i < 10) {
msg += i + ' x 5 = ' + (i * 5) + '<br I>';
document .getEl ementByid( ' answer') . innerHTML = msg;
This loop will continue to run for as long as the condition in the parentheses is true. That condition is a counter indicating that, as long as the variable i remains less than 10, the statements in the subsequent code block should run.