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150 lines (97 loc) · 3.7 KB

File metadata and controls

150 lines (97 loc) · 3.7 KB


Convert nerd-font-icons to SVG / JSON / ESModule / CSV

The script will extract paths, viewbox, code, name, glyphname, glyph, svgfile from nerd-fonts iconfont/css and converts it to SVG, JSON, EcmaScript Module and CSV.

The exported JSON, ESModule directory and CSV file respectivly contain all the data needed to dynamically create <svg>-Tags with JavaScript.


If all the dependencies are installed you can simply run:

python --output json nerdfonts.json

This will create a nerdfonts.json file in the current directory.

The file contains an array of objects with all the extracted fields.

// nerdfonts.json
    // ...
        "code": "26a1",
        "name": "oct-zap",
        "glyphname": "zap",
        "glyph": "⚡",
        "svgfile": "/tmp/nerdfonts_svg/26a1.svg",
        "viewbox": "-10 0 1300 2048",
        "paths": [
            "M1280 827l-1152 1152l384 -896h-512l1152 -1152l-384 896h512z"
    // ...

Output options

The output option --output FORMAT FILEPATH or -o FORMAT FILEPATH can be used multiple times and specify a export target.

FORMAT can be set to json, es, csv or svg

FILEPATH specifies a file or directory. If no fileextension (.json | .csv | .svg) a directory is assumed and a default filename is used.

For formats that generate one file per icon (svg) placeholders in the form of {FIELD[:MODIFIER[:...]]} can be used to create meaningful filenames.

(See fields and modifiers for more details)


python -o svg svgfiles/{name:camelcase}_{code}.svg

Will create files like octZap_26a1.svg in a directory called svgfiles


The --fields FIELD[:REPLACEMENT[:MODIFIER]] option specifies one or more fields included in the output. If not specified all fields are included.

FIELD one of the following field names:

  • paths string[] of svg paths
  • viewbox string svg viewBox
  • code string unicode codepoint
  • name string name extracted from nerdfont-icons css classnames
  • glyphname string iconname extracted from the font file
  • glyph string actual unicode character
  • svgfile string filepath to the corresponding *.svg-file

REPLACEMENT new fieldname the field sould be exported as.

MODIFIER modifies the field value. Can be set to:

  • camelcase make value camelcase
  • upper make value uppercase
  • lower make value lowercase


python --fields name name:icon:camelcase glyph:unicodechar \
        --output json nerdfont_icons.json

Will create:

// nerdfont_icons.json 
    // ...
    { "name": "oct-zap", "icon": "octZap", "unicodechar": "⚡" },
    // ...


The --filter FIELD REGEX option specifies filters to narrow down the the exported record. The record will only be exported if the REGEX (regular expression) matches the FIELD-value.

(See fields and python regular expressions for more details)


python --filter name '^mdi' --filter \
        --output json material_icons.json

Will create material_icons.json that contains only the Material Design Icons.

Show Help

python -h


To run, python and fontforge need to be installed first.

If not already installed the packages should be availible in all the major packetmanagers.

Install dependencies on Arch

Run: sudo pacman -S python fontforge

Install dependencies on Debian/Ubuntu

Run: sudo apt-get install python fontforge