- {{ year }}
- {%- if tags != "" %}
- ·
- {% for tag in page.tags -%}
- {{ tag }}
- {% endfor -%}
- {% endif %}
- {%- if categories != "" %}
- ·
- {% for category in page.categories -%}
- {{ category }}
- {% endfor -%}
- {% endif %}
- {{ content }}
- For attribution in academic contexts, please cite this work as
- BibTeX citation
- {%- if site.disqus_shortname and page.comments -%}
- {%- endif %}
diff --git a/_news/announcement_1.md b/_news/announcement_1.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e5af5c..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_1.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2015-10-22 15:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-A simple inline announcement.
diff --git a/_news/announcement_2.md b/_news/announcement_2.md
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd4b4d4..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_2.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: A long announcement with details
-date: 2015-11-07 16:11:00-0400
-inline: false
-Announcements and news can be much longer than just quick inline posts. In fact, they can have all the features available for the standard blog posts. See below.
-Jean shorts raw denim Vice normcore, art party High Life PBR skateboard stumptown vinyl kitsch. Four loko meh 8-bit, tousled banh mi tilde forage Schlitz dreamcatcher twee 3 wolf moon. Chambray asymmetrical paleo salvia, sartorial umami four loko master cleanse drinking vinegar brunch. Pinterest DIY authentic Schlitz, hoodie Intelligentsia butcher trust fund brunch shabby chic Kickstarter forage flexitarian. Direct trade cold-pressed meggings stumptown plaid, pop-up taxidermy. Hoodie XOXO fingerstache scenester Echo Park. Plaid ugh Wes Anderson, freegan pug selvage fanny pack leggings pickled food truck DIY irony Banksy.
-#### Hipster list
messenger bag
-Hoodie Thundercats retro, tote bag 8-bit Godard craft beer gastropub. Truffaut Tumblr taxidermy, raw denim Kickstarter sartorial dreamcatcher. Quinoa chambray slow-carb salvia readymade, bicycle rights 90's yr typewriter selfies letterpress cardigan vegan.
-Pug heirloom High Life vinyl swag, single-origin coffee four dollar toast taxidermy reprehenderit fap distillery master cleanse locavore. Est anim sapiente leggings Brooklyn ea. Thundercats locavore excepteur veniam eiusmod. Raw denim Truffaut Schlitz, migas sapiente Portland VHS twee Bushwick Marfa typewriter retro id keytar.
-> We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another, unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another.
-> —Anais Nin
-Fap aliqua qui, scenester pug Echo Park polaroid irony shabby chic ex cardigan church-key Odd Future accusamus. Blog stumptown sartorial squid, gastropub duis aesthetic Truffaut vero. Pinterest tilde twee, odio mumblecore jean shorts lumbersexual.
diff --git a/_news/announcement_3.md b/_news/announcement_3.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d9072191..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_3.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2016-01-15 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-A simple inline announcement with Markdown emoji! :sparkles: :smile:
diff --git a/_pages/about.md b/_pages/about.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf44361..00000000
--- a/_pages/about.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-layout: about
-title: about
-permalink: /about/
-nav: true
-nav_order: 1
-# profile:
-# align: right
-# image:
-# image_circular: false # crops the image to make it circular
-# address:
-# news: false # includes a list of news items
-# selected_papers: false # includes a list of papers marked as "selected={true}"
-# social: false # includes social icons at the bottom of the page
-# ICLR 2024 Blogposts Track
-The Machine Learning community is currently experiencing a [reproducibility crisis](https://neuripsconf.medium.com/designing-the-reproducibility-program-for-neurips-2020-7fcccaa5c6ad) and a reviewing crisis [[Littman, 2021]](#Litt). Because of the highly competitive and noisy reviewing process of ML conferences [[Tran et al., 2020]](#Tran), researchers have an incentive to oversell their results, slowing down the progress and diminishing the integrity of the scientific community. Moreover with the growing number of papers published and submitted at the main ML conferences [[Lin et al., 2020]](#Lin), it has become more challenging to keep track of the latest advances in the field.
-Blog posts are becoming an increasingly popular and useful way to talk about science [[Brown and Woolston, 2018]](#Brow). They offer substantial value to the scientific community by providing a flexible platform to foster open, human, and transparent discussions about new insights or limitations of a scientific publication. However, because they are not as recognized as standard scientific publications, only a minority of researchers manage to maintain an active blog and get visibility for their efforts. Many are well-established researchers ([Francis Bach](https://francisbach.com/), [Ben Recht](https://www.argmin.net/), [Ferenc Huszár](https://www.inference.vc/), [Lilian Weng](https://lilianweng.github.io/lil-log/)) or big corporations that leverage entire teams of graphic designers designer and writers to polish their blogs ([Facebook AI](https://ai.facebook.com/blog/?page=1), [Google AI](https://ai.googleblog.com/), [DeepMind](https://deepmind.com/blog), [OpenAI](https://openai.com/blog/)). As a result, the incentives for writing scientific blog posts are largely personal; it is unreasonable to expect a significant portion of the machine learning community to contribute to such an initiative when everyone is trying to establish themselves through publications.
-**Submit** your blogpost on [Openreview](https://openreview.net/group?id=ICLR.cc/2024/BlogPosts&referrer=%5BHomepage%5D(%2F))
-## A Blog Post Conference Track
-Last year, we ran the **second** iteration of the [Blogpost track](https://iclr-blogposts.github.io/2023/about) at ICLR 2023!
-It was very successful, with accepted posts presented in person at the main conference.
-Our goal is to create a formal call for blog posts at ICLR to incentivize and reward researchers to review past work and summarize the outcomes, develop new intuitions, or highlight some shortcomings. A very influential initiative of this kind happened after the Second World War in France. Because of the lack of up-to-date textbooks, a collective of mathematicians under the pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki [[Halmos 1957]](#Halm), decided to start a series of textbooks about the foundations of mathematics [[Bourbaki, 1939]](#Bour). In the same vein, we aim to provide a new way to summarize scientific knowledge in the ML community.
-Due to the large diversity of topics that can be discussed in a blog post, we decided to restrict the range of topics for this call for blog posts. We identified that the blog posts that would bring to most value to the community and the conference would be posts that distill and discuss *previously published papers*.
-## Key Dates
-**Abstract deadline**: December 4th UTC, 2023 (submit to OpenReview - to be announced soon).
-**Submission deadline**: December 8th UTC, 2023(any modifications to your blog post, via a pull request on GitHub).
-**Decision Notification**: January 30th, 2024
-**Camera-ready merge**: March 15th, 2024
-## A call for blog posts discussing work previously published at ICLR
-#### Content
-Write a post on a subject that has been published at a top-tier venue (ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS, AAAI, UAI, CVPR, SIGGRAPH, ECCV, ICCV, etc.) relatively recently.
-#### Conflict of interest
-The authors of the blog posts will have to declare their conflicts of interest (positive or negative) with the paper (and the paper's authors) they write about. Conflicts of interest include:
-- Recent collaborators (less than 3 years)
-- Current institution Reviewers will be asked to judge if the submission is sufficiently critical and objective of the papers addressed in the blog post.
-- **Blog Posts must not be used to highlight or advertise past publications of the **authors or their lab****.
-We will only ask the authors to report if they have a conflict of interest. If so, reviewers will be asked to judge if the submission is sufficiently critical and objective of the papers addressed in the blog post.
-## Publication
-#### Blog post
-The posts will be created and published under a unified template; see [the submission instructions]({{ '/submitting' | relative_url }}) and the [sample post]({% post_url 2024-05-07-distill-example %}) hosted on the blog of this website.
-#### Poster
-Additionally, accepted posts will have the option to present their work as a poster during the main poster session. For more information about the main poster session (time, poster format, etc.) please refer to the ICLR homepage.
-## Submissions
-Our goal is to avoid heavily engineered, professionally-made blog posts ---Such as the “100+ hours” mentioned as a standard by the [Distill guidelines](https://distill.pub/journal/)---to entice ideas and clear writing rather than dynamic visualizations or embedded javascript engines.
-Please check our [submission instructions]({{ '/submitting' | relative_url }}) for more details.
-We accept submissions in both Markdown and HTML. We believe this is a good trade-off between complexity and flexibility.
-**Submit** your blogpost on [Openreview](https://openreview.net/group?id=ICLR.cc/2024/BlogPosts&referrer=%5BHomepage%5D(%2F))
-## Contact
-For any technical issues with the blog post repository (for example, blog posts not displaying correctly or issues while following the [submission instructions](https://iclr-blogposts.github.io/2024/submitting/#creating-a-blog-post)), please open an [issue in our github repository](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/2024/issues).
-For other inquiries, reach us via email at: [blog.track.chairs@gmail.com](mailto:blog.track.chairs@gmail.com)
-## Organizers
- {% include people_horizontal.html name="Gauthier Gidel" affiliation="Mila, Université de Montréal" url="https://gauthiergidel.github.io/" img="assets/img/organizers/gg.jpg" %}
- {% include people_horizontal.html name="Charlie Gauthier" affiliation="Mila, Université de Montréal" url="https://velythyl.github.io/" img="assets/img/organizers/cg.jpg" %}
- {% include people_horizontal.html name="David Dobre" affiliation="Mila, Université de Montréal" url="" img="assets/img/organizers/dd.jpg" %}
- {% include people_horizontal.html name="Claire Vernade" affiliation="University of Tuebingen" url="https://www.cvernade.com/" img="assets/img/organizers/cv.jpg" %}
- {% include people_horizontal.html name="Fabian Pedregosa" affiliation="Google DeepMind" url="https://fa.bianp.net/pages/about.html" img="assets/img/organizers/fp.jpg" %}
- {% include people_horizontal.html name="Leo Schwinn" affiliation="Technical University of Munich" url="https://schwinnl.github.io//" img="assets/img/organizers/ls.jpg" %}
-## References
-Michael L Littman. Collusion rings threaten the integrity of computer science research. Communications of the ACM, 2021.
-David Tran, Alex Valtchanov, Keshav Ganapathy, Raymond Feng, Eric Slud, Micah Goldblum, and Tom Goldstein. An open review of OpenReview: A critical analysis of the machine learning conference review process. arXiv, 2020.
-Hsuan-Tien Lin, Maria-Florina Balcan, Raia Hadsell, and Marc’Aurelio Ranzato. What we learned from NeurIPS 2020 reviewing process. Medium https://medium.com/@NeurIPSConf/what-we-learned-from-neurips-2020-reviewing-process-e24549eea38f, 2020.
-Eryn Brown and Chris Woolston. Why science blogging still matters. Nature, 2018.
-Paul R Halmos. Nicolas Bourbaki. Scientific American, 1957.
-Nicolas Bourbaki. Elements of mathematics. Éditions Hermann, 1939.
diff --git a/_pages/call.md b/_pages/call.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f386dfb..00000000
--- a/_pages/call.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: call for blogposts
-permalink: /call/
-nav: true
-nav_order: 2
-- Instructions on getting started with building your blog posts have now been posted [here]({{ '/submitting' | relative_url }})!
-**Submit** your blogpost on [Openreview](https://openreview.net/group?id=ICLR.cc/2024/BlogPosts&referrer=%5BHomepage%5D(%2F))
-# Call for blog posts
-We invite all researchers and practitioners to submit a blog post discussing work previously published at a top-tier venue to the ICLR 2024 blog post track.
-The format and process for this blog post track are described below.
-### Content
-Write a post on a subject that has been published at a top-tier venue (ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS, AAAI, UAI, CVPR, SIGGRAPH, ECCV, ICCV, etc.) relatively recently.
-Past blog posts can be accessed [here](https://iclr-blogposts.github.io/2023/about).
-### Conflict of interest
-The authors of the blog posts will have to declare their conflicts of interest (positive or negative) with the paper (and their authors) they write about.
-Conflicts of interest include:
- - Recent collaborators (less than 3 years)
- - Current institution
-Reviewers will be asked to judge if the submission is sufficiently critical and objective of the papers addressed in the blog post.
-**Blog Posts must not be used to highlight or advertise past publications of the authors or of their lab**.
-### Publication
-##### Blog post
-The posts will be created and published under a unified template; see [the submission instructions]({{ '/submitting' | relative_url }}) and the [sample post]({{ '/blog/2024/distill-example' | relative_url }}) hosted on the blog of this website.
-##### Poster
-Additionally, accepted posts will have the option to present their work as a poster during the main poster session. For more information about the main poster session (time, poster format, etc.) please refer to the ICLR homepage.
-### Review
-Blogs will be peer-reviewed (double-blind) for quality and novelty of the content: clarity and pedagogy of the exposition, new theoretical or practical insights, reproduction/extension of experiments, etc.
-The review is dual-anonymous assuming good faith from both submitters and reviewers (see [the submission instructions]({{ '/submitting' | relative_url }}) for more details).
-## Key Dates
-- **Abstract deadline**: December 4th UTC, 2023 (submit to OpenReview - link to be announced soon).
-- **Submission deadline**: December 8th UTC, 2023 (any modifications to your blog post, via a pull request on github).
-- **Notification of acceptance**: January 30th, 2023
-- **Camera-ready merge**: March 15th, 2024
-### Contact
-For answers to many common questions please refer to the ICLR [FAQ](https://iclr.cc/FAQ)
-Should you have other inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out via email at: [blog.track.chairs@gmail.com](mailto:blog.track.chairs@gmail.com)
diff --git a/_pages/dropdown.md b/_pages/dropdown.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb85be8..00000000
--- a/_pages/dropdown.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: past iterations
-nav: true
-nav_order: 99
-dropdown: true
- - title: 2023
- permalink: https://iclr-blogposts.github.io/2023/about
- - title: divider
- - title: 2022
- permalink: https://iclr-blog-track.github.io/home/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_pages/dropdown/index.html b/_pages/dropdown/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44ce61cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pages/dropdown/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ past iterations | ICLR Blogposts 2024
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_pages/reviewer_guidelines.md b/_pages/reviewer_guidelines.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fae2b92..00000000
--- a/_pages/reviewer_guidelines.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: reviewing
-permalink: /reviewing/
-nav: true
-nav_order: 4
-Coming soon!
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9f60ed51..00000000
--- a/_pages/submitting.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: submitting
-permalink: /submitting/
-nav: true
-nav_order: 3
-### A more open process
-As with the previous edition of the Blog Post track, we forgo the requirement for total anonymity.
-The blog posts **must be anonymized for the review process**, but users will submit their anonymized blog posts via a pull request to the blog track's repository (in addition to a submission on OpenReview).
-The pull request will trigger an automated pipeline that will build and deploy your post onto a website dedicated to the reviewing process.
-Reviewers will be able to access the posts directly through a public URL (generated by the Github action), and will submit their reviews on OpenReview.
-Reviewers should refrain from looking at the git history for the post, which may reveal information about the authors.
-This still largely follows the Double-Blind reviewing principle; it is no less double-blind than when reviewers are asked to score papers that have previously been released to [arXiv](https://arxiv.org/), an overwhelmingly common practice in the ML community.
-This approach was chosen to lower the burden on both the organizers and the authors; in 2022, many submissions had to be reworked once deployed due to a variety of reasons.
-By allowing the authors to render their websites to Github Pages prior to the review process, we hope to avoid this issue entirely.
-However, we understand the desire for total anonymity.
-Authors that wish to have a fully double-blind process might consider creating new GitHub accounts without identifying information which they will only be use for this track.
-For an example of a submission in the past which used an anonymous account in this manner, you can check out the [World Models blog post (Ha and Schmidhuber, 2018)](https://worldmodels.github.io/) and the [accompanying repository](https://github.com/worldmodels/worldmodels.github.io).
-### Template
-The workflow you will use to participate in this track should be relatively familiar to you if have used [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com/). Specifically, our website uses the [Al-Folio](https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio) template.
-This template uses Github Pages as part of its process, but it also utilizes a separate build step using [Github Actions](https://github.com/features/actions) and intermediary [Docker Images](https://www.docker.com/).
-**We recommend paying close attention to the steps presented in this guide.
-Small mistakes here can have very hard-to-debug consequences.**
-### Contents
-- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
-- [Download the Blog Repository](#download-the-blog-repository)
-- [Creating a Blog Post](#creating-a-blog-post)
-- [Local Serving](#local-serving)
- - [Method 1: Using Docker](#method-1-using-docker)
- - [Method 2: Using Jekyll Manually](#method-2-using-jekyll-manually)
- - [Installation](#installation)
- - [Manual Serving](#manual-serving)
-- [Submitting Your Blog Post](#submitting-your-blog-post)
-- [Reviewing Process](#reviewing-process)
-- [Camera Ready (TBD)](#camera-ready)
-### Quickstart
-This section provides a summary of the workflow for creating and submitting a blog post.
-For more details about any of these steps, please refer to the appropriate section.
-1. Fork or download our [repository](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/2024).
-2. Create your blog post content as detailed in the [Creating a Blog Post](#creating-a-blog-post) section.
- In summary, to create your post, you will:
- - Create a Markdown or HTML file in the `_posts/` directory with the format `_posts/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].md`. If you choose to write the post in HTML, then the extension of this last file should be .html instead of .md. NOTE: HTML posts are not officially supported, use at your own risk!
- - Add any static image to `assets/img/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]/`.
- - Add any interactive HTML figures to `assets/html/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]/`.
- - Put your citations into a bibtex file in `assets/bibliography/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].bib`.
- **DO NOT** touch anything else in the repository.
- We will utilize an automated deployment action which will filter out all submissions that modifiy more than the list of files that we just described above.
- Read the [relevant section](#creating-a-blog-post) for more details.
- **Make sure to omit any identifying information for the review process.**
-3. To render your website locally, you can build a docker container via `$ ./bin/docker_run.sh` to serve your website locally.
- Alternatively, you can setup your local environment to render the website via conventional `$ bundle exec jekyll serve --future` commands.
- More information for both of these configuratoins can be found in the [Local Serving](#local-serving) section.
-4. To submit your website, create a pull request to the main repository. Make sure that this PR's title is `_posts/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]`. Make sure to tag your PR with the `submission` label. This will trigger a GitHub Action that will build your blogpost and write the host's URL in a comment to your PR.
-5. If accepted, we will merge the accepted posts to our main repository. See the [camera ready](#camera-ready) section for more details on merging in an accepted blog post.
-**Should you edit ANY files other your new post inside the `_posts` directory, and your new folder inside the `assets` directory, your pull requests will automatically be rejected.**
-You can view an example of a successful PR [here](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/2024/pull/48). You can view an example of a PR with erroneous files [here](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/2024/pull/51).
-### Download the Blog Repository
-Download or fork our [repository](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/2024).
-You will be submitting a pull request this repository.
-### Creating a Blog Post
-To create a blog post in Markdown format, you can modify the [example]({% post_url 2024-05-07-distill-example %}) Markdown post `_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example.md` and rename it to `_posts/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].md`, where `[SUBMISSION NAME]` is the name of your submission. You can see the result of the sample post .
-While most users will want to create a post in the Markdown format, it is also possible to create a post in HTML format. For this, modify instead the example `_posts/2024-05-08-distill-example2.html` and rename it to `_posts/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].html`. (NOTE: HTML is not officially supported, use at your own risk).
-You must modify the file's header (or 'front-matter') as needed.
- ```markdown
- ---
-layout: distill
-title: [Your Blog Title]
-description: [Your blog post's abstract - no math/latex or hyperlinks!]
-date: 2024-05-07
-future: true
-htmlwidgets: true
-# anonymize when submitting
- - name: Anonymous
-# do not fill this in until your post is accepted and you're publishing your camera-ready post!
-# authors:
-# - name: Albert Einstein
-# url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein"
-# affiliations:
-# name: IAS, Princeton
-# - name: Boris Podolsky
-# url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Podolsky"
-# affiliations:
-# name: IAS, Princeton
-# - name: Nathan Rosen
-# url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Rosen"
-# affiliations:
-# name: IAS, Princeton
-# must be the exact same name as your blogpost
-bibliography: 2024-05-07-distill-example.bib
-# Add a table of contents to your post.
-# - make sure that TOC names match the actual section names
-# for hyperlinks within the post to work correctly.
- - name: [Section 1]
- - name: [Section 2]
- # you can additionally add subentries like so
- subsections:
- - name: [Subsection 2.1]
- - name: [Section 3]
-# ... your blog post's content ...
-You must change the `title`, `discription`, `toc`, and eventually the `authors` fields (**ensure that the
-submission is anonymous for the review process**).
-Read our [sample blog post]({% post_url 2024-05-07-distill-example %}) carefully to see how you can add image assets, and how to write using $$\LaTeX$$!
-Read about rendering your post locally [below](#serving).
-**Important: make sure your post is completely anonymized before you export and submit it!**
-Before going any further, it will be useful to highlight exactly what folders and files you are going to add or modify.
-Even if you use one of our simpler quickstart methods, this will always be what's happening
-behind the scenes.
-If you clone our repo or download a release, you will find a directory structure that looks like
-the following (excluding all files and directories that are not relevant to your submission):
-├── _posts
-│ ├── 2024-05-07-[YOUR SUBMISSION].md # <--- Create this markdown file; this is your blogpost
-│ └── ...
-├── assets
-│ ├── bibliography
-│ │ ├── 2024-05-07-[YOUR SUBMISSION].bib # <--- Create this bibtex file
-│ │ └── ...
-│ ├── html
-│ │ ├── 2024-05-07-[YOUR SUBMISSION] # <--- Create this directory and add interactive html figures
-│ │ │ └──[YOUR HTML FIGURES].html
-│ │ └── ...
-│ ├── img
-│ │ ├── 2024-05-07-[YOUR SUBMISSION] # <--- Create this directory and add static images here
-│ │ │ └──[YOUR IMAGES].png
-│ │ └── ...
-│ └── ...
-└── ...
-In summary, to create your post, you will:
-- Create a Markdown (or HTML) file in the `_posts/` directory with the format `_posts/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].md` (`_posts/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].html` in the case of an HTML file).
-- Add any static image assets will be added to `assets/img/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]/`.
-- Add any interactive HTML figures will be added to `assets/html/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]/`.
-- Put your citations into a bibtex file in `assets/bibliography/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].bib`.
-**DO NOT** touch anything else in the blog post!
-If you do, our automated pipeline will reject your PR and you will have to undo those changes in order for it to be accepted!
-Note that `2024-05-07-[YOUR SUBMISSION]` serves as a tag to your submission, so it should be the
-same for all three items.
-For example, if you're writing a blog post called "Deep Learning", you'd likely want to make your
-tag `2024-05-07-deep-learning`, and the directory structure would look like this:
-├── _posts
-│ ├── 2024-05-07-deep-learning.md # <--- Create this markdown file; this is your blogpost
-│ └── ...
-├── assets
-│ ├── bibliography
-│ │ ├── 2024-05-07-deep-learning.bib # <--- Create this bibtex file
-│ │ └── ...
-│ ├── html
-│ │ ├── 2024-05-07-deep-learning # <--- Create this directory and add interactive html figures
-│ │ │ └──[YOUR HTML FIGURES].html
-│ │ └── ...
-│ ├── img
-│ │ ├── 2024-05-07-deep-learning # <--- Create this directory and add static images here
-│ │ │ └──[YOUR IMAGES].png
-│ │ └── ...
-│ └── ...
-└── ...
-### Local serving
-So far we've talked about how to get the relevant repository and create a blog post conforming to our requirements.
-Everything you have done so far has been in Markdown, but this is not the same format as web content (typically HTML, etc.).
-You'll now need to build your static web site (which is done using Jekyll), and then *serve* it on some local webserver in order to view it properly.
-We will now discuss how you can *serve* your blog site locally, so you can visualize your work before you open a pull request on the staging website so you can submit it to the ICLR venue.
-#### Method 1: Using Docker
-To render your website locally, we follow the instructions for [Local setup using Docker (Recommended on Windows)](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/iclr-blogposts.github.io/blob/master/README.md#local-setup-using-docker-recommended-on-windows), but specifically you will need to create your own docker container rather than pull it from Dockerhub (because we modified the Gemfile).
-Create and run the Docker image:
-Remove the `Gemfile.lock` file if prompted.
-This will create a docker image labeled as `al-folio:latest`.
-Don't use `dockerhub_run.sh`; this may result in issues with missing jekyll dependencies.
-#### Method 2: Using Jekyll Manually
-For users wishing to not use a Docker container, you can install Jekyll directly to your computer and build the site using Jekyll directly.
-This is done at your own risk, as there are many potential points of error!
-Follow the instructions for rendering the website via the conventional method of `$ bundle exec jekyll serve --future`
-##### Installation
-You will need to manually install Jekyll which will vary based on your operating system.
-The instructions here are only for convenience - you are responsible for making sure it works on your system and we are not liable for potential issues that occur when adding your submissions to our repo!
-1. Install Ruby
- ```bash
- sudo apt install ruby-full
- ```
-2. Once installed, add the following to your `.bashrc` or whatever terminal startup script you may use (this is important because otherwise gem may complain about needing sudo permission to install packages):
- ```bash
- export GEM_HOME="$HOME/.gem"
- export PATH="$HOME/.gem/bin:$PATH"
- ```
-3. Install Jekyll and Bundler:
- ```bash
- gem install jekyll bundler
- ```
-**MacOS and Windows**
-Mac and Windows users can find relevant guides for installing Jekyll here:
-- [Windows guide](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows/)
-- [MacOS guide](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/macos/)
-##### Manual Serving
-Once you've installed jekyll and all of the dependencies, you can now serve the webpage on your local machine for development purposes using the `bundle exec jekyll serve` command.
-You may first need to install any project dependencies. In your terminal, from the directory containing the Jekyll project run:
-bundle install
-This will install any plugins required by the project.
-To serve the webpage locally, from your terminal, in the directory containing the Jekyll project run:
-bundle exec jekyll serve --future --port=8080 --host=
-You should see something along the lines of:
-> bundle exec jekyll serve
-Configuration file: /home/$USER/blog_post_repo/_config.yml
- Source: /home/$USER/blog_post_repo
- Destination: /home/$USER/blog_post_repo/_site
- Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
- Generating...
- Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
- ... you may see a lot of stuff in here related to images ...
- done in 0.426 seconds.
- Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/home/$USER/blog_post_repo'
- Server address:
- Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
-If you see this, you've successfully served your web page locally!
-You can access it at server address specified, in this case `` (and the blog posts should once again be viewable at the `blog/` endpoint).
-### Submitting your Blog Post
-To submit your blog post:
-1. **Anonymize your blog post.** Strip all identifying information from your post, including the
- author's list (replace with `Anonymous`).
-2. Double check that your post matches the formatting requirements, including (but not limited to):
- - **Only modify** files in the following locations (failure to do so will result in your PR
- automatically being closed!):
- - a Markdown (or HTML) file in `_posts/` with the format `_posts/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].md`
- (or `.html`)
- - static image assets added to `assets/img/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]/`
- - interactive HTML figures added to `assets/html/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]/`
- - citations in a bibtex file in `assets/bibliography/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].bib`
- - Have a short 2-3 sentence abstract in the `description` field of your front-matter ([example](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/2024/blob/295ab5b4c31f2c7d421a4caf41e5481cbb4ad42c/_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example.md?plain=1#L4-L6))
- - Have a table of contents, formatted using the `toc` field of your front-matter ([example](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/2024/blob/295ab5b4c31f2c7d421a4caf41e5481cbb4ad42c/_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example.md?plain=1#L36-L47))
- - Your bibliography uses a `.bibtex` file as per the sample post
-3. Open a pull request against the `main` branch of the [2024 repo](https://github.com/iclr-blogposts/2024).
- Fill in the checklist provided in the PR template. The title of your pull request should be
- exactly the name of your markdown/html file.
- - i.e. `_posts/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME].md` would require a PR name `2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]`
-4. (TBD) Your post will automatically run two pipelines: one to verify that you have not modified any other
- file in the repo, and another that will create a unique URL for your contributed blog post.
- - Verify that everything looks correct in the given URL.
- - If the pipelines failed, check if it was because of improper formatting (i.e. you modified
- restricted files). If this is the case, fix the issues. If the issue persist, please ping one of the repo admins.
-5. Submit the name of your blog post and its URL to our OpenReview through [this link](https://openreview.net/group?id=ICLR.cc/2024/BlogPosts&referrer=%5BHomepage%5D(%2F)).
-> **Note:** If you wish to make updates to your submission, you should update the content in the
-> PR that you already opened.
-### Reviewing Process
-Reviewers will be required to only view the live content of the reviewing website - the website to which the Pull Requests push to.
-We ask that they act in good faith, and refrain from digging into the repository's logs and closed Pull Requests to find any identifying information on the authors.
-### Camera-ready
-**TBD** - instructions will be provided closer to the submission deadline.
diff --git a/_plugins/external-posts.rb b/_plugins/external-posts.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e4fd5eb6..00000000
--- a/_plugins/external-posts.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-require 'feedjira'
-require 'httparty'
-require 'jekyll'
-module ExternalPosts
- class ExternalPostsGenerator < Jekyll::Generator
- safe true
- priority :high
- def generate(site)
- if site.config['external_sources'] != nil
- site.config['external_sources'].each do |src|
- p "Fetching external posts from #{src['name']}:"
- xml = HTTParty.get(src['rss_url']).body
- feed = Feedjira.parse(xml)
- feed.entries.each do |e|
- p "...fetching #{e.url}"
- slug = e.title.downcase.strip.gsub(' ', '-').gsub(/[^\w-]/, '')
- path = site.in_source_dir("_posts/#{slug}.md")
- doc = Jekyll::Document.new(
- path, { :site => site, :collection => site.collections['posts'] }
- )
- doc.data['external_source'] = src['name'];
- doc.data['feed_content'] = e.content;
- doc.data['title'] = "#{e.title}";
- doc.data['description'] = e.summary;
- doc.data['date'] = e.published;
- doc.data['redirect'] = e.url;
- site.collections['posts'].docs << doc
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/hideCustomBibtex.rb b/_plugins/hideCustomBibtex.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a852fde..00000000
--- a/_plugins/hideCustomBibtex.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- module Jekyll
- module HideCustomBibtex
- def hideCustomBibtex(input)
- keywords = @context.registers[:site].config['filtered_bibtex_keywords']
- keywords.each do |keyword|
- input = input.gsub(/^.*#{keyword}.*$\n/, '')
- end
- return input
- end
- end
diff --git a/_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example.md b/_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cc9b578..00000000
--- a/_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-layout: distill
-title: Sample Blog Post
-description: Your blog post's abstract.
- Please add your abstract or summary here and not in the main body of your text.
- Do not include math/latex or hyperlinks.
-date: 2024-05-07
-future: true
-htmlwidgets: true
-# Anonymize when submitting
-# authors:
-# - name: Anonymous
- - name: Albert Einstein
- url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein"
- affiliations:
- name: IAS, Princeton
- - name: Boris Podolsky
- url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Podolsky"
- affiliations:
- name: IAS, Princeton
- - name: Nathan Rosen
- url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Rosen"
- affiliations:
- name: IAS, Princeton
-# must be the exact same name as your blogpost
-bibliography: 2024-05-07-distill-example.bib
-# Add a table of contents to your post.
-# - make sure that TOC names match the actual section names
-# for hyperlinks within the post to work correctly.
-# - please use this format rather than manually creating a markdown table of contents.
- - name: Equations
- - name: Images and Figures
- subsections:
- - name: Interactive Figures
- - name: Citations
- - name: Footnotes
- - name: Code Blocks
- - name: Diagrams
- - name: Tweets
- - name: Layouts
- - name: Other Typography?
-# Below is an example of injecting additional post-specific styles.
-# This is used in the 'Layouts' section of this post.
-# If you use this post as a template, delete this _styles block.
-_styles: >
- .fake-img {
- background: #bbb;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
- box-shadow: 0 0px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
- margin-bottom: 12px;
- }
- .fake-img p {
- font-family: monospace;
- color: white;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 12px 0;
- text-align: center;
- font-size: 16px;
- }
-Note: please use the table of contents as defined in the front matter rather than the traditional markdown styling.
-## Equations
-This theme supports rendering beautiful math in inline and display modes using [MathJax 3](https://www.mathjax.org/) engine.
-You just need to surround your math expression with `$$`, like `$$ E = mc^2 $$`.
-If you leave it inside a paragraph, it will produce an inline expression, just like $$ E = mc^2 $$.
-To use display mode, again surround your expression with `$$` and place it as a separate paragraph.
-Here is an example:
-\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^2 \leq \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right)
-Note that MathJax 3 is [a major re-write of MathJax](https://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/upgrading/whats-new-3.0.html)
-that brought a significant improvement to the loading and rendering speed, which is now
-[on par with KaTeX](http://www.intmath.com/cg5/katex-mathjax-comparison.php).
-## Images and Figures
-Its generally a better idea to avoid linking to images hosted elsewhere - links can break and you
-might face losing important information in your blog post.
-To include images in your submission in this way, you must do something like the following:
-{% raw %}{% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/iclr.png" class="img-fluid" %}{% endraw %}
-which results in the following image:
-{% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/iclr.png" class="img-fluid" %}
-To ensure that there are no namespace conflicts, you must save your asset to your unique directory
-`/assets/img/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]` within your submission.
-Please avoid using the direct markdown method of embedding images; they may not be properly resized.
-Some more complex ways to load images (note the different styles of the shapes/shadows):
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/9.jpg" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/7.jpg" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" %}
- A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows, after each row, or doesn't have to be there at all.
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/8.jpg" class="img-fluid z-depth-2" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/10.jpg" class="img-fluid z-depth-2" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/11.jpg" class="img-fluid" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/12.jpg" class="img-fluid" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/7.jpg" class="img-fluid" %}
-### Interactive Figures
-Here's how you could embed interactive figures that have been exported as HTML files.
-Note that we will be using plotly for this demo, but anything built off of HTML should work
-(**no extra javascript is allowed!**).
-All that's required is for you to export your figure into HTML format, and make sure that the file
-exists in the `assets/html/[SUBMISSION NAME]/` directory in this repository's root directory.
-To embed it into any page, simply insert the following code anywhere into your page.
-{% raw %}{% include [FIGURE_NAME].html %}{% endraw %}
-For example, the following code can be used to generate the figure underneath it.
-import pandas as pd
-import plotly.express as px
-df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/earthquakes-23k.csv')
-fig = px.density_mapbox(
- df, lat='Latitude', lon='Longitude', z='Magnitude', radius=10,
- center=dict(lat=0, lon=180), zoom=0, mapbox_style="stamen-terrain")
-And then include it with the following:
-{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
-## Citations
-Citations are then used in the article body with the `` tag.
-The key attribute is a reference to the id provided in the bibliography.
-The key attribute can take multiple ids, separated by commas.
-The citation is presented inline like this: (a number that displays more information on hover).
-If you have an appendix, a bibliography is automatically created and populated in it.
-Distill chose a numerical inline citation style to improve readability of citation dense articles and because many of the benefits of longer citations are obviated by displaying more information on hover.
-However, we consider it good style to mention author last names if you discuss something at length and it fits into the flow well — the authors are human and it’s nice for them to have the community associate them with their work.
-## Footnotes
-Just wrap the text you would like to show up in a footnote in a `` tag.
-The number of the footnote will be automatically generated.This will become a hoverable footnote.
-## Code Blocks
-This theme implements a built-in Jekyll feature, the use of Rouge, for syntax highlighting.
-It supports more than 100 languages.
-This example is in C++.
-All you have to do is wrap your code in a liquid tag:
-{% raw %}
-{% highlight c++ linenos %} code code code {% endhighlight %}
-{% endraw %}
-The keyword `linenos` triggers display of line numbers. You can try toggling it on or off yourself below:
-{% highlight c++ %}
-int main(int argc, char const \*argv[])
-string myString;
- cout << "input a string: ";
- getline(cin, myString);
- int length = myString.length();
- char charArray = new char * [length];
- charArray = myString;
- for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i){
- cout << charArray[i] << " ";
- }
- return 0;
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Diagrams
-This theme supports generating various diagrams from a text description using [jekyll-diagrams](https://github.com/zhustec/jekyll-diagrams){:target="\_blank"} plugin.
-Below, we generate a few examples of such diagrams using languages such as [mermaid](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/){:target="\_blank"}, [plantuml](https://plantuml.com/){:target="\_blank"}, [vega-lite](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/){:target="\_blank"}, etc.
-**Note:** different diagram-generation packages require external dependencies to be installed on your machine.
-Also, be mindful of that because of diagram generation the first time you build your Jekyll website after adding new diagrams will be SLOW.
-For any other details, please refer to [jekyll-diagrams](https://github.com/zhustec/jekyll-diagrams){:target="\_blank"} README.
-**Note:** This is not supported for local rendering!
-The diagram below was generated by the following code:
-{% raw %}
-{% mermaid %}
- participant John
- participant Alice
- Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
- John-->>Alice: Great!
-{% endmermaid %}
-{% endraw %}
-{% mermaid %}
-participant John
-participant Alice
-Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
-John-->>Alice: Great!
-{% endmermaid %}
-## Tweets
-An example of displaying a tweet:
-{% twitter https://twitter.com/rubygems/status/518821243320287232 %}
-An example of pulling from a timeline:
-{% twitter https://twitter.com/jekyllrb maxwidth=500 limit=3 %}
-For more details on using the plugin visit: [jekyll-twitter-plugin](https://github.com/rob-murray/jekyll-twitter-plugin)
-## Blockquotes
- We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another, unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another.
- —Anais Nin
-## Layouts
-The main text column is referred to as the body.
-It is the assumed layout of any direct descendants of the `d-article` element.
-For images you want to display a little larger, try `.l-page`:
-All of these have an outset variant if you want to poke out from the body text a little bit.
-For instance:
-Occasionally you’ll want to use the full browser width.
-For this, use `.l-screen`.
-You can also inset the element a little from the edge of the browser by using the inset variant.
-The final layout is for marginalia, asides, and footnotes.
-It does not interrupt the normal flow of `.l-body`-sized text except on mobile screen sizes.
-## Other Typography?
-Emphasis, aka italics, with *asterisks* (`*asterisks*`) or _underscores_ (`_underscores_`).
-Strong emphasis, aka bold, with **asterisks** or __underscores__.
-Combined emphasis with **asterisks and _underscores_**.
-Strikethrough uses two tildes. ~~Scratch this.~~
-1. First ordered list item
-2. Another item
-⋅⋅* Unordered sub-list.
-1. Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number
-⋅⋅1. Ordered sub-list
-4. And another item.
-⋅⋅⋅You can have properly indented paragraphs within list items. Notice the blank line above, and the leading spaces (at least one, but we'll use three here to also align the raw Markdown).
-⋅⋅⋅To have a line break without a paragraph, you will need to use two trailing spaces.⋅⋅
-⋅⋅⋅Note that this line is separate, but within the same paragraph.⋅⋅
-⋅⋅⋅(This is contrary to the typical GFM line break behavior, where trailing spaces are not required.)
-* Unordered lists can use asterisks
-- Or minuses
-+ Or pluses
-[I'm an inline-style link](https://www.google.com)
-[I'm an inline-style link with title](https://www.google.com "Google's Homepage")
-[I'm a reference-style link][Arbitrary case-insensitive reference text]
-[I'm a relative reference to a repository file](../blob/master/LICENSE)
-[You can use numbers for reference-style link definitions][1]
-Or leave it empty and use the [link text itself].
-URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links.
-http://www.example.com or and sometimes
-example.com (but not on Github, for example).
-Some text to show that the reference links can follow later.
-[arbitrary case-insensitive reference text]: https://www.mozilla.org
-[1]: http://slashdot.org
-[link text itself]: http://www.reddit.com
-Here's our logo (hover to see the title text):
-![alt text](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/raw/master/src/common/images/icon48.png "Logo Title Text 1")
-![alt text][logo]
-[logo]: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/raw/master/src/common/images/icon48.png "Logo Title Text 2"
-Inline `code` has `back-ticks around` it.
-var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
-s = "Python syntax highlighting"
-No language indicated, so no syntax highlighting.
-But let's throw in a tag.
-Colons can be used to align columns.
-| Tables | Are | Cool |
-| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
-| col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 |
-| col 2 is | centered | $12 |
-| zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
-There must be at least 3 dashes separating each header cell.
-The outer pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the
-raw Markdown line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown.
-Markdown | Less | Pretty
---- | --- | ---
-*Still* | `renders` | **nicely**
-1 | 2 | 3
-> Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text.
-> This line is part of the same quote.
-Quote break.
-> This is a very long line that will still be quoted properly when it wraps. Oh boy let's keep writing to make sure this is long enough to actually wrap for everyone. Oh, you can *put* **Markdown** into a blockquote.
-Here's a line for us to start with.
-This line is separated from the one above by two newlines, so it will be a *separate paragraph*.
-This line is also a separate paragraph, but...
-This line is only separated by a single newline, so it's a separate line in the *same paragraph*.
diff --git a/_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example2.html b/_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example2.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d291070c..00000000
--- a/_posts/2024-05-07-distill-example2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-layout: distill
-title: Sample Blog Post (HTML version)
-description: Your blog post's abstract.
- Please add your abstract or summary here and not in the main body of your text.
- Do not include math/latex or hyperlinks.
-date: 2024-05-07
-future: true
-htmlwidgets: true
-# Anonymize when submitting
-# authors:
-# - name: Anonymous
- - name: Albert Einstein
- url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein"
- affiliations:
- name: IAS, Princeton
- - name: Boris Podolsky
- url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Podolsky"
- affiliations:
- name: IAS, Princeton
- - name: Nathan Rosen
- url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Rosen"
- affiliations:
- name: IAS, Princeton
-# must be the exact same name as your blogpost
-bibliography: 2024-05-07-distill-example.bib
-# Add a table of contents to your post.
-# - make sure that TOC names match the actual section names
-# for hyperlinks within the post to work correctly.
-# - please use this format rather than manually creating a markdown table of contents.
- - name: Equations
- - name: Images and Figures
- subsections:
- - name: Interactive Figures
- - name: Citations
- - name: Footnotes
- - name: Code Blocks
- - name: Diagrams
- - name: Tweets
- - name: Layouts
- - name: Other Typography?
-# Below is an example of injecting additional post-specific styles.
-# This is used in the 'Layouts' section of this post.
-# If you use this post as a template, delete this _styles block.
-_styles: >
- .fake-img {
- background: #bbb;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
- box-shadow: 0 0px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
- margin-bottom: 12px;
- }
- .fake-img p {
- font-family: monospace;
- color: white;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 12px 0;
- text-align: center;
- font-size: 16px;\
- }
- This is a sample blog post written in HTML (while the other sample post is written in Markdown). Authors have the choice to write in HTML or Markdown. While Markdown is easier to write, HTML gives you more control over the layout of your post. Furthermore, Markdown often interacts in unexpected ways with MathJax and other HTML widgets. If you are having trouble with Markdown, try writing in HTML instead.
- Note: please use the table of contents as defined in the front matter rather than the traditional markdown styling.
This theme supports rendering beautiful math in inline and display modes using MathJax 3 engine.
-You just need to surround your math expression with $$, like $$ E = mc^2 $$.
-If you leave it inside a paragraph, it will produce an inline expression, just like \(E = mc^2\).
To use display mode, again surround your expression with $$ and place it as a separate paragraph.
-Here is an example:
-\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^2 \leq \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right)
Its generally a better idea to avoid linking to images hosted elsewhere - links can break and you
-might face losing important information in your blog post.
-You can display images from this repository using the following code:
{% raw %}{% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/iclr.png" class="img-fluid" %}{% endraw %}
which results in the following image:
-{% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/iclr.png" class="img-fluid" %}
- To ensure that there are no namespace conflicts, you must save your asset to your unique directory
- `/assets/img/2024-05-07-[SUBMISSION NAME]` within your submission.
- Please avoid using the direct HTML method of embedding images; they may not be properly resized.
- Some below complex ways to load images (note the different styles of the shapes/shadows):
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/9.jpg" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/7.jpg" class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" %}
- A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows, after each row, or doesn't have to be there at all.
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/8.jpg" class="img-fluid z-depth-2" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/10.jpg" class="img-fluid z-depth-2" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/11.jpg" class="img-fluid" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/12.jpg" class="img-fluid" %}
- {% include figure.html path="assets/img/2024-05-07-distill-example/7.jpg" class="img-fluid" %}
Interactive Figures
- Here's how you could embed interactive figures that have been exported as HTML files.
- Note that we will be using plotly for this demo, but anything built off of HTML should work.
- All that's required is for you to export your figure into HTML format, and make sure that the file
- exists in the `assets/html/[SUBMISSION NAME]/` directory in this repository's root directory.
- To embed it into any page, simply insert the following code anywhere into your page.
{% raw %}{% include [FIGURE_NAME].html %}{% endraw %}
-For example, the following code can be used to generate the figure underneath it.
- Citations are then used in the article body with the <d-cite> tag.
- The key attribute is a reference to the id provided in the bibliography.
- The key attribute can take multiple ids, separated by commas.
- The citation is presented inline like this: (a number that displays more information on hover).
- If you have an appendix, a bibliography is automatically created and populated in it.
- Distill chose a numerical inline citation style to improve readability of citation dense articles and because many of the benefits of longer citations are obviated by displaying more information on hover.
- However, we consider it good style to mention author last names if you discuss something at length and it fits into the flow well - the authors are human and it's nice for them to have the community associate them with their work.
- Just wrap the text you would like to show up in a footnote in a <d-footnote> tag.
- The number of the footnote will be automatically generated.This will become a hoverable footnote.
Code Blocks
- This theme implements a built-in Jekyll feature, the use of Rouge, for syntax highlighting.
- It supports more than 100 languages.
- This example is in C++.
- All you have to do is wrap your code in a liquid tag as follows:
{% raw %}
-{% highlight c++ linenos %} code code code {% endhighlight %}
-{% endraw %}
-The keyword `linenos` triggers display of line numbers. You can try toggling it on or off yourself below:
-{% highlight c++ %}
-int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
-string myString;
- cout << "input a string: ";
- getline(cin, myString);
- int length = myString.length();
- char charArray = new char * [length];
- charArray = myString;
- for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i){
- cout << charArray[i] << " ";
- }
- return 0;
-{% endhighlight %}
- This theme supports generating various diagrams from a text description using jekyll-diagrams plugin.
- Below, we generate a few examples of such diagrams using languages such as mermaid, plantuml, vega-lite, etc.
- Notedifferent diagram-generation packages require external dependencies to be installed on your machine.
- Also, be mindful of that because of diagram generation the first time you build your Jekyll website after adding new diagrams will be SLOW.
- For any other details, please refer to the jekyll-diagrams README.
- Note: This is not supported for local rendering!
- The diagram below was generated by the following code:
{% raw %}{% mermaid %}
- participant John
- participant Alice
- Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
- John-->>Alice: Great!
-{% endmermaid %}
-{% endraw %}
-{% mermaid %}
-participant John
-participant Alice
-Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
-John-->>Alice: Great!
-{% endmermaid %}
- An example of displaying a tweet:
- {% twitter https://twitter.com/rubygems/status/518821243320287232 %}
- An example of pulling from a timeline:
- {% twitter https://twitter.com/jekyllrb maxwidth=500 limit=3 %}
- We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another, unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another.
- —Anais Nin
-The main text column is referred to as the body.
-It's the assumed layout of any direct descendants of the `d-article` element.
-For images you want to display a little larger, try `.l-page`:
-All of these have an outset variant if you want to poke out from the body text a little bit.
-For instance:
-Occasionally you'll want to use the full browser width.
-For this, use `.l-screen`.
-You can also inset the element a little from the edge of the browser by using the inset variant.
-The final layout is for marginalia, asides, and footnotes.
-It does not interrupt the normal flow of `.l-body`-sized text except on mobile screen sizes.
Other Typography?
- Emphasis, aka italics, with the <i></i> tag emphasis.
- Strong emphasis, aka bold, with <b></b> tag bold.
- Strikethrough ca be accomplished with the <s></s> tag. Scratch this.
First ordered list item
Another item
Unordered sub-list.
And another item.
- For code, the language can be specified in the class. For example, use language-javascript for Javascript and language-python for Python code.
var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
- alert(s);
s = "Python syntax highlighting"
- print(s)
No language indicated, so no syntax highlighting.
- A table can be created with the <table> element. Below is an example
col 3 is
col 2 is
zebra stripes
are neat
Blockquotes can be defined with the >blockquote< tag.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_projects/1_project.md b/_projects/1_project.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f7cf783..00000000
--- a/_projects/1_project.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: project 1
-description: a project with a background image
-img: assets/img/12.jpg
-importance: 1
-category: work
-Every project has a beautiful feature showcase page.
-It's easy to include images in a flexible 3-column grid format.
-Make your photos 1/3, 2/3, or full width.
-To give your project a background in the portfolio page, just add the img tag to the front matter like so:
- ---
- layout: page
- title: project
- description: a project with a background image
- img: /assets/img/12.jpg
- ---
- Caption photos easily. On the left, a road goes through a tunnel. Middle, leaves artistically fall in a hipster photoshoot. Right, in another hipster photoshoot, a lumberjack grasps a handful of pine needles.
- This image can also have a caption. It's like magic.
-You can also put regular text between your rows of images.
-Say you wanted to write a little bit about your project before you posted the rest of the images.
-You describe how you toiled, sweated, *bled* for your project, and then... you reveal its glory in the next row of images.
- You can also have artistically styled 2/3 + 1/3 images, like these.
-The code is simple.
-Just wrap your images with `
` and place them inside `
` (read more about the Bootstrap Grid system).
-To make images responsive, add `img-fluid` class to each; for rounded corners and shadows use `rounded` and `z-depth-1` classes.
-Here's the code for the last row of images above:
-{% raw %}
-{% endraw %}
diff --git a/_projects/2_project.md b/_projects/2_project.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bebf7961..00000000
--- a/_projects/2_project.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: project 2
-description: a project with a background image
-img: assets/img/3.jpg
-importance: 2
-category: work
-Every project has a beautiful feature showcase page.
-It's easy to include images in a flexible 3-column grid format.
-Make your photos 1/3, 2/3, or full width.
-To give your project a background in the portfolio page, just add the img tag to the front matter like so:
- ---
- layout: page
- title: project
- description: a project with a background image
- img: /assets/img/12.jpg
- ---
- Caption photos easily. On the left, a road goes through a tunnel. Middle, leaves artistically fall in a hipster photoshoot. Right, in another hipster photoshoot, a lumberjack grasps a handful of pine needles.
- This image can also have a caption. It's like magic.
-You can also put regular text between your rows of images.
-Say you wanted to write a little bit about your project before you posted the rest of the images.
-You describe how you toiled, sweated, *bled* for your project, and then... you reveal its glory in the next row of images.
- You can also have artistically styled 2/3 + 1/3 images, like these.
-The code is simple.
-Just wrap your images with `
` and place them inside `
` (read more about the Bootstrap Grid system).
-To make images responsive, add `img-fluid` class to each; for rounded corners and shadows use `rounded` and `z-depth-1` classes.
-Here's the code for the last row of images above:
-{% raw %}
-{% endraw %}
diff --git a/_projects/3_project.md b/_projects/3_project.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3cbf70..00000000
--- a/_projects/3_project.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: project 3
-description: a project that redirects to another website
-img: assets/img/7.jpg
-redirect: https://unsplash.com
-importance: 3
-category: work
-Every project has a beautiful feature showcase page.
-It's easy to include images in a flexible 3-column grid format.
-Make your photos 1/3, 2/3, or full width.
-To give your project a background in the portfolio page, just add the img tag to the front matter like so:
- ---
- layout: page
- title: project
- description: a project with a background image
- img: /assets/img/12.jpg
- ---
- Caption photos easily. On the left, a road goes through a tunnel. Middle, leaves artistically fall in a hipster photoshoot. Right, in another hipster photoshoot, a lumberjack grasps a handful of pine needles.
- This image can also have a caption. It's like magic.
-You can also put regular text between your rows of images.
-Say you wanted to write a little bit about your project before you posted the rest of the images.
-You describe how you toiled, sweated, *bled* for your project, and then... you reveal its glory in the next row of images.
- You can also have artistically styled 2/3 + 1/3 images, like these.
-The code is simple.
-Just wrap your images with `
` and place them inside `
` (read more about the Bootstrap Grid system).
-To make images responsive, add `img-fluid` class to each; for rounded corners and shadows use `rounded` and `z-depth-1` classes.
-Here's the code for the last row of images above:
-{% raw %}
-{% endraw %}
diff --git a/_projects/4_project.md b/_projects/4_project.md
deleted file mode 100644
index edb5dd25..00000000
--- a/_projects/4_project.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: project 4
-description: another without an image
-importance: 3
-category: fun
-Every project has a beautiful feature showcase page.
-It's easy to include images in a flexible 3-column grid format.
-Make your photos 1/3, 2/3, or full width.
-To give your project a background in the portfolio page, just add the img tag to the front matter like so:
- ---
- layout: page
- title: project
- description: a project with a background image
- img: /assets/img/12.jpg
- ---
- Caption photos easily. On the left, a road goes through a tunnel. Middle, leaves artistically fall in a hipster photoshoot. Right, in another hipster photoshoot, a lumberjack grasps a handful of pine needles.
- This image can also have a caption. It's like magic.
-You can also put regular text between your rows of images.
-Say you wanted to write a little bit about your project before you posted the rest of the images.
-You describe how you toiled, sweated, *bled* for your project, and then... you reveal its glory in the next row of images.
- You can also have artistically styled 2/3 + 1/3 images, like these.
-The code is simple.
-Just wrap your images with `
` and place them inside `
` (read more about the Bootstrap Grid system).
-To make images responsive, add `img-fluid` class to each; for rounded corners and shadows use `rounded` and `z-depth-1` classes.
-Here's the code for the last row of images above:
-{% raw %}
-{% endraw %}
diff --git a/_projects/5_project.md b/_projects/5_project.md
deleted file mode 100644
index efd9b6cf..00000000
--- a/_projects/5_project.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: project 5
-description: a project with a background image
-img: assets/img/1.jpg
-importance: 3
-category: fun
-Every project has a beautiful feature showcase page.
-It's easy to include images in a flexible 3-column grid format.
-Make your photos 1/3, 2/3, or full width.
-To give your project a background in the portfolio page, just add the img tag to the front matter like so:
- ---
- layout: page
- title: project
- description: a project with a background image
- img: /assets/img/12.jpg
- ---
- Caption photos easily. On the left, a road goes through a tunnel. Middle, leaves artistically fall in a hipster photoshoot. Right, in another hipster photoshoot, a lumberjack grasps a handful of pine needles.
- This image can also have a caption. It's like magic.
-You can also put regular text between your rows of images.
-Say you wanted to write a little bit about your project before you posted the rest of the images.
-You describe how you toiled, sweated, *bled* for your project, and then... you reveal its glory in the next row of images.
- You can also have artistically styled 2/3 + 1/3 images, like these.
-The code is simple.
-Just wrap your images with `
` and place them inside `
` (read more about the Bootstrap Grid system).
-To make images responsive, add `img-fluid` class to each; for rounded corners and shadows use `rounded` and `z-depth-1` classes.
-Here's the code for the last row of images above:
-{% raw %}
-{% endraw %}
diff --git a/_projects/6_project.md b/_projects/6_project.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a95d6e8..00000000
--- a/_projects/6_project.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: project 6
-description: a project with no image
-importance: 4
-category: fun
-Every project has a beautiful feature showcase page.
-It's easy to include images in a flexible 3-column grid format.
-Make your photos 1/3, 2/3, or full width.
-To give your project a background in the portfolio page, just add the img tag to the front matter like so:
- ---
- layout: page
- title: project
- description: a project with a background image
- img: /assets/img/12.jpg
- ---
- Caption photos easily. On the left, a road goes through a tunnel. Middle, leaves artistically fall in a hipster photoshoot. Right, in another hipster photoshoot, a lumberjack grasps a handful of pine needles.
- This image can also have a caption. It's like magic.
-You can also put regular text between your rows of images.
-Say you wanted to write a little bit about your project before you posted the rest of the images.
-You describe how you toiled, sweated, *bled* for your project, and then... you reveal its glory in the next row of images.
- You can also have artistically styled 2/3 + 1/3 images, like these.
-The code is simple.
-Just wrap your images with `
` and place them inside `
` (read more about the Bootstrap Grid system).
-To make images responsive, add `img-fluid` class to each; for rounded corners and shadows use `rounded` and `z-depth-1` classes.
-Here's the code for the last row of images above:
-{% raw %}
The Machine Learning community is currently experiencing a reproducibility crisis and a reviewing crisis [Littman, 2021]. Because of the highly competitive and noisy reviewing process of ML conferences [Tran et al., 2020], researchers have an incentive to oversell their results, slowing down the progress and diminishing the integrity of the scientific community. Moreover with the growing number of papers published and submitted at the main ML conferences [Lin et al., 2020], it has become more challenging to keep track of the latest advances in the field.
Blog posts are becoming an increasingly popular and useful way to talk about science [Brown and Woolston, 2018]. They offer substantial value to the scientific community by providing a flexible platform to foster open, human, and transparent discussions about new insights or limitations of a scientific publication. However, because they are not as recognized as standard scientific publications, only a minority of researchers manage to maintain an active blog and get visibility for their efforts. Many are well-established researchers (Francis Bach, Ben Recht, Ferenc Huszár, Lilian Weng) or big corporations that leverage entire teams of graphic designers designer and writers to polish their blogs (Facebook AI, Google AI, DeepMind, OpenAI). As a result, the incentives for writing scientific blog posts are largely personal; it is unreasonable to expect a significant portion of the machine learning community to contribute to such an initiative when everyone is trying to establish themselves through publications.
Last year, we ran the second iteration of the Blogpost track at ICLR 2023!
It was very successful, with accepted posts presented in person at the main conference.
Our goal is to create a formal call for blog posts at ICLR to incentivize and reward researchers to review past work and summarize the outcomes, develop new intuitions, or highlight some shortcomings. A very influential initiative of this kind happened after the Second World War in France. Because of the lack of up-to-date textbooks, a collective of mathematicians under the pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki [Halmos 1957], decided to start a series of textbooks about the foundations of mathematics [Bourbaki, 1939]. In the same vein, we aim to provide a new way to summarize scientific knowledge in the ML community.
Due to the large diversity of topics that can be discussed in a blog post, we decided to restrict the range of topics for this call for blog posts. We identified that the blog posts that would bring to most value to the community and the conference would be posts that distill and discuss previously published papers.
Key Dates
Abstract deadline: December 4th UTC, 2023 (submit to OpenReview - to be announced soon).
Submission deadline: December 8th UTC, 2023(any modifications to your blog post, via a pull request on GitHub).
Decision Notification: January 30th, 2024
Camera-ready merge: March 15th, 2024
A call for blog posts discussing work previously published at ICLR
Write a post on a subject that has been published at a top-tier venue (ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS, AAAI, UAI, CVPR, SIGGRAPH, ECCV, ICCV, etc.) relatively recently.
Conflict of interest
The authors of the blog posts will have to declare their conflicts of interest (positive or negative) with the paper (and the paper’s authors) they write about. Conflicts of interest include:
Recent collaborators (less than 3 years)
Current institution Reviewers will be asked to judge if the submission is sufficiently critical and objective of the papers addressed in the blog post.
Blog Posts must not be used to highlight or advertise past publications of the **authors or their lab**.
We will only ask the authors to report if they have a conflict of interest. If so, reviewers will be asked to judge if the submission is sufficiently critical and objective of the papers addressed in the blog post.
Blog post
The posts will be created and published under a unified template; see the submission instructions and the sample post hosted on the blog of this website.
Additionally, accepted posts will have the option to present their work as a poster during the main poster session. For more information about the main poster session (time, poster format, etc.) please refer to the ICLR homepage.
Our goal is to avoid heavily engineered, professionally-made blog posts —Such as the “100+ hours” mentioned as a standard by the Distill guidelines—to entice ideas and clear writing rather than dynamic visualizations or embedded javascript engines. Please check our submission instructions for more details. We accept submissions in both Markdown and HTML. We believe this is a good trade-off between complexity and flexibility.