- Check for an additional "errors" array when getting friendly error messages.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Expanded the list of masked fields.
- Masked field keys are now case insensitive.
- Default maxDepth increased from 6 to 10.
- Code refactoring.
- Removed pre v3 deprecated methods.
- Default maxDepth increased from 5 to 6.
- Updated dependencies.
- Removed "sneaky" TEST log.
- Updated dependencies.
- Fixed timestamp feature (was being added multiple times).
- Fixed default Google Cloud logger.
- Updated dependencies.
- Removed the "util/types" dependency on utils.
- The "errorStack" was pointing to the wrong location, now fixed (preprocessorOptions.errorStack).
- Updated dependencies.
- Added "Authorization" to list of default masked fields.
- Handling improvements to the "cleanup" and "friendlyErrors" preprocessors.
- The "friendlyErrors" preprocessor is ignored on debug and info logs.
- Added missing default separator, switched back from "," to " | ".
- Major code refactoring!
- BREAKING! Library options now contained within the new logger.options property.
- NEW! A few new logging helpers:
- deprecated: logs a deprecation warning (only once).
- inspect: outputs the JSON representation of the passed objects / variables.
- NEW! Built-in preprocessors:
- cleanup: remove unnecessary gibberish from logged objects.
- friendlyErrors: extract the most relevant data from error and exceptions.
- maskSecrets: mask passwords, tokens and credentials on objects.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Removed lodash references from testing.
- Updated dependencies.
- Improved error parsing.
- Removed lodash dependency.
- The chalk module will only be instantiated if using console as the logger.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- The parser.getMessage() helper is now exposed on the main module.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- NEW! Support for Google Cloud Logging (formely Stackdriver).
- NEW! Support for custom loggers.
- Major code refactoring.
- Improved parsing of errors, now getting message from axios responses.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Force flatten arrays on getMessage().
- TypeScript types are now exported with the library.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- NEW! Option unhandledRejections to auto log unhandled rejections, defaults to false.
- NEW! Option appName to define the name or title of the running app.
- Updated dependencies.
- NEW! Option timestamp to prepend timestamp on logged messages.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Check for level on log shortcuts (debug, info, warn, error).
- Option levelOnConsole also works when messages are stylized (using chalk).
- NEW! Option uncaughtExceptions to auto log uncaught exceptions, defaults to false.
- NEW! Option levelOnConsole to output log level to console, defaults to false.
- Removed .git from package.
- Calling log() before setup() will warn and default to console.
- Updated dependencies.
- NEW! Added supoort for Pino.
- NEW! Propery "lib" defining the underlying library.
- Initial release.