CSS Selectors from html css basics
(10) [input#first-name, input#password, input, input, input, input, input, input, input, input]0: input#first-name1: input#password2: input3: input4: input5: input6: input7: input8: input9: inputlength: 10__proto__: Array(0)
[input#password]0: input#passwordlength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
[input#first-name]0: input#first-namelength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
(4) [input, input, input, input]0: input1: input2: input3: inputlength: 4__proto__: Array(0)
[input]0: inputlength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
(8) [label, label, label#update-profile-label, label, label, label, label, label]
(5) [li, li, li, li, li]
(4) [option, option, option, option]0:
XPath Selectors from html css basics
(10) [input#first-name, input#password, input, input, input, input, input, input, input, input]
(8) [label, label, label#update-profile-label, label, label, label, label, label]
[input]0: inputlength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
(4) [input, input, input, input]
(4) [option, option, option, option]
(4) [input, input, input, input]
< html >
< head >
< title > Learn Selenium and HTML</ title >
</ head >
< body >
This is the body of the page.
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< title > Learn Selenium and HTML - 2</ title >
</ head >
< body >
< h1 > Learning Automation Testing with Selenium and HTML</ h1 >
I want to learn
< ul >
< li > HTML</ li >
< li > CSS</ li >
< li > XPath</ li >
< li > CSS Selectors</ li >
< li > Selenium</ li >
</ ul >
< ol >
< li > HTML</ li >
< li > CSS</ li >
< li > XPath</ li >
< li > CSS Selectors</ li >
< li > Selenium</ li >
</ ol >
< p > Learning HTML and Selenium is awesome. The following steps are involved</ p >
< h2 > HTML</ h2 >
< p > First step is to learn HTML</ p >
< h2 > CSS</ h2 >
< p > Second step is to learn CSS</ p >
< p > This is the body of the page.</ p >
< p > Paragraph 2</ p >
< p > Paragraph 3</ p >
< div > Division 1</ div >
< div > Division 2</ div >
< div > Division 3</ div >
< p >
< b > Paragraph which will be displayed in bold.</ b >
</ p >
< p >
< i > Paragraph which will be displayed in italicized.</ i >
</ p >
< hr />
< blockquote > Ranga says - You become a great automation tester by learning atleast for an hour every day</ blockquote >
< hr />
< p >
Line1. < br />
Line2. < br />
</ p >
< hr />
< abc > fkjsaklfjalk</ abc >
< def > fkjsaklfjalk</ def >
< efg />
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< title > Learn Tables in HTML</ title >
</ head >
< body >
< table border ="1 ">
< thead >
< tr >
< td > Football Player</ td >
< td > Goals</ td >
< td > Country</ td >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > Ronaldo</ td >
< td > 10</ td >
< td > Portugal</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Messi</ td >
< td > 10</ td >
< td > Argentina</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Player Name</ td >
< td > 6</ td >
< td > Europe</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Player Name 2</ td >
< td > 3</ td >
< td > Europe</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Player Name 3</ td >
< td > 4</ td >
< td > Europe</ td >
</ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
<!-- Comment
Football Player Goals
Ronaldo 10
Messi 10
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< title > Learn a few things in HTML</ title >
</ head >
< body >
< ol >
< li > < a href ="1-first-html.html "> First HTML Page</ a > </ li >
< li > < a href ="http://www.in28minutes.com/ "> Go to in28minutes</ a > </ li >
< li > < a target ="_blank " href ="2-second-html.html "> Second HTML Page</ a > </ li >
</ ol >
< img border ="1 " src ="https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/14139137?s=460&v=4 "/>
< img src ="in28minutes-logo.png "/>
< br />
< iframe src ="http://www.in28minutes.com " height ="400px " width ="1000px ">
IFrame is Not Supported</ iframe >
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< title > Learn Selenium and HTML 5</ title >
</ head >
< body >
< div >
< p align ="right "> The great thing about HTML is that its simple to learn.
< a href ="1-first-html.html "> This is the first page we have created</ a >
</ p >
< p > This is the second thing we have learnt - < a href ="2-second-html.html "> Here is the link to it</ a > </ p >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< title > Learn Forms in HTML </ title >
</ head >
< body >
Let's get some data from the user:
< ul >
< li > Text</ li >
< li > Lot of Text - in multiple lines</ li >
< li > Select among options</ li >
< li > Yes or No</ li >
< li > Click a Button</ li >
</ ul >
< form method ="post " action ="accept-information.do ">
< label > First Name</ label >
< input type ="text " name ="first-name " size ="15 " maxlength ="20 " value ="Ranga "/>
< label > Password</ label >
< input type ="password " name ="password "/>
< label > Upload Profile Picture</ label >
< input type ="file " name ="profile-picture "/>
< label > Age</ label >
< input type ="number " name ="age " value ="20 "/>
< label > Describe Yourselves</ label >
< textarea name ="description " rows ="5 " cols ="100 "> </ textarea >
< br />
< label > What do you want to learn?</ label >
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="HTML "> HTML
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="CSS " checked > CSS
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="AUT "> Automation Testing
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="JAVA "> Java
< BR />
< label > How do you want to Learn?</ label >
< select name ="how-to-learn " multiple >
< option value ="online "> Online</ option >
< option value ="books "> Books</ option >
< option value ="college " selected > College</ option >
< option value ="other "> Other</ option >
</ select >
< BR />
< input type ="checkbox " name ="drive " checked />
< label > Do You Know to Drive?</ label >
< input type ="submit "/>
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< title > Learn Forms in HTML with CSS</ title >
<!-- CSS Selectors -->
< style type ="text/css ">
label {
font-size: 16px;
color: #111111;
input, textarea, select {
background-color: antiquewhite;
fieldset {
border: 0px;
padding: 20px;
background-color: #EEFFFF;
ul {
background-color: #EEFFEE;
li {
color: #666666;
</ style >
</ head >
< body >
Let's get some data from the user:
< ul >
< li > Text</ li >
< li > Lot of Text - in multiple lines</ li >
< li > Select among options</ li >
< li > Yes or No</ li >
< li > Click a Button</ li >
</ ul >
< form method ="post " action ="accept-information.do ">
< fieldset >
< label > First Name</ label >
< input type ="text " name ="first-name " size ="15 " maxlength ="20 " value ="Ranga "/>
< label > Password</ label >
< input type ="password " name ="password "/>
</ fieldset >
<!--style="font-size: 25px"-->
< fieldset >
< label > Upload Profile Picture</ label >
< input type ="file " name ="profile-picture "/>
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< label > Age</ label >
< input type ="number " name ="age " value ="20 "/>
< label > Describe Yourselves</ label >
< textarea name ="description " rows ="5 " cols ="100 "> </ textarea >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< label > What do you want to learn?</ label >
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="HTML "> HTML
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="CSS " checked > CSS
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="AUT "> Automation Testing
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="JAVA "> Java
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< label > How do you want to Learn?</ label >
< select name ="how-to-learn " multiple >
< option value ="online "> Online</ option >
< option value ="books "> Books</ option >
< option value ="college " selected > College</ option >
< option value ="other "> Other</ option >
</ select >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< input type ="checkbox " name ="drive " checked />
< label > Do You Know to Drive?</ label >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< input type ="submit "/>
</ fieldset >
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< title > Learn Forms in HTML with CSS</ title >
< link rel ="stylesheet " type ="text/css " href ="style.css "/>
CSS Selectors
(10) [input#first-name, input#password, input, input, input, input, input, input, input, input]0: input#first-name1: input#password2: input3: input4: input5: input6: input7: input8: input9: inputlength: 10__proto__: Array(0)
[input#password]0: input#passwordlength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
[input#first-name]0: input#first-namelength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
(4) [input, input, input, input]0: input1: input2: input3: inputlength: 4__proto__: Array(0)
[input]0: inputlength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
(8) [label, label, label#update-profile-label, label, label, label, label, label]
(5) [li, li, li, li, li]
(4) [option, option, option, option]0:
XPath Selectors
(10) [input#first-name, input#password, input, input, input, input, input, input, input, input]
(8) [label, label, label#update-profile-label, label, label, label, label, label]
[input]0: inputlength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
(4) [input, input, input, input]
(4) [option, option, option, option]
(4) [input, input, input, input]
</ head >
< body >
Let's get some data from the user:
< ul >
< li > Text</ li >
< li > Lot of Text - in multiple lines</ li >
< li > Select among options</ li >
< li > Yes or No</ li >
< li > Click a Button</ li >
</ ul >
< form method ="post " action ="accept-information.do ">
< fieldset >
< label > First Name</ label >
< input type ="text " name ="first-name " id ="first-name " size ="15 " maxlength ="20 " value ="Ranga "/>
< label > Password</ label >
< input type ="password " id ="password " name ="password "/>
</ fieldset >
<!--style="font-size: 25px"-->
< fieldset >
< label id ="update-profile-label "> Upload Profile Picture</ label >
< input type ="file " name ="profile-picture "/>
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< label > Age</ label >
< input type ="number " name ="age " value ="20 "/>
< label > Describe Yourselves</ label >
< textarea name ="description " rows ="5 " cols ="100 "> </ textarea >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< label > What do you want to learn?</ label >
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="HTML "> HTML
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="CSS " checked > CSS
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="AUT "> Automation Testing
< input type ="radio " name ="what-to-learn " value ="JAVA "> Java
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< label > How do you want to Learn?</ label >
< select name ="how-to-learn " multiple >
< option value ="online "> Online</ option >
< option value ="books "> Books</ option >
< option value ="college " selected > College</ option >
< option value ="other "> Other</ option >
</ select >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< input type ="checkbox " name ="drive " checked />
< label > Do You Know to Drive?</ label >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< input type ="submit " />
</ fieldset >
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >
< html >
< head >
< title > ID and Class in CSS</ title >
<!-- CSS Selectors -->
< style type ="text/css ">
p {
color : brown;
div p {
color : royalblue;
h2 {
color : green;
p .second-paragraph {
.first-paragraph {
.important-thing {
background-color: yellow;
background-color: #EEEEEE;
background-color: bisque;
</ style >
CSS Selectors
(10) [p, p.first-paragraph.important-thing, p.second-paragraph, p#html-important-point, p#important-point-outside-div, p, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph]
$$("div p")
(8) [p.first-paragraph.important-thing, p.second-paragraph, p#html-important-point, p, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph]
(3) [p.first-paragraph.important-thing, p.first-paragraph, p.first-paragraph]
(4) [h1.second-paragraph, p.second-paragraph, p.second-paragraph, p.second-paragraph]
$$("p .second-paragraph")
(3) [p.second-paragraph, p.second-paragraph, p.second-paragraph]
(3) [h2, h2, h2]
[h1.second-paragraph]0: h1.second-paragraphlength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
XPATH Selectors
(10) [p, p.first-paragraph.important-thing, p.second-paragraph, p#html-important-point, p#important-point-outside-div, p, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph]
(10) [p, p.first-paragraph.important-thing, p.second-paragraph, p#html-important-point, p#important-point-outside-div, p, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph]
(3) [h2, h2, h2]
(10) [p, p.first-paragraph.important-thing, p.second-paragraph, p#html-important-point, p#important-point-outside-div, p, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph, p.first-paragraph, p.second-paragraph]
[p#html-important-point]0: p#html-important-pointlength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
(2) [p.first-paragraph, p.first-paragraph]
(3) [p.first-paragraph.important-thing, p.first-paragraph, p.first-paragraph]
/html/body //body
/html/body/h1 //h1
body > h1
body > p:nth-child(2)
</ head >
< body >
< h1 class ="second-paragraph "> Learn Automation Testing</ h1 >
< p > Main Paragraph</ p >
< h2 > HTML and CSS</ h2 >
< div >
< p class ="first-paragraph important-thing "> First Paragraph</ p >
< p class ="second-paragraph "> Second Paragraph</ p >
< p id ="html-important-point "> An important point about HTML</ p >
</ div >
< p id ="important-point-outside-div "> Paragraph outside div</ p >
< div > < p > Paragraph inside div</ p > </ div >
< h2 > Language</ h2 >
< div >
< p class ="first-paragraph "> First Paragraph</ p >
< p class ="second-paragraph "> Second Paragraph</ p >
</ div >
< h2 > Selenium</ h2 >
< div >
< p class ="first-paragraph "> First Paragraph</ p >
< p class ="second-paragraph "> Second Paragraph</ p >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html >
label {
font-size : 16px ;
color : # 111111 ;
input , textarea , select {
background-color : antiquewhite;
fieldset {
border : 0px ;
padding : 20px ;
background-color : # EEFFFF ;
ul {
background-color : # EEFFEE ;
li {
color : # 666666 ;
package com .example .tests ;
import static org .junit .Assert .fail ;
import java .util .concurrent .TimeUnit ;
import org .junit .After ;
import org .junit .Before ;
import org .junit .Test ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Alert ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Keys ;
import org .openqa .selenium .NoAlertPresentException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .NoSuchElementException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .ChromeDriverManager ;
public class FacebookLogin {
private WebDriver driver ;
private String baseUrl ;
private boolean acceptNextAlert = true ;
private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer ();
@ Before
public void setUp () throws Exception {
ChromeDriverManager .getInstance ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
baseUrl = "https://www.katalon.com/" ;
driver .manage ().timeouts ().implicitlyWait (30 , TimeUnit .SECONDS );
@ Test
public void testFacebookLogin () throws Exception {
driver .get ("https://www.facebook.com/" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("email" )).click ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("email" )).clear ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("email" )).sendKeys ("in28minutes" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("pass" )).clear ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("pass" )).sendKeys ("dummy" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("pass" )).sendKeys (Keys .ENTER );
@ After
public void tearDown () throws Exception {
driver .quit ();
String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors .toString ();
if (!"" .equals (verificationErrorString )) {
fail (verificationErrorString );
private boolean isElementPresent (By by ) {
try {
driver .findElement (by );
return true ;
} catch (NoSuchElementException e ) {
return false ;
private boolean isAlertPresent () {
try {
driver .switchTo ().alert ();
return true ;
} catch (NoAlertPresentException e ) {
return false ;
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText () {
try {
Alert alert = driver .switchTo ().alert ();
String alertText = alert .getText ();
if (acceptNextAlert ) {
alert .accept ();
} else {
alert .dismiss ();
return alertText ;
} finally {
acceptNextAlert = true ;
package com .example .tests ;
import static org .junit .Assert .fail ;
import java .util .concurrent .TimeUnit ;
import org .junit .After ;
import org .junit .Before ;
import org .junit .Test ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Alert ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Keys ;
import org .openqa .selenium .NoAlertPresentException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .NoSuchElementException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .ChromeDriverManager ;
public class GoogleSearchForIn28minutes {
private WebDriver driver ;
private String baseUrl ;
private boolean acceptNextAlert = true ;
private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer ();
@ Before
public void setUp () throws Exception {
ChromeDriverManager .getInstance ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
baseUrl = "https://www.katalon.com/" ;
driver .manage ().timeouts ().implicitlyWait (30 , TimeUnit .SECONDS );
@ Test
public void testGoogleSearchForIn28minutes () throws Exception {
driver .get ("https://www.google.com/" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("lst-ib" )).click ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("lst-ib" )).clear ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("lst-ib" )).sendKeys ("in28minutes" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("lst-ib" )).sendKeys (Keys .ENTER );
@ After
public void tearDown () throws Exception {
driver .quit ();
String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors .toString ();
if (!"" .equals (verificationErrorString )) {
fail (verificationErrorString );
private boolean isElementPresent (By by ) {
try {
driver .findElement (by );
return true ;
} catch (NoSuchElementException e ) {
return false ;
private boolean isAlertPresent () {
try {
driver .switchTo ().alert ();
return true ;
} catch (NoAlertPresentException e ) {
return false ;
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText () {
try {
Alert alert = driver .switchTo ().alert ();
String alertText = alert .getText ();
if (acceptNextAlert ) {
alert .accept ();
} else {
alert .dismiss ();
return alertText ;
} finally {
acceptNextAlert = true ;
package com .in28minutes .tests ;
import static org .junit .Assert .*;
import org .junit .Test ;
class SimpleClass {
public int sum (int [] numbers ) {
int sum = 0 ;
for (int i =0 ; i <numbers .length ; i ++) {
sum += numbers [i ];
return sum ;
public class FirstJUnitTest {
@ Test
public void test () {
//Execute the Code
SimpleClass simpleClass = new SimpleClass ();
int actualResult = simpleClass .sum ( new int [] {12 , 15 , 18 });
//Check the Output
int expectedResult = 45 ;
//check expectedResult is equal to actualResult
assertEquals (expectedResult , actualResult );
//No checks
//Absence of Failure is Success
@ Test
public void testFor0Elements () {
//Execute the Code
SimpleClass simpleClass = new SimpleClass ();
int actualResult = simpleClass .sum ( new int [] {});
//Check the Output
int expectedResult = 0 ;
//check expectedResult is equal to actualResult
assertEquals (expectedResult , actualResult );
//No checks
//Absence of Failure is Success
@ Test
public void testFor2Elements () {
//Execute the Code
SimpleClass simpleClass = new SimpleClass ();
int actualResult = simpleClass .sum ( new int [] {12 , 15 });
//Check the Output
int expectedResult = 27 ;
//check expectedResult is equal to actualResult
assertEquals (expectedResult , actualResult );
//No checks
//Absence of Failure is Success
@ Test
public void testFor5Elements () {
//Execute the Code
SimpleClass simpleClass = new SimpleClass ();
int actualResult = simpleClass .sum ( new int [] {2 , 6 , 8 , 15 , 18 });
//Check the Output
int expectedResult = 49 ;
//check expectedResult is equal to actualResult
assertEquals (expectedResult , actualResult );
//No checks
//Absence of Failure is Success
package com .in28minutes .tests ;
import static org .junit .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .junit .After ;
import org .junit .Before ;
import org .junit .Ignore ;
import org .junit .Test ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class FirstSeleniumJUnitTest {
WebDriver webDriver ;
@ Before
public void before () {
// Execute the Code
// Download the Web Driver Executable
// Set the path to Web Driver Executable
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
// Create an instance of WebDriver
webDriver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ Test
public void testGoogleDotCom () {
// WebDriver - Launch up http://www.google.com
webDriver .get ("http://www.google.com" );
// https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl
// System.out.println(webDriver.getCurrentUrl());
// System.out.println(webDriver.getTitle());
String actualTitle = webDriver .getTitle ();
String expectedTitle = "Google" ;
// Check the output
// WebDriver - Title is Google
assertEquals (expectedTitle , actualTitle );
@ Test
public void testFacebookDotCom () {
webDriver .get ("http://www.facebook.com" );
String actualTitle = webDriver .getTitle ();
String expectedTitle = "Facebook – log in or sign up" ;
// Check the output
assertEquals (expectedTitle , actualTitle );
@ Test
@ Ignore
public void testSomeErrorScenarioCom () {
webDriver .get ("com" );
String actualTitle = webDriver .getTitle ();
String expectedTitle = "Facebook – log in or sign up" ;
// Check the output
assertEquals (expectedTitle , actualTitle );
@ After
public void after () {
System .out .println ("I'm, Executed" );
webDriver .quit ();
// org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException:
// unknown error: unhandled inspector error:
// {"code":-32000,"message":"Cannot navigate to invalid URL"}
package com .example .tests ;
import java .util .regex .Pattern ;
import java .util .concurrent .TimeUnit ;
import org .testng .annotations .*;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .ChromeDriverManager ;
import static org .testng .Assert .*;
import org .openqa .selenium .*;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .firefox .FirefoxDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .ui .Select ;
public class FacebookLogin {
private WebDriver driver ;
private String baseUrl ;
private boolean acceptNextAlert = true ;
private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer ();
@ BeforeClass (alwaysRun = true )
public void setUp () throws Exception {
ChromeDriverManager .getInstance ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
baseUrl = "https://www.katalon.com/" ;
driver .manage ().timeouts ().implicitlyWait (30 , TimeUnit .SECONDS );
@ Test
public void testFacebookLogin () throws Exception {
driver .get ("https://www.facebook.com/" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("email" )).click ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("email" )).clear ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("email" )).sendKeys ("in28minutes" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("pass" )).clear ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("pass" )).sendKeys ("dummy" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("pass" )).sendKeys (Keys .ENTER );
@ AfterClass (alwaysRun = true )
public void tearDown () throws Exception {
driver .quit ();
String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors .toString ();
if (!"" .equals (verificationErrorString )) {
fail (verificationErrorString );
private boolean isElementPresent (By by ) {
try {
driver .findElement (by );
return true ;
} catch (NoSuchElementException e ) {
return false ;
private boolean isAlertPresent () {
try {
driver .switchTo ().alert ();
return true ;
} catch (NoAlertPresentException e ) {
return false ;
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText () {
try {
Alert alert = driver .switchTo ().alert ();
String alertText = alert .getText ();
if (acceptNextAlert ) {
alert .accept ();
} else {
alert .dismiss ();
return alertText ;
} finally {
acceptNextAlert = true ;
package com .example .tests ;
import static org .testng .Assert .fail ;
import java .util .concurrent .TimeUnit ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Alert ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Keys ;
import org .openqa .selenium .NoAlertPresentException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .NoSuchElementException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterClass ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeClass ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .ChromeDriverManager ;
public class GoogleSearchForIn28minutes {
private WebDriver driver ;
private String baseUrl ;
private boolean acceptNextAlert = true ;
private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer ();
@ BeforeClass (alwaysRun = true )
public void setUp () throws Exception {
ChromeDriverManager .getInstance ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
baseUrl = "https://www.katalon.com/" ;
driver .manage ().timeouts ().implicitlyWait (30 , TimeUnit .SECONDS );
@ Test
public void testGoogleSearchForIn28minutes () throws Exception {
driver .get ("https://www.google.com/" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("lst-ib" )).click ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("lst-ib" )).clear ();
driver .findElement (By .id ("lst-ib" )).sendKeys ("in28minutes" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("lst-ib" )).sendKeys (Keys .ENTER );
@ AfterClass (alwaysRun = true )
public void tearDown () throws Exception {
driver .quit ();
String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors .toString ();
if (!"" .equals (verificationErrorString )) {
fail (verificationErrorString );
private boolean isElementPresent (By by ) {
try {
driver .findElement (by );
return true ;
} catch (NoSuchElementException e ) {
return false ;
private boolean isAlertPresent () {
try {
driver .switchTo ().alert ();
return true ;
} catch (NoAlertPresentException e ) {
return false ;
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText () {
try {
Alert alert = driver .switchTo ().alert ();
String alertText = alert .getText ();
if (acceptNextAlert ) {
alert .accept ();
} else {
alert .dismiss ();
return alertText ;
} finally {
acceptNextAlert = true ;
package com .in28minutes .test .testng ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .Ignore ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class FirstSeleniumTestNgTest {
WebDriver webDriver ;
@ BeforeTest
public void before () {
// Execute the Code
// Download the Web Driver Executable
// Set the path to Web Driver Executable
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
// Create an instance of WebDriver
webDriver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ Test
public void testGoogleDotCom () {
// WebDriver - Launch up http://www.google.com
webDriver .get ("http://www.google.com" );
// https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl
// System.out.println(webDriver.getCurrentUrl());
// System.out.println(webDriver.getTitle());
String actualTitle = webDriver .getTitle ();
String expectedTitle = "Google" ;
// Check the output
// WebDriver - Title is Google
assertEquals (expectedTitle , actualTitle );
@ Test
public void testFacebookDotCom () {
webDriver .get ("http://www.facebook.com" );
String actualTitle = webDriver .getTitle ();
String expectedTitle = "Facebook – log in or sign up" ;
// Check the output
assertEquals (expectedTitle , actualTitle );
@ Test
@ Ignore
public void testSomeErrorScenarioCom () {
webDriver .get ("com" );
String actualTitle = webDriver .getTitle ();
String expectedTitle = "Facebook – log in or sign up" ;
// Check the output
assertEquals (expectedTitle , actualTitle );
@ AfterTest
public void after () {
System .out .println ("I'm, Executed" );
webDriver .quit ();
// org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException:
// unknown error: unhandled inspector error:
// {"code":-32000,"message":"Cannot navigate to invalid URL"}
package com .in28minutes .test .testng ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
class SimpleClass {
public int sum (int [] numbers ) {
int sum = 0 ;
for (int i =0 ; i <numbers .length ; i ++) {
sum += numbers [i ];
return sum ;
public class FirstTestngTest {
@ Test
public void test () {
//Execute the Code
SimpleClass simpleClass = new SimpleClass ();
int actualResult = simpleClass .sum ( new int [] {12 , 15 , 18 });
//Check the Output
int expectedResult = 45 ;
//check expectedResult is equal to actualResult
assertEquals (expectedResult , actualResult );
//No checks
//Absence of Failure is Success
@ Test
public void testFor0Elements () {
//Execute the Code
SimpleClass simpleClass = new SimpleClass ();
int actualResult = simpleClass .sum ( new int [] {});
//Check the Output
int expectedResult = 0 ;
//check expectedResult is equal to actualResult
assertEquals (expectedResult , actualResult );
//No checks
//Absence of Failure is Success
@ Test
public void testFor2Elements () {
//Execute the Code
SimpleClass simpleClass = new SimpleClass ();
int actualResult = simpleClass .sum ( new int [] {12 , 15 });
//Check the Output
int expectedResult = 27 ;
//check expectedResult is equal to actualResult
assertEquals (expectedResult , actualResult );
//No checks
//Absence of Failure is Success
@ Test
public void testFor5Elements () {
//Execute the Code
SimpleClass simpleClass = new SimpleClass ();
int actualResult = simpleClass .sum ( new int [] {2 , 6 , 8 , 15 , 18 });
//Check the Output
int expectedResult = 49 ;
//check expectedResult is equal to actualResult
assertEquals (expectedResult , actualResult );
//No checks
//Absence of Failure is Success
package com .in28minutes .test .testng ;
import org .testng .annotations .Parameters ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
public class MultipleBrowserTest {
@ Parameters ("browser" )
@ Test
public void runInBrowser (String browser ) {
System .out .println (browser );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public abstract class AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
protected WebDriver driver ;
public AbstractChromeWebDriverTest () {
super ();
@ BeforeTest
public void beforeTest () {
//Download the web driver executable
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
//Create a instance of your web driver - chrome
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ AfterTest
public void afterTest () {
driver .quit ();
public void sleep (int seconds ) {
try {
Thread .sleep (seconds * 1000 );
} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .form ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertFalse ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertTrue ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class FormElementCheckBoxTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void readFromACheckBox () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement checkboxElement1 = driver .findElement (By .name ("checkboxElement1" ));
System .out .println (checkboxElement1 .isSelected ());//false
assertFalse (checkboxElement1 .isSelected ());
WebElement checkboxElement2 = driver .findElement (By .name ("checkboxElement2" ));
System .out .println (checkboxElement2 .isSelected ());//true
assertTrue (checkboxElement2 .isSelected ());
@ Test
public void setAValueIntoCheckBoxElement1 () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement checkboxElement1 = driver .findElement (By .name ("checkboxElement1" ));
sleep (4 );
checkboxElement1 .click ();
sleep (4 );
WebElement checkboxElement3 = driver .findElement (By .name ("checkboxElement3" ));
sleep (4 );
checkboxElement3 .click ();
sleep (4 );
@ Test
public void checkACheckBox () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
checkACheckBox ("checkboxElement1" );
sleep (2 );
checkACheckBox ("checkboxElement2" );
sleep (2 );
checkACheckBox ("checkboxElement3" );
checkACheckBox ("inlineCheckboxElement1" );
checkACheckBox ("inlineCheckboxElement2" );
checkACheckBox ("inlineCheckboxElement3" );
sleep (4 );
@ Test
public void unCheckACheckBox () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
unCheckACheckBox ("checkboxElement1" );
sleep (2 );
unCheckACheckBox ("checkboxElement2" );
sleep (2 );
unCheckACheckBox ("checkboxElement3" );
unCheckACheckBox ("inlineCheckboxElement1" );
unCheckACheckBox ("inlineCheckboxElement2" );
unCheckACheckBox ("inlineCheckboxElement3" );
sleep (4 );
private void checkACheckBox (String checkboxName ) {
WebElement checkboxElement1 = driver .findElement (By .name (checkboxName ));
boolean currentValue = checkboxElement1 .isSelected ();
if (currentValue ==false ) {
checkboxElement1 .click ();
private void unCheckACheckBox (String checkboxName ) {
WebElement checkboxElement1 = driver .findElement (By .name (checkboxName ));
boolean currentValue = checkboxElement1 .isSelected ();
if (currentValue ==true ) {
checkboxElement1 .click ();
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .form ;
import java .util .List ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class FormElementRadioButtonTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void readFromARadioButton () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
List <WebElement > options = driver .findElements (By .name ("optionsRadios" ));
for (WebElement option : options ) {
System .out .println (option .getAttribute ("value" ) + " " + option .isSelected ());
// option1 false
// option2 false
// option3 true
@ Test
public void readFromARadioButtonWithAFrameworkMethod () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
System .out .println (getSelectedRadioButtonValue ("optionsRadios" ));// option3
System .out .println (getSelectedRadioButtonValue ("optionsRadiosInline" ));
@ Test
public void setValueForRadioButton () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
List <WebElement > options = driver .findElements (By .name ("optionsRadios" ));
sleep (4 );
for (WebElement option : options ) {
if (option .getAttribute ("value" ).equals ("option2" )) {
option .click ();
sleep (4 );
@ Test
public void setValueForRadioButtonWithAFrameworkMethod () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
sleep (4 );
setRadioButtonToValue ("optionsRadios" , "option2" );
sleep (4 );
setRadioButtonToValue ("optionsRadiosInline" , "inline-option1" );
private void setRadioButtonToValue (String radioButtonName , String valueToSelect ) {
List <WebElement > options = driver .findElements (By .name (radioButtonName ));
for (WebElement option : options ) {
if (option .getAttribute ("value" ).equals (valueToSelect )) {
option .click ();
private String getSelectedRadioButtonValue (String name ) {
List <WebElement > options = driver .findElements (By .name (name ));
for (WebElement option : options ) {
if (option .isSelected ()) {
return option .getAttribute ("value" );
return null ;
@ Test
public void setValueForRadioButtonWithAFrameworkMethod_UsingCSS () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
sleep (4 );
setRadioButtonToValueUsingCSS ("optionsRadios" , "option2" );
sleep (4 );
setRadioButtonToValueUsingCSS ("optionsRadiosInline" , "inline-option1" );
sleep (4 );
private void setRadioButtonToValueUsingCSS (String radioButtonName , String valueToSelect ) {
String cssSelector = "input[name='" + radioButtonName + "'][value='" + valueToSelect + "']" ;
WebElement option = driver .findElement (By .cssSelector (cssSelector ));
option .click ();
@ Test
public void setValueForRadioButtonWithAFrameworkMethod_UsingXPath () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
sleep (4 );
setRadioButtonToValueUsingXPath ("optionsRadios" , "option2" );
sleep (4 );
setRadioButtonToValueUsingXPath ("optionsRadiosInline" , "inline-option1" );
sleep (4 );
private void setRadioButtonToValueUsingXPath (String radioButtonName , String valueToSelect ) {
String cssSelector = "//input[@name='" + radioButtonName + "'][@value='" + valueToSelect + "']" ;
WebElement option = driver .findElement (By .xpath (cssSelector ));
option .click ();
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .form ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .ui .Select ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class FormElementSelectTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void readValueOfSelectBox () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement selectElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("selectElement1" ));
Select select = new Select (selectElement );
System .out .println (select .isMultiple ());
System .out .println (select .getFirstSelectedOption ().getText ());
@ Test
public void readValueFromMultiSelectBox () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement selectElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("multiSelectElement" ));
Select select = new Select (selectElement );
System .out .println (select .isMultiple ());//true
System .out .println (select .getFirstSelectedOption ().getText ());//One
for (WebElement element : select .getAllSelectedOptions ()) {
System .out .println (element .getText ());//One,Three
@ Test
public void setValuesIntoSelectBox () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement selectElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("selectElement1" ));
sleep (5 );
Select select = new Select (selectElement );
select .selectByValue ("2" );
sleep (5 );
select .selectByVisibleText ("Five" );
sleep (5 );
select .selectByIndex (3 );
sleep (5 );
System .out .println (select .isMultiple ());
System .out .println (select .getFirstSelectedOption ().getText ());
@ Test
public void setValuesIntoMultiSelectBox () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement selectElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("multiSelectElement" ));
sleep (5 );
Select select = new Select (selectElement );
select .deselectAll ();
sleep (3 );
select .selectByValue ("2" );
sleep (3 );
select .selectByVisibleText ("Five" );
sleep (3 );
select .selectByIndex (3 );
sleep (3 );
select .deselectByVisibleText ("Four" );
sleep (3 );
System .out .println (select .isMultiple ());
System .out .println (select .getFirstSelectedOption ().getText ());
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .form ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class FormElementTextTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void readFromATextElement () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
assertEquals (
driver .findElement (By .id ("textElement" )).getAttribute ("value" ),
"in28minutes" );
@ Test
public void setASpecificValueIntoTextElement () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement textElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("textElement" ));
sleep (4 );
textElement .clear ();
textElement .sendKeys ("NewValue" );
sleep (4 );
@ Test
public void writeAndReadAValueFromTextArea () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement textArea = driver .findElement (By .id ("textAreaElement" ));
assertEquals (textArea .getAttribute ("value" ),"" );
sleep (4 );
textArea .clear ();
textArea .sendKeys ("FirstLine" );
textArea .sendKeys ("\n " );
textArea .sendKeys ("SecondLine" );
sleep (4 );
System .out .println (textArea .getAttribute ("value" ));
assertEquals (textArea .getAttribute ("value" ),"FirstLine\n SecondLine" );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import java .util .List ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
public class WebDriverBasicsLocatorsPerformanceTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testCssSelectorForMultipleTableTd () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
WebElement browserRow1 = driver .findElement (
By .cssSelector ("#dataTables-example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2)" ));
WebElement browserRow2 = driver .findElement (
By .cssSelector ("#dataTables-example > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)" ));
WebElement browserRow3 = driver .findElement (
By .cssSelector ("#dataTables-example > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(2)" ));
assertEquals (browserRow1 .getText (), "Firefox 1.0" );
assertEquals (browserRow2 .getText (), "Firefox 1.5" );
assertEquals (browserRow3 .getText (), "Firefox 2.0" );
@ Test
public void testCssSelectorForMultipleTableTd_MorePerformance () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
WebElement tableTbody = driver .findElement (
By .cssSelector ("#dataTables-example > tbody" ));
WebElement browserRow1 =
tableTbody .findElement (By .cssSelector ("tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2)" ));
WebElement browserRow2 =
tableTbody .findElement (By .cssSelector ("tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)" ));
WebElement browserRow3 =
tableTbody .findElement (By .cssSelector ("tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(2)" ));
assertEquals (browserRow1 .getText (), "Firefox 1.0" );
assertEquals (browserRow2 .getText (), "Firefox 1.5" );
assertEquals (browserRow3 .getText (), "Firefox 2.0" );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import java .util .List ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
public class WebDriverBasicsLocatorsWithClassTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testTitle () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
WebElement title = driver .findElement (By .className ("navbar-brand" ));
assertEquals (title .getText (), "SB Admin v2.0" );
@ Test
public void testHugeTextElements () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
List <WebElement > hugeElements = driver .findElements (By .className ("huge" ));
for (WebElement element : hugeElements ) {
System .out .println (element .getText ());
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import java .util .List ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
public class WebDriverBasicsLocatorsWithCSSSelectorTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testCssSelectorForaTableTd () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
WebElement browserRow1 = driver
.findElement (By .cssSelector ("#dataTables-example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2)" ));
assertEquals (browserRow1 .getText (), "Firefox 1.0" );
// $$("#dataTables-example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(2)")
// [th.sorting]0: th.sortinglength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
// $$("#dataTables-example > tbody > tr.gradeU.odd > td.sorting_1")
// [td.sorting_1]
@ Test
public void testCssSelectorForSortingAndCheckingFirstRow () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
* <tr class="gradeA odd" role="row"> <td class="sorting_1">Gecko</td>
* <td>Firefox 1.0</td> <td>Win 98+ / OSX.2+</td> <td class="center">1.7</td>
* <td class="center">A</td> </tr>
* <tr class="gradeU odd" role="row"> <td class="">Other browsers</td> <td
* class="sorting_1">All others</td> <td>-</td> <td class="center">-</td> <td
* class="center">U</td> </tr>
// #dataTables-example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2)
// #dataTables-example > tbody > tr.gradeU.odd > td.sorting_1
WebElement headerBrowser = driver
.findElement (By .cssSelector ("#dataTables-example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(2)" ));
headerBrowser .click ();
WebElement element = driver
.findElement (By .cssSelector ("#dataTables-example > tbody > tr.gradeU.odd > td.sorting_1" ));
assertEquals (element .getText (), "All others" );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class WebDriverBasicsLocatorsWithIdTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testTitle () {
//get the http://localhost:8080/login
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
//assert the title
assertEquals ("First Web Application" ,
driver .getTitle ());//First Web Application
@ Test
public void testGetInformationAboutName () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
WebElement nameElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("name" ));
System .out .println (nameElement .getTagName ());//input
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("type" ));//text
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("value" ));//EMPTY
@ Test
public void testGetInformationAboutPassword () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
WebElement nameElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
System .out .println (nameElement .getTagName ());//input
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("type" ));//password
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("value" ));//EMPTY
@ Test
public void testGetInformationAboutSubmitButton () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
WebElement nameElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("submit" ));
System .out .println (nameElement .getTagName ());//input
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("type" ));//submit
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("value" ));//EMPTY
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
public class WebDriverBasicsLocatorsWithLinkTextTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void getIn28MinuteLinkAndClickIt () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
WebElement link = driver .findElement (By .linkText ("in28Minutes" ));
System .out .println (link .getAttribute ("href" ));//http://www.in28minutes.com/
link .click ();
System .out .println (driver .getCurrentUrl ());// http://www.in28minutes.com/
@ Test
public void getTableLinkAndClickIt () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
WebElement link = driver .findElement (By .linkText ("Tables" ));
System .out .println (link .getAttribute ("href" ));
link .click ();
System .out .println (driver .getCurrentUrl ());
@ Test
public void getSBAdminLinkAndClickIt () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
WebElement link = driver .findElement (By .partialLinkText ("SB Admin" ));
System .out .println (link .getAttribute ("href" ));
link .click ();
System .out .println (driver .getCurrentUrl ());
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Ignore ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
public class WebDriverBasicsLocatorsWithNameTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testGetInformationAboutEmail () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
WebElement nameElement = driver .findElement (By .name ("email" ));
System .out .println (nameElement .getTagName ());//input
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("class" ));//form-control
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("placeholder" ));//E-mail
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("value" ));//EMPTY
@ Test
public void testGetInformationAboutPassword () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
WebElement nameElement = driver .findElement (By .name ("password" ));
System .out .println (nameElement .getTagName ());//input
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("class" ));//form-control
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("placeholder" ));//Password
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("value" ));//EMPTY
@ Test
public void testGetInformationAboutCheckbox () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
WebElement nameElement = driver .findElement (By .name ("remember" ));
System .out .println (nameElement .getTagName ());//input
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("class" ));//
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("value" ));//Remember Me
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("type" ));//checkbox
@ Test
@ Ignore
public void testGetInformationAboutSubmitButton () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
WebElement nameElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("submit" ));
System .out .println (nameElement .getTagName ());//input
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("type" ));//submit
System .out .println (nameElement .getAttribute ("value" ));//EMPTY
//FAILED: testGetInformationAboutSubmitButton
//no such element: Unable to locate element:
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import java .util .List ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
public class WebDriverBasicsLocatorsWithTagTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void getDetailsAboutLoginButton () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
WebElement linkElement = driver .findElement (By .tagName ("a" ));
System .out .println (linkElement .getText ());//Login
System .out .println (linkElement .getAttribute ("class" ));//btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block
System .out .println (linkElement .getAttribute ("href" ));//http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html
@ Test
public void getDetailsAboutInputTags_FindElementWillReturnFirstElement () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
WebElement linkElement = driver .findElement (By .tagName ("input" ));
System .out .println (linkElement .getAttribute ("class" ));//form-control
System .out .println (linkElement .getAttribute ("placeholder" ));//E-mail
@ Test
public void getDetailsAboutInputTags_FindAllElements () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
List <WebElement > elements = driver .findElements (By .tagName ("input" ));
for (WebElement element :elements ) {
System .out .println (element .getAttribute ("class" ));
System .out .println (element .getAttribute ("placeholder" ));
@ Test
public void getDetailsAboutInputTags_FindAllElements_Login () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
List <WebElement > elements = driver .findElements (By .tagName ("input" ));
for (WebElement element :elements ) {
System .out .println (element .getAttribute ("type" ));
System .out .println (element .getAttribute ("name" ));
sleep (3 );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import java .util .List ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
public class WebDriverBasicsLocatorsWithXPathSelectorTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testXpathSelectorForaTableTd () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
WebElement browserRow1 = driver .findElement (By .xpath ("//*[@id='dataTables-example']/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]" ));
assertEquals (browserRow1 .getText (), "Firefox 1.0" );
// $$("#dataTables-example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(2)")
// [th.sorting]0: th.sortinglength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
// $$("#dataTables-example > tbody > tr.gradeU.odd > td.sorting_1")
// [td.sorting_1]
@ Test
public void testXpathSelectorForSortingAndCheckingFirstRow () {
// $x("//*[@id='dataTables-example']/thead/tr/th[2]")
// [th.sorting]0: th.sortinglength: 1__proto__: Array(0)
// $x("//*[@id='dataTables-example']/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]")
// [td]
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
WebElement headerBrowser = driver .findElement
(By .xpath (
"//*[@id='dataTables-example']/thead/tr/th[2]" ));
headerBrowser .click ();
WebElement element = driver .findElement
(By .xpath (
"//*[@id='dataTables-example']/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]" ));
assertEquals (element .getText (), "All others" );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .login ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class FirstWebApplicationLoginTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void login () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
sleep (5 );
WebElement nameElement = driver .findElement (By .name ("name" ));
nameElement .sendKeys ("in28minutes" );
sleep (2 );
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys ("dummy" );
sleep (2 );
WebElement submitElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("submit" ));
submitElement .click ();
sleep (2 );
WebElement welcomeMessageElement =
driver .findElement (By .id ("welcome-message" ));
//Welcome in28minutes!! Click here to manage your todo's.
System .out .println (welcomeMessageElement .getText ());
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .login ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class StaticLoginTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void login () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
sleep (5 );
WebElement emailElement = driver .findElement (By .name ("email" ));
emailElement .sendKeys ("[email protected] " );
sleep (2 );
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .name ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys ("dummy" );
sleep (2 );
WebElement loginElement = driver .findElement (By .tagName ("a" ));
loginElement .click ();
sleep (2 );
System .out .println (driver .getCurrentUrl ());
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics ;
import java .util .concurrent .TimeUnit ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public abstract class AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
protected WebDriver driver ;
public AbstractChromeWebDriverTest () {
super ();
@ BeforeTest
public void beforeTest () {
//Download the web driver executable
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
//Create a instance of your web driver - chrome
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ AfterTest
public void afterTest () {
driver .quit ();
public void sleep (int seconds ) {
try {
Thread .sleep (seconds * 1000 );
} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Alert ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .interactions .Actions ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class ActionsBasicTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testBasicActions () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement element = driver .findElement (By .id ("textElement" ));
WebElement tablesLink = driver .findElement (By .linkText ("Tables" ));
Actions actions = new Actions (driver );
actions .sendKeys (element , "Dummy Text" ).perform ();
sleep (5 );
actions .click (tablesLink ).perform ();
sleep (5 );
@ Test
public void testBasicActions_Combine () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement element = driver .findElement (By .id ("textElement" ));
WebElement tablesLink = driver .findElement (By .linkText ("Tables" ));
Actions actions = new Actions (driver );
.sendKeys (element , "Dummy Text" )
.click (tablesLink )
.perform ();
sleep (5 );
@ Test
public void testBasicDragAndDrop () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/sortable.html" );
WebElement htmlElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("html" ));
Actions actions = new Actions (driver );
.dragAndDropBy (htmlElement , 50 , 200 )
.perform ();
sleep (5 );
@ Test
public void testBasicDragAndDrop_Complicated () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/sortable.html" );
WebElement htmlElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("html" ));
Actions actions = new Actions (driver );
.clickAndHold (htmlElement )
.moveByOffset (50 , 200 )
.release ()
.perform ();
sleep (5 );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertFalse ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class CheckElementStylesTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void getCSSStylesForErrorElement () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement errorField = driver .findElement (By .id ("inputError" ));
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("color" ));// rgba(85, 85, 85, 1)
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("display" ));// block
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("border-color" ));// rgb(169, 68, 66)
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("height" ));// 34px
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("font-size" ));// 14px
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("background-color" ));// rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("border" ));// 1px solid rgb(169, 68, 66)
@ Test
public void getCSSStylesForSuccessElement () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement errorField = driver .findElement (By .id ("inputSuccess" ));
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("color" ));// rgba(85, 85, 85, 1)
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("display" ));// block
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("border-color" ));// rgb(60, 118, 61)
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("height" ));// 34px
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("font-size" ));// 14px
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("background-color" ));// rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
System .out .println (errorField .getCssValue ("border" ));// 1px solid rgb(60, 118, 61)
@ Test
public void checkIfAnElementIsEnabled () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement errorField = driver .findElement (By .id ("disabledInput" ));
assertFalse (errorField .isEnabled ());
System .out .println (errorField .isEnabled ());//false
@ Test
public void exploreWebElementInterface () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
WebElement errorField = driver .findElement (By .id ("disabledInput" ));
System .out .println (errorField .getAttribute ("placeholder" ));//Disabled input
System .out .println (errorField .getLocation ());//(740, 311)
System .out .println (errorField .getSize ());//(414, 34)
WebElement textElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("textElement" ));
System .out .println (textElement .getLocation ());//(297, 242)
System .out .println (textElement .getSize ());//(414, 34)
WebElement textAreaElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("textAreaElement" ));
System .out .println (textAreaElement .getLocation ());//(297, 549)
System .out .println (textAreaElement .getSize ());//(414, 74)
WebElement inputWarning = driver .findElement (By .id ("inputWarning" ));
System .out .println (inputWarning .getLocation ());//(740, 666)
System .out .println (inputWarning .getSize ());//(414, 34)
//findElements, findElement
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class FramesTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testFrames () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/frames-example.html" );
driver .switchTo ().frame (0 );
System .out .println (
"0 - " + driver .findElement (By .tagName ("h1" )).getText ()
);//0 - Frames Example Left
//org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchFrameException: no such frame
driver .switchTo ().parentFrame ();
driver .switchTo ().frame (1 );
System .out .println (
"1 - " + driver .findElement (By .tagName ("h1" )).getText ()
);//1 - Frames Example Right
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios .framework ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
public class TableReader {
private WebDriver driver ;
private String id ;
private WebElement tbody ;
public TableReader (WebDriver driver , String id ) {
this .driver = driver ;
this .id = id ;
tbody = driver .findElement (By .cssSelector ("#"
+ id
+ " > tbody" ));
public String getData (int row , int col ) {
return tbody .findElement (By .cssSelector ("tr:nth-child("
+ row
+ ") > td:nth-child("
+ col
+ ")" )).getText ();
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Alert ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class JavaScriptAlertTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testForAlert () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("alertButton" )).click ();
//unexpected alert open: {Alert text : Enter Something}
Alert alertQuestion = driver .switchTo ().alert ();
alertQuestion .sendKeys ("Some Message" );
alertQuestion .accept ();
Alert alertMessage = driver .switchTo ().alert ();
System .out .println (alertMessage .getText ());
alertMessage .accept ();
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class NewWindowTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testForWindows () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html" );
// 0 - [CDwindow-C62544C6B928D4C97EE4F2E54D9B7FE2]
System .out .println ("0 - " + driver .getWindowHandles ());
driver .findElement (By .id ("newPageButton" )).click ();
// Window Handle
// 1 - CDwindow-C62544C6B928D4C97EE4F2E54D9B7FE2
System .out .println ("1 - " + driver .getWindowHandle ());
// 2 - [CDwindow-C62544C6B928D4C97EE4F2E54D9B7FE2,
// CDwindow-F3E3A57A563CF50F3A063A72C4B23768]
System .out .println ("2 - " + driver .getWindowHandles ());
@ Test
public void findWindowHandleOfSecondWindow () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html" );
String firstWindowHandle = driver .getWindowHandle ();
System .out .println (firstWindowHandle );
driver .findElement (By .id ("newPageButton" )).click ();
String secondWindowHandle = findSecondWindowHandle (firstWindowHandle );
System .out .println (secondWindowHandle );
private String findSecondWindowHandle (String firstWindowHandle ) {
for (String handle : driver .getWindowHandles ()) {
if (!firstWindowHandle .equals (handle )) {
return handle ;
return null ;
@ Test
public void switchToSecondWindow () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html" );
String firstWindowHandle = driver .getWindowHandle ();
System .out .println (firstWindowHandle );
driver .findElement (By .id ("newPageButton" )).click ();
String secondWindowHandle = findSecondWindowHandle (firstWindowHandle );
System .out .println (secondWindowHandle );
System .out .println (driver .findElement (By .tagName ("h1" )).getText ());// Notifications
driver .switchTo ().window (secondWindowHandle );
System .out .println (driver .findElement (By .tagName ("h1" )).getText ());// Forms
driver .switchTo ().window (firstWindowHandle );
System .out .println (driver .findElement (By .tagName ("h1" )).getText ());// Notifications
System .out .println (driver .getCurrentUrl ());// http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html
driver .close ();
// org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchWindowException: no such window: target window
// already closed
// System.out.println(driver.getCurrentUrl());
driver .switchTo ().window (secondWindowHandle );
System .out .println (driver .getCurrentUrl ());// http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import java .util .concurrent .TimeUnit ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .ElementNotVisibleException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .firefox .FirefoxDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .ui .ExpectedConditions ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .ui .WebDriverWait ;
import org .testng .annotations .Ignore ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class PlayingWithModalWindowAndWaitsTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test (expectedExceptions = ElementNotVisibleException .class )
public void playingWithModalWindows_expectingAException () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html" );
// Button id - modalButton
// Modal Wdw id - myModal, myModalLabel, myModalBody, myModalCloseButton
driver .findElement (By .id ("modalButton" )).click ();
// org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: element not visible
driver .findElement (By .id ("myModalCloseButton" )).click ();
@ Test
public void playingWithModalWindows_FixingWithSleep () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html" );
// Button id - modalButton
// Modal Wdw id - myModal, myModalLabel, myModalBody, myModalCloseButton
driver .findElement (By .id ("modalButton" )).click ();
sleep (1 );
System .out .println (driver .findElement (By .id ("myModalLabel" )).getText ());// Modal title
driver .findElement (By .id ("myModalCloseButton" )).click ();
// sleep(10);
@ Test
@ Ignore ("implicit wait fails on Chrome" )
// https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium-google-code-issue-archive/issues/711
public void playingWithModalWindows_implicitWait () {
driver .manage ().timeouts ().implicitlyWait (1 , TimeUnit .SECONDS );
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html" );
// Button id - modalButton
// Modal Wdw id - myModal, myModalLabel, myModalBody, myModalCloseButton
driver .findElement (By .id ("modalButton" )).click ();
// sleep(1);
System .out .println (driver .findElement (By .id ("myModalLabel" )).getText ());// Modal title
driver .findElement (By .id ("myModalCloseButton" )).click ();
// sleep(10);
@ Test
public void playingWithModalWindows_ExplicitWait () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/notifications.html" );
// Button id - modalButton
// Modal Wdw id - myModal, myModalLabel, myModalBody, myModalCloseButton
driver .findElement (By .id ("modalButton" )).click ();
// sleep(10);
// Max - 10
// Wait for myModalLabel to load
WebDriverWait webDriverWait = new WebDriverWait (driver , 10 );
webDriverWait .withMessage ("Waited for 10 Seconds but still myModalLabel not available" );
WebElement modalLabel =
webDriverWait .until (
ExpectedConditions .visibilityOf (
driver .findElement (By .id ("myModalLabel" ))
);// By.id("myModalLabel")
System .out .println (modalLabel .getText ());// Modal title
driver .findElement (By .id ("myModalCloseButton" )).click ();
// sleep(10);
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Dimension ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Point ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class PlayingWithScreenWindowTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void playingWithWindows () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
System .out .println (driver .manage ().window ().getPosition ());//(22, 22)
System .out .println (driver .manage ().window ().getSize ());//(1200, 752)
sleep (3 );
//failed to change window state to normal, current state is maximized
driver .manage ().window ().setPosition (new Point (200 ,200 ));
sleep (3 );
driver .manage ().window ().setSize (new Dimension (200 ,200 ));
sleep (3 );
driver .manage ().window ().maximize ();
sleep (3 );
driver .manage ().window ().fullscreen ();
sleep (3 );
@ Test
public void backForwardAndNavigation () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/forms.html" );
sleep (3 );
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (3 );
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/login.html" );
sleep (3 );
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
sleep (3 );
driver .navigate ().back ();
sleep (3 );
driver .navigate ().back ();
sleep (3 );
driver .navigate ().back ();
sleep (3 );
driver .navigate ().forward ();
sleep (3 );
driver .navigate ().refresh ();
sleep (3 );
driver .navigate ().back ();
sleep (3 );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import java .io .IOException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .JavascriptExecutor ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios .framework .TableReader ;
public class ReadTablesTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testReadingOfTables () throws IOException {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
TableReader reader = new TableReader (driver , "dataTables-example" );
System .out .println (reader .getData (1 ,2 ));
System .out .println (reader .getData (2 ,2 ));
System .out .println (reader .getData (5 ,4 ));
System .out .println (reader .getData (6 ,3 ));
TableReader reader2 = new TableReader (driver , "dataTables-example-2" );
System .out .println (reader2 .getData (1 , 2 ));
//WebElement tbody = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#dataTables-example > tbody"));
//String t12 = tbody.findElement(By.cssSelector("tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2)")).getText();
//String t22 = tbody.findElement(By.cssSelector("tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)")).getText();
//#dataTables-example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2)
//#dataTables-example > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)
//#dataTables-example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3)
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import java .io .IOException ;
import org .openqa .selenium .JavascriptExecutor ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class RunJavaScriptTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testRunningOfJavaScript () throws IOException {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor )driver ;
String title = (String )js .executeScript ("return document.title;" );
sleep (3 );
js .executeScript ("window.scrollBy(0,200)" );
sleep (3 );
js .executeScript ("window.scrollBy(0,200)" );
sleep (3 );
js .executeScript ("window.scrollBy(0,200)" );
sleep (3 );
System .out .println (title );
package com .in28minutes .webdriver .scenarios ;
import java .io .File ;
import java .io .IOException ;
import org .apache .commons .io .FileUtils ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .OutputType ;
import org .openqa .selenium .TakesScreenshot ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .in28minutes .webdriver .basics .AbstractChromeWebDriverTest ;
public class TakesScreenshotTest extends AbstractChromeWebDriverTest {
@ Test
public void testFrames () throws IOException {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/frames-example.html" );
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot )driver )
.getScreenshotAs (OutputType .FILE );
FileUtils .copyFile (screenshot ,
new File ("./target/" + driver + "-screenshot.png" ));
package com .in28minutes .selenium .crossbrowser ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .edge .EdgeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .firefox .FirefoxDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .ie .InternetExplorerDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .safari .SafariDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .Ignore ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class CrossBrowserBasicsTest {
@ Test
public void chromeBrowser () {
// Chrome
// Chrome Web Driver EXE
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void firefoxBrowser () {
// Firefox
// Firefox Web Driver EXE
WebDriverManager .firefoxdriver ().setup ();
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver ();
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void safariBrowser () {
// Safari
// Make sure you set Develop | Allow Remote Automation option from Safari's main
// menu
// Could not create a session: You must enable the 'Allow Remote Automation'
// option in Safari's Develop menu to control Safari via WebDriver.
// Safari Web Driver EXE
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver ();
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
@ Ignore
public void ieBrowser () {
WebDriverManager .iedriver ().setup ();
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver ();
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
@ Ignore
public void edgeBrowser () {
WebDriverManager .edgedriver ().setup ();
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver ();
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
private void sleep (int i ) {
try {
Thread .sleep (i * 1000 );
} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e .printStackTrace ();
package com .in28minutes .selenium .crossbrowser .framework ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .firefox .FirefoxDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .Optional ;
import org .testng .annotations .Parameters ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class CrossBrowserFrameworkTest {
WebDriver driver = null ;
@ Parameters ("browser" )
@ BeforeTest
public void before (@ Optional ("chrome" ) String browser ) {
if (browser .equals ("chrome" )) {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
} else if (browser .equals ("firefox" )){
WebDriverManager .firefoxdriver ().setup ();
driver = new FirefoxDriver ();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException ("Does not support browser + " + browser );
@ Test
public void launchTablesPage () {
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
@ Test
public void launchIndexPage () {
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
@ AfterTest
public void afterTest () {
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .selenium .crossbrowser ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeOptions ;
import org .openqa .selenium .firefox .FirefoxDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .firefox .FirefoxOptions ;
import org .openqa .selenium .phantomjs .PhantomJSDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class HeadlessBrowserBasicsTest {
@ Test
public void chromeBrowser () {
// Chrome
// Chrome Web Driver EXE
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void chromeBrowserHeadlessBrowsing () {
// Chrome
// Chrome Web Driver EXE
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions ();
options .setHeadless (true );
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver (options );
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void firefoxBrowser () {
// Firefox
// Firefox Web Driver EXE
WebDriverManager .firefoxdriver ().setup ();
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver ();
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void firefoxBrowserHeadlessBrowsing () {
// Firefox
// Firefox Web Driver EXE
WebDriverManager .firefoxdriver ().setup ();
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions ();
options .setHeadless (true );
// WebDriver Interface - Create an instance of the web driver of the browser
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver (options );
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void phanthomJS () {
WebDriverManager .phantomjs ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new PhantomJSDriver ();
// Launch a web page
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/tables.html" );
sleep (5 );
driver .quit ();
private void sleep (int i ) {
try {
Thread .sleep (i * 1000 );
} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e .printStackTrace ();
package com .in28minutes .datadriventests ;
import java .io .File ;
import org .apache .poi .openxml4j .opc .OPCPackage ;
import org .apache .poi .ss .usermodel .Cell ;
import org .apache .poi .ss .usermodel .Sheet ;
import org .apache .poi .ss .usermodel .Workbook ;
import org .apache .poi .ss .usermodel .WorkbookFactory ;
public class ExcelReadUtil {
public static String [][] readExcelInto2DArray (String excelFilePath ,
String sheetName , int totalCols ) {
File file = new File (excelFilePath );
String [][] tabArray = null ;
try {
OPCPackage opcPackage = OPCPackage .open (file .getAbsolutePath ());
Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory .create (opcPackage );
Sheet sheet = wb .getSheet (sheetName );
int totalRows = sheet .getLastRowNum () + 1 ;
tabArray = new String [totalRows ][totalCols ];
for (int i = 0 ; i < totalRows ; i ++) {
for (int j = 0 ; j < totalCols ; j ++) {
Cell cell = sheet .getRow (i ).getCell (j );
//System.out.println(cell + " " + i + " " + j);
if (cell == null )
continue ;
switch (cell .getCellType ()) {
tabArray [i ][j ] = String .valueOf (cell .getBooleanCellValue ());
break ;
tabArray [i ][j ] = String .valueOf (cell .getNumericCellValue ());
break ;
tabArray [i ][j ] = cell .getStringCellValue ();
break ;
default :
tabArray [i ][j ] = "" ;
break ;
} catch (Exception e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
throw new RuntimeException (e );
return tabArray ;
package com .in28minutes .datadriventests ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertTrue ;
import java .io .FileReader ;
import java .io .IOException ;
import java .util .Arrays ;
import java .util .Iterator ;
import java .util .List ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .DataProvider ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import com .opencsv .CSVReader ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class LoginDataProviderCompleteCsvTest {
//Data Provider public java.util.List com.in28minutes.datadriventests.
//must return either Object[][] or Object[] or Iterator<Object[]>
//or Iterator<Object>, not interface java.util.List
// Create the Data Provider and give the data provider a name
@ DataProvider (name = "user-ids-passwords-csv-data-provider" )
public Iterator <String []> userIdsAndPasswordsCSVDataProvider () {
return readFromCSVFile ("./src/test/resources/login-data.csv" ).iterator ();
// Use the data provider
@ Test (dataProvider = "user-ids-passwords-csv-data-provider" )
public void testLoginForAllScenarios (String userId , String password , String isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessfulString ) {
boolean isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessful = Boolean .valueOf (isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessfulString );
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("name" )).sendKeys (userId );
// driver.findElement(By.id("name")).sendKeys("in28minutes");
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys (password );
passwordElement .submit ();
// driver.findElement(By.id("submit")).click();
if (isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessful ) {
String welcomeMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("welcome-message" )).getText ();
assertTrue (welcomeMessageText .contains ("Welcome " + userId ));
} else {
String errorMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("error-message" )).getText ();
assertEquals (errorMessageText , "Invalid Credentials" );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void testReadingDataFromCSV () throws IOException {
List <String []> data = readFromCSVFile ("./src/test/resources/login-data.csv" );
for (String [] row : data ) {
System .out .println (Arrays .toString (row ));
private List <String []> readFromCSVFile (String csvFilePath ) {
try {
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader (new FileReader (csvFilePath ));
List <String []> data = reader .readAll ();
return data ;
} catch (Exception e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
throw new RuntimeException (e );
package com .in28minutes .datadriventests ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertTrue ;
import java .util .Arrays ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .DataProvider ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class LoginDataProviderCompleteExcelTest {
//Create the Data Provider and give the data provider a name
@ DataProvider (name ="user-ids-passwords-excel-data-provider" )
public String [][] userIdsAndPasswordsDataProvider () {
return ExcelReadUtil .readExcelInto2DArray (
"./src/test/resources/login-data.xlsx" , "Sheet1" , 3 );
//Use the data provider
@ Test (dataProvider ="user-ids-passwords-excel-data-provider" )
public void testLoginForAllScenarios (String userId ,
String password , String isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessfulString ) {
boolean isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessful =
Boolean .valueOf (isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessfulString );
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("name" )).sendKeys (userId );
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys (password );
passwordElement .submit ();
// driver.findElement(By.id("submit")).click();
if (isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessful ) {
String welcomeMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("welcome-message" )).getText ();
assertTrue (welcomeMessageText .contains ("Welcome " + userId ));
} else {
String errorMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("error-message" )).getText ();
assertEquals (errorMessageText ,"Invalid Credentials" );
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void readFromExcel () {
//[[in28minutes, dummy, true], [adam, adam, false],
//[adam, adam@123, true], [eve, eve, false]]
String [][] data = ExcelReadUtil .readExcelInto2DArray (
"./src/test/resources/login-data.xlsx" , "Sheet1" , 3 );
System .out .println (Arrays .deepToString (data ));
package com .in28minutes .datadriventests ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertTrue ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .DataProvider ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class LoginDataProviderCompleteTest {
//Create the Data Provider and give the data provider a name
@ DataProvider (name ="user-ids-passwords-data-provider" )
public Object [][] userIdsAndPasswordsDataProvider () {
return new Object [][]{
{"in28minutes" ,"dummy" , true },
{"adam" ,"adam" , false },
{"adam" ,"adam@123" , true },
{"eve" ,"eve" ,false },
{"eve" ,"eve@123" , true },
//Use the data provider
@ Test (dataProvider ="user-ids-passwords-data-provider" )
public void testLoginForAllScenarios (String userId ,
String password , boolean isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessful ) {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("name" )).sendKeys (userId );
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys (password );
passwordElement .submit ();
// driver.findElement(By.id("submit")).click();
if (isLoginExpectedToBeSuccessful ) {
String welcomeMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("welcome-message" )).getText ();
assertTrue (welcomeMessageText .contains ("Welcome " + userId ));
} else {
String errorMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("error-message" )).getText ();
assertEquals (errorMessageText ,"Invalid Credentials" );
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .datadriventests ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class SuccessfulLoginBasicTest {
@ Test
public void testLoginWithIn28Minutes () {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("name" )).sendKeys ("in28minutes" );
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys ("dummy" );
passwordElement .submit ();
// driver.findElement(By.id("submit")).click();
// welcome-message
System .out .println (driver .findElement (By .id ("welcome-message" )).getText ());
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .datadriventests ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class UnSuccessfulLoginBasicTest {
@ Test
public void testUnsuccessfulLoginWithIn28Minutes () {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("name" )).sendKeys ("in28minutes" );
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys ("" );
passwordElement .submit ();
// driver.findElement(By.id("submit")).click();
// welcome-message
String errorMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("error-message" )).getText ();
System .out .println (errorMessageText );
assertEquals (errorMessageText ,"Invalid Credentials" );
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .datadriventests ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .DataProvider ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class UnSuccessfulLoginDataDrivenBasicTest {
//Create the Data Provider and give the data provider a name
@ DataProvider (name ="user-ids-data-provider" )
public String [] userIdsDataProvider () {
return new String []{"in28minutes" ,"adam" ,"eve" };
//Use the data provider
@ Test (dataProvider ="user-ids-data-provider" )
public void testUnsuccessfulLoginWithIn28Minutes (String userId ) {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("name" )).sendKeys (userId );
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys ("" );
passwordElement .submit ();
// driver.findElement(By.id("submit")).click();
// welcome-message
String errorMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("error-message" )).getText ();
System .out .println (errorMessageText );
assertEquals (errorMessageText ,"Invalid Credentials" );
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .datadriventests ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .DataProvider ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class UnSuccessfulLoginDataDrivenLevel1Test {
//Create the Data Provider and give the data provider a name
@ DataProvider (name ="user-ids-passwords-data-provider" )
public String [][] userIdsAndPasswordsDataProvider () {
return new String [][]{
{"in28minutes" ,"in28minutes" },
{"adam" ,"adam" },
{"eve" ,"eve" },
//Use the data provider
@ Test (dataProvider ="user-ids-passwords-data-provider" )
public void testUnsuccessfulLoginWithIn28Minutes (String userId , String password ) {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("name" )).sendKeys (userId );
WebElement passwordElement = driver .findElement (By .id ("password" ));
passwordElement .sendKeys (password );
passwordElement .submit ();
// driver.findElement(By.id("submit")).click();
// welcome-message
String errorMessageText = driver .findElement (By .id ("error-message" )).getText ();
System .out .println (errorMessageText );
assertEquals (errorMessageText ,"Invalid Credentials" );
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
public class ListTodoPage {
private WebDriver driver ;
public ListTodoPage (WebDriver driver ) {
super ();
this .driver = driver ;
//get description for id
//desc- + id
public String getDescription (String id ) {
return driver .findElement (By .id ("desc-" + id )).getText ();
//get target date for id
public String getTargetDate (String id ) {
return driver .findElement (By .id ("targetdate-" + id )).getText ();
//click update for a id
public void clickUpdateFor (String id ) {
driver .findElement (By .id ("update-" + id )).click ();
//delete a id
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .FindBy ;
public class LoginPage {
private WebDriver driver ;
public LoginPage (WebDriver driver ) {
super ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
this .driver = driver ;
//Name Text Box
@ FindBy (id ="name" )
WebElement name ;
//Password Text Box
@ FindBy (id ="password" )
WebElement password ;
//Submit Button
@ FindBy (id ="submit" )
WebElement submitButton ;
public void enterName (String nameToEnter ) {
name .sendKeys (nameToEnter );
public void enterPassword (String passwordToEnter ) {
password .sendKeys (passwordToEnter );
public void submit () {
submitButton .submit ();
public void login (String name , String password ) {
enterName (name );
enterPassword (password );
submit ();
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .FindBy ;
public class TodoPage {
private WebDriver driver ;
public TodoPage (WebDriver driver ) {
super ();
this .driver = driver ;
@ FindBy (id ="desc" )
private WebElement description ;
@ FindBy (id ="targetDate" )
private WebElement targetDate ;
@ FindBy (id ="save" )
private WebElement saveButton ;
public void enterDescription (String desc ) {
description .clear ();
description .sendKeys (desc );
public void enterTargetDate (String date ) {
targetDate .clear ();
targetDate .sendKeys (date );
public void submit () {
saveButton .submit ();
public void enterDetailsAndSubmit (String desc ,String targetDate ) {
enterDescription (desc );
enterTargetDate (targetDate );
submit ();
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .PageFactory ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class UpdateTodoBasicTest {
WebDriver driver ;
@ BeforeTest
public void beforeTest () {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ Test
public void loginPageObject () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
LoginPage page = PageFactory .initElements (driver , LoginPage .class );
System .out .println (page .name .getAttribute ("type" ));//text
System .out .println (page .password .getAttribute ("type" ));//password
@ Test
public void updateTodo () {
LoginPage page = PageFactory .initElements (driver , LoginPage .class );
page .login ("in28minutes" , "dummy" );
driver .findElement (By .linkText ("Click here" )).click ();
ListTodoPage listTodoPage = new ListTodoPage (driver );
listTodoPage .clickUpdateFor ("10002" );
TodoPage todoPage = PageFactory .initElements (driver , TodoPage .class );
todoPage .enterDescription ("Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
todoPage .enterTargetDate ("12/09/2019" );
todoPage .submit ();
assertEquals (listTodoPage .getDescription ("10002" ),
"Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
assertEquals (listTodoPage .getTargetDate ("10002" ), "12/09/2019" );
@ AfterTest
public void afterTest () {
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class UpdateTodoBasicTest1BeforePageObjects {
WebDriver driver ;
@ BeforeTest
public void beforeTest () {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ Test
public void updateTodo () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
// LoginPage page = PageFactory.initElements(driver, LoginPage.class);
driver .findElement (By .id ("name" )).sendKeys ("in28minutes" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("password" )).sendKeys ("dummy" );
driver .findElement (By .id ("submit" )).submit ();
//Click here - Link Text - click
driver .findElement (By .linkText ("Click here" )).click ();
//id update-10002 click
driver .findElement (By .id ("update-10002" )).click ();
//id desc
WebElement desc = driver .findElement (By .id ("desc" ));
desc .clear ();
desc .sendKeys ("Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
//id targetDate
WebElement targetDate = driver .findElement (By .id ("targetDate" ));
targetDate .clear ();
targetDate .sendKeys ("12/09/2019" );
//save submit
driver .findElement (By .id ("save" )).submit ();
//check desc-10002
String updatedDesc = driver .findElement (By .id ("desc-10002" )).getText ();
//check targetdate-10002
String updatedTargetDate = driver .findElement (By .id ("targetdate-10002" )).getText ();
//Become a Tech Guru - 2
assertEquals (updatedDesc , "Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
assertEquals (updatedTargetDate , "12/09/2019" );
@ AfterTest
public void afterTest () {
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .PageFactory ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class UpdateTodoBasicTest2AfterLoginPage {
WebDriver driver ;
@ BeforeTest
public void beforeTest () {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ Test
public void loginPageObject () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
LoginPage page = PageFactory .initElements (driver , LoginPage .class );
System .out .println (page .name .getAttribute ("type" ));//text
System .out .println (page .password .getAttribute ("type" ));//password
@ Test
public void updateTodo () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
LoginPage page = PageFactory .initElements (driver , LoginPage .class );
page .login ("in28minutes" , "dummy" );
//Click here - Link Text - click
driver .findElement (By .linkText ("Click here" )).click ();
//id update-10002 click
driver .findElement (By .id ("update-10002" )).click ();
//id desc
WebElement desc = driver .findElement (By .id ("desc" ));
desc .clear ();
desc .sendKeys ("Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
//id targetDate
WebElement targetDate = driver .findElement (By .id ("targetDate" ));
targetDate .clear ();
targetDate .sendKeys ("12/09/2019" );
//save submit
driver .findElement (By .id ("save" )).submit ();
//check desc-10002
String updatedDesc = driver .findElement (By .id ("desc-10002" )).getText ();
//check targetdate-10002
String updatedTargetDate = driver .findElement (By .id ("targetdate-10002" )).getText ();
//Become a Tech Guru - 2
assertEquals (updatedDesc , "Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
assertEquals (updatedTargetDate , "12/09/2019" );
@ AfterTest
public void afterTest () {
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebElement ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .PageFactory ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class UpdateTodoBasicTest3AfterListTodoPage {
WebDriver driver ;
@ BeforeTest
public void beforeTest () {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ Test
public void loginPageObject () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
LoginPage page = PageFactory .initElements (driver , LoginPage .class );
System .out .println (page .name .getAttribute ("type" ));//text
System .out .println (page .password .getAttribute ("type" ));//password
@ Test
public void updateTodo () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
LoginPage page = PageFactory .initElements (driver , LoginPage .class );
page .login ("in28minutes" , "dummy" );
//Click here - Link Text - click
driver .findElement (By .linkText ("Click here" )).click ();
//id update-10002 click
driver .findElement (By .id ("update-10002" )).click ();
TodoPage todoPage = PageFactory .initElements (driver , TodoPage .class );
todoPage .enterDescription ("Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
todoPage .enterTargetDate ("12/09/2019" );
todoPage .submit ();
//check desc-10002
String updatedDesc = driver .findElement (By .id ("desc-10002" )).getText ();
//check targetdate-10002
String updatedTargetDate = driver .findElement (By .id ("targetdate-10002" )).getText ();
//Become a Tech Guru - 2
assertEquals (updatedDesc , "Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
assertEquals (updatedTargetDate , "12/09/2019" );
@ AfterTest
public void afterTest () {
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import static org .testng .Assert .assertEquals ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .support .PageFactory ;
import org .testng .annotations .AfterTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .BeforeTest ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class UpdateTodoBasicTest5AfterExercises {
WebDriver driver ;
@ BeforeTest
public void beforeTest () {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
driver = new ChromeDriver ();
@ Test
public void loginPageObject () {
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/login" );
LoginPage page = PageFactory .initElements (driver , LoginPage .class );
// driver.findElement(By.id("name")).getAttribute("type")
System .out .println (page .name .getAttribute ("type" ));// text
// driver.findElement(By.id("password")).getAttribute("type")
System .out .println (page .password .getAttribute ("type" ));// password
@ Test
public void updateTodo () {
LoginPage page = PageFactory .initElements (driver , LoginPage .class );
page .login ("in28minutes" , "dummy" );
new WelcomePage (driver ).clickTodosLink ();
ListTodoPage listTodoPage = new ListTodoPage (driver );
listTodoPage .clickUpdateFor ("10002" );
TodoPage todoPage = PageFactory .initElements (driver , TodoPage .class );
todoPage .enterDetailsAndSubmit ("Become a Tech Guru - 2" , "12/09/2019" );
assertEquals (listTodoPage .getDescription ("10002" ), "Become a Tech Guru - 2" );
assertEquals (listTodoPage .getTargetDate ("10002" ), "12/09/2019" );
@ AfterTest
public void afterTest () {
driver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes .pageobjects .updatetodo ;
import org .openqa .selenium .By ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
public class WelcomePage {
private WebDriver driver ;
public WelcomePage (WebDriver driver ) {
super ();
this .driver = driver ;
public void clickTodosLink () {
driver .findElement (By .linkText ("Click here" )).click ();
package com .in28minutes ;
import java .net .MalformedURLException ;
import java .net .URL ;
import org .openqa .selenium .Platform ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .remote .DesiredCapabilities ;
import org .openqa .selenium .remote .RemoteWebDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class SeleniumHubTest {
//selenium-standalone start -- -role hub
//Nodes should register to
//Clients should connect to
//selenium-standalone start -- -role node -hub
//selenium-standalone start -- -role node -port 5556 -hub
@ Test (threadPoolSize =2 , invocationCount =4 )
public void hub_chrome () throws MalformedURLException , InterruptedException {
DesiredCapabilities capabilites = new DesiredCapabilities ();
//chrome, firefox, htmlunit, internet explorer, iphone, opera
capabilites .setBrowserName ("chrome" );
//WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
WebDriver remoteDriver = new RemoteWebDriver (
new URL ("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" ), capabilites );
// Location of Standaloneserver
// Which Browser? Which OS? => Capabilities
remoteDriver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
System .out .println (remoteDriver .getCurrentUrl ());
System .out .println (remoteDriver .getTitle ());
Thread .sleep (10000 );
remoteDriver .quit ();
@ Test (threadPoolSize =2 , invocationCount =4 )
public void hub_firefox () throws MalformedURLException , InterruptedException {
DesiredCapabilities capabilites = new DesiredCapabilities ();
//chrome, firefox, htmlunit, internet explorer, iphone, opera
capabilites .setBrowserName ("firefox" );
//WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
WebDriver remoteDriver = new RemoteWebDriver (
new URL ("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" ), capabilites );
// Location of Standaloneserver
// Which Browser? Which OS? => Capabilities
remoteDriver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
System .out .println (remoteDriver .getCurrentUrl ());
System .out .println (remoteDriver .getTitle ());
Thread .sleep (10000 );
remoteDriver .quit ();
package com .in28minutes ;
import java .net .MalformedURLException ;
import java .net .URL ;
import org .openqa .selenium .WebDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .chrome .ChromeDriver ;
import org .openqa .selenium .remote .DesiredCapabilities ;
import org .openqa .selenium .remote .RemoteWebDriver ;
import org .testng .annotations .Test ;
import io .github .bonigarcia .wdm .WebDriverManager ;
public class SeleniumStandAloneTest {
@ Test
public void basic () {
WebDriverManager .chromedriver ().setup ();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
System .out .println (driver .getCurrentUrl ());
System .out .println (driver .getTitle ());
driver .quit ();
@ Test
public void standalone () throws MalformedURLException , InterruptedException {
DesiredCapabilities capabilites = new DesiredCapabilities ();
//chrome, firefox, htmlunit, internet explorer, iphone, opera
capabilites .setBrowserName ("chrome" );
//WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
WebDriver remoteDriver = new RemoteWebDriver (
new URL ("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" ), capabilites );
// Location of Standaloneserver
// Which Browser? Which OS? => Capabilities
remoteDriver .get ("http://localhost:8080/pages/index.html" );
System .out .println (remoteDriver .getCurrentUrl ());
System .out .println (remoteDriver .getTitle ());
Thread .sleep (15000 );
remoteDriver .quit ();