review stdout and stderr logs, should be stacked in right order -> list of type, cmd, cwd, type, msg, etc.
disable execute button, when all jobs are done
have some macros for app tabs - check locally that it is a soundworks app - [ ] launch server and clients --> need to choose the config - [ ] update app - [ ] etc.
list of connected / disconnected clients issue (??)
add button for led test
client should restart when loosing connection, define why check journalctl logs
upgrade dotpi-manager per client when not in sync
store current tab
kill doesn't work at all
- move back to terminate
- prevent launching command in sudo
check process is closed when panel is deleted
empty command crashes the client
problem with fork - [x] sudo issue -> replaced
w/sudo kill pid
reboot does not work
remove hostname from all lists on disconnect
sync feedback does not work
remove launcher from thing client
dotpi-list should not scroll (cf. firefox)
maybe do not propagate rsync errors (?)
- implement control panels
- fix filter list select/unselect all
- logs in right order: newer on bottom
- filter logs
- sync
- feedback in controller if discrepancies with versions
- report errors from server (e.g. rsync) into controller
- review panel layout
- store screen position into local storage cf. implement in sc-components
- fix text input to prevent new lines cf. ircam-ismm/sc-components#36
- add placeholder for filter / update on @input cf. ircam-ismm/sc-components#36
- use id as opposed to label in sc-tab controller cf. ircam-ismm/sc-components#40
- highlight icons when one in list is active, mainly for execute, sync) cf. ircam-ismm/sc-components#29
- use index from plugin check to create hostname
- do not crash is audioContext fails to start
- white noise
- sweep
- general volume button