- insert iframe of the tutorial result at the beginning and end of each tutorial
- favicon and navbar logo
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="./favicon.ico">
vuejs/vitepress#560 - Search bar
- What is this site and target audience
- Web Technologies for musical and artistic creation.
- Content and limits
- Mix of "lectures" and "hands-on"
- No external audio libraries, only for GUIs
- Try to support complete beginners
- No build tools
- Not focused on language(s), many good resources on the Web
- The order has been defined to make a progression
- Focused on Mac, contributions welcome to give some support to Windows users
- Contributing
- If you have ideas or find any issue, typo fill an issue
- PR welcome e.g. platform specific info Windows, Linux should be added, etc. new tutorials
- Other resources on Web Audio
- mailing list
- webaudio slack
- https://github.com/notthetup/awesome-webaudio
- Understanding the guts of a Web page:
- client/server architecture
- network protocols
- programming languages
- mention W3C -> info block
- rename to "Generalities"
- move iframes into
- Setting up a development environment
- Develop a simple web page using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- sharing the styles
- add some interaction
- shutdown the server
- going further with HTML and CSS
- Web Audio API - Introduction
- Oscillators and Audio files
- Amplitude modulation synthesis
- @ircam/create
- Using a GUI library
- redo recording
- integrate Victor's schemas about AM theory
- Encapsulating logic
- Reusable feedback delay
- Scheduling events: clocks and scheduling
- Lookahead scheduler principles
- Implement a simple scheduler
- Create a granular synthesizer
- Download sample
- Create a step sequencer
- Mini-catart
- AudioBus and setTargetAtTime
- Using a package manager and a bundler
- Going embedded with the node-web-audio-api
- Extending native AudioNodes
- Using AudioWorklet (?)
- share credits with
- review to integrate
- review to integrate
- Doc websites: share common styles and config into own package
- @ircam/vitepress-templates
- Generate pdf from markdown: https://github.com/foliojs/pdfkit/blob/master/docs/generate.js