Well be using minkube to setup our local k8 cluster. Install minikube[https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/] and kubectl[https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/].
minikube start
minkube dashboard
Now switch to another terminal
First we will get the database running with persistant volume:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployments/db-core-deployment.yaml
Exposing the postgres container:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/services/db-core-service.yaml
kubectl get svc db-core
We will now create/mount the volumes:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/persistent-volumes/db-core-volume.yaml
We can check if the db pods are running:
kubectl get pods
You can enter into the postgres shell by executing the following command:
kubectl exec -it db-core-deployment-57d8f9746c-5dfnm psql "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/puppylove"
First we will apply the environment configuration stored in kubernetes/configs/backend-core-config.yaml
which is of the following format(you can change this):
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: backend-core-config
POSTGRES_HOST : "db-core"
POSTGRES_DB : "puppylove"
POSTGRES_USER : "postgres"
CFG_ADMIN_PASS : "something"
ADMIN_ID : "admin1"
ADMIN_PASS : "admin2"
USER_JWT_SIGNING_KEY : "something"
HEART_JWT_SIGNING_KEY : "something2"
DOMAIN : "localhost"
EMAIL_ID : "[email protected]"
EMAIL_PASS : "hello"
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/configs/backend-core-config.yaml
Now deploy the backend pod with the env variables above:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployments/backend-core-deployments.yaml
We can also expose this backend to the outside network:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/services/backend-service.yaml
kubectl get svc backend-core
You can enter into the container shell:
kubectl exec -it backend-core-deployment-58cf59cfdd-c9xcb /bin/bash
Now you should have a running backend and database. Enter into the backend shell and try to execute some api's using curl.
https://medium.com/@wu.victor.95/deploying-with-kubernetes-d3a9e9aad767 https://medium.com/@wu.victor.95/deploying-with-kubernetes-pt-2-645434c84af3