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Traffic Light Detection and Classification Model

Environment Setup

Conda Environment

The conda environment carnd-term3 currently just includes tensorflow==1.3 because not every team member has access to a NVIDA graphic card. For model training with GPU support change tensorflow==1.3 to tensorflow-gpu==1.3 in the environment.yml file and update your conda environment.

Setup the conda environment carnd-term3:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Update the conda environment carnd-term3:

conda env update -f environment.yml

Installation of the Tensorflow Object Detection API

The conda environment environment.yml already includes all required packages and library. So just start with the Protobuf compilation and path setups.

Required Directory Layout

|-- tl_model
    |-- datasets
    |-- dataset_bosch_small_tlr
    |   |-- dataset_test_rgb
    |   `-- dataset_train_rgb
    |-- dataset_lara
    |   `-- Lara3D_UrbanSeq1_JPG
    |-- dataset_sdcnd_capstone
    |   |-- real_training_data
    |   `-- sim_training_data
    `-- model
        `-- research
            |-- object_detection
            |   |-- ...
            |   |-- test_images
            |   |-- tl_model_config
            |   |   `-- rfcn_resnet101_coco_2017_11_08
            |   |-- tl_model_eval
            |   |-- tl_model_freeze
            |   |-- tl_model_test_results
            |   `-- tl_model_training
            `-- slim

Traffic Light R-FCN Model

Background information, performance and runtime analysis results can be read in this paper R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks, Jifeng Dai Yi (Microsoft Research), Li∗ Kaiming (Tsinghua University), He Jian Sun (Microsoft Research).

How to train the model

  1. Ensure the conda environment carnd-term3 is installed and activated
    • INFO: The current Tensorflow Object-Detection API requires Tensorflow v1.4. For the final submission we have to use Tensorflow v1.3. The frozen model is compatible to v1.3.
  2. Download the datasets and setup the directory layout as described above.
  3. Download the pre-trained model from the Tensorflow detection model zoo
  4. Prepare Tensorflow object detection API according these instructions
    • All required packages are already installed in the conda environment carnd-term3
    • Each time you open a new terminal, ensure you've updated the python path in the model/research/ directory. Alternatively, you can add the path into your .baschrc.
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim
  5. Convert the dataset to TFRecord format
    • Currently the Bosch Small Traffic light and the Capstone (sim+real) datasets are converted. The LARA dataset consists of several ambiguous labels and thus is ignored for the first test runs.
    • The following command splits the dataset into a 95% training and 5% test set without image augmentation.
    python \
           --train_output_file datasets/train_bosch_capstone.record \
           --test_output_file datasets/test_bosch_capstone.record \
           --train_ratio 0.95 \
           --augmentation_rate 0.0
    • The following command splits the dataset into a 95% training and 5% test set with 65% image augmentation and total number of images (train + test set) of 20.000 images.
    python \
           --train_output_file datasets/train_bosch_capstone_augmented.record \
           --test_output_file datasets/test_bosch_capstone_augmented.record \
           --train_ratio 0.95 \
           --augmentation_rate 0.65 \
           --number_images 20000
    • To visualize the content of the TFRecord file the following tool can be used.
    python --show_tfrecord ../../../datasets/train_bosch_capstone_augmented.record --waitkey
  6. Change to the directory to CarND-Capstone/tl_model/model/research/object_detection
  7. Prepare the model configuration in CarND-Capstone/tl_model/model/research/object_detection/tl_model_config
    • The rfcn_resnet101_coco_traffic_light.config specifies the whole training process. In the train_config chapter you can find some hyperparameters like the batch_size, the learning_rateand the num_steps.
  8. Run the model training
    python \
           --logtostderr \
           --train_dir=tl_model_training/ \
    • All checkpoints are stored in CarND-Capstone/tl_model/model/research/object_detection/tl_model_training
    • If you need the checkpoints, move the content of this directory to a safe place before you run the training.
  9. Run the evaluation script in a separate terminal. This script performs a TL inference after each checkpoint and shows the PASCAL measures and 30 test images including detected traffic lights with a score >= 0.5 in Tensorboard.
    python \
           --logtostderr \
           --pipeline_config_path tl_model_config/rfcn_resnet101_coco_traffic_light.config \
           --checkpoint_dir tl_model_training \
           --eval_dir tl_model_eval
  10. Run Tensorboard in order to check the total loss value. In case the total loss, the individual losses of the box classifier (classification and localization) or the RPN (region proposal network) start to fluctuate, adjust the batch size and learning rate in the rfcn_resnet101_coco_traffic_light.config file.
    tensorboard --logdir training:tl_model_training,evaluation:tl_model_eval
  11. Freeze the model after successful training
    python \
            --input_type image_tensor \
            --pipeline_config_path tl_model_config/rfcn_resnet101_coco_traffic_light.config \
            --trained_checkpoint_prefix tl_model_training/model.ckpt-305 \
            --output_directory tl_model_freeze
  • Choose the checkpoint you like to freeze by changing the number in tl_model_training/model.ckpt-305.
  • The frozen model is stored in CarND-Capstone/tl_model/model/research/object_detection/tl_model_freeze
  1. Test the trained model in the jupyter notebook
    jupyter notebook
    • Open the object_detection_tl_test.ipynb notebook and run all steps excepting the Prepare R-FCN Resnet-101 Coco Model. The code loads the pre-trained model instead of the traffic light model. You can use this code in order to analyze the performance of the pre-trained model without the specific traffic light color classification.
    • Alternatively, the model can be tested by the following python script.
    python -m tl_model_freeze/frozen_inference_graph.pb --run_test_images --waitkey
  2. The following script runs the PASCAL measurement which calculates the average precision and the precision for each individual class (undefined, red, yellow and greed) on the given test dataset.
    python -m tl_model_freeze/frozen_inference_graph.pb --run_pascal ../../../datasets/test_capstone.record

Good Luck!


To get a first impression about the dataset, run the with the following arguments. It plays a short video with all labeled traffic lights for the Bosch Small Traffic Light, the LARA and the SDCND Capstone Dataset.

python \
  --bosch_label_file datasets/dataset_bosch_small_tlr/dataset_train_rgb/train.yaml \
  --lara_label_file datasets/dataset_lara/Lara_UrbanSeq1_GroundTruth_GT.txt \
  --capstone_label_file datasets/dataset_sdcnd_capstone/real_training_data/real_data_annotations.yaml \
  --show_images \

Integration into TL Model Training SW-Component

The integration of the DatasetHandleris straight forward.

  1. Initialize the DatasetHandler with the desired output image size (width, height)
  2. Read all desired datasets. Each read_all_...() method call concatenates the dataset to the internal one.
  3. Split the internal dataset into a training and a validation dataset.
  4. Setup a training and a validation generator with the desired batch size and augmentation rate.
# initialize the DatasetHandler with the model input layer size (image size)
dataset_handler = DatasetHandler(width=1024, height=768)

# read desired datasets
dataset_handler.read_all_bosch_labels('path to Bosch training yaml file')
dataset_handler.read_all_lara_labels('path to LARA ground truth txt file')
dataset_handler.read_all_capstone_labels('path to capstone real data yaml file')
dataset_handler.read_all_capstone_labels('path to capstone sim data yaml file')

# shuffles and splits the dataset into a 80% training and a 20% test, resp. validation set
train_samples, validation_samples = dataset_handler.split_dataset(train_size=0.8)

# initialize generators for model training and validation with a
# batch size of 128 and 65% augmentation rate
train_generator = dataset_handler.generator(train_samples, batch_size=128, augmentation_rate=0.65)
validation_generator = dataset_handler.generator(validation_samples, batch_size=128, augmentation_rate=0.65)

# start model training...

Convenient Methods for Dataset Loading

In order to load all available dataset at once use the following method.

Attention: In order to ensure a correct dataset preparation, setup the directory layout exactly as described in the chapter "Environment Setup" above.


Generator Output

The generator() outputs a list with sample images (see left image below) and list with the ground truth images (see right image below). The list contains batch_size RGB images in the specified size [width, height, 3]. Alternatively, all bounding boxes instead of the ground truth image, can be returned as well. The bounding boxes are required to train the network with for the Tensorflow Object-Detection API.

Generator output

The image above can be generated with the following arguments:

python \
  --bosch_label_file datasets/dataset_bosch_small_tlr/dataset_train_rgb/train.yaml \
  --lara_label_file datasets/dataset_lara/Lara_UrbanSeq1_GroundTruth_GT.txt \
  --capstone_label_file datasets/dataset_sdcnd_capstone/real_training_data/real_data_annotations.yaml \
  --show_generator \

Ground Truth Color Coding

Annotation RGB Color-Code
GT_TL_RED 0xFF0000

Augmentation Results

In total 65% of the whole dataset has been augmented by the following methods. The augmentation methods are combined with its own probability.

  • random translation: tx_max=+/-70, ty_max=+70, probability=50%
  • random horizontal flip, probability=50%
  • random brightness, probability=50%

Generator Label Heatmnap All

Generator Label Heatmnap Red, Yellow, Green, Off


All labeled traffic lights are visualized with the following colored bounding boxes.

Class Color
All variants of Red, RedLeft, RedRight,... Red
Yellow Yellow
All variants of Green, GreenLeft, GreenRight,... Green
Off, backside, side view,... Grey

Bosch Small Traffic Light Dataset


Attribute Description
Number of images 5093
Number of labeled traffic lights 10756
Image shape 1280x720x3
Image format 8 bit RGB, reconstructed from RIIB 12 bit (red-clear-clear-blue), size = 1280x736

Bosch Label Image Example

Bosch Label Histogram

The following plots display a heatmap of label positions of the class red, yellow, green and off. All other label classes like RedLeft, GreenRight, etc. are filtered out because they are not relevant for our specific TL model.

Bosch Label Heatmap All

Bosch Label Heatmap Red, Yellow, Green, Off

SDCND Capstone Dataset


Real Data (ROS Bags)

Attribute Description
Number of images 159
Number of labeled traffic lights 159
Image shape 1368x1096x3
Image format 8 bit RGB

SDCND Capstone Label Image Example

The following plots display a heatmap of label positions of the class red, yellow, green and off. The class off is currently not available in the SDCND Capstone dataset.

SDCND Capstone Label Heatmap All

SDCND Capstone Label Heatmap Red, Yellow, Green, Off

Udacity Simulator Data

Attribute Description
Number of images 277
Number of labeled traffic lights 670
Image shape 800x600x3
Image format 8 bit RGB

SDCND Capstone Simulator Label Image Example

The following plots display a heatmap of label positions of the class red, yellow, green and off. The class off is currently not available in the SDCND Capstone dataset.

SDCND Capstone Simulator Label Heatmap All

SDCND Capstone Simulator Label Heatmap Red, Yellow, Green, Off

LARA Dataset


Attribute Description
Number of images 6227
Number of labeled traffic lights 9167
Image shape 640x480x3
Image format 8 bit RGB

LARA Label Image Example LARA Label Image Example

The following plots display a heatmap of label positions of the class red, yellow, green and ambiguous.

The ambiguous labels are critical for training because they basically contains red, yellow and green traffic light, but with the following characteristics.

  • Reflection distortion. The region is a reflection of an object which seems to be a traffic light
  • Light shape not valid. The light of the traffic light appears circle were it is in fact a rectangle (usually due to CCD approximation or motion blur)
  • Too blurry. The traffic light is 'too' blurry during its whole timeline (usually due to vehicle turning, vehicle pitch, or potholes) (for instance, frames 3568-3616)
  • Too small. The traffic light is too small during its whole timeline. (for instance, frame 9 200)
  • Not facing the vehicle. The traffic light is not facing the vehicle but the light is still visible. (for instance, frame 9 302)
  • Lower traffic light. The small and lower traffic lights under the big one are ignored. The latter are specific to France (for instance, frame 5 260)

LARA Label Heatmap All

LARA Label Heatmap Red, Yellow, Green, Off