var context = simple.createContext();
context.compile(script, filename);
context.setEnv(k, v);
// need some notion of the "main" task/entry point
var vm = context.getVM();
task = spawn foo, 1, 2
Need to work out the final scoping rules and implement them in the parser/compiler.
- will need a dual-pass thing
- this will probably require a tree walker
Python "jump if true/false" opcodes don't pop TOS - why is this?!
There should be a way of marking functions as "safe", i.e. that they have no side effects. Could use "fun" and "def". Means that test execution environment knows it can show invocations.
All arguments become local variables. Any identifier which is assigned to becomes a local variable.
local, global statements could be used.
this will allow functions as values, too