- switched to an 18650 based 12v power supply for the portable variant:
- simple flow: usb-c in front, 12v out back
- so no need for usb pd trigger or patch cable
- also only needs a classic 5v usb source, so no need for higher volt/watt adaptors
- when loaded with 2x 9900mAh 3.7v cells, we get 4-5hrs of runtime from a full charge
- minimized base plate height and clip socket placement
- since the new battery housing is taller than prior bank, this keeps the base plate from bulking up too much
- also this makes clip insertion and socket flex more consistent, as both rows now have a thing floor or roof
- added a grommet for the cover plate wire ports to prevent wires getting pinched between plates when (re)assembling
- added a tiny (0.5mm) chamfer to bottom edge of base plate, minor print quality improvement, and feels smoother
- minor internal code cleanups towards different battery module
- moved the pwm controller grill mount point 5mm inward, improving its fan header clearance to cover plate port, especially when using the new grommet part
- Mesh walls now serve as primary vertical integration, holding the base and cover plates together rigidly, in addition to the filter snap fit itself. This was done by adding a triangular foot to the top/bottom of mesh wall sections, with corresponding shape in each plate slot channel.
- Moved the cover notch to the inner side of the filter diameter, added a corresponding notch to the base plate. With the mesh wall foot, notch is no longer useful to remove/install wall sections externally, and otherwise only presented a snag hazard to sliding wall sections. Now the new notch placements only help with filter installation from the interior only.
- NOTE: because of these changes, and many minor improvements to plate diameter maths along the way, v1.2 plates will not be compatible with v1.1 parts.
- total cost is down marginally ( -2 hours print time and -$3 bom cost )
- reworked duo 3mf project
- all base variants and wall variants in one project, no portable-vs-stationary difference
- spread out joiner clip placement so that there are some on each base plate to catch some flush
- include all 4 wall section variants
- moved base labels to their bottom surface (against the build plate); this allows them so be seen without disassembling, plus should have overall higher surface quality artifacts.
- added varying wall section modes for: no dovetail, only female dovetails, only male dovetails, and both dovetail edges; this allows assembling a "hemi-loop" for the mesh wall, which can provide stronger join around the bend, at the tradeoff of being harder to assemble
- renamed test label part model files
- minor improvements to release script and base label preview mode
- switched sqadqr for native qr generation
- pulled out label text/qr particulars into customizer parameters
- internal git repository cleanups:
- fixed bosl2 submodule url
- evicted all model and image assets into git-lfs blob storage
- minor fix to release script
- remade wall section and slot shapes based on X-oriented extrusion of a profile
- the wall profile remains a simple square, while the slot is still a drafted trapezoid...
- ...for now, but this makes it easy to evolve their shapes to include a triangular foot to provide vertical holding strength
- broke up the wall vs slot test models, as this makes printing them easier
- parameterize cover notch placement, since it's about to move position in next minor revision
- clarified internal cover/base common diameter
- there's a lot slightly off with slot/wall diameter maths/metrics that v1.2 will fix, but doing so will break plate size/fit slightly
- added power bank cavity and access tunnel inside of a thicker base plate variant
- moved power port location as far left as possible; corner of power channel now comes close to base filter retention ring
- added optional grill box ears with anchor holes for a shoulder strap
- added cutout notch to cover underside, allowing easier removal of mesh wall and filter
- added positive base label models for easy multi color prints; this also makes the up-surface of the base plates smooth (when doing a multi-color print)
- changed PWM controller module to a more minimal pcb mounted thru the front of left fan grill box; removed grill window
- improved mesh wall stability:
- now thicker so that it's both stronger, and so that sections cannot overlap each other as easily when slotted
- tapered the dovetails alternating directions so that they hold together like a hinge
- but not using dovetail by default/recommendation due to how difficult they are to assemble and manage
- also added a wall bender arch to help form smooth wall bends with a heat gun
- improved strength of base and cover plate filter grips
- release candidate testing, noticed a minor layer separation break near A side cover notch
- increased thickness of the wall between the filter recess cavity and the mesh wall channel
- further trimmed base plate geometry to reduce extra added interstitial space a little
- NOTE: this change will slightly invalidate fit with prior base and cover plates, but the overall quality / strength makes it a worthy reprint
- revamped assembly preview, including parts explosion and animation
- remade wallslot geometry to be a direct path extrusion, should reduce any boundary artifacts similar to the plate remake in v1.0.2
- many minor code improvements on the way to v1.1
- dropped part kit model, slicing user can just add parts as needed
- revamped base label text to fit just inside the filter inner diameter; this is not just aesthetic, as cut text underneath the filter's rubber seal could potentially cause unintended air ingress
- increased joiner clip compression now that we've got better socket tolerance and print quality
- made the preview assembly easy to recolor
- several minor code level improvements while working towards v1.1
- added project and filter notes inside base plate
- added a user guide stub document with link embedded in QR code within base plate
- renamed most duo model files to follow an A (left) and B (right) side convention
- renamed the power channel plug model file
- many internal code cleanups and improvements while working on upcoming new features
- improved duo plate geometry, especially where half-circle transitions to a straight line; this should reduce facet-seam artifacts in the printed parts
- improved power socket internal fit, by chamfering the interior corner of the lip; this should make socket installation easier, preventing the usb-c socket from getting stuck on the lip when sliding forward into position
- added designed support inside clip socket; addressed slight roof droop/stringing, which was affecting clip tolerance
- switched to an even number of wrap wall sections, to avoid placing a join seam at the point of most strain
- made the power channel plug fit tighter, and also made its removal notch larger to ease removal with pliers
- improved base plate power socket geometry where it comes near to the mesh wall slot
- added a clip/socket fit test, and used it to make it tune socket size, allowing much easier assembly
- dropped unused fan wire channel option from the cover plate
- added textual guide and parts list based on prototype build
- expanded project level documentation including design notes, slicer setting recommendations, etc
- cleaned up and documented customizable parameters
- first dual filter prototype version completed
- TODO deprecate, minimize, or just drop power bank support
- TODO further explore 18650 integration, something like:
- minimal BMS board
- pd trigger module for input
- battery cells integrated directly into base plate cavities
- TODO support scaling down to single-stack assembly
- TODO car mount option: baseplate with a cupholder mount
- TODO support N-filter stacks with a joiner plate
- TODO support N-fan stacks, but also take care, and support inter-fan spacing
- TODO support N-assembly: straight plate mode to allow horizontal scale
- TODO inter-filter structure for duo to support additional electronics inside the mesh wall
- TODO evolve parameters, with presets for various fan/filter models
- TODO support arduino based electronics package, including an air quality sensor wing