Docker image for MariaDB version 10.4.12
Please refer to the MariaDB Documentation for more in-depth information.
As a quick example this will bring up an instance of MariaDB, and allow you to
log in with client as the user root
with the password password
docker run --rm -d -name mariadb islandora/mariadb
docker exec -ti mariadb mysql -u root --password='password'
Requires islandora/base
docker image to build. Please refer to the
Base Image README for additional information.
Port | Description |
3306 | MySQL Client Port |
Path | Description |
/var/lib/mysql | Database files |
/var/lib/mysql-files | Location to import databases via CSV/SQL files |
Environment Variable | Etcd Key | Default | Description |
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD | /mysql/root/password | password | The password for the root user account |
Path | Description |
STDOUT | [MariaDB Log] |