- Link for ebook:
- History and Overview of R
- Getting Started with R
- R Nuts and Bolts
- Getting Data In and Out of R
- Using the readr Package
- Using Textual and Binary Formate for R
- Interfaces to the Outsides Worlds
- Subsetting R Objects
- Vectorized Operations
- Dates and Times
- Managing Data Frames
- Control Stuctures
- Functions
- Scopping Rules for R
- Loop Functions
- Regular Expressions
- Debugging
- Profilling R code
- Simulation
- Data Analysis Case Study
- Parallel Computation
- link for ebook : https://compgenomr.github.io/book/
- Chapter 3: Statistics for Genomics
- Chapter 4: Exploratory Data Analysis with Unsupervised methods
- Chapter 5: Predictive Modeling with Supervised methods
- Chapter 8: RNA-seq analysis
- Chapter 9: ChIP-seq analysis
- Announce the champagne for R_homework
- The winner will present the methodologies.