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File metadata and controls

219 lines (172 loc) · 6.42 KB


This library provides some unversal features and a group of categories for UIKit and Foundation. all the categories and features are very usefull and universal, but every one is too small , so we put them together. it provides:

  • Annotation support for objc, like java annotation
  • Class Manager for COC(convention over configuration) design or construct some unconfig solution
  • extend GCD features
  • basical categories

How to use

How to use HClassManager

sometimes you want to get all the sub class of a baseClass, or you want to get all the imp class of a protocal. try this !

first you need register a class to a key

@implementation ClassA
//tell HClassManager Im a IMP of WProtocol

@implementation ClassB
//tell HClassManager Im a sub class of ClassA, and im a IMP of  XProtocol, then I has some other property
HReg3(ClassARegKey, HProtocalRegKey(XProtocol), HRegInfo(@"somekey", @"userinfo"))

@implementation ClassC
HReg2(ClassARegKey, @{@"attr":@"value"})

@implementation ClassD

@implementation ClassE
//tell HClassManager Im a IMP of YProtocol, and use "shareInstance" to get an object
HRegForProtocalAsSingleton(YProtocol, @"shareInstance")

+ (instancetype)shareInstance
    static dispatch_once_t pred;
    static ClassE *o = nil;
    dispatch_once(&pred, ^{ o = [[self alloc] init]; });
    return o;

- (void)testFun

then you can find it anywhere like this

//search sub class
[HClassManager scanClassForKey:ClassARegKey fetchblock:^(__unsafe_unretained Class aclass, id userInfo) {
    NSLog(@"get sub class: %@, userInfo:%@", NSStringFromClass(aclass), userInfo);

//search implement of protocal
NSString *key = HProtocalRegKey(XProtocol);
[HClassManager scanClassNameForKey:key fetchblock:^(NSString *aclassName, id userInfo) {
    NSLog(@"get implement class: %@, userInfo:%@", aclassName, userInfo);

//directly use protocal implment with dependence
[HProtocalInstance(YProtocol) testFun];

and there are some other register/get function for protocal specially

define HRegForProtocal(pro)
+ (id)getObjectOfProtocal:(Protocol *)protocal;

if you want to construct your project by IOC/DI principle ,try "HRegForProtocal()" and "-[NSObject dependenceInset]"
Just need two lines of code

How to use annotation category

if you want to set some special attributes to your property of some class. like
@property (nonatomic, customkey) NSString *str;
and you want to do something according to this customkey. there is not a very beautiful solution , but relatively simple.

this is a header file

@interface AnnotationTestObj : NSNumber
@property (nonatomic) NSString *str;
@property (nonatomic) id ID;
@property (nonatomic) char c;
@property (nonatomic) int *p;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL b;

- (void)func1;
- (void)func2:(int)a withb:(NSString *)b;
+ (void)func3;
- (void)func4;

write some annotion like this

@implementation AnnotationTestObj

ppx(str, @"a", @(1), @[@"c",@"d"], @{@"e":@(2)})
ppx(ID, @"f")
ppx(c, @"g")

fpx(func1, @[@"h",@"i"])
- (void)func1 {}

fpx(func2_withb_, @{@"j":@"k"})
- (void)func2:(int)a withb:(NSString *)b {}

fpx(func3, @(5))
+ (void)func3 {}

- (void)func4 {}

then you can get these annotions like this

Class theClass = [AnnotationTestObj class];
while (theClass != [NSObject class]) {
    NSArray *ppList = [NSObject ppListOfClass:theClass];
    for (NSString *ppName in ppList)
        NSArray *ants = [theClass annotations:ppName];
        if (ants) NSLog(@"property:%@ annotations:%@", ppName, ants);

    NSArray *instanceMethods = [NSObject hInstanceMethodNames:theClass];
    NSArray *classMethods = [NSObject hClassMethodNames:theClass];
    NSArray *methods = [instanceMethods arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:classMethods];
    for (NSString *name in methods)
        NSArray *ants = [theClass annotations:hFormateAnnotationName(name)];
        if (ants) NSLog(@"function:%@ annotations:%@", name, ants);
    theClass = class_getSuperclass(theClass);

How to use extend invoke feature

Is your appDelegate very very large? and you want to put these code to a coherenct place. if you have an object , you can use notification to meet the requirement. but if you don't has a object, how ?

you can try use this solution: "extend invoke". it can dispatch invoke to your coherenct place.

first you need add a extend invoke

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    return YES;

then in another module write a category like this

@implementation AppDelegate (moduleA)

- (BOOL)moduleA_application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    NSLog(@"## moduleA extend 'didFinishLaunchingWithOptions'");
    return YES;

@implementation AppDelegate (moduleB)

- (BOOL)moduleB_application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    NSLog(@"## moduleB extent 'didFinishLaunchingWithOptions'");
    return YES;

you can use it at all decentralize solutions.

Other categories

Just look at the code. there are some very intersting categories

  • -[NSObject jsonString] : everything (include your custom object) could be json encode
  • methodSwizzle
  • -[UIApplication getKeyWindowRootController]
  • -[UIButton hSetColor:font:title:]
  • -[UIColor colorWithHex:],-[UIColor random]
  • -[UILabel hSetColor:font:text:]
  • UIView.x UIView.y UIView.width, UIView.height, UIView.xmax UIView.ymax, all the property could read and write
  • UIView.userInfo you can save some context info
  • -[UIView removeAllSubViews]

Other function and defines

  • syncAtQueue(dispatch_queue_t, ^) a safe sync dispatch method.
  • universal block define
typedef void (^min_callback)();
typedef void (^callback)(id sender, id data);
typedef void (^callback2)(id sender, id data, id data2);
typedef void (^simple_callback)(id sender);
typedef void (^fail_callback)(id sender, NSError *error);
typedef id (^returnback)(id sender, id data);
typedef void (^finish_callback)(id sender, id data, NSError *error);
  • @weakify, @strongify