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Steps to setup dev environment

  1. Install NodeJS on you machine. Download Link
  2. Clone kaltura-player-rn in your machine or download the source code.
  3. We have Example app which contains various test medias and you can 'test your media' as well in this app.
  4. We are using YARN package manager in the document. Feel free to use your favourite.
  5. Install XCode and Android Studio (Version Dolphin) for the development.

About Kaltura Player

Kaltura Player is based on Google ExoPlayer in Android and AVPlayer in iOS. Along with the content playback, it supports Advertisements playback, VR/360 media playback, Chromecast(Not Supported Currently), Offline Media Playback(Not Supported Currently) and reknowned Analytics plugin (NPAW Youbora). If you are a Kaltura BE customer then you can use our Providers plugins which helps in getting the media details from Kaltura BE.

Kaltura Player RN SDK gives the media playback, VR/360 media playback and Offline media playback(Not Supported Currently). If you want to use other plugins like IMA, Youbora, Googlecast then you need to add it as dependency in your FE app's build.gradle or pod file for Android and iOS. Latest versions are there in Maven or Cocoapods and mentioned on the Github repos as well.

Folder Structure

.ios and ./android

It contains the native source code for iOS and Android platforms. We are using our Native SDKs Kaltura Player Android and Kaltura Player iOS for this react native SDK.


It contains the react native bridge code which constains the APIs which as a React Native FE apps will eventually be calling. It communicates to the relevant platform to call the underlying Native Player (iOS and Android).


It contains a test app which contains a Test JSON. Currently this JSON has our in house or open media streams. You can pass your media stream URLs or IDs in this JSON and it will be visible in the mobile screen.

Building the environment (React Native RN)

  1. Open the project folder in your favourite IDE. We are giving example here with Visual Studio Code IDE.
  2. Stand on the root directory and call yarn install. It will fetch all the relevant dependencies in your local machine in node_modules root folder.

Building the environment (Example Test App)

  1. Navigate to example folder and call yarn install. It will fetch all the relevant dependencies in your local machine under node_modules example folder.
  2. Source code for the test app is in ./src folder.
  • Setup for Android

    1. Open Android Studio and click on File -> Open then choose ./example/android folder.
    2. Let it build. After some time, on left side pane, you should see project files. If there are any build errors, please try to fix it. These build errors could be related to the Android Studio and Gradle version you are using. We suggest to use Android Studio (Dolphin or later version) and Gradle version 7+.
  • Setup for iOS

    1. Navigate to example -> ios folder and run the following,
    cd example/ios
    pod install

    If you are using M1 mac then do the following,

    cd example
    sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
    cd ios  
    arch -x86_64 pod install 
    1. Now you can open the workspace in XCode and can build the project.

Build Kaltura-Player-RN SDK locally with 'example' app

In case if you are want to develop Kaltura Player RN SDK then you can setup locally in 'example' app.

  • Remove "kaltura-player-rn": "x.x.x", from the kaltura-player-rn/example/package.json config file so you will be able modify locally the library code

  • Link example app with local kaltura-player-rn.

    cd root_folder OR path to `kaltura-player-rn` in your system 
    yarn link
    cd root_folder/example OR path to `example` app
    yarn link "kaltura-player-rn"

    There is a chance that linking will not work the try adding kaltura-player-rn manually using.

    cd root_folder/example OR path to `example` app
    yarn add path to `kaltura-player-rn` in your system
  • Setup for Android

    1. If you want to change the Native Android code then inorder to show kaltura-player-rn in Android Studio. You need to open project level settings.gradle in Android Studio, add the following.

      include ':kaltura-player-rn'
      project(':kaltura-player-rn').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../../android')

      If you don't use the local kaltura-player-rn and instead you use package from node_modules as given below then your changes will not appear in your source control. If you want to raise a pull request then it will be difficult because your local changes are limited to the node_modules.

      include ':kaltura-player-rn'
      project(':kaltura-player-rn').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/kaltura-player-rn/android')
    2. update the app buil.gardle to consulme the kaltura player locally -> implementation project(':kaltura-player-rn')

    3. Please make sure that Android Studio Java version is on Java-11. You can check in Preference -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle. Then choose Gradle SDK. Choose Java-11 from the dropdown if not selected then press Apply and OK.. In case if Java-11 is not installed in your machine, please try installing it from here.

  • Setup for iOS

    1. Open 'Podfile' in 'example -> ios'.
    2. Uncomment pod 'RNKalturaPlayer', :path => '../..' from this file.
    3. Run pod update.

How to test any media in the 'example' app.

  1. Open Test JSON.
  2. If you are not Kaltura BE customer then you can add your test media here.
  3. Use 'dash' instead of 'hls' if you want to test mpd of Dash media here.
  4. If you are Kaltura BE customer then please take a look for OVP media here and OTT media here.