diff --git a/docs/data/data_spill.rst b/docs/data/data_spill.rst
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+++ b/docs/data/data_spill.rst
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+Data Spills
+A data spill is the accidental or deliberate exposure of information into an
+uncontrolled or unauthorised environment, or to persons without a need-to-know.
+There are many examples of data spills, but for the purposes of this guide,
+we will focus on the exposure of sensitive clinical research data in a public
+GitHub repository and what to do if this happens.
+What is Sensitive Data?
+Even though the Kids First project does NOT currently include PHI
+(protected health information) data, it does still include data that is
+considered sensitive and cannot be exposed to the public.
+Sensitive data in the Kids First project is any clinical research data
+that has not been approved by the Kids First (Data Coordinating Center) DCC
+for public release.
+Examples of Kids First sensitive data include but are not limited to:
+ - A participant's demographics such as gender, ethnicity, race, ethnicity
+ - A participant's biospecimen info such as tissue type, anatomical site
+ - A participant's diagnosis info such as the diagnosis name
+ - A participant's genomic data such as DNA sequencing files
+*Note - a Participant is person participating in a Kids First research study*
+What is NOT Sensitive Data?
+Any Kids First clinical research data that has been approved by the Kids First
+DCC for public release
+Identifiers (non-PHI of course) such as Kids First IDs (i.e. PT_00001111),
+IDs in the raw clinical data provided by Kids First researchers
+(i.e. PID0001, SS-H02, etc.)
+One caveat is that you can have sensitive data inside a **private Kids First
+GitHub repository**. Since the repository is private and within the Kids First
+GitHub organization it is in a controlled environment with limited exposure
+to appropriate persons.
+Manage a Data Spill
+What should you do if you accidentally pushed sensitive data to a public GitHub
+repository? Let's take a real scenario that recently happened::
+ You finish developing a feature branch, make a pull request against the
+ master branch, get that request approved and merge the feature branch into
+ master.
+ Two days go by and you finally realize the output of one your unit
+ tests accidentally made it into the pull request that merged into master.
+ That output contained clinical research data from one of the Kids First
+ studies 😳.
+1. **Notify Manager/Team**
+ Let the appropriate people know as soon as possible.
+ Email or send a message on Slack to Allison Heath
+ (heathap@email.chop.edu) or your manager. Include the Kids First Technical
+ Project Manager, Bailey Farrow (farrowb@email.chop.edu) on the message
+ If you are not the owner of the repository where the sensitive data
+ was pushed, then also let the owner know. You will need their help to
+ do the clean up.
+2. **Notify Consumers and Contributors**
+ Work with the repository owner to notify anyone who might have cloned or
+ forked the repository. Let them know that they should
+ refrain from pulling from or pushing anything to the repository on GitHub
+ until further notice is given. Later on you'll need to notify them on how
+ to proceed with use of the code or development.
+3. **Make the GitHub repository Private**
+ Ask the owner of the repository to make it private or do it yourself
+ if you have privileges.
+4. **Notify GitHub Support (support@github.com)**
+ If the sensitive data was part of any pull requests, you will need to
+ contact GitHub Support to help remove all traces of the data. You
+ should do this first, **BEFORE** following GitHub's steps to clean up your
+ repo history (step 4 of this list).
+ Example Email::
+ Hello,
+ I am emailing to ask for help in removing sensitive data
+ that was pushed to a public GitHub repository. I need GitHub's help
+ to remove cached views and references to the sensitive data in pull
+ requests on GitHub.
+ Details:
+ Repository:
+ Files to Remove:
+ -
+ Pull Request where files were introduced:
+ Thank you very much in advance!
+5. **Backup Your Repository**
+ If you haven't done this already, backup your repository. Note that
+ this is only for backup/archival purposes. You won't be using this version
+ of the repository in the future.
+5. **Clean up Repository History**
+ **Do not begin this step until** after GitHub support confirms they have
+ deleted the affected pull requests.
+ Follow GitHub's recommended steps `here `_
+ to remove the sensitive data from your repository's history.
+ GitHub recommends using the open source repo cleaner tool `BFG`, which
+ is simple, fast, and works well.
+ In the last step of the clean up where you need to push the clean
+ history to the remote, you may need to have the repository owner
+ temporarily lift the force push protection on the master branch.
+6. Notify People Cleanup is Complete
+ Notify people from steps 1 and 2 that the clean up is complete
+ For people in step 2, let them know the repository's history has been
+ cleaned up/overwritten, ask them to delete any clones or forks they have
+ and pull down new ones.
+7. **Fill out an Incident Report**
+ TODO - Instructions and link to incident report template